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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GR > GROWN-UPS (6)

New Era Community (1926) - 102:
It is also necessary that the word express the precise thought. One must expel falsehood, coarseness and mockery. Treason, even in embryo, is inadmissible. Work "as grown-ups" is to be encouraged. After its third year the consciousness easily grasps the idea of the community. What a mistake to think that one must give a child its own things! A child can easily understand that things may be held in common.

New Era Community (1926) - 105:
105. The study period will be a most agreeable hour when the teacher justly appraises the aptitudes of the pupils. Only discernment of capabilities makes for a just relationship toward the future workers. Often the students themselves do not understand their destination. The teacher, as a friend, prepares them in the best direction. No compulsion is applicable in schools. Only persuasion can be suitable for stimulating learning. More experiments, more discourses - what a joy there is in the application of one's forces! Little ones love the work of the "grown-ups."

Heart (1932) - 418:
418. Even if you succeed in convincing people that the heart participates in mercy, compassion and love, the other branches of the heart remain unintelligible. Will not reason set before you a thousand unknown quantities, as soon as you begin to speak of cosmogony? And without the courage of the heart these conversations will stray from the higher regions. Also, without the participation of the heart, you cannot speak of quality, which lies at the basis of everything that exists. Reason rejects quality; but you already see how life is upset without the reverence of quality. Only the heart rejoices at the truth of quality. Thus, let us understand why, after complicated calculations, there remains the one salvation, only through the path of the heart. An uncontrollable flame, the horror of poison released, can be encountered only by the heart. Besides, one must begin the comprehension of the heart from the first steps, because yesterday the heart was renounced. This is also not bad, for in this way one can seemingly acquire a new treasure. People like everything new, and after the integral systems it is fascinating to have a new game - the heart. Children like games that resemble those of grown-ups.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 71:
71. Bribery must be eradicated by all means, but one cannot rely upon punitive measures. They help little. In the lessons in Ethics in schools the thought must be affirmed that bribery does not conform to the dignity of man. One should observe very attentively whether such symptoms of corruption are making their appearance. Next to bribery in shamefulness is the non-fulfillment of duty. But this crime is assimilated so early that one can only counteract it by beginning from childhood. Let children get used to the work of grown-ups. The quality of labor will create the realization of duty. Every negligence, forgetfulness and evasion can be condemned only in one's own heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 11:
11. Urusvati would like to provide more knowledge to people, but straight-knowledge indicates to her the limits of what is possible. The discovery of these limits is a stumbling block for many, and great misfortune results from overlooking them. It is impossible to indicate in earthly terms the hidden, co-measured boundary, but a broadened consciousness can suggest where the possibility of harm begins. You yourself know how often people demand an answer that they then cannot accept. They say, "Tell us quickly, and we will decide what to accept and what to reject." They like to play jackstraws, pulling out only that which is most attractive to them. They do not care if it all falls to pieces, although even children know that the whole should not be disrupted. Grown-ups throw bombs and are astonished when they are maimed by them. They love to repeat Our analogy of a boomerang but do not see the consequences of their own blows.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 248:
It is of paramount importance to observe children when they receive such guidance. They often declare that other children visit and play with them, and that during their games they have conversations on interesting topics. They sometimes invite adults to join them in the games, but the grown-ups do not see their little friends and regard their statements as fabrications. Such accounts originate in all nations, however, and should not be treated as childish inventions. One should pay great attention to the statements of children.


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