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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HANDLING (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.10:
I do not wish to imply anything demeaning about those who need the call, but a fact in their hands would be like a loaded gun given to one ignorant in handling weapons.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
We have to deal with civilized ignoramuses as with children. A burnt finger teaches them the proper handling of fire. We speak about prejudices, but every state official does not know what a savage beast prejudice is. Let us proceed to joy!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 5:
5. The magnetic currents of the human aura penetrate the most dense regions. Certainly, science must call these emanations psychic energy. Indeed, adjustments should be made in regard to these manifestations of inexhaustible energy. Tensive properties propel the psychic seeds and form a sphere conducive to striving. The nature of the emanations can produce a powerful tension. Depending upon the way the streams of these emanations of a blended aura are directed, the power of this energy is either destructive or constructive. Thus, from human emanations it will be possible to derive the most heterogeneous energies. Conscious handling of the emanations of the human aura will afford an achievement of great fiery creativeness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 19:
19. You already know about the significance of the thirtieth year for fiery manifestations, but one should especially guard the organism up to the seventh year. In children, even in the most highly developed, one should never force nature - Fire will not tolerate compulsion. One should know how to open the door, but each coercion may cause irreparable harm. On the other hand, one should not inordinately facilitate the child's striving, since excessive help creates weaklings. Therefore, the Golden Path is ordained. Thus, Fire demands cautious handling in all its manifestations. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are essentially fire-voyance and fire-audience. Fire is needed as the intermediary for all exalted actions. Six hundred times did We speak of the heart; so are We ready to speak six hundred and sixty-six times of the significance of Fire, if only to affirm the definition of Fire as a triumphal ladder. People cannot exist without turning to Fire; in the earthly world or in the Subtle World, they turn to the higher Mediation. But We do not speak of fire worship, for there will be ignoramuses and fanatics who will try to raise this absurd accusation. I speak of the highest attainment, which will bring our subtle body to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 247:
247. One should not strive for the new merely by denying the basic. Cognition is Our advice and command. Cognition has nothing in common with treachery and blasphemy. Where foul speech makes its nest, do not look for true cognition. No one wishing to preserve a very delicate flower places it in a wallet. The subtle requires the subtlest handling. Not only during high holiday festivals but also in everyday life one should beware of rending one's garment. On holidays people care for their clothing, but during routine occupations they are not concerned about it. How many of the subtlest garments go to ruin!

AUM (1936) - 366:
It is cause for rejoicing that people possess such a force, which is able to transform all life. But let us be very careful, for subtle energies require subtle handling. One may be convinced that even the presence of a single object can introduce a special vibration.

AUM (1936) - 497:
497. Picture to yourself how an ignoramus approaches a complicated machine. He does not think about the meaning of the apparatus but clutches at the first lever, not realizing the consequences. Exactly comparable is the case of a man who has remembered only one detail of the entire Teaching and is amazed that he does not see the whole effect. Just as careless handling of the machine threatens the ignoramus with ruin, so does a man who disregards the essence of the Teaching find himself in danger.


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