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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GL > GLEAN (1)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 35:
Many learn about one of their distinguished incarnations and fall into pride. It is even worse when people glean from false accounts certain fantastic traits of character, and begin to emulate them, thus obscuring their path. Every old spirit has had some distinguished incarnations, and gained knowledge of leadership. However, of the many needed qualities this ability is not of primary importance. The persecuted learn more than the persecutors, and all domains of hard labor are rife with discoveries. Tests are strewn at every crossroad. I speak of this because We, too, have encountered all tests. We have forgotten the pain, and the suffering has turned into joy. Our tormentors are themselves struggling somewhere and ascending through labor. Our Abode could not exist if We thought of threatening Our tormentors. The Law of Karma flows immutably.


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