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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GR > GRANDFATHERS (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8:
Can a respectable man concern himself with an achievement? He has not enough room on his chest to hold all the earthly decorations. He is at a loss how to uphold all of grandfather's customs. But customs make one customary. Therefore, I urge you to look at the sky as if for the first time.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 320:
320. Each era has its own methods. To depend on old precedents is like wearing one's grandfather's boots.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 308:
308. Self-perfectment is Light. Self-indulgence is darkness. One can so build one's life that each day will, as it were, be the end. But one can so illumine one's life that each hour will be a beginning. Thus one can rebuild one's earthly existence beneath one's very eyes. Only in this way will the questions of the future and the understanding of fiery perfectment become perceptible. Daring should be found to reconstruct one's life in accordance with new accumulations. To die in the bed of one's grandfather is to be relegated to a medieval status. We even advise that these beds be taken to a museum; this will also be more hygienic. However, we should not limit tomorrow by the measurements of yesterday; if we do, how can we approach a comprehension of the Fiery World, which was like hellfire to our grandfathers. And now, when due reverence is tendered to Light and the grandeur of Fire, we can have spiritually a very rich tomorrow.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 228:
228. Usually people do not even notice the turning course of circumstances. Yesterday your attention was directed to the fact that people do not wish to understand that they themselves create! The ladder has long since been constructed, yet man nevertheless casts himself into emptiness, for he thinks about a former ladder. It seems impossible to affirm people upon reality. The simplest and most beautiful solutions are passed over in silence, and rejected merely upon the assumption that somewhere grandfather's ladder has been left standing. It has ceased to exist long since, but the average consciousness will not accept such reality.

Brotherhood (1937) - 515:
515. Not only was levitation well known in remote antiquity but it was also understood rationally. Amid the ignorance of the Middle Ages even a thought about flying apparatuses was regarded as sorcery. Only now do people look back with pity at the ignorance of the Middle Ages and accept aviation as something natural. But did the grandfathers of the present generation think similarly?


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