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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > HA > HANDCLASP (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.10:
How then is the difference to be understood? By spirit-knowledge, by that which decides where one can engage in handclasp.

Heart (1932) - 481:
481. When I speak of the touches of the Subtle World, I do not refer to the sensation of a handclasp or a touch which calls attention. These manifestations may be unexpected and hence elude observation. But the invisible web and the so-called intrusive thought can be analyzed. Naturally, not in insane asylums, but precisely on healthy people can the Subtle World be studied. Obsession, of course, provides a succession of manifestations, but the lower spheres must not be made manifest for they are dreadfully contagious.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 476:
476. Often the right concepts are uttered, but without true realization. The flaming glance very rightly calls to mind fiery energy, which is sent in the glance. The strong, warm handclasp is told about; again rightly, because it recalls the very same energy which fills all emanations. But people do not attribute the power of the glance to Fire; they think about the flash of the eyes or the muscles of the hand. Thus are forgotten the definitions which were taught at one time. Forgotten are many true concepts and many have been distorted. People simply reiterate, not attaching significance to very necessary denominations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 421:
421. Each one has a great many relations with completely unknown people. Also, his name is pronounced somewhere. Let us not forget that such distant contacts often have a greater significance than contact with our near ones. It may be noticed to what an extent remote information is reflected upon all the inner centers. But such an unquestionable circumstance almost fails to be taken into consideration. People assume that bodily contact is especially important. Let us not deny that the physical handclasp also has significance. But a thought, remote, unharmonized, can exert a very strong influence. No one can see these distant threads, but a refined consciousness feels them.


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