Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 127: 127. As to how to apply one's qualities in Service, it is not enough to say, "I have come and I wish to serve," for readiness to serve obliges the disciple to acquire discipline of spirit. It is insufficient to say that all indications of the Teaching have been accepted, for only in life is it possible to manifest acceptance of the Indications. If the earthly plane imposes hard and fast rules, the world of the spirit demands the manifestation of striving in life towards acceptance of the Covenant of Hierarchy. Firm striving compresses the spirit and tempers it for true Service. One must merit the affirmation of the Call, one must understand the Call, one must free oneself from many burdens; thus, should one understand the truth of approach to the Teaching. One must understand the beauty of giving, for merely earthly givings do not affirm the "chalice." Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let the co-workers apprehend the Call to Service.