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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GU > GUILT (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 334:
Lord, the bird of happiness would sing at my window. I shall not understand its words but I will dare. In the morning hour one word will come to me, And my heart will sing: Forgiven, forgiven, forgiven. Is it possible that for one word, for one act of tenderness, I could be freed of guilt by Thee? By Thee, Who has spun the web of eternal Universe and Glory?

AUM (1936) - 491:
491. Frequently you hear absurd tales of how there occur simultaneous incarnations of one and the same person - a conclusion both ignorant and harmful. Deniers of incarnation make use of such fictions to dispute the possibility of reincarnation. Besides, they forget the reason - which somewhat lessens the guilt - namely imaginative invention. Certain people remember the details of a definite epoch; when they dream of being a well-known person, their remembrance of the dream molds the imagining of an incarnation. The resulting error is in the person, but not in the epoch. A child imagines himself a field marshal, and such a representation already sinks into his Chalice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 329:
Let us take the case of someone who realizes the benefits of Good and who understands the power of thought. He will not lament leaving Earth, for he knows about his eventual return into physical existence. Such a person will fall asleep peacefully and will find himself conscious in the Subtle World. He will not suffer any pain, for his subtle body is not burdened by guilt - he committed no crimes, even in thought. Thus, he will not suffer from depression and will be able to relate to his new environment. He will drive away fear, because he understands that thoughts are his strongest shield.


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