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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GR > GRIEVES (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 251:
251. Streams of joy fill the ocean of the Creator's Thought. And you, pouring drops of joy into the human soul, bring offerings to the Creator of the Worlds. Enlightenment will never end. Learn by teaching others. You were not mistaken in expounding joy. Each tree blooms in joy; But when shedding its leaves, it grieves not, remembering the coming spring.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60:
As long as people are preoccupied with magi and sorcerers, they are not with Us. The heart alone is needed for the Abode. A beautiful heart will always suffer on Earth, but the suffering heart becomes trustworthy. A fish cannot live without water, and the eagle does not rejoice without freedom. We want to suggest simplicity to our friends, for the complexity of life has already become harmful. Therefore We are silent about many discoveries, and although many formulas are ready in Our Abode, it is too early to reveal them to scientists, for their high purpose is too easily turned to harmful applications. Let those people who know Us guard this knowledge. A treacherous apostate will receive a wound that will not heal. But let us not speak about consequences, because some will take it as a threat. Every weaver grieves over a torn thread and rejoices at a strong yarn - thus it is also with the human spirit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
Urusvati often hears about the fears of Sister O., who grieves when she sees the cruel karma being created by those who do not think about the essence of their deeds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 443:
As a rule, people do not understand that their Primary Energy is limitless. Supermundane experiences cannot be expressed in earthly words, yet, because they possess all the qualities of the human microcosm, one may say about Cosmos that it rejoices and grieves. It is correct to think of cosmic thought as sentient, and the sensitive human heart will vibrate in consonance with the great ebb and flow of cosmic energy.


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