Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.15: Actually, thought creates beyond the earthly limits. Therefore, learn to govern the thoughts. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 217: 217. The same principles govern the ignition of the centers. The spirit cannot kindle on lower spheres the fires of the higher centers. Indeed, only the highest attracts the highest. And where only the physical striving exists there can be only a corresponding receptiveness. In the epoch of the approach of Agni Yoga, the principle of forcibly transmitted manifestations should be known. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 298: If people could have a glimpse into the life laboratory which establishes all creative combinations, they would gain an understanding of the laws which invisibly govern the Universe. Therefore, do not separate the invisible world from life. The invisible power should be understood as the main impetus behind spirit-creativeness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 312: The course of the luminaries and the Highest Reason govern all cosmic dates. Hence, when humanity rejects the possibilities sent by the Cosmic Magnet, destruction ensues. The planet is covered with the emanations of these unaccepted transmissions; hence, all creative tensions are not expressed according to predestination. All inharmonious processes are thus generated in space. Hence, it is so imperative for humanity to be imbued with the currents of the great spatial transmissions; only thus can the link with the far-off worlds be established. Heart (1932) - 380: At present there is no one who does not need courage. Only utter madness whispers that all will find order by itself - this cannot be! Because the dark ones have set aside the basic principles not knowing how to govern them, one should walk undivided in everything. One should understand that the spiritual tension of these days is no longer in the dimensions of the Subtle World, but already approaches the Fiery World. The Teacher reminds that not terror should fill the hearts of the warriors of Armageddon, but grandeur. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 230: 230. The laws of cosmic Equilibrium govern the planet. In the cosmic laws can be included the law of Karma, for the law of Equilibrium contains all the other manifestations of life. Equilibrium is revealed as the creative action of each manifestation. Just as chiaroscuro creates and saturates an action, so is the law of Equilibrium affirmed in correspondence with the development of the will. Cosmic Scales affirm correspondingly the growth of national Karma. The scales of man's Karma affirm their measurement of free will. Therefore it is so important to affirm an understanding of striving for perfectionment, because a desire projected into space can always attract what is desired, and according to the quality of the desire is Equilibrium determined. Thus, let us make a wish which can be fulfilled - a wish for those energies which can be applied to life. Equilibrium can only then manifest its affirmation when the free will chooses the path of the General Good. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 234: 234. These laws of Equilibrium likewise govern the inner lives that underlie every existence. Thus each spirit attracts its own creations. But even in the highest laws Equilibrium proceeds through vital manifestations. Therefore life, which leads to the sacred Mystery of Crowning, is filled with the most fiery experiences. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 238: 238. As long as humanity does not learn to control its own energies, does not learn to govern its own qualities, by transmuting its heavy human traits, so long will each cosmic energy be dangerous. We see how humanity deals with the energies given! Each force which reveals a new possibility for the Common Good also manifests cosmically a channel for other revelations. But each revelation meets with the same reception as does everything else manifested to mankind. Not going along with the Cosmic Magnet, humanity goes against it. Even at best, inceptions of construction are affirmed in a most personal manner. While the Cosmic Magnet is now gathering together its parts, so too the Magnet itself is responding to cosmic movement; and thus the parts of the Magnet draw near to the great task. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of the Cosmic Magnet. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 345: 345. Tension of the higher energies of the spirit is one of the most powerful creative channels. Tension of the spirit concerns the subtlest energies in the depths of be-ness. It is impossible to let such potent creativeness escape with impunity, for only in the depths of be-ness is it possible to be in contact with the most direct energies. Through contact with the depths are revealed all the qualities which govern all creative origins. Therefore humanity has lost its fiery receptivity because it has clung only to the external manifestations of space. When tension of the spirit will lead mankind to a conscious realization of the creative depths, then it will be possible to affirm the principle of the Fiery World in beauty and in the subtlest creativeness. One should develop this aspiration on the path to the Fiery World.