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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GL > GLEAM (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 277:
277. Amidst the life of everyday, seek the gleam of Light. The growing concentration upon the Blessed Forces will strengthen the consciousness of those who knock. Having ridiculed, slandered, and belittled the spirit, the insignificant ones were stopped by the efforts of the Stronghold of Good. The token of eternal life will penetrate even the lowliest mind.

Hierarchy (1931) - 177:
177. Learn not to count days and not to notice years, because there is no difference when you are in the great expanse of Service. One should learn to feel oneself beyond trivial usualness and to adhere in spirit to the manifested world of Beauty. Let us proceed together to where there are no boundaries or end, where one can transform each beneficent gleam into the radiation of a rainbow of blessings to the worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 439:
439. It is even impossible to imagine humanity's future direction if it does not purify itself through Fire! Striving toward the Fiery World will afford the first glimpses of Agni. Many ignominious actions will fall away like husks, at a single thought about the Fiery World. No sermons from without can enable one to attain that improvement of health which is created by a single spark from within. But it is difficult to impel the consciousness according to a higher measure. We will tirelessly urge the consciousness toward this first gleam of enlightenment; what follows will be much easier.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 446:
Many people talk a great deal about love and devotion, but do not manifest them in life. They often speak about the Teacher, yet make no effort to forge a strong bond. We do not mean that people should depend completely upon the Teacher. On the contrary, We advise independent activity, but within the heart there must gleam the lamp of love. Only then will the responding flame be kindled. Explain it as you will, even as an electric current, but the current of true love is a strong bond, and true confidence grows only from love.


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