Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1: Christ taught compassion, yet trampled is the law of love. Gotama, called Buddha, besought courage and energy, yet His followers surrendered to laziness. Confucius taught about an orderly system of government, yet his followers have succumbed to bribery and corruption. New Era Community (1926) - 149: One might even provide a so-called fully scientific institute, where each passer-by could enter, sniff at the screen and the plate, and inspect the sleeves and pockets of the operator. Nowhere is there to be any deception; indeed, it will be as one would wish it to be - clear, free of charge and with the permission of the government, and without the requirement of a preliminary bath. But the last is not easy, because for the photograph it is necessary to rub the body strongly with alcohol - to remove perspiration. New Era Community (1926) - 176: It is the task of the government to bring into life the most productive conditions, by taking necessary measures and by directing scientists to facilitate the life of the collective up to the point of anonymity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 24: 24. It is possible that some will not agree to accept prophecy, and will say, "I can accept all things but prophecies." Answer, "Then let us set aside this word. More significant for you will be 'the decrees of the Invisible Government.' Your modern heart prefers modern expressions. We do not insist on terms. For Us it is more essential that you should experience the effects of these decrees, that your brain should remember that the Invisible, International Government exists. To you the word prophecy jars too unscientifically in your dictionaries; but servile habit will come to your aid in classifying the precise significance of the word decree; and your tendency to see conspiracy everywhere will help you to accept the existence of the Invisible Government. In addition, the correlation of fact and effect will prompt your respect. Agni Yoga (1929) - 24: "We do not quibble about terminology but bring to conclusion a useful action. It is time to replace biblical terminology with more precise expressions. An amulet in a pocket is of no great value to the Invisible Government. What is needed is devotion, tested by conscious action. You thought to vanquish Us upon the field of terminology; but you called forth a decree, the results of which We ask you to contemplate. Guard your words and thoughts. We value the valor of daring; but the cunning of mediocrity is disdained by the Our Government." Agni Yoga (1929) - 32: 32. The International Government never has denied its existence. It has proclaimed itself, not in manifestoes but in actions that were recorded even in official history. One can cite cases from the French and Russian Revolutions, as well as from the history of Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Indian relations, when an independent outside Hand altered the course of events. The Government did not hide the existence of its envoys in various countries. Naturally, in accordance with the dignity of the International Government, they never hid themselves. On the contrary, they showed themselves openly, visited various governments and were known to many. Literature preserves their names and adorns them with the fancies of their contemporaries. It is not secret organizations - of which governments are in such fear - but actual persons that are sent out by decree of the Invisible International Government. Agni Yoga (1929) - 32: Inimical to international tasks is each perpetration of fraud. But the unity of peoples, the appreciation of creative labor, the growth of the consciousness, are affirmed by the International Government as undeferrable measures. And if one traces the measures of this Government, it will be found that it cannot be accused of inactivity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 32: The existence of this Government has entered the awareness of humanity repeatedly, under various names. Each nation is warned but once. Envoys are dispatched but once in a century - this is the law of the Arhats. The acts of the Invisible Government conform with the process of world evolution, hence the results are based on natural law. No personal desire is here, only the immutable laws of matter. I do not desire - I know! And therefore decisions, even amidst the turbulent currents, are firm. Agni Yoga (1929) - 77: 77. You know that the members and co-workers of the International Government have always had to obey its Decrees. For the last time let us turn to M., to the historical event of Our Warning. This age-old tradition of forewarning humanity, with each recurring century, is effected in full benevolence; in this lies its basic nature. Otherwise the role of the envoy would not be sincere and persuasive. St. Germain spoke to L. with good intent. Similarly, M. addressed V., and A.L.M. properly conveyed Our Decree. I praise all those who have aided Our envoys with their supportive thoughts. Agni Yoga (1929) - 77: If Our warrior is told that a mountain is Ours, he accepts the decree. If it were not this way, the significance of the Government would be lost. Agni Yoga (1929) - 297: It must be recognized that people want to forget grievous events. The destruction of entire continents is carefully removed from the old writings. Equally well-concealed are many indications regarding events that were fateful for the world. "We do not like to torture ourselves," say the earthly authorities. They are ready to hide from themselves their bankruptcy and their defeat. Earthly rulers say, "All is calm in our kingdom." Their self-satisfied repose and inactivity guarantee them their thrones. Usually they admire the sunset but sleep through the sunrise. But the Invisible Government says, "It is absurd to hide what exists." This is because we must carefully learn from past events. Agni Yoga (1929) - 397: Under these circumstances, one is able to observe how thoughts - other than the impersonal thoughts of space - fly past. But impersonal thoughts usually contain no harm. I do not say that one should renounce personal thoughts, but full responsibility for them must be accepted. A more strict life for children would be an outward way of teaching such responsibility. A knowledge of reincarnation would also be helpful. But existing conditions of government and religion severely impede the development of such responsibility. Agni Yoga (1929) - 397: Without prejudice, and observing all one's surroundings, one will reach the conclusion that Our methods are quite different from conventional ways. Life must be directed towards the element of fire, but this cannot be accomplished by the conventional methods of government. You know that introducing the "supernatural" into the ordinary does not mar life, but adds beauty and vastness to it. Agni Yoga (1929) - 513: 513. When We spoke about the International Government many were perplexed. When they learn that this is the Government of Knowledge, will they then understand it? Heart (1932) - 181: 181. Shrinking and fossilization of consciousness are the main causes of the disunion of the worlds. The Great Battle often is impeded due to a complete disharmony of the consciousness of Earth and the Subtle World. Those who reach the Subtle World with a monarchistic consciousness cannot condone the present condition of their countries if a change of government has occurred. Thus, even where there is unity in many things, differing in one confuses and divides the forces. And if we remember what a number of spirits crossed into the Subtle World during the war and how many changes have taken place during the last years, one can realize the entire absence of coordination of worlds. Likewise, it can be imagined how significant now is the labor of the expanded hearts who are working self-sacrificingly in both worlds broadening consciousnesses. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 254: 254. To speak according to the level of consciousness of your listener means to be already on a lofty step. Various dogmas are especially harmful in that they propound a rigid formula regardless of the level of consciousness. How many negations, how much anger and confusion arise merely from disparity in the degree of consciousness! And not only the degree but the mood of consciousness is so often the deciding factor. Enough has been said about the harm of irritation, which beclouds the consciousness; but in addition to this principal enemy one must remember about all small distractions of thought. One must become accustomed to carry the fundamental thought of existence unobscured. Thus, when schoolteachers learn how to deal with pupils according to their consciousness, true evolution will begin. It is impossible to divide humanity merely according to age or class. We continually see how certain children are in need of adult speech, and elderly people, sometimes in government positions, can understand only childish expressions. Not for the latter children is the Kingdom of Heaven! The new consciousness does not come from mechanical formulas. Thus, one must learn to speak according to the consciousness of the listener. This is not easy, but it constitutes and excellent exercise in sagacity. Furthermore, this also applies to fiery occupations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 487: 487. Historic acts of great significance were often carried out in accordance with directions given in visions. The Invisible Government has pronounced its decisions more often than people suspect. The Higher Beings or departed relatives bring the message of imminent dates. One can only deplore the concealment of such visions and visitations, that is, unless secrecy has been enjoined. The fiery seal upon the lips is very lasting. However, one may disclose the truth to posterity in memoirs that will sustain many hearts. You yourselves already know of an entire succession of historic events which were based on warnings and indications. Thus, one can note a series of events from antiquity to our days which were seemingly links of one guiding thought. It is right to collect these fiery revelations; in them will be disclosed an entire interworld system. One must probe historical facts deeply, in order still more consciously to understand the wisdom of the construction. I advise the recording of all known historic events that took place or were connected with higher visions. During such work many more facts will be found, because a striving thought is like a magnet. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 503: 503. Prevision of events represents a very important scheme of our fiery perceptions. Sometimes one may foresee proximate and even daily actions; but often, as if over a long distance current, we are able to perceive the most remote events. Many causes condition such irregularities. There is no harm if the fiery prevision warns us about tomorrow; and there will be no gap if the distant future arises before the third eye. The fiery force knows no distance; it is like an observer on a summit who sees where the paths on the earth below meet. Since the Universal Government foresees the distant future, our weak eyes can catch glimpses of these fiery decisions. With what solemnity and thoughtfulness one should receive these illuminations! One should not discuss them immediately and in the earthly fashion; one must cherish them as an entrusted sacred treasure! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 657: 657. You are quite right in saying that the existence of an Invisible government perplexes many, but if there exists an unseen dark government, then why should there not be a Government of Light? Is it possible that the human mind is so utterly obscured that it will acknowledge anything dark rather than think about Light? People actually understand and have heard more than once about the dark forces, which are universally united, but the Government of Good and Light is especially suspect. People are unaccustomed to being united for Good. They look upon Good as a prime pretext for disunity. One can regard the entire illness of our planet as the result of the complete discord among those who could have united their forces of Good. It is most deplorable that even in a temple the hearts of men are not transformed for cooperation. Thus, let us ponder upon each act of friendliness, which is already a spark of cooperation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 133: 133. Certain metals are easily combined, but others repel each other. One should observe these lines of good and evil. both sides create complete connected chains. But the chief impediment of government lies in the mechanical mixing of opposite principles; hence comes premature dissolution. Heart and Communion with Hierarchy will tell where would be the combinable parts. Man is in need of equilibrium of mind and heart. Cooperation is confirmation of equilibrium. The sacred number of Pythagoras is the equilibrium of Beauty. Much of this axiom has become inapplicable at the present time. It is a weighty task to speak to people about equilibrium. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 188: It is necessary that the Leader and the Government understand how to increase the realization of the Higher Representation. It is necessary that schools attractively depict Existence in all its grandeur. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 53: 53. You spoke rightly about coarseness, and how powerless are the subtle energies against coarseness. No structure can stand upon pillars of coarseness. Therefore each manifestation saturated with coarseness will not be durable, retrogression is inevitable. Complete disintegration will follow where the worm of coarseness eats away the foundation. Every human action is subject to this same danger. A coarse action may be covered with a thousand lusts, and is not to be concealed from the records of space. Every government should be concerned with the elimination of this horror. Every community must contend with this plague. No closely knit community can show evidence of coarseness in its midst. The nation brought up on coarseness must undergo a fiery transmutation; and he who has permitted such disintegration will be karmically responsible. Likewise the co-workers who dwell in coarseness will have to pass through a special purification. Actually, coarseness is a frightful infection, which develops decomposition in the surroundings. Hence, no government can be successful if it is a nursery of microbes of coarseness. Likewise, a co-worker will not be truly successful if coarseness grips his spirit. Thus, let us remember in the construction upon the path to the Fiery World. AUM (1936) - 242: 242. Let thought attain useful flight. This striving needs to be cultivated lest distant expanses confuse the thinkers. Before he can feel himself a guest of all planets, man must accustom his consciousness to the small dimensions of Earth. Particular transgressions have been committed through an incommensurate concept of Earth and its place in the Universe. From this have arisen the obscuration of religions, ignorance in matters of government, and a prematurely ill-state. Therefore, thought must not only encompass Earth but must also love to soar to the distant worlds. Brotherhood (1937) - 401: 401. It is time to understand that the human path has been directed toward cooperation. No government will be enduring without affirmation of cooperation. This is not dream beyond the clouds, but the requirement for a date of evolution. Thus, let us not consider it an abstraction when the saving measure is proposed to us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 25: 25. Urusvati has explained to many why We are called "The Invisible Government." Truly, everyone to some degree feels that there is somewhere a focus of knowledge. Where there is knowledge there is also power. Not without reason do some people dream about Us, although others hate Us and want to destroy Our Abode. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 64: We are always concerned that each action should take place at the right time. Our adversaries may bring the world into confusion and even into war, and We must foresee the consequences of such events in order to ensure that they be directed to the progress of nations. For these reasons We are called the World Government. Many fear such terms, yet pray willingly to the Highest Concept and readily accept a Guiding Hand. If we can imagine the Highest Concept and have a living faith in it, why can we not accept World Government? Thus, reverence for the Highest Concept of Hierarchy could be manifested. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105: Amidst Our intense labors it is especially difficult to continually remind people of their mission. In spite of the fact that people connect Us with the Invisible Government, they refuse to follow Our simplest Advice. Just think how often the best advice has been ridiculed! They call Us sages and saints, but will not listen to Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 196: "O, government authorities, O, persecutors of Truth, your names have faded away, but your burden has become heavy. Only recently We met a leper who does not remember what truth he had reviled." Thus warned the Thinker, and each one of Us, at certain times and in Our own way, has uttered the same words. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 236: 236. Urusvati knows that astrology is used in medicine and by some government leaders who consult the astrological signs. One might think that these practices would strengthen the importance of astrology as a science, but in reality this is not so. These statesmen do not admit that they consult horoscopes, nor do the physicians and judges reveal how they arrive at some of their conclusions. They obtain the information secretly, and outwardly ridicule it. Thus, astrology is tainted by people's ugly approach to it, and a hypocritical approach to this science is reinforced. How much wiser it would be to accept this ancient science and affirm it, just as one accepts the newest scientific discoveries! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 244: Heartless thinking is the plague of humanity. Ancient philosophers did not include heartless people in their concepts of government. Plato in his Republic and Aristotle in his Politics had in mind organized societies of intelligent co-workers, and did not tolerate tyrants, hypocrites, or swindlers. It is impossible to imagine a strong state consisting of hypocrites and swindlers. Hypocrisy is incompatible with the highest beliefs and knowledge, and a false foundation will serve only a false structure. We do not approve of the slightest manifestation of hypocrisy, and believe that this vice begets all other corrupt feelings. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268: Indeed, you should not assume that Plato, when he was sold into slavery, did not react to all the turmoil of such a situation. Of course, he went courageously through all trials, but in his heart felt great bitterness because of the injustice, and it was because of this that he was able to speak so brilliantly about the best forms of government. Pythagoras too was persecuted, endured great poverty, and suffered all kinds of physical humiliation, but these tests did not diminish his ardor. Likewise, Anaxagoras was deprived of everything, yet even on his difficult path he knew how to prepare for himself a majestic crown of thorns. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 320: The Thinker contributed greatly, daring to imagine a government of peace. What if people call such daring a dream? We know that dreams pave the road to Eternity!