Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 272: 272. All the forces of the Cosmos should be consecrated to the blossoming of the spirit. Fatigue forces renewal of the organism. Awareness of one's goal gives significance to each manifestation of the spirit. All winds serve the miller to produce a better flour. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 349: 349. Have faith in the new ones! The Teacher has the strength to hold the shield until the point of happiness is reached. The Teacher understands when a helping hand is needed. The Teacher is ready to assist. The Teacher can send new ones. The Teacher can send forth the Teaching. The Teacher considers an act of courage an achievement. The Teacher gives strength to the faithful. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19: Since seas can cover the mountains, and deserts can replace the sea-bottoms, then is it impossible to visualize the miracle of populating the desert? A ploughman, a simple husbandman, gives rest to his field, permitting it to become covered with weeds. Likewise, in the Great Plan the places of harvest must be alternated. It is befitting for the new to be upon a new place. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.4: Unity in variety gives the best harvest result. The fruit must be grown by the grafting of new, necessary currents. Therefore, We shall often speak about the New Country - this is most urgent. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.18: "Show Us all that is great, and be ashamed of the small worm that ruins the correctness of weight. The one who gives can receive. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.5: The law of karma and the law of dates are like the double-faced Janus - one gives birth to the other. Karma bears the fruit of actions and calls forth the date of manifestation. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.8: 3.5.8. Let us imagine a man imbued with the thought that his two eyes see differently. Of course he will be right, but by this very thought he will ruin his eyesight. Coordination of reflexes is difficult, but it alone assures successful operation of the apparatus. The difference between the eyes is what gives perspective to the thing seen. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.2: Just as the organism must be developed from within, independent of external conditions, so too with firmness and the purport of the aura grow only from within. Straightened conditions are especially for breadth of the aura. The generosity of the hand does not depend upon the quantity it gives. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.14: The spark of the blow gives birth to achievement. Of course, that achievement is preferable which grows consciously, when all one's being knows that the Teacher of Light does exist. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.17: Such a case gives occasion to say, "Your consciousness desired death to the poor; therefore the riches directed to you have departed." Along with this primitive law one can launch a spark about the evolution of distant worlds. The comparison of the evolution of worlds with a small everyday matter can produce an enlightening stroke. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21: 3.6.21. The first book summoned to attainment of beauty, simplicity, and fearlessness. The second gives the quality and the features of labor which affirm the expansion of consciousness. New Era Community (1926) - 20: The element of fire is most striking, transcendental, and if you wish to classify Our Community according to the elements, refer to the great fire which gives all, purifies all, and requires nothing. New Era Community (1926) - 30: The ear can catch fragments of the Great Breath, but the knowledge of the spirit gives man a place in Infinity. New Era Community (1926) - 30: It is useful to look back upon remote epochs, when this consciousness was awakened. We see that not in a day of flowering of science but during the proclamation of religion was the cosmic consciousness awakened; for not hypotheses but only knowledge of the spirit leads to the starry paths. I regret that no astronomical calculations could advance the moment of communication, for the same reason that the ant does not shoot with a gigantic cannon. It is indeed essential that such achievement be manifested by means of the spirit. Here we are speaking materially, as it were, but without the spirit it is impossible to apply this energy. Indeed the spirit gives a certain quality to matter. The condition of the Earth requires an extraordinary physician. The planet is sick, and if efforts to push it forward do not succeed, then it may be better to remove it temporarily from the chain - it may become as the moon. Hotbeds of the lower strata of the Subtle World have become dangerously intolerable. Also it is impossible to forget how humanity has fallen under the influence of the lower levels of the Subtle World. New Era Community (1926) - 37: 37. Abilities for a distant sending are extremely rare. As always it is necessary to distinguish the quality of the result. The sendings may be restless, and like flies be brushed away; they may be oppressive, like a coffin lid, and inspire terror; they may be as the whizzing of arrows, and these bring agitation without any understanding. It is rare when sendings are clear; it is rare when they call up cooperation of the corresponding centers. This may depend partially on the auras, but the principal factor is the quality of the sending. This quality is called utility of the will, which means understanding of the voltage of tension of the correspondent. In order for an electric lamp to light up, a certain voltage is necessary. Not only the contents of the sending but also the quality is important. The knowledge of the spirit gives the sending usefulness. An effect of the usefulness of the sending will be joy of reception, for everything properly proportioned will be a joy. New Era Community (1926) - 42: 42. The Cosmos is in process of creation through pulsation, that is, by explosions. The rhythm of the explosions gives harmony to the creation. Indeed knowledge of the spirit carries the thread of the Cosmos into manifested life. With a shining sword the new step should be cut free. It is necessary to recognize when to hold back the flowers of light lest they again be dissolved in the mist of the elements. New Era Community (1926) - 131: Indeed, as you well remember, the correlation of auras with the spatial substance gives quality to the result. Precisely, not the size but the color gives a particular approach to the action. The size of the aura will give tension to the action, but the path will be determined by the color. Thus, it is impossible to set any specific way of action under an alien color combination. A causal predetermination causes a mixture of rays and paralyzes the will. The infirmity of many workers is explained by the mixture of heterogeneous color groups. Here would be very useful a simple physical apparatus for the determination of basic radiations. Think, what an alleviation for the workers and what a deepening of intensity - true economy! Besides the increase in productivity, it is necessary to perceive how the correlation of colors will affect the well-being of the workers. A great deal of malice and misunderstanding will disappear, without threats and prohibitions. New Era Community (1926) - 133: Friends of the community provide the possibility of having a reservoir without danger of betraying the bases of the Teaching. Friends of the community do not conceal their weaknesses, and this gives the possibility of successfully strengthening them. Indeed, We use the word "friends" because for the Occident this term is more understandable. Among Ourselves We call them disciples of a certain degree, but the West poorly contains Our concept of discipleship. Therefore, let us keep to the better-known designation - friends of the community. New Era Community (1926) - 140: 140. If your interlocutor expresses stubbornness and extreme ignorance, ask him if he has traveled much. You will doubtless receive the reply that his travels have been no farther than a sparrow's flight. Besides, arriving in new places he but falls into the old conditions as a result of not knowing the language and of general lack of knowledge. Such a man will be particularly argumentative, not being ashamed of his ignorance. Truly, the experience of journeying gives the best key to the realization of cosmic lives. The true traveler reflects lucidly on the path which lies behind and clearly expresses the desired direction. He will appraise former circumstances and will foresee the better possibilities. New Era Community (1926) - 154: I say to you that I know all the complexity of the construction. I do not conceal how far the stones must be carried nor how great is the aridity. Precisely this realization, precisely the countlessness of the stars, gives affirmation to the fiery steps. New Era Community (1926) - 169: Indeed, it is difficult to diagnose a disease in its embryonic state; only examination of the secretions and a picture of the radiations will give determinative results. If the secretions can sometimes lead into error about the true cause, then the hieroglyphics of radiation will reveal the basis of the disease. Each peculiarity of the action of the organism gives a color and sign on the graph. Observations can be carried on in every hospital. New Era Community (1926) - 170: While diseases are clearly reflected upon the radiation, the unusual branchings of the consciousness are formulated with difficulty. True, radiations give the complete picture of a man, but everything psychically unrealized gives a wavering outline, difficult to fix. Here is the domain of the unusual for a certain group of consciousness, and such blossoms among stones are particularly precious. New Era Community (1926) - 196: 196. Manifestations must be accepted in full reality. For materialists this condition is especially obligatory. But indeed, materialists more than others tint various manifestations with their own color, thus impeding the evolutionary process. Us, as experienced Builders - realists, can see the harm of intolerance, based on the coarsest ignorance. Where then is reality when thinking is constrained? Instead of a thousand formulas only five are known! Affirmation becomes distortion if beforehand a stereotype of conventionalities has been forged. The smile of knowledge breaks open the flood-gate of deliberate obstruction. The builder cannot have fantasies about the ground under the building. Such an attitude is criminal, since the material point of view gives unlimited lawful possibilities. New Era Community (1926) - 199: Among aeroliths there is one metal which possesses the quality of condensing electrical energy. Possession of this metal gives the possibility of receiving strong splashes of sparks and even a flame. This saturated flame must light up the consciousness, being strengthened and growing brighter. Purchased fireworks of illumination are not needed. Better paucity of number than falsehood in the name of the future of humanity. New Era Community (1926) - 209: 209. You have already seen how I put questions to a newcomer. From the replies it was possible to form an opinion about the qualities of the newcomer. Each one of you will be obliged to teach those who come to you. If they begin with a question, reply with a question of your own. You know how the quality of a question gives direction to the next question. It is inadmissible to allow inexactness to creep into the essence of the question. Often this first diffusiveness lies like a grease spot on a coverlet and becomes indelible. The hour will approach when you will tenaciously insist on questions on the part of the one with whom you speak. But the first questions must come from you. And first of all ask what has drawn him to you. And then ask him to tell when for the first time he felt the worthlessness of contemporary life; and then let him relate how the first conception of the Teacher arose in his consciousness. Let him tell how he understands achievement. Does he feel the difference between the evidence and the reality; and can he realize the community within his consciousness? Thus, it is necessary to get at the weeds of desires and dreams. Be not afraid to appear stern; certainly far worse are soft, rumpled cushions. Sternness will produce roots, and if there be also an indication of intensity, then will be created the manifestation of the bridge. New Era Community (1926) - 210: 210. Our Community cannot be accused of scholasticism. Rather, the inexperienced may be stunned by the intensity of tempo and by apparent suddenness. Life itself gives agility to the Community. New combinations are engendered, requiring immediate departure or hurried return. New Era Community (1926) - 244: 244. We often speak to you about the new and the young. Once and for all, We wish it understood that under these concepts is meant not age in years, but newness of consciousness and the youth of striving. Length of beard has no significance, and of no value is the affirmation of being under age. The flame of aspiration does not depend upon the body. The magnet of the primary substance is manifested independently of events taking place. Indeed, the concept of the magnet transcends the physical sphere. Apply the magnet to the psychic domain and you obtain a most valuable observation. The association of ideas has a certain basis in the magnetic wave. If one will investigate the passage of magnetic waves, it will be possible to establish the advancement of ideas in the same direction. The quality of the ideas may be different but the technique of their spreading will be similar. A certain experiment on the connection of the magnet with thinking gives an adequate example of the influence of a physical invisible energy upon the psychic process. The qualities of magnets are diverse; they can be tuned like instruments. The scope of magnetic wave-length is inconceivable. Their reaction on people is not according to age but to psychic aspiration. For distant radiations, magnetic waves serve as an exceptional conductor. Thus, we began with distant horizons and end with the future talk of humanity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 21: By calling Our messengers charlatans, people are acknowledging their unusualness. Coarse are the caresses of the lower animals. And the coarseness of the remainder of the departing race has surpassed even that of the dark ages. It is not baseness so much as coarseness of receptivity that makes the mass of humanity unfit material. It is precisely coarseness that gives rise to light-mindedness and to its consequence - treason. Agni Yoga (1929) - 43: 43. The pupil must not be obsessive, and the Teacher must not be seen as a dictator. Indeed, there is demanded of the student a realization of Hierarchy and harmony of action - the reconciling of the free will with acceptance of the Teacher. The weak mind is usually confused. Of course, the conditions and limitations imposed by the Teaching contradict the meaning of freedom in its vulgar sense. But through culture and the realization of goal-fitness the great concept of the Teacher is formed. The realization of the significance of the idea of the Teacher is a passing through the first gates of evolution. One should not bring to the concept of the Teacher expectations of anything supermundane. The Teacher is the One who gives the best advice for life. This practicality will embrace knowledge, creativity, and Infinity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 132: 132. Conceit and suspicion are horrible diseases. The first gives rise to stupidity and ignorance. From the second issue lies and treachery. One must keenly discern the true motives of one's co-workers. The shield protects those who, through sincere striving to enlightenment, can make straight the convolutions of darkness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 156: When We speak of the need for honesty, We do not have in mind unworthy people. We point out the direct path of perfect truth, devoid of any personal element. This opportunity can be perceived through straight-knowledge. The experience accumulated in the center of the Chalice gives invincible knowledge. The center of the Chalice is close to the blood reservoir, for blood is the wherewithal for our passage on Earth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 158: You may call this the Yoga of Life. But the most precise name will be Agni Yoga. It is precisely the element of fire that gives its name to this Yoga of self-sacrifice. While in other Yogas the dangers are diminished through practices, in the Yoga of Fire the perils are increased, because fire, as an all-binding element, manifests itself everywhere. But it also permits mastery of the subtlest energies. Fire will not lead away from life; it will act as a trustworthy guide to the far-off worlds. For what but fire saturates immeasurable space? Agni Yoga (1929) - 206: Yoga provides many advantages related to cosmic consciousness. Yoga provides a spatial current and Our aid in all useful actions. An understanding of cooperation gives the only true approach. It is most important to understand the Yoga in its practical application, in order to give Us the possibility of responding in a practical way. Agni Yoga (1929) - 260: 260. Many indestructible concepts have been distorted, and they must be restored to their true meaning. This is so for the understanding of solitude. Nowhere is it said that a yogi must be physically alone, but for him solitude of spirit is inevitable. Consecrating himself, the yogi grows the crystal of his individuality. And the more generously he gives, the more he remains untouched. Agni Yoga (1929) - 260: He who gives is indestructible as flame! He who fills himself with light is striving toward light! Agni Yoga (1929) - 346: 346. I already told you about the divisibility of spirit. There is no need to be astonished if a developed spirit generously manifests itself, even at far distances, where it is attracted by the spiritual quality of those present. One should not think that the effects of such projection of the spirit are always invisible. One gives out coins almost without noticing, or even knowing, to whom they are given. How much more generous is our spirit when, as the finest energy, it hurries toward the best application. Agni Yoga (1929) - 393: 393. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome by the human will. I do not say this as a consolation, or for encouragement, but as a thing immutable. People have long sharpened their wills; but they do not understand that they must attain the stage of consciousness that gives the will full authority to act, when one may say that all is permitted. Agni Yoga (1929) - 495: It is customary to think that cancer is hereditary. Of course it must be accepted that a poisoned organism gives birth to a similarly poisoned one. One should protect children immediately, for among them there are already many special ones. Agni Yoga (1929) - 556: 556. In Agni Yoga, even the most abstract concepts become tangible and real. Sincerity, usually called honesty, becomes irreplaceable. Test the quality of sincerity in communications to far distances; and then observe the difference when personal feelings of impatience or irritation are allowed to intrude, or, worse, preconceived ideas or deliberate distortions. These deprive the result of its value, and can cause irreparable harm. But true sincerity is a purifier, bringing about a crystal clarity, which enlightens the consciousness just as fuel gives flame. Thus, one can contribute to success by applying what is called honesty. Agni Yoga (1929) - 557: Where is the source to which one should refer? Who can set limits? There is soil enough for every seed, and each seed contains the needed psychic energy within itself. The ancients had the knowledge of extracting psychic energy at the time of the softening of the seed. This is an example of how softening gives birth to motion. Each one knowing the Teaching will be a softener and the keeper of the paddle of the Great Churn. For the great teraph of Infinity is at work in the actions of each day. Agni Yoga (1929) - 597: Consider that the sending of thought was combined everywhere with an understanding of fire. Truly, for the sending of thought to a great distance, one has to evoke the flame of the centers. Not a forced strain of the will, but a combination with fire gives power to the sending of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 650: The power of authority is not demonstrated by a flow of instructions that are pleasing to both the one who gives them and those who receive. The Teacher must be sure that the actions taken lead in the right direction - though they may take manifold forms. Just as a courageous captain can save his ship by jettisoning the cargo, or by cutting down the masts, so does the Teacher with full power of authority lead his disciples to victory. Agni Yoga (1929) - 663: 663. Who, then, creates by the power of the spirit? The Bearer of Fire, the keen servitor of evolution, the creator of men, the one who gives all his fires for the growth of humanity. Humanity must be like these Light-Bearers in its quests. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 7: Give Us the possibility to manifest Our power, to extend the hand of help. The law of gravity is acknowledged by all. Why not apply this simple condition in life? Joy can attract with a magnetic current the joy from space. But the thought of darkness gives birth to layers of heavy clouds. We vouch for the reality of the gravitation of thought. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 21: 21. Perceive that the power of the law of the life principle is invincible. The tension of the spiral of the higher energy puts all elements to work. The accumulation of energy in the spheres of the world gives variety to the substance, and it calls for the manifestation of creativeness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 24: 24. Causality is that factor which moves the Universe. It is incongruous to expect that the Lotus of Benevolence will result from an evil act. One can understand that the result of each action will be a direct reflection of the beginning. It is generally accepted that the kernel of misfortune easily resounds in the same tempo. A conceiving of ignorance gives rise to a poisoning of dormant elements. But the raging element gives growth to the rhythm of Cosmos. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 37: 37. One thing gives birth to another - in the transmutation and eternal motion of the cosmic forces of our affirmed life. The spirit, despite its innumerable forms, often chains itself to but one of its manifestations. Such adhesion greatly impedes; it infringes upon the course of the circle, for irreplaceable forces are passing by. If we realize the predestined chain of cosmic lives we will apply the entire cosmic energy, and then the spirit of the manifested creator will ordain for us the revealed path. Our will is a mighty creator; as a restraining force it soars above the energies that are revealed and unassimilated by us. Evoke this vital force! Learn to strive in the direction of the cosmic waves! Learn to yearn for the spatial energies! Desire courageously! Courageously realize the unlimited number of your forms! Verily, life is transmuted by the spirit and the will! And the manifestation of energies is without end. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 41: What remains for our planet to extract from the Primary Source is evident through the conception of Infinity. Our planet is stratified and permeated by the properties of cosmic fires; and man, as a magician, can propel his magnetic power according to his desire. He can express his striving through the tension of his psychic energy directed into Space. Clarity of thought gives impetus to this direction. We are not speaking of magic formulae, but We wish to direct your spirit toward the limitless possibilities. The belief that all is illusion results in curtailment of one's self-expression. Cosmogony and astrochemistry are as applicable as are geography and history. Could you but know what the Lords have seen, you would find understanding of the immensity of non-concatenated matter. Not the mystery of a temple, but the Sacrament of Infinity! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 44: Let the far-off worlds live in the consciousness of men as a wondrous kingdom. This is just as indisputable and just as real as the fact that a growing seed gives birth to a flower. The far-off worlds are interpreted only as something illustrative of the concept of distance. But let us regard the far-off worlds - the life there is affirmed in beauty and in striving for achievement; there are the fires of spirit; there is the fire of love; there the seeming excrescences of Earth are transformed into creations of Fire. The fires of the spirit carry knowledge that the passing of the present and the striving into the better future will be the ladder upon which we shall ascend. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 67a: Cognition of the fiery energy gives direction to the spatial principle, but different degrees of tension of the consciousnesses often impede the unification. The triumph of Cosmos is in the harmonization of two Origins. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 134: 134. Cosmic attraction directs most clearly the movement toward evolution. In the wake of the propelled impulse is that spiral which cannot but evoke a reverberative force. And the thrust of the spiral depends upon Spatial Fire. The manifestation of cosmic attraction, affirming the questing force by the current of positive magnetism, at the same time generates the negative magnetism; the one beginning is to be found in the entire Cosmos. The Cosmic Magnet, evincing the one great and eternal Law, gives to the world the image of limitless creation. Hence, the world may follow this Law. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 141: Man very frequently gives evidence of his lack of understanding of the problems of self-expression; considering himself not responsible, he generates forms appropriate for a resisting consciousness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 156: 156. It is truly told about the power of love for humanity. Can one love a garden and despise its flowers? Can one worship the power of beauty and not show respect for love? I attest that the Power adorning Our Universe is confirmed as Our Mother of the World - the Feminine Origin! Indeed, one may cite many scientific examples indicative of the creative destiny of woman. Those who deny the evidence of woman's creativeness should reflect that woman gives voluntarily. It does not mean that those who possess the rights are the ones who affirm them. Hence is the woman's path termed one of voluntary giving. Certainly in Cosmos everything is interwoven, but humanity transgresses the laws of the Higher Reason. Truly, the Feminine Origin is most beautiful! Verily, the pinnacle of Be-ness cannot exist without the Feminine Origin. How badly people have mutilated the great cosmic laws! How far people have departed from Truth! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 168: 168. Each striving toward action is measured by its tension. Tension gives evidence of the degree of will which underlies striving. The other property of striving is its direction, but for advancement one must direct the energy in step with the Cosmic Magnet. Evolution flows only because of the presence of magnetic action. The complexity of the course of evolution corresponds to the complexity of the dynamics of the Cosmic Magnet. The complex of evolution is likewise conditioned by human striving. The greater the striving, the more power there is. Man does not realize what a power for destruction he carries! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 185: If people could know about the affirmation of the Magnet and the power of receiving dates permeated with currents, their reasoning would be greatly clarified. The date links the spirit with the predestined ordainment. The date gives the departing spirit a confirmation of the path. But Space is not merely an expanse in which the spirit must itself seek the outlet. The spirit proceeds according to a designated path. Thus the appointed paths are affirmed. The element of Fire attests the new destiny. Many are the mysteries in Cosmos! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 187: 187. The power of Space permeates all beings. The oneness of manifestations is revealed in everything. The chains of Space embrace in themselves all expressions of life. A property in one kingdom vouchsafes that property in another, and is but its shadow. The manifestation of the spatial light presupposes the full development of the elements, and hardened matter presupposes its degrees. Hence, let us say that every property of each manifestation is dependent upon another, and that the quality of each manifestation is resultant on the previous striving. Expansion must impel people to be filled with the understanding of responsibility. The law of correlation of forms and aspirations is immutable. During the forming of combinations it is imperative to know this law. The creations of humanity bear the stamp of discord. When We speak of discord, We have in mind the difference between the indicated predestined path into the higher spheres and the path which humanity pursues. The obstruction of the path of advancement gives evidence of a very slow progress. Boundless are the higher ways, and the creative fires are comprised in them. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 201: 201. It is very difficult to determine the boundaries in Cosmos between the so-called passive and the active. If We say that all forces are active, men will find this declaration a paradox. But a higher consciousness can understand how We perceive all forces of the Origins as active. The differentiation is so bereft of subtlety that it is difficult to convey to people about the principle which dwells in the manifested power of Mulaprakriti. Likewise, the principle of life cannot be asserted without the realization of the Feminine Origin. Like the Cosmos, Mulaprakriti is a universal principle. The origins cannot be regarded as competitive forces; only unification of the forces creates life. And We, in the higher worlds, manifest a consecrated reverence for the Origin which humanity calls passive. Yes, yes, yes! The higher consciousness knows the Truth and We are ready to proclaim this Truth to humanity; but for this, humanity must ascend the higher step. Yes, yes, yes! When each Lord had to be given to the world by a mother, how may one not revere Thee, Mother of the World! When each Spatial Fire has to be made manifest in a form, how may one not revere Her who gives life! yes, yes, yes! How then may one not accept as the highest manifestation of the Cosmos the power in the intense symbol of the Mother! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 205: 205. The cosmic force moves in a spiral. With basic might, the Magnet propels forward in the spiral of the creative potential of energy. The circular motion is highly strained during attraction to the generative source. The attraction toward that point gives the impulse toward the far-off worlds., The striving to reach the ascending steps brings in the law of the spiral. And the circular motion becomes tensed, as a magnetic force, when the initial step is at a point which upon completion of the circle will coincide with the point of action. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 219: 219. The correlation is so great that one may say that the one affirms the other. Thus, the appearance of Fire gives affirmation to the coming race. He who through his fire draws everything together brings correlation through his very appearance. Of course, when this symbol of collectivity is affirmed as a bearer of fire of the highest tension, all energies also are manifested in a higher tension. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 228: When the universal life directed itself to cosmic attraction, all elements attracted to the Magnet acted as life-determining forces. Therefore, this mutual attraction gives the formula of cosmic attraction. Thus the Magnet attracts incessantly. Thus the universal life guides humanity toward Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 229: 229. An Agni Yogi enters the tempo of the universal current, thus directing the trend of world thought; and, by suffusing the space with his essence, he attracts spirits to the new and predestined affirmation. Most complex is the universal creativeness, and interwoven with the most subtle energies. The manifestation of the Fire of Space is a force propelling toward creation of universal currents. The principle of Fire gives the direction to all the new cosmic currents. Therefore, the assertion of fusion will be disclosed as a key to the sixth race. The currents inset into the basis of life predetermine a new course. Thus do We confirm this great path. Thus do We build the great, the wondrous step of the universal life. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 230: 230. In regard to evolution, humanity never has considered what its progress costs the Impeller of energy. It is customary to maintain that the energy expended in the progress of evolution establishes the ascent step by step. But the principle causal action should be pointed out. The Cosmic Magnet provides direction as well as destination. In the entire evolutionary process one must seek this destination, and the central point of evolution must be ascertained. Mere ascent is not the impelling force, as the center of evolution is the core of all cosmic activity. The chain of events accumulates upon the circumference of this core, and unless balance is established between the evolutionary and the devolutionary human striving, it will be impossible to establish a higher step. The center of evolution creates balance, and the center of human thought violates it. Therefore, during the epoch of unbalance between good and evil, prior to the epoch of Satya Yuga, humanity must show exactitude of direction. Therefore, the fiery summons gives the direction to humanity. The center of evolution, in its ceaseless flux, maintains the basis of the Origins. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 232: The psycho-spiritual levers create each manifestation of life. If humanity would sensibly follow the laws of motion of the Cosmic Magnet, it would undoubtedly accept the fact of psycho-spirituality. How is it possible to deny the power which gives rise to the entire life impulse? The impulsion of psycho-spirituality encompasses all aspects of the Universe. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 233: 233. Direct correlation exists between the Agni Yogi and the cosmic manifestations. The link between manifestations is so tense that it describes a straight line. There also exists a direct link between the Agni Yogi and the world events. The world thought is also reflected upon the manifestation of the fires of the Tara. When the synthesis gives evidence of its power, all cosmic events are reflected upon the organism, the best and most accurate indicator of cosmic and planetary manifestations. If people were aware of all the fiery signs on Earth, the duration of life would be short. Our Urusvati has witnessed the emanations of Earth, trembling from the density of the atmosphere. The earthly crust is in convulsion, and the new step is being prepared by means of creative unification. The psycho-spiritual levers will provide propulsion for the sixth race. How tempestuous are the currents! The fires are ablaze as fiery streams! Therefore, the heart of the Tara carries within itself all vital currents and reflects all human manifestations. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 234: The attraction of the energy of solar rays is in balance with the soil on which the rays fall. Similarly governed is the attraction of cosmic fires to the human spirit. Space is teeming with magnets, and the human aura sustains many magnetic emanations. It is established that Cosmos creates through the Magnet, and the power of attraction gives life to man. Creativeness is based upon this principle. An immutable law! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 236: 236. Psycho-spirituality is a property of all aspects of the Cosmic Magnet. The boundlessness of the manifestations of psycho-spirituality creates the cosmic worlds. It is impossible to affirm in the consciousness the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet without broad understanding of evolution. Consciousness asserts the lever of the Cosmic Magnet so definitely that it is difficult not to make application of it. The causal principle gives impetus to life and to the development of psycho-spiritual energy. The basis of the life impulse establishes the psycho-spirituality, and attraction evinces a correlation with the causal principle. Thus, it is on the basis of psycho-spirituality that the life impulse is asserted. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 254: 254. The Fire of Space is intensified by the Cosmic Magnet. The construction impels toward different cosmic manifestations. The attraction puts the cosmic combinations under tension. Thus are the energies controlled by the Cosmic Magnet. The unlimited union of all energies gives an unutterable formula, and the universal energy puts under tension all evolution. Humanity is striving to master the forces of Fire, but the higher manifestation may be bestowed only when psycho-spirituality will be affirmed in a pledge. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 260: The attraction of the currents of will gives concordance to creativeness and to the spatial fires. The spatial fires direct the flow of all currents. The energy has the receptivity to assimilate the currents of will; thus are the forces attuned to the Cosmic Magnet. The manifestation of the spatial fires will reveal to humanity all paths to Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 306: 306. A prevalence of subtle and creative energies affords possibility to the entire Cosmic Fire to manifest itself as a life-generating force. A prevalence of all positive substances provides the life-generating force for all inceptions. Thus, the Cosmic Fire exists as the great collector of energies. The affirmation of a consciously manifested substance strains all threads. How is it possible then not to admit that the law of balance is not a law which confirms equally evil and good? And the unbalance between light and darkness gives to humanity the sought formula of life. Of course, life is unbalanced to a great degree, the evidence of which is established in a variety of ways. But one must be imbued with the mystery of life to understand that amidst the suffocating emanations of the planet there is nevertheless a power maintaining the predominance of the currents of the subtle energies. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 329: 329. The movement of the vortices is determined by the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. The power of attraction of the propelling Cosmic Magnet gives confirmation to all cosmic energies. When the vortices are imbued with the creative impulse, the drive of the energies toward manifestation corresponds to the increasing power of attraction. Thus, the spirit in its seed corresponds to the power which saturates it. The relation between the direction and the saturation is determined by the Magnet. Thus, identical striving is defined by attraction. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 330: 330. The seed of the spirit forms a part of the magnetized power of a luminary. The rays penetrating the determined and manifested energy intensify its properties by their striving; therefore, the seed of the spirit carries within itself every impulse contained in the luminary. The energy which combines with the impelling force of the Magnet induces the development of this fusion. Thus, when the creativeness of the ray saturates its surrounding space, the energy of this circle, striving to life, attracts other energies; and the fusion of the luminary with the life impulse gives power to the seed of the spirit. Thus shall We conclude about the law of attraction of the seeds toward life. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 346: The rays generated in space create their parallels, and the activity of all luminaries tenses the spheres with multifold energies. All spatial manifestations have rays as their basic impulse. The generation of the power of the Cosmic Magnet gives birth to all energies. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 350: 350. There is a direct ratio in the correlation of cause and effect. Intensity laid in the cause gives intensity to the effect. The cosmic law affirms that intensity which is at the root of each action. Therefore, each energy generates as much striving as is contained in its seed. On the physical plane there is the same correlating power. The manifestation of the spirit is subject to the same law. The spirit is strained in accordance with its intensity, and it pursues this course as do all energies. Therefore, among the energies one should distinguish those which are intense from those which are passive. the passive ones seek to assert suspense; hence, unestablished causes are very important. When the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet gives the impetus to action, the battle between the passive and the striving energies asserts itself. On the path of evolution, humanity manifests this battle, and it is necessary to give evidence of this intense creative activity in boundless affirmation. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 361: 361. The reconstruction of the world is accompanied by currents which overspread the old manifestations. Each shifting of the Magnet intensifies all human actions. The Spatial Fire which permeates each strained spiral gives confirmation to each new striving. Therefore, when a powerful country is temporarily veiled with sands, then a driving current is manifested for ascent - because there is no unsteadiness where the creative Hand of Cosmos does the shifting. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 372: 372. The symbol of Fire is found in all Teachings, and in Cosmos Fire is affirmed as the manifestation of life. The substance of Fire is so radiant that it is impossible to define and describe it. The Cosmic Breath is the Fire of Space. All cosmic manifestations are permeated with Fire and human thought is Fire. Thought gives form; thought gives direction; thought gives life; thought imparts creativeness; thought imparts the attraction of a drawing magnet. When the spirit kindles its fires, thought creates through the accretion of Materia Lucida. Cosmic thought is comprised in the fiery communion. The Spatial Fire contains the striving energies. Cosmic Fire is boundless in its saturations and its manifestations. Thus, the Cosmic Fire strives with the Cosmic Magnet! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 20: 20. The consciousness which envelopes the seed of the spirit imbues it with the affirmation of the power of Cosmic Fire. The precise striving of the seed of the spirit determines the construction of the manifest fire. The element manifested in the potential of the seed of the spirit transmits the direction to the consciousness. The surrounding of the spirit with strata of striving fires gives it the power to penetrate different spheres. These fine strata afford to the potential of the spirit the possibility of manifesting its striving. The denser layers hold back the potentiality to a great extent. The properties of the accumulated layers indicate a slow or rapid advance toward evolution. The creativeness of the spirit is measured by its potential and by the strata of Fire. The fiery transmutation is saturated with the emanations of space; and the potential of the spirit, which is contained in each cosmic seed, attracts all energies. Each cosmic breath is limitlessly strained by the consciousness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 39: 39. All that is outworn is subject to the law of replacement. All that does not progress is subject to the law of replacement. The cosmic creativeness so definitely foresees the utilization of the energies that it substitutes one for the other, without delay. In each vital manifestation one must observe the identical replacements. When the spirit is not dominated by its accumulations, it creates under the strain of its karma and of the creative impulse. All accumulations which are not outlived will consign the spirit to the Fire for a process of long duration. The spirit which has readily replaced its cumulations will be a vessel for the Fire. The spirit will express the intensity of the striving. The refined assimilation of transmutation will accord the knowledge of replacement. The ray of the Agni Yogi gives direction to striving. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 50: 50. In the eternal creativeness of life, the law of Oneness holds. The cosmic creativeness goes forth as a fiery command; a command preordaining fusion; a command preordaining destiny; a command preordaining the replacement of one by another; a command preordaining consummation; a command preordaining immortality; a command preordaining life for each atom; a command preordaining the approach of new energy; a command preordaining the New Era. Thus is the cosmic creation accomplished by the magnet of life. How then is it possible to split the creation of the Cosmos? How then can those things which belong to one another be separated? How then can those things which verily issue one from another be separated? Indeed, in its saturation Cosmos is strained for the fiery fusion! Only Cosmic Reason can give to humanity the Image of Oneness. Reason gives to humanity the supreme Image of the creation of the most fiery Heart. Reason assembles in sacredness; therefore, in Cosmos this law is created by life. Where then is the end, when all cosmic manifestations evolve upon two Origins? When a spirit contacts the higher spheres, cosmic creativeness is revealed to it as the law of infinite unity. When the spirit reaches the highest Oneness, it may be said verily that it draws from the vessel of cosmic joy. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 58: 58. True attainments are attested by the striving to cognize the Will of Highest Reason. It is difficult to accept a cosmic direction without understanding the Will of Highest Reason. Three-fourths of human strivings are directed against Cosmic Ordainments. The human spirit is not penetrating beyond the boundaries of visibility, and the opposition to the Will of Reason is leading to destruction. True, cosmic law ordains the replacement of one thing by another. Certainly, in this ordinance is contained the spirit of renewal. Certainly, the principle of renewal comprises in itself the law of perfection. Therefore, the shifting asserted by humanity advances very slowly into evolution. The potentiality of the past gives birth to the future. Immeasurable is the growth of potentiality! There where the shifting leads to new progress, all forces are strained. There where the past was imbued with opposition, cosmic purification is established, Thus, the shifting of the manifested epoch of destruction will assert its consequences. They are inevitable, and the potentiality will erect its step. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 136: 136. The true spiritualization leads the spirit to the fiery purification. Each striving directed to the fiery purification is confirmed by a higher impulse. When the vital impulse directs man to manifest, the centers lead him to spirit-creativeness. Besides this, the spirit gains illumination of the Ego through the tension of Fire. Each surging energy is aware of its path, consciously obeying the law of attraction. The fiery transmutation gives the most subtle understanding of the significance of the Cosmic fire and discloses its creative essence. Therefore, the knowledge of the fiery transmutation attracts the spirit to the path of limitless illumination. Thus the great work of fire proceeds. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 137: 137. The spirit who sacrifices himself to affirm the great principles of the cosmic fires brings to humanity a lofty step of illumination. Thus, each Lord brought the Light of the cosmic fires. Because of these rays humanity lives, and evolution advances by these steps. The Fire of Space removes the unapplied affirmations. The spirit who sacrifices himself for the benefit of evolution bestows his radiant Lotus on humanity. Only the highest Agni Yogi knows the path of illumination, and the directed fires are manifested to humanity as the beacons of salvation. Yes, yes, yes! Thus, Our Mother of Agni Yoga gives the fiery salvation to humanity. Thus, the Guru provides the fiery urge toward Beauty. I confirm the co-workers striving to the fiery transmutation. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 170: 170. How resounding are the words of the heart about hidden motives! How important it is to realize impartially the intentions of the spirit! Three traits of character will help to cognize the potentiality of motive; the trait of honesty, the trait of self-abnegation, and the trait of service. The manifestation of each trait will give the spirit the sword against egotism. Not the hand of karmic tension but the hand of self-exertion will hold for the spirit that gleaming sword. Let us remember that fire which gives tension to the motive. Let the spirit of egotism thus approach the fiery transmutation. The Tara points out the path of fiery self-exertion. The Guru points out the path of fiery action. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 186: 186. The striving of the spirit intensifies the courage, imbuing man with the energy of fire. The power of will gives man the most aspiring and harmonious step to beauty. Only during manifestation of the constructiveness of spirit is a form a beauty brought forth. Hence, when the power of courage strains the creativeness, the result is in conformity with beauty. Let us say that only in coordination with the Cosmic Magnet can a form of beauty be created. Thus, each movement of people which is intensified by the power of spirit affords a new step of evolution. Therefore, the beauty of tension corresponds to the beauty of the creativity of the Magnet. All cosmic ordainments correspond with beauty. Thus, the path to the Infinite summons to beauty! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 202: 202. The sensitiveness of the spirit of a flaming Agni Yogi gives impulse toward the Cosmic Magnet. Since We have sent to the planet a new affirmation of Fire, it means the time is drawing near. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 209: 209. The creativeness of the spirit of the all-containing Agni Yogi strives to the higher worlds. Consciousness gives the key to cosmic energies. The consciousness of an Agni Yogi strives toward accord with the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the centers vibrates to all cosmic manifestations. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 210: 210. The consciousness that embraces the cosmic centers affirms the full Chalice. The consciousness that embraces the principle of Fire will give to humanity new possibilities. The spirit strives to the Cosmic Magnet without disconnecting its chain. The attraction to the seed of the foundation is verily an attribute of the fiery spirit. The consciousness of Infinity in Cosmos gives a fiery ray. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 226: 226. The creative impulse impels the spirit to the cosmic Magnet. The creative impulse gives birth to all strivings. The creative impulse evokes from space the manifestations of cosmic rays. Certainly, only a fiery spirit can tense all the forces needed for creativity. The creative centers of an Agni Yogi collect the rays of free energies, and therefore the fire of the centers creates currents of striving. Thus, the striving attracts the cosmic rays. Thus, We affirm the Chalice of the Agni Yogi to be a mighty treasury. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 237: 237. Each constructed step requires a new affirmation. In each formulated decision one should try to establish a new consciousness, because, for life, a molded accomplishment must be imbued with new cosmic combinations. The asserted potential calls to life the impulse of a new correlation, but the imbued seed of the spirit must find new striving. Therefore, when We say that the construction of a form reaches the vital impulse, it means that only in the development of consciousness and the forces of attraction does it reach the very essence of life. Only eternal motion gives life to all forms. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 241: 241. Fiery creativeness is laid at the base of each entity. Even the primitive consciousness had the understanding of fire. The potency of fire is established as the measuring rod of progress. Each race has assimilated the creative fire, and the potency of its creativeness has depended upon the awakened consciousness. Thus, each race affirmed the step of its development. Fire is the impetus of life, the impetus of creativeness, the impetus of striving. Each conscious striving imparts to the spirit a cognizance of its potentiality. Each manifested spatial thought gives consciousness to the spirit. Therefore, when Cosmos sends to humanity its gifts, the link between the Magnet and the spirit is asserted. Sensitiveness of receptivity gives to everyone the possibility of adhering to cosmic creativity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 261: 261. Only an intense creativeness gives results. Only a strained spiral yields motion. Only a rebounding blow gives a conscious impetus. When Light battles with darkness, the strained spiral attracts all vibrations to the foundation. During all cosmic creative processes the strained spiral sets up the striving toward the Magnet. The incompatibility of the dark forces impels toward destruction. Verily, the shifting builds its towers upon the foundation of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the shifting perpetually replaces the departing forces. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 271: 271. Each spirit acquires tension under the powerful impulse of faith. Only this impulse gives man the possibility of penetrating into the higher spheres. And before cognizance the spirit must be filled with striving. Hence, when a man is straining forward upon the basis of an intensified impulse, the law of pure faith directs him to Truth. In the entire cosmic creation, the law of faith governs all beginnings. The faith of a scientist, the faith of the votaries of General good, the faith of the disciple of the Lords, and the faith of the Lords - these are all-imbuing and are themselves imbued by the pure Fire of Space. Thus is cosmic striving created. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 284: 284. Each striving is tensed by the lever of the heart. Only pure striving gives power to the spirit. This law is basic throughout Cosmos. Each element of Cosmic fire is affirmed by the lever of the heart. The aura of aspiration of man is the most powerful moving force. The Lord manifests the fire of His Aura of aspiration. The Agni Yogi is intensifying the striving of an affirmed aura. Spirit-creativeness and the fiery centers of the Agni Yogi are creating a better step for humanity. How impetuous is the fire of the spirit of the Agni Yogi during the cosmic shiftings! Thus, when the striving toward the transformation tenses the planet, the power of cooperation invokes the Fire of Space. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 287: 287. The cosmic sword is tensed by the awareness of a shifting. Only attraction pulls toward the Magnet. Those strivings which go against the current of the Cosmic Magnet alert a multitude of consciousnesses through the symbol of the sword. The developed spirit gives the power of consciousness to the sword, and the cosmic striving develops the impulse of urgency. Thus, the measure of spirit imparts to the consciousness the impulse of creativeness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 312: 312. In Our deeds thought corresponds to action. The creativeness of the spirit affirms all directions. Verily, the striving of thought gives the impulse to all creative beginnings. Therefore, each thought of an Agni Yogi creates at a distance. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 314: 314. The manifested ascent is immutably built in connection with the creativeness of the energies of Space. The new science of Agni Yoga gives the methods required for the sensitizing of the receptivity. Through this fiery science will Space be cognized and the formula of Fire known. Thus, the science of the future is being immutably constructed. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 319: 319. The consciousness and understanding of the world is tautened by the lever of spirit. Each spirit creates his own world, and the beauty or ugliness of the created world depends upon the quality of consciousness. Thus, only realization of cosmic energies gives creativeness to the spirit. But the spirit who denies the essence of the Cosmic Magnet is banished into the domain of ignorance. One may tell humanity that the world it has created does exist but that the world of true striving dwells in a fiery consciousness and in Infinity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 321: 321. Unmanifested matter is brought into life only through its spiritualization. Only form gives to matter the manifestation of life. But the spirit must be affirmed in the understanding that although matter receives the gift of the bliss of life because of its spiritualization, the process itself depends upon the potentiality of Eternal Fire. Thus, the thought formulates the action, but the potential of the spirit creates. Humanity is divided therefore according to the potential of the spirit. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 322: 322. Who, then, creates by the power of spirit? The Carrier of Fire, the sensitive servant of evolution, the spiritual creator of man, who gives all his fires for the advancement of mankind. Humanity in its quests must strive to emulate these Light-Bearers. How, then, does a Hierarch create upon Earth? By uplifting everything that surrounds him. Thus, by the pure flame of spirit the Hierarch elevates the spheres. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 327: 327. The images of the spheres surrounding the nations represent the qualities of the stratifications. The spirit of a nation always preordains the substance of the future. The karma of effects vibrates around each nation; therefore, while the people strive so much after the foundations of Truth, only the elect advance by its channel. The conception of Truth is distorted above everything. Hence, when We say Truth, We call to the mastery of subtle energies and to the Cosmic Magnet. One can determine each national vibration. The truest indicator is the thought of a nation. The evidenced striving gives the key to cognizance of it. Thus, the national spirit builds the steps. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 343: 343. The spirit's bringing of various records from beyond the boundaries of Earth is that link which unites the spirit with the higher worlds. Each offering results in conscious striving of spirit. The Carrier of Fires directs humanity to the understanding of the creativeness of spirit. Thus, the experiment of the Mother of Agni Yoga gives a new impetus to humanity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 352: 352. Each sensing of the cosmic energies gives impetus to the communion with the Fire of Space. When the centers of earthly fires are active, tensions of the spatial fires are inevitable. When the Cosmos is strained, there are no inert energies. The volcanoes are becoming active and they evoke human tensions. Thus, when humanity has been brought into tension by the creative fires of shifting Our soaring flight is intensified by the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, the spirit who knows the dates and the course of the Cosmic Magnet can sense the volcanic actions upon the physical and spiritual planes. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 355: 355. What power is contained in the formulation of a thought! One's whole creativeness goes into a formulation of thought. One may assert that the striving to a conscious formulation of thought already impregnates the thought with life. Only the knowledge resulting from pure striving gives creativeness to thought. Hence, all shaggy thinking results in corresponding formations. These defects of the spirit are so prickly, and the protecting net suffers so greatly from these projected needles! Our co-workers must learn to think without needles. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 359: 359. A tensed psychic thought, in conjunction with the subtle feelings, gives the highest creative power. The creativeness of refined feelings is impelled by subtle energies. Only when thought is lawfully propelled into higher spheres do these strivings produce creative tensions. Therefore, the refinement of feelings and sensations is kindred to the tensed seeker of Fire. Cosmic thought can penetrate into a psychically refined consciousness. The realization of both subtle and crude assimilations will mark the first step in the progress of humanity. Thus, on the way to the Towers, one must remember the subtleness of psychic thought. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 365: 365. The sensitiveness of sensations unites all humanity in the higher spheres. This principle unites the Teacher with the disciple. Thus, sensitiveness is a chief quality of the disciple. Sensitiveness applied by the spirit gives keenness of perception. Thus, by applying the sensitiveness of the heart one may reach the highest aspirations. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 368: 368. The entire power of the spirit is contained in the cosmic understanding. All the applied formulae must conform to the higher understanding. Only in cosmic understanding is contained the creativeness of the spirit. Only the commensuration of action with beauty gives the formula of life. Thus, the creation of better evolutionary steps can be asserted through commensuration with beauty. The spirit must aspire to his great principle. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 371: 371. The energy that destroys the tension of cosmic forces is the very subtle might that builds new possibilities. The creativity of energies is comprised in the shifting of old accumulations. Only when the power of destruction gives way to other powerful impulses can the cosmic shifting be asserted. The impelling creativeness of the Magnet can be defined as the spirit of the shifting. Only thus can one build the cosmic steps. The coming evolutionary movement proceeds by way of shifting. Thus, life is built by progression in the drive of cosmic magnetic power. Limitless is the cosmic creativeness! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 380: 380. When a great structure is built, each page has its significance. Each affirmation of the cosmic evolution is impregnated in conformity. It is correct to say that humanity builds its cosmic steps in its strivings and assimilations. Humanity either receives or gives out the manifested forces. Precisely, its Service to the Cosmic Good gives humanity its ascent. When the transport of human aspiration is limitless and endless, a cosmic coordination can be affirmed. How wondrous is the realization of the link with cosmos! How beautiful is the building of cosmic evolution! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 383: 383. The degree of consciousness is intensified according to the quality of the fires. When the consciousness is capable of subtle assimilation each fiery energy can be consciously sensed. Hence, the striving thought of an Agni Yogi is always in contact with the fiery current. Every thought of an Agni Yogi carries a fiery striving and imprints a spatial record. Therefore, the creativeness of thought gives powerful impetus to evolution. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 384: 384. The cosmic tension is expressed in the driving force of all energies upon all planes. Therefore, the separation of the physical and spiritual worlds cannot lead to the understanding of the higher coordinations. Only when the principle of coordination is affirmed in the consciousness can one strive to assimilate the higher energies. The principle of coordination puts man into contact with the manifestations of cosmic fires. The principle of coordination impels the spirit to higher cognizance. Hence, the cognizance of the universal energy gives the spirit a knowledge of his own substance. When the spirit absorbs the higher impulses, it can be said that he creates with Cosmos. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 396: 396. The striving will creates multifold combinations. Only when thought leads to the realization of desire can one create. Everything is contained in striving. The foundation of every action is striving. Hence, the more vividly the striving is expressed and the more clearly the realization is formulated, the more powerfully does the striving create. Men do not know how to wish. Men do not know the measures leading to creativity. Men do not direct their desires toward achievement. Whereas, each aspiring thought can liberate the spirit from cosmic dross. Thus, thought will assist the desire and the psychic energy. How greatly psychic energy moves life! The formulation of the desire gives impulse to creative manifestations. Thus, the thought intensifies each creative energy. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 408: 408. The energies being attracted are drawn toward a center of sensitivity. The striving of the spirit attracts the subtle energies and gives them life. Hence, the centers of an Agni Yogi inspire life. Thus We build a better step. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 411: 411. Humanity gives much attention to the manifestation of the visible, whereas, every transitory energy is not a main impeller. How imperceptible to a limited sight are the main impellers! Only when the benevolent creativeness of Cosmos can be applied to construction will the striving for knowledge open the gates, disclosing the possibility of cooperation with Cosmos. Hence, each invisible might must be sensed by the spirit. Verily, thus are the steps of evolution built. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 414: 414. Yes, only those subtle energies which contact the spirit can give creativeness to humanity. Only the beauty of the spirit can move humanity. The power of creativeness is contained in the fire of the spirit. Thus, the mighty Agni Yogi who breathes in the fiery impellent force of cosmic fires gives to the world much of his heart and the flow of rays. The creativeness of the spirit expands in a radiant orbit. Therefore, when the spirit manifests a subtle assimilation of fires he then gives out the same amount to the world, preserving the equilibrium of creativeness. Hence, there is cosmic creativeness in each fiery assimilation. Thus is the cosmic evolution built. It is therefore that the qualities of the fire of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so sacred. It is thus that We build Our immutable actions. Thus is the future step constructed. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 422: 422. Who, then, knows the requirements of evolution? Who, then, will gather the vital threads? Only the spirit understands how the invisible is interwoven with the visible. Only an expanded consciousness can understand how spirit and action are interwoven. Only a striving consciousness can impart to humanity the understanding of the higher energies. Hence, each thought conducive to the saturation of space brings to humanity the cognition of Cosmos. Therefore, when the thought of a Carrier of Fires saturates the space, it intertwines with the higher energies. Our vital threads are the interweavement of all consciousnesses and vital currents. The great past and the great future are interwoven in a radiant change of lives. Thus, Our orbit gives to humanity a new step. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 425: 425. The attainment of great cosmic steps can be assured through a conscious cooperation with cosmic energies. Conscious interchange can impart a full understanding of all the higher energies. Each striving to the orbit of the Cosmic Magnet will afford an achievement of a higher step. Thus, the law of great conformity is immutable. In building the cosmic evolution one must remember interchange. The space and the human spirit are saturated with these energies. It takes millennia to accumulate the impellent forces which proceed in a tense rhythm. The creative spirit knows these true impulses; and each will that conveys to the Cosmic Magnet the interchange manifested in striving gives to humanity the law of real correspondences. Therefore, it is so important to apply striving. The interchange impregnates all creative impulses. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 435: 435. The affirmation of cosmic attractions is accepted by humanity in connection with great manifestations. Each attracted energy draws along with it a corresponding circle. Only an impenetrable mind cannot accept the property of correspondence. The attraction of cosmic forces gives to the planet all the powerful impulses; therefore, the construction of one's own orbit depends upon striving. Thus, each orbit which concludes the life paths is the creation of the properties of attraction. Thus one can advance into evolution on a limitless path. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 439: 439. The pull of the fiery threads can saturate all spheres. The correlation between the spheres gives to Cosmos an impellent force manifested by Fire. Only the pull of cosmic threads can assert the properties of the spatial fires. Each sphere is consolidated by its properties. Thus, spiritual progress is permeated with the quality of conscious striving. Every fiery striving has its source in the properties of attraction. Therefore, when the cosmic shifting is determined the spiritual levers come into action. How, then, can a spirit be drawn to the seed of Spatial Fire? Only through the stimulus of correlation. Hence, the development of the cosmic fires induces striving. Thus, a surging fiery transport carries the spirit toward victory. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 458: 458. Cosmic reconstruction requires combinations affirmed by correspondence. When a spirit responds to cosmic reconstructions, a link between Cosmos and man is being established. Hence, when the spirit creates together with Cosmos the cosmic link is affirmed. How can one be affirmed in the cosmic reconstructions? Only through the quality of correspondence. the quality of correspondence gives impetus to all cosmic constructions, and humanity proclaims in this way the testimony of the advance of its spirit. Thus, a limitless correspondence is being affirmed. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 509: 509. The entire evolution proceeds in cosmic tension. The great Universal Mystery is fulfilled in cosmic tension. The cosmic action can be created only in the attraction of correspondences. Thus, concordance intensifies all cosmic actions, and the maximum of tension gives the maximum of action. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 518: 518. The orbit of human actions strives to conformity with the cosmic course. Each spark of the spirit can be kindled by adherence to the Fire of Space. Why do men thus lock themselves within their own orbits? In the orbit of actions are contained all the impulses needed to reach the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet impels humanity toward Truth, and the sensitiveness of the spirit gives knowledge of the direction. Hierarchy (1931) - 39: 39. The creativeness of Cosmos is always built through the tension of all energies. For all achievements the quality of energies should be affirmed. Therefore, the higher the tension, the more powerful is the manifestation of victory. Our creativeness is saturated with the quality of power. Therefore, having gathered all energies, we can rely upon success. Only the quality of energies gives the needed standard of labor. Therefore it is so important to have an expanded consciousness and to embrace all that is needed for constructiveness. Hierarchy (1931) - 41: 41. The quality of action is affirmed in striving. When worlds are transformed into action, the highest energy is affirmed. Hence, only in life can one manifest all the highest energies. Not words, but actions are considered as the affirmation of the highest energies. Only when the potentiality of the spirit is manifested in action is the higher concordance affirmed. Thus, a striving quest gives the key to Infinity. Hierarchy (1931) - 55: 55. The filling of the Chalice determines the quality of action. Each thought leading to the mighty understanding of Hierarchy uplifts the spirit. Therefore, as striving grows, the broadening of consciousness leads the spirit to the understanding of the Origins. Creativeness of the spirit can build a bridge to higher understanding only through the subtlest energies. Therefore, the accumulation in the Chalice gives the best possibilities and attainments. Man must strive to fill the Chalice and expand the consciousness. Thus, the subtlest energies are within reach of only the subtlest receptivity, and limitless striving opens the Gates to Beauty. Hierarchy (1931) - 61: 61. When thought comprises striving toward the fulfillment of the Higher Will, a direct connection with the Shield of the Higher Will is established. Can one reach an understanding of Cosmos without striving to penetrate into the Higher Spheres? Only succession gives foundation to all strivings. All that exists proceeds by the law of succession. Hence, each isolation results only in the loss of the predestined. Thus, thought is generated as the carrier of the law of succession. Thus the law of the Higher Will creates limitlessly. Hierarchy (1931) - 90: 90. One more useful exercise Become accustomed to not being astonished or surprised at anything. But this should not be understood as the stifling of the spirit. On the contrary, in the complete readiness that gives birth to foresight, stand vigilant in the entire tremor of realization. Many wondrous things are approaching. One can understand them in accordance with one's own desire and one's own consciousness. But it is still easier to receive them through the Image of the Teacher. If you can visualize the Image of the Teacher in your consciousness with the most complete clarity you can transfer your consciousness into His, and thus act, as it were, through His Power. But for this, one must visualize the Image of the Teacher with utmost precision, even to the minutest detail, so that the Image may not falter, or suffer distortion, or change its outline, as frequently happens. But if, following the exercise of concentration, one succeeds in invoking a constant Image of the Teacher, through this one may gain the greatest benefit for oneself, for one's nearest ones, and for the work. Hierarchy (1931) - 97: 97. The fiery impulse gives life to the entire Cosmos. Each creative spark gives the impulse of motion to the striving of the spirit. How, then, not to affirm in each manifestation the fiery impulse that nurtures all tension and imbues each action? Therefore, one should develop the wondrous impulse of fire that gives life to everything. Thus the saturated fire can attract all corresponding energies. In the culture of thought, the fiery impulse should be developed above all. As the creative impulse assembles concordances, so thought attracts correspondences. Thus, guard the impulse of fire. Hierarchy (1931) - 114: 114. When the cosmic tension is so great, one should gather all strength for the defense of Light, because each uncertainty in Light gives access to darkness. Therefore, each foundation should be protected. When the forces are collected around Light, how can one not adhere to the Leading One? Only in this lies strength and victory. When the Cosmic Magnet is being shifted, certainly the course of Light must be followed, because only upon this crest of the wave can one swim over the manifested torrent. Thus the thought of Light will be like the Image of the Lord. Hierarchy (1931) - 139: 139. The thread binding the Teacher with his disciple is the most powerful current and provides an evident defense. How, then, can one manifest one's striving without the Teacher? Those faint-hearted ones who say they will go alone do not know the significance of the protecting net. Hence, the non-acceptance of the Chain of Hierarchy gives a result equivalent to destroying the principle of construction. Thus, only with a powerful Hierarchy can one be affirmed in construction. Hierarchy (1931) - 148: 148. Certainly, when the battle proceeds, the creativeness of the forces is strained, and each loyal action adds a strong link to the chain of defense. Each heart manifesting devotion to Hierarchy serves as a smiting flame against the enemy. Therefore, only a pure striving to Hierarchy assures a right decision. Thus We conquer. True, when the battle is tense, there are many desiring to harm. Yet the plan is invulnerable, and only the evidence of complete striving to Hierarchy gives victory. Hierarchy (1931) - 157: 157. You understand what each apostate inflicts upon the Teacher. If a special ray is assigned to each disciple, the severing of this thread must have a reaction. It is not without reason that the Teacher insistently questions the knocking ones, "Art thou not a traitor?" The severing of the thread between the Teacher and the disciple can be achieved only by a slow process, but impetuous betrayal is usually very painful to the Teacher and to the traitor. Verily, the traitor's reason becomes obscured, and through the wound caused by the broken thread obsession occurs most easily. One should consider this process of betrayal as a physical danger, not to speak of the spiritual consequence. One should ponder how cautiously one must select disciples in order not to contribute to cosmic harm. Hence, each Teaching gives strong examples of betrayal. For betrayal there is no need to be precisely a Devadatta or a Judas. Even without these prototypes space is filled with fractured rays. Hierarchy (1931) - 161: 161. Not only the direct link with the Lord but even an unconscious striving toward Hierarchy gives a glimpse of the communion with cosmic forces. Where colored sparks appear, the door is open to the chain of Benefaction. True, people seldom pay attention to obvious signs, however in merging into the life of the spirit one can not only understand the significance of these fires but may even perceive their interrelations. One may notice entire battles between the black and the blue sparks, and be convinced that the blue ones will always conquer the progeny of darkness. Hierarchy (1931) - 176: 176. Verily, if you realize yourself as being constantly in the solemn presence of the Lord, you are already on the shortest path to Us. People loathe especially the routine of daily life; for them it is the symbol of weariness and descent, whereas for us the daily routine is perfectment and ascent; it opens the gates to Infinity. One can learn to love this daily routine, because it tempers the spirit and gives one courage to contemplate the endless chain of the ages of labor. For some, these ages are a menace, but a refined consciousness will accept them as the source of endless creativeness. Beautiful cults become dulled on account of daily routine, but how wondrous is the realization that daily devotion and a flaming love are offered to Hierarchy. If I shall say, "I love Thee, O Lord, and I am devoted to Thee, O Lord, and I reverence Thee, Teacher," by what a mighty choir will this song of praise be transformed on the far-off worlds! Thus, in each act of devotion one can open new locks; and how wondrous it is to feel the inexhaustibility of great concepts. The Ordainment can be concise "Be aflame in heart and create in love!" Hierarchy (1931) - 180: 180. Disunion from the Guide stops the evolution of the spirit, because the disruption of the chain leads to isolation and impedes the creativeness of the spirit. Verily, only union with the Source of Light moves the spirit onward. Thus, striving to the Highest Hierarchy gives all possibilities and saturates the spirit with the power of Service. The orbits of Light are built by correspondence and by the power of fulfillment of the Higher Will. Thus is the path to Infinity built. Hierarchy (1931) - 192: 192. Striving toward constant abiding with Hierarchy can provide the necessary steps. How can a tree stand powerfully if one tries to uproot it? Only contact with the pure current gives balance to the forces. Hence, only the roots of Hierarchy can uphold a structure. Each digression brings harm to the mighty growth. One should be consciously affirmed in the understanding of the Power of Hierarchy. Through the clefts caused by disrespect to the Hierarchy, black forces creep in. Hence, one must understand unity with the power expressed by the Higher Might. Thus can one attain. Hierarchy (1931) - 213: 213. Power directed for the General Good is always multiplied in space, and there results a link with the higher spheres. But that force which emanates from evil becomes a boomerang. The formation of affirmed emanations gives power for the saturation of space. The manifestation of evil arrows tenses the lowest strata, which become densified to such an extent that a rebounding blow is inevitable. Thus, each thought that is attracted to Light draws after it a bright radiation, but an infected arrow can pierce the crown of the sender's head. There are many such manifestations pointed out upon the spiritual plane. Hence, space must be guarded against infection, and the quality of thought must be kept high. Thus, one may manifest conscious cooperation. Hierarchy (1931) - 222: 222. Unusualness is a happy quality of each decision. Let us take the instance of an illness. The physician may give his best diagnoses and all his medicines, but this usual way may not lead to improvement. But a Yogi gives advice, and this unusual decision creates a strengthening condition. The medicine of a Yogi is not from an apothecary and avoids narcotics, but it contains the secretions of glands which, like food, strengthen the substance of the nerves. The same property is possessed by the secretions of trees, the resins of which can carry through the pores of the skin the same fortification for the nearest nerves. Certainly, purified resin can be taken internally. The best purification will be through the solar ray, but this requires a long time, because the process of sedimentation is very slow. Each oil may be purified just as slowly, but this purification is not to be compared with any chemical process. Thus the unusualness of the Yogi's advice has an advantage over the usualness of that of physicians. Thus act. Hierarchy (1931) - 224: 224. Hence, so beautiful are the strivings to the single focus of Hierarchy. Only thus can one assimilate all the Commands of the Highest Forces. Only thus can one approach Our Ordainments and adhere to fiery creativeness. The fiery focus, all-illuminating, all-containing, gives life to each creative inception. Therefore it is so important to comprehend Hierarchy. Yes, yes, yes! Hierarchy (1931) - 298: 298. When humanity shall realize that space is saturated by the effects of human deeds, it will be possible to cure the planet. Like gases they poison Earth and densify the atmosphere. Therefore one should ponder upon affirmation of the obvious results. Humanity has forgotten that redemption must proceed by the karmic way. Therefore each accumulated step can be transmuted by striving toward the highest law of Hierarchy. The great Chain of Hierarchy gives life to the entire world, and the acceptance of this law can open a new access to energies. Thus one can build a better step. Hierarchy (1931) - 366: Therefore, humanity must ponder on how to bring the psychic manifestations closer to the physical world. Otherwise, established science and pedantry may meet at an empty board. Therefore, the vitality of art, which guards the divine fire, gives to humanity the saturation by that fire which kindles the spirit and imbues all worlds. Hence, the wondrous torches of the beauty of creativeness are so precious for humanity. We have seen how the creations of art have transformed men - something all the book-learning in the world cannot do. Thus the Banner of Beauty and Peace unites the world. Thus spirit-creativeness saturates space. Hierarchy (1931) - 368: 368. You have heard of the fragrance emanating from the saints. We shall point out how the aura of saints, bringing them back to the bloodless kingdom, gives them the fragrance of the flowers through which they passed during their round of early incarnations. Thus, one can also heal by applying corresponding flowers to the body. Hierarchy (1931) - 458: Besides psychic energy, musk is useful, because it strengthens the nervous system and kindles the protective net. Thus the strengthening of the centers of the heart and Chalice gives a necessary strength to the protective net. Heart, fiery Chalice, illumine ye the path of the ascending ones! Heart (1932) - 92: 92. An ancient legend relates how a certain king, desiring to free himself of all outside influences, asked counsel from a sage. The sage said, "In thy heart thou wilt find liberation." But the king became indignant, answering, "The heart is not sufficient, a sentinel is more of a guaranty." Then the sage bade him farewell, saying, "The principal thing, then, is that thou shouldst not sleep, King." In the legend our heart is pointed out as the only defense. Not without reason do all Teachings prescribe prayers before sleep, in order to strengthen the beneficent link. Humanity does not like to think that more than one-third of its life passes in sleep, subject to special and unknown influences. Science gives little attention to the significance of sleep - this existence in the Subtle World. Is not a strong unity with the Hierarchy needed when we are at the threshold of something unknown to our habitual consciousness? Consider that almost half of life passes beyond earthly existence! Of course, a heart ready for all three worlds can continue the consciousness into the next region. Who would want to assume the destiny of the king who wished to depend only upon a sentry! Heart (1932) - 96: Not only in developed sicknesses but at their inception is the cure through the heart especially potent. At present, this remedy is almost forgotten, but it is no less powerful than a blood transfusion, for through the reaction of the heart the finest energy is transmitted without the unpleasant low admixture of blood. When one thinks about the process of perfectment, one must not forget solicitude for the heart that gives. Heart (1932) - 127: 127. Each thought gives birth to action. The most insignificant thought creates a tiny action; therefore think broadly, in order that even in failure there may remain a potentiality sufficient for substantial consequence. Even if people often do not know how to act well, at least they could cultivate good and broad thoughts within themselves. I am emphasizing cultivated thoughts, because the dark dust annihilates the beauty of creation. It is difficult to ask for a thought about righteous creativeness when a mist of blood clouds the consciousness. But sooner or later one will have to turn to the force of purified thought. Therefore it is better to begin sooner. Heart (1932) - 175: 175. A sealed glass vessel will open only in response to sympathetic vibration. This is already known, but the coordination of the harmony of reverberation with all its astonishing diversity and variation is not yet sufficiently considered. Is it not strange that the same glass will resound either to glass or metal or wood, and to the most varied bodies? Such harmonization of reverberation reminds one once again of the multiplicity of coordinations of combinations. This example is useful for human leaders. Is not the greatest harm inflicted by monotony, which penetrates into all human strata? The law is one, but its vibrations are as varied as the Universe is multifarious. Those who know this law cannot regard the whole of humanity as a pile of homogeneous stones which resound to different vibrations. One must rejoice at this multiformity, for precisely it gives the path to refinement. What would become of the human heart if it reverberated to only one note? Hence, let all leaders remember about multiformity and diversity. Heart (1932) - 210: 210. "Are there not traits of egoism in the state of ecstasy, the state of Samadhi?" The ignoramus will ask this question. How could he know that this supreme state is not only unrelated to selfhood but antithetical to it! How could one who has never experienced the highest tension apprehend that that, precisely, carries the highest Bliss for the General Welfare! Nothing gives birth to such pure abnegation of self as that induced by the exultation of the brimming heart. Which of the human energies can compare with the energy of the heart, and which of the energies can act at long distances? The worlds have no boundaries for it and consciousness knows no limitations. Thus, a window can be cut through into the Invisible. But, as was said, the Invisible will become visible and we shall be ready to apply the Fiery Baptism in life. Therefore, let us give due regard to the significance of the experiment performed by the Mother of Agni Yoga here, without abandoning life. From the first spatial sparks, through all fires up to Samadhi, she will leave writings which will become the threshold of the New World. Therefore, I speak not only of tension but also of great caution. Armageddon does not lighten the conditions of ascent; what was achieved is therefore the more valuable. Heart (1932) - 278: 278. Each feeling gives birth to energy. A feeling that is shared multiplies the energy tenfold. A collective feeling creates a mighty energy, but the individual feeling must be strained and the mutual collective feeling must be harmonized. Therein lies the entire reason for the weak effect of contemporary feelings; almost no state of intensified feeling is observed today. Yet, what a great reality would be reflected in the exaltation of a myriad of harmonized sentiments. The ancients called feeling the forge of power. Verily, how majestic is the feeling of mutual love. No less is the power of mutual gratitude. Invincible is the feeling of self-sacrificing heroism. Thus beautiful towers and citadels can be constructed. But from where will harmonization come? Not from the reason or the circumvolutions of the brain, but from the heart, from Light. Only the feeling of wrath will we leave to the dark ones. Among the murky red sparks there will be no harmony. Heart (1932) - 281: 281. Thus, feeling gives birth to energy. Energy can create so-called possessions. How, then, to deal with these possessions? We know about renunciation, but if something already exists, how is it possible to designate it as non-existent? Besides, would this not be destructive? Thus, let us again invoke the Teacher and, in thought, transfer to Him this burdensome load. And He will transfer our mental gift still higher. Thus we solve the problem of possessions. Thus, the very name disappears, and we remain the guardians of the property of the Hierarchy. For we may read the Teacher's books; the Teacher grants us permission to dwell in his house, to admire his things, and to be nurtured by the fruits of his garden. Thus, the name of the Teacher will always be with us, and we shall smile as we dust the objects entrusted to us by the faith of the Teacher. People do not know how to deal with possessions because they do not care to understand the meaning of mental transmutation of the earthly plane into the subtle one. Heart (1932) - 359: 359. A special course should be created - knowledge of the heart. The simplest maidservant understands the sweetness of talking about the heart. For a scientist it would seem much simpler to broaden this concept. Human history itself gives comparative tables of the workers of the brain and heart. Will not these images of achievement and the heroes of self-sacrifice provide the best perfectment of the heart? Heart (1932) - 363: 363. Let us once again turn to the quality of the pulse. From different angles it will be necessary often to point out this indisputable testimony of the affirmation of the heart. Not the beat of the pulse as much as the observation of its quality will give the picture of the heart's vitality. Until one succeeds in photographing auras one can already begin to observe the pulse, not during illness but during good health, marking what sensations affect the changes of pulse and precisely how. If the aura gives evidence of the presence of illness, the quality of the pulse offers the entire scale of reactions. However, the aura is something transcendental for the majority, whereas the pulse provides a completely physical manifestation. But how solicitously and cautiously one should understand the study of the pulse! Contemporary physicians hardly take note of the quality of the pulse. More than once shall we return to the study of the pulse when we think of vibrations. Heart (1932) - 377: 377. A scientist may ask how one arrives at immunity of the heart. His question will be a correct one. The heart, with all its indisputable potentiality, will not reveal itself without a conscious immunity. The balancing of the heart with the consciousness gives impetus to the unifying substance. To this end, the scientist can begin a twofold approach he can purify the consciousness, for the physical ballast does not as yet help the consciousness. Only thought purified by art and liberated from servility can give efflorescence to the consciousness. Here I call attention to the condition of liberation from slavery. One must be liberated precisely from all forms of slavery. As to the second condition for the scientist, he must feel the heart as an independent apparatus and begin to observe the reactions and reflexes of the heart. Then will also come the first heralds of success - precisely the stars of light; they will teach still further observation. Heart (1932) - 437: 437. People are especially concerned with the question - why did the founders of spiritual Teachings not escape various physical illnesses? Usually this question is asked by those who are themselves greatly contributing to such illnesses through suspicion, condemnation, and all manner of opposition to spiritual labor. But put this investigator into a poisoned room and he will at once be taken ill with a hundred ailments. Of course, one must visualize the intensity of the organism during spiritual labor. In its desire to help, it absorbs the surrounding conditions like a magnet. The transference of another person's illness to oneself is not a fairy tale. During this process it can be noticed that the pain is not transferred correspondingly, but strikes the tensest or weakest centers. The pains described in the lives of the saints should not be regarded as exaggerated. On the contrary, they are as intense and varied as humanity itself. But what alleviates these sufferings? Besides the silver cord of the Hierarchy itself, the very heart often gives the sign for the healing ray to begin. We are often astonished that doctors pay no attention to the people who visit the sick. Perhaps one half of the cure would consist not in medicines, but in the ejection of the harmful elements which are so plentifully brought in by those who come bringing spiritual contagion. Heart (1932) - 476: 476. Even the most tender, the most compassionate heart should not be lacking in courage. The heart is a rock on which strongholds can be built. Can a stronghold prevail without courage and solemnity? In the most limited circumstances courage gives sweep to the horizons, and solemnity leads to the Heights. One should be tireless in the quest for courage and solemnity. Courage may either be buried under the fragments of destructions or remain incompletely developed. This is a quality that belongs to the list of those which are developing. Each courageous quality has been tested in the past, thus the igniting of courage is not difficult when its blade has already experienced battle People often use beautiful expressions without realizing their origins. They say correctly, "The heart became alight," or "The spirit was kindled." This means that time was when they remembered the fire of the heart, but now they are ashamed of this fire. They are primarily ready to explain their beautiful expression either as a superstition or the fantasy of a nursery rhyme. But during the best moments let us recall fire, courage, and solemnity. Love, which is comprised in pure solemnity, is always in need of defense against dark maligners. Courage becomes a shield, and fire welds its streams into a fiery sword. Heart (1932) - 512: 512. The nature dweller when desiring to remember something will invariably shake his head. In this motion is hidden the ancient thought about the substantiality of ideas. In order to bring the hidden remembrance to the surface, even a physical movement is required; as though it were necessary to alter set objects to a different position. Now that we know about various crystalline precipitations, this manifested instinct is not regarded as strange; quite the opposite, it is necessary to study the motions of primitive peoples. Among them we shall find not only expressions of cosmic rhythm but also manifestations connected with understanding the nerve centers. Thus a human being knows in substance much that has disappeared from the first layer of memory. Besides, travels and changes in the sites of life aid in arousing the memory; just as a kaleidoscope gives rise to new combinations, so, many small seeds which contain great potentiality are awakened in the memory. Thus motion can provide evidence of a perfect, refined materiality. Moreover, it is necessary to feel how one should give oneself to the Highest Hierarchy, in order that our being might be of benefit to the cosmic movement. Of course, motion may not be bodily at all, but spiritual, for you know that there are no boundaries between these domains. Heart (1932) - 546: 546. Each piece of a neighbor's bread is protected by law, but the devouring and plundering of the forces of the spirit is not prohibited. Thus, because of ignorance various types of vampirism are permitted. Verily, it is horrifying to observe how strength is plundered without its being applied for good. Vampires of all kinds do not plunder strength for good deeds. At best they swallow up strength for egoism, and then the entire dark criminality follows. It is impossible to enumerate the abuses of precious strength. But when We advise caution, it is understood as inactivity. And when We speak of the significance of the heart, it is explained as superstition; yet neither the brain, nor the solar plexus, nor the Kundalini will give the signal about the plundering of the strength. Only the heart gives incessant signs, and people usually do not want to recognize them. In our era it is not permissible to despise so greatly the manifold activity of the heart. Moreover, it is time to understand that without realization all the signs of the heart will pass away in vain. Heart (1932) - 573: 573. The correct measure of giving is the criterion of love and responsibility. To give too little is contrary to love, but it is no better to give too much. Niggardliness is unworthy, but generosity that leads even to treason is not goal-fitting. As insufficient food leads to hunger, so excessive food leads to poisoning. It can be stated without exaggeration that the extent of treason has increased considerably due to excessive giving. The Teacher who gives and trusts must take into consideration a great number of conditions. He must take into consideration not only the personal merits of the one who receives but also the qualities of his immediate surroundings and karmic and astrological conditions as well. The subtle heart prompts one how to discriminate in this complex current of conditions. Therefore We value so much this criterion of the heart. The path of the Bodhisattva contains this essence of measure. No logic will safeguard the giving one from excess, but the heart knows this heavenly balance. Heart (1932) - 586: 586. The pledge of leadership can provide that collective force which a commander gives on the field of battle. An experienced warrior is not confused by the fluctuations of success. Pulsation is inherent in each growth - a level exists only in an absence of motion. Thus, the living heart is not placid. But during cosmic tension one can suggest to the heart not to overstrain itself. The link of the individual heart with the cosmic pulse is very evident. The Universal Heart can be sensed through laboratory methods. Heart (1932) - 593: 593. But beauty is contained in each participation in the construction of the New World. This is the true realm of the heart. This desired purification of life gives that solemnity which is like an inextinguishable Light. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 27: 27. Observation of people who love the structure of flame constantly yields new deductions. Approaching fire, we begin to discern the rhythm of energy, which produces all combinations. One should love this element with full understanding, in other words, with thoughts in harmony with space. If we are prepared to remain earthly gnomes let it be remembered that the best gnomes serve Fire. Thus one should understand that even the lowest consciousnesses are being drawn upward. Even fairy tales speak of gnomes who cannot exist without devotion to the Fiery Beings. Thus the ancients tried to inculcate fiery conceptions in the children's consciousnesses. Nowadays science, through the caloric theory and astrochemistry, gives the identical fairy tale about the Great Fire. But the exceptional character of the fiery manifestations still does not permit the average man to introduce the concept of fire into his daily life, so that Fire remains within the confines of an undesirable abstraction. One must overcome this limitation; I speak as a physician. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 45: 45. Work like sculptors. Their hands know how to approach the stone in order not to distort the form. But, then, the one who eats knows how much food he requires. Naturally, overfilling the stomach will not be the right measure. On the contrary, the requirement is not determined by earthly measurements. The fire of the heart gives the sign to the consciousness. Thus, it is cause for rejoicing that the true measures are found in the fiery knowledge. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 87: 87. One can place the Teaching of fire into the foundation of each day. So long as we wander among illusory allurements we will not be affirmed in the sole basis of life, and thus will not come close to ascent. I have in mind those wavering ones who not only lose their own path but who also impede the movements of their near ones. The waverer not only dissipates his own treasures but also plunders that of others. It is frightful to see how the manifestation of doubt, contradicts all the fiery foundations. In this, observe that the waverer usually does not doubt himself, but others only, and thus he gives admittance to decomposition. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 153: 153. We shall return later to the question of birth, so bound up with the Fiery World. But now I shall reply to the question about light in the Subtle World. Indeed, the transcendental nature of the condition communicates a corresponding aspect to the whole world-content. When you visited Dokyood, you saw sufficient light. But certain regions of the Subtle World are striking because of their twilight. The Light is within ourselves and we open up the way to it. So, too, the inhabitants of the Subtle World who desire light have no scarcity of it. The inhabitants to whom the need of Light is alien dwell in twilight. This refers to unlimited thought-creativeness. That sun which we on Earth perceive under one aspect, can be transformed into many conditions under the power of thought-creativeness. He who desires Light gives access to it, but he who sinks into a twilight of thought receives that to which he has limited himself. This is why we repeat so often about clarity of consciousness, about boundlessness of thought, and about containment. Such an adaptation of the organism to the future produces the most desirable results. How many inhabitants of the Subtle World look about themselves in the Fiery Mist and dimly regret something that has been lost! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 331: 331. It is the Teacher's duty to follow the quality of the pupil's thought. Not twists of the mind, but tendency of thought gives evidence of progress. This understanding of another's thought is not supernatural, but is derived from many movements and glances. With only a little attention the Teacher will perceive the fires of the eyes. These flashes are quite significant and give a wise physician the entire record of the internal condition. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 345: 345. The Guru may ask his disciple, "What are you doing, what do you desire, what torments you, what gives you joy?" These questions will not indicate that the Guru is unaware of his disciple's state of mind. On the contrary, with complete knowledge the Guru wishes to see what the pupil himself regards as most important. Through lack of experience the pupil may indicate the most insignificant of all circumstances. Hence, the Teacher does not inquire merely out of politeness, but as a test of the consciousness of his disciple. Therefore one should carefully weigh one's replies to the Teacher. Not the so-called amenities, but a constant broadening of consciousness is the Teacher's concern. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 393: 393. Sometimes in the hour of danger the Teacher gives protection, taking the danger upon Himself. He covers, as it were, the massed darkness with His hands. At such times one must observe particular caution. A powerful tension is near. During this time it is best to feel a special gratitude to the Teacher. Above all, this feeling, coupled with solemnity, preserves harmony and the right vibration with the Teacher. The shield of Light is not always at one's disposal. The ignorant assume that the world owes them a living, but the rational know how difficult it is to build out of chaos, and so bring their stone for the structure. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 399: 399. Evolution is independent and voluntary, this is a fundamental law. It is not only the basic elements of karma but also the Fiery World which constitute a manifestation of conscious evolution. It is impossible to force people to evolve spiritually. A sleeping heart cannot be forced toward good. One can point out, one can set milestones, but to break the consciousness means to kill the root of the future tree. Millions of years may seem long, but neither years nor centuries exist. People have divided existence into seconds and have drowned themselves in zeros. Therefore the psychology of the Subtle World is so important, since here hours are not needed and only results are important. People are often indignant at the ordainments of the Teaching, exclaiming, "Why does not the book give the final formulas?" But such a demand proves an ignorance of the foundations. The Teaching gives the precise direction and kindles the fires along the entire path of labor. One can proceed by these beacons. One may find solutions already cosmically ripe. One may hear exact things, but the spirit must by its own will combine them into a mosaic. To affirm the path is the Ordainment of the Great Architect. As in legends, we must put our ears to the ground lest we miss a single step or whisper. Though people read much they apply but little. Yet the dates are so close! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 469: 469. The beauty, light, and splendor, of the Fiery World are affirmed by each approach to it. Moreover, a special rapture is awakened by the feeling of unity. The fiery light leads to a mutual attraction, in other words to a true unity. The flesh, on the contrary, gives the impulse for each disunity. This property of the physical world impedes the embracing of the transport of unity upon this dusty and foggy surface. Therefore, one should direct one's thoughts the more to the Fiery World, in order to reinoculate oneself with the feeling of unity, already depleted. One should recharge, as it were, the magnet that has remained unused. The knowledge of how to utilize a magnet is necessary even in daily life. Likewise, the potency of fire that has been left unused merges into the depths and becomes inaccessible. One must call it back by all the best recollections of it and by the worthiest imagination. Verily, for the fiery splendor a purified imagination is needed. One should understand that the dense forms cannot give any idea of the Fiery World. But an instantaneous illumination can remain forever as an ineffable feeling based upon unity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 542: 542. In more ways than one it is possible to determine by experiment how the spirit helps even the development of muscles. It do not speak of Hatha Yoga, in which physical exercise is emphasized primarily. In other Yogas physical exercise has not such significance, but the spiritual development gives the muscles a special tone. Take two athletes - let one develop along physical methods alone and the other realize the power of the spirit. How much more will the latter excel! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659: 659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 40: 40. Besides the borrowing of energy, the signs of absence and dizziness pertain to the fiery reactions. Likewise are epidemics of neuralgia and of seeming rheumatism nothing else but actions of the fiery centers under the pressure of the spatial Fire. Not soon will people consent to investigate such epidemics under the sign of Fire. People usually like to dissect, but synthesis is difficult for them. Yet it is already time to pay attention to every disease which yields to suggestion. One must clearly visualize the cause which creates physical pains, but which disappears under the influence of suggestion. Why are physical sensations subject to psychic influence we shall come to the conclusion that one element is the determining factor - Fire, which penetrates both the psychic and the physical domain. Even meningitis gives way under suggestion. This seemingly incurable affliction retreats before the power of Fire. Of course suggestion is first of all a fiery concentration. A man who causes such a fiery reaction thus calls forth a tension of the injured organs. Therefore the power of hypnotic suggestion must be greatly developed, but must be subject to state control. Something similar to the control over the Egyptian priests, who had the right to employ suggestion but who had to give full account of their actions in the temple assemblies. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 42: 42. To turn to the future is not at all easy. It sounds simple - to leave the past and look to the future. It is both simple and beautiful, but how shall we light the bonfires of the past and where shall we find the fires to illumine the future? The attainments of the spirit will prompt how to find these boundaries and measures. But how to squeeze the heroic deed into everyday life? Fortunately every heart is a ready purse for achievement. In all times the population has been divided into settlers and nomads. The nomads moved by the power of search for achievement, they had no place of their own. But for the future they found the strength of achievement. Such striving of the heart is inherent in every human life. Amidst the precipitants resulting from heroic achievements must be found this noble restlessness, leading into the future. Only thus may one escape the snares of the past. I already have told you that one should avoid reminiscences in the Subtle World. They are like fetters! But already here one must become accustomed to the striving into the future. It is not said that one should not know the past; precisely knowledge is blessed. But one must not get stuck in the dust of the forefathers. Thus without forgetting, without limiting, let us advance towards the New Worlds. The freedom of consciousness gives birth to heroes. Discipline of spirit affirms the wise, and only the ignorant understand the future as a new bed. It is best to imagine movement and flights. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 163: 163. One should not be distressed in carrying out the Indications of Hierarchy. Many fruits become bitter from vexation. In many things it is necessary to draw close to higher understanding. For example, one should conquer the feeling of distance. Certainly it does not exist for the spirit, and if we shift our consciousness into the spiritual sphere then our feeling also will shift correspondingly. In other words, it will become broadened. And in addition, communion with Hierarchy gives, as it were, a new musical key to all our actions. Thus let us be closer, still closer, so that no viper may creep in. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 213: 213. By all means one should assimilate the basic law that the Teacher gives the direction but does not fix the details. One must seek and find them in labor. Especially confused is the understanding of the greatness of the law of striving which directs to discovery. Not only now but even in better years people have always demanded complete formulas, although they do not think them out for themselves. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 232: 232. Swelling and irritation of the glands indicates resistance to the dark forces. Obviously, irritation of the glands and of all the tissues gives aid like the help derived by the hedgehog from uplifted needles. One need not be astonished at such degrees of tension when each day is filled with madness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 276: 276. The very highest is Hiero-inspiration; it accompanies throughout life. No rituals are needed where there is the flame of Communion. One should guard the hearth of Fire. Even the ancients understood the symbol of the incessancy of Fire. Life must be filled with burning. At first man thought about himself, then about others, but afterwards his actions became useful for all that exists. He does not think any more about the usefulness, but he breathes it and gives life in Boundless Space. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 370: 370. The wayfarer affirms that he goes to the Lord Himself. It is true, people are amazed at such a resolution, but they respect such steadfastness. One must set before oneself the loftiest goal; only then does the road not appear forbidding. One must adjoin the highest quality throughout all existence. One must accept higher measures as alone worthy of the Highest forces. Only a trained and tempered imagination gives access to the Fiery World. And such meditation is useful on the pathways to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 465: 465. You think correctly about gratitude. The best expression of gratitude will lie in the realization of the greatness of the Mission. The Service is so great that each step already constitutes an achievement. Each day, with each thought, something significant is done. A great manifestation gives rise to innermost solemnity. In this solemnity there is also expressed gratitude. Solemnity is one of the best magnets. Hence, let us think about the greatest, for by this measure all else can be covered. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 10: 10. Let us continue about sendings and receivings. The ability is given to a fiery spirit to receive subtle energies. Only the fiery consciousness is able to conduct a current of subtle energies. Therefore the records must be scrutinized with a great deal of discrimination. It is because humanity has become accustomed to visualizing the Highest on a low plane, that the Images of the Lords have acquired such distorted forms. Indeed, people have become used to the thought that the Higher should serve the lower, but they do not realize that only the understanding of Service gives one the right to a manifested link of the Chain. Thus it is the distorted understanding of sendings that produces the results which litter the space. We know of cases wherein the Higher Ones called a disciple "Mahatma" but some recipients of the gray variety perverted this great sending to the point of ugliness. Therefore We shall give a fair warning against all distortion and false records. When we call a disciple "Mahatma" We affirm a great potentiality. But what does a medium or a recipient poisoned with imperil reveal? Thus, it is necessary to purify the profane human actions and to destroy these records in the future. In the Fiery World only the fiery consciousness can be a true recipient of Our Sendings. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 36: 36. In the community one should remember about the sacredness of feelings. One should especially remember that it is inadmissible to evoke forcibly the subtle feeling in a fellow worker. One should not develop subtle vibrations in the heart by outside demands. Only an inner, merited action gives birth to a conformable vibration. Rarely is this life of spirit found amidst choking earthly vibrations. Yet this manifestation - when spirit resounds in harmony with spirit - is so beautiful! First of all, in the development of the consciousness of the community one should affirm the understanding of cooperation. In this understanding the community can become strengthened, and the worm of self-pity will vanish. Thus do We administer advice to the disciples, affirming the joy of labor without encroachment upon the heart of another. Long since was it said "One cannot be dear by force!" This is also a cosmic formula. But one can greatly purify the path of concerted labor. Thus let the disciples remember the manifestation of cooperation as an important step in the daily life of the community. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 46: 46. Though the good effects of good intentions, of good thoughts and actions are elusive, still according to the law of causality, everything produces an effect. This law is immutable and sublime. The affirmation of causality in each action gives a broadening of consciousness; for not fear, but discernment, of actions gives the proper direction. How beautiful is the law which gives life to every good and to each creative beginning! Indeed, the structure of the Cosmos is aggrandized by all the origins of each hour. Verily, the heroes of the spirit know how their striving of each day links them with the construction of life. Thus the law of causality can direct the thinking towards an understanding of the infinitude of the Fiery World; when the spirit senses that it is a link in a Cosmic Chain, as the effect of a cause and the cause of a new effect. Man will be able to realize a great deal through this simple understanding of the law of cause and effect. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the eternal motion of our actions. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 65: 65. All statecraft and social order can be affirmed upon cosmic law. Science gives all the directions, and only sensitivity of application is needed to reveal the many aspects which are for construction. If instead of so-called innovations and new statutes humanity would turn its attention to the cosmic laws, it would be possible to establish equilibrium, which now is being violated more and more, beginning with the law of conception and extending up to cosmic consummation. The affirmed laws are one. Upon all planes it is possible to affirm unity. The path of evolution crosses threadlike through all the physical and spiritual degrees. Therefore, in the state and in the social order all the cosmic laws could apply toward perfecting of form. On the path to the Fiery World one should be imbued with the power of the unity in the Cosmos. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 69: 69. It is right to think about the purging of dogmas which lead away from a just thinking. The concepts of purgatory and hell may be replaced by the concept of affirmation of the life of the Fiery World. There is no mightier purgatory than earthly life, if all the potentialities of the spirit are intensified. Likewise there is no mightier hell than the earthly infections of the spirit. To affirm purgatory on Earth as a beginning leading to the Subtle and Fiery Worlds is a problem of the purification of consciousness. All strivings of humanity for knowledge of the Invisible World should impel the consciousness to take up the thought of purification, which will continue the earthly path to the Fiery World. Only the concept of oneness of the path will impel people to live in beauty, and to depart this life as wayfarers continuing their journey. When the World will apprehend this indissoluble bond with the Subtle World, purgatory will then take its rightful place in Eternal Truth. Therefore it is so important to become affirmed in the realization of the endlessness of life; the continuing, as it were, of the great Wheel of Life. The manifestation of the accumulation of the "chalice" gives great power to the spirit in the Fiery World; just as the path of darkness imposes its own dark existence. Let us direct thoughts of people to the idea of purgatory on Earth. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 86: 86. Fiery Baptism impels the spirit into the spheres which conform to the spirit's requirements. The passing of a man through a fiery transmutation gives him all possibilities for attaining the higher spheres. There where all is intensified by a fiery element, one must be saturated for the assimilation of the higher fire. Thus, one should solemnly accept all steps of the Fiery Baptism. Each step will reveal an opening of the new, supermundane sphere. The Karma of a people may also lead it through a fiery transmutation, manifesting its destined advance. All who follow the Lords are strained in this great Passage. Of course, when the hour of the earthly and supermundane battle draw near, the Forces of both sides will become joined in flaming tension. The earthly energies and those of beyond are sparks of the One Fire. Thus, each action directed toward Good finds its fiery application in the Subtle World. It is often possible to explain the equilibrium precisely as a unification of the two Worlds. Amidst earthly destructions one may accept the power of the Subtle World as an anchor of salvation sent by the Hierarchy of Good. Let us manifest the understanding of the Fiery Baptism on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 117: 117. The bridge between Worlds is based on harmonization of all the subtlest energies. Actually, the majority thinks that transmutation of the centers takes place on the physical plane. This is an error. Such consciousness must be enlightened. Transmutation of centers by Fire is a fusion of all the centers, both physical and spiritual. A spiritualization of the entire being takes place. In fiery transmutation the Fiery World is revealed especially strongly, because a fiery harmonization takes place in one's entire essence, involving acquisition of all the higher tensions. Therefore, one may accept the law of the connection of the Worlds in each process of the refinement of spiritual centers. Accumulation of these energies gives the spirit an impetuousness which carves out the shortest path. Thus one must accept the concept of the bridge between Worlds, and one should remember that no unconscious labor of the centers exists. Conscious harmony of the centers is a great mystery. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the shortest path. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 126: 126. Exactly with fire and sword is the planet being purified. How otherwise will the consciousness be awakened? The aspiration of humanity is drowned in earthly desires. Waves of gross desires impair each zone of light, and each instant reveals oceans of unrestrained lusts. If humanity would compare Light with darkness, the visible World with the Invisible, then it would indeed be possible to affirm the fiery Truth. In the supermundane spheres the spirit grievously atones for its earthly doings. If one imagines vortices of good or evil, which, as it were, are pulling the spirit into their orbits, then one can manifest an understanding of the cosmic currents. Free will engenders a cause of a cosmic current, and the current of evil or the current of good will be chosen by the spirit through free will, expressed by everyday actions. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World comparison of the currents of good and evil gives the impulse for pure striving. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 131: 131. When people will learn to respect the Cosmic Laws, then, indeed, the Cosmic Magnet will indicate to them the path to perfection. The subtle understanding of this law can ennoble all humanity. The great law can awaken all good strivings. Pure and great love gives birth to that nobility of spirit which can regenerate man. One can easily imagine how will be manifested all the great feelings engendered by the unified heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 195: 195. Humanity must be prepared for upheavals and for the reconstruction of engendered conditions. It is impossible to accept that which exists on the planet as a lawful affirmation, because all evil engenderings must be exterminated and atoned for. Each apostasy from the great laws produces grievous consequences. The creativeness of the cosmos determines another destiny of life; therefore, atonement is inevitable, because fiery purification gives a new direction to the stream of Karma. In space are manifested energies prepared for the transmutation of all existing accumulations. Verily, humanity must be prepared for fiery purification. He who does not fear the fiery element will truly go along with the Cosmic Fire. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the elemental events which will cleanse the space. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 219: 219. The center of the solar plexus is a focus of fire radiation. It must be imagined how fire acts. As all the higher functions of the Cosmos act from within, so too, the fire of the solar plexus is intensified in its own seed. The center of the solar plexus gives equilibrium to all the bodies, and its radiations saturate also the ethereal body which feeds the astral body. The interweaving of all the centers and all the bodies is comparable to the rings of a spiral, centered, as it were, in the solar plexus. Each planet, each fiery center, has its solar plexus and Divine Fire of life. If the consciousness is broadened in the understanding of these manifested conformities, then the bond of Macrocosm with microcosm becomes a Fiery Truth. The waves of currents are infinite in their diversity. Over these waves the fiery spirit is in communication with space and with the other Worlds. Just as in antiquity the sun was depicted with its rays, so too, is it possible to represent the solar plexus, which has its own particular radiations issuing out of the seed and extending throughout the entire protective network. These powerful currents bring to the heart all the reflections of space. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 222: 222. The magnetic attraction of the aura greatly varies depending upon the combination of manifestations of different tensions. The consciousness sets aflame the power of the aura. When the consciousness is saturated with higher strivings, when it is directed to higher creativeness, the magnet of the aura increases a thousandfold. When the spirit aspires to the Higher Source the magnet of the aura is affirmed in its might. Each lofty striving produces a sediment, manifesting its saturation for each action. Each fiery transport gives to the aura a strong particular attraction which is irrevocably affirmed as the basis of higher action. The attraction of magnetic waves exerts its influence at great distances, and sendings of the spirit can especially be attracted to the closest auras. The creativeness of the spirit acts by means of these fiery magnets. On the path to the Fiery World one must affirm one's own magnetic attractions. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 298: 298. At the threshold into the Subtle World striving plays the decisive role. Striving into the higher spheres gives the spirit the strength to break away from the Earth. The greatest task is to teach every living being to aspire. In the construction of life, the breaking away and the attraction to all vital manifestations must be equally cultivated in the heart, for such spiritual equilibrium will reveal many hidden aspirations. Surely, an open window into the Fiery World and a striving in the heart for the fulfillment of life's laws impel the spirit to broad constructiveness. Actually a conscious attitude of an earthly being toward the World being traversed by it, and a fiery realization of Infinity, disclose the World of higher existence. The liberated spirit knows the breaking away from Earth and all the joy of creativeness of Beauty. On the path to the Fiery World the fiery spirit strives for eternal construction. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 300: 300. This exchange of energies extends into all the functions of the organism. This regulator saturates the organism and distributes the cosmic energies. Sensations during earthquakes are not merely echoes of Cosmic Fire but are precisely an exchange of energies. The creativeness of the fiery centers affirms a most powerful cooperation. Therefore, tension, anguish, and also absence, indicate an exchange of creative energies. Space is filled just now with various processes of constructiveness. It is difficult even to imagine how the fiery thought of the Agni Yogi penetrates into the spatial strata. Verily, the fiery heart builds by the most fiery means. Thus, the saturated heart gives rise to fiery construction. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 304: 304. When we speak about Spirit and Matter, we should have in mind the higher meaning of Matter. But speaking about the liberation of Spirit, we refer to those manifestations which can be called material life units. It must be known that in speaking about these unifications under various forms a downfall of the spirit is understood. For the spirit, being made manifest in matter, must aspire to the higher functions together with matter. Matter is impelled to creativeness which gives rise to forms of life. And the spirit must know specifically how sacred is the sojourn in matter. The cosmic concept of the Feminine Principle as Matter is so lofty - the Truth is so far above the worldly understanding! Only a pure and elevated consciousness can appreciate this comparison. It is difficult to dissociate Spirit from Matter. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 307: 307. The condition of the spirit during the crossing into the Subtle World is subject to the state of the consciousness. Withdrawing from life with the most subtle striving, the spirit is unable to harmonize its vibrations, and thus for a time remains within earthly limits. Yet not only does the sojourn in the earthly state place a burden on the spirit, but, indeed, the conflict between physical emanations and flashes of the higher magnet makes the dwelling of the spirit in the lower strata very burdensome. The feeling of hopelessness which man so sharply senses gives rise to many torturing experiences. Indeed, hopelessness becomes the lot of him who lacks refined aspirations. While on the earthly plane man can atone for his Karma, but in the Subtle World man is dependent upon his aspiration. Space is filled with ones who have not expiated their Karma on the earthly plane. Thus, the exalted spirit knows not these fiery torments. Refinement of the spirit is the key to the Gates of the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 308: 308. Fiery energies, being drawn into tension by some center, can often cause enhanced actions of the energies of this center. Partial action of energies gives a center the power to manifest partially. These tensions lead to those partial manifestations which bring into error consciousnesses of small discrimination. With reason has Ur. pointed out those manifestations, evoked by the tension of one center, which lead to psychism. Truly, each opening, saturation or irritation of the centers gives a sharp direction to the fiery energy; but only conformity between the state of the organism and the spiritual awakening produces, as an inevitable effect, the opening of the centers in highest tension. A partial pressure will produce a partial attainment which may prove to be a very dangerous manifestation. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive to realize the higher tension of fiery energy. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 347: 347. In the future reconstruction of the World, on the higher spheres there will not be access for those who do not understand equilibrium. Long incarnations will be necessary, to study how to create cosmic equilibrium. Indeed, empires have fallen, nations have fallen, countries have been destroyed, all because the great question, that of equilibrium, has been reduced to nothing. Therefore it is so important to affirm the significance of the feminine principle. Precisely, not in the household measuring scale, but in that of the state. If the planet is retained, then future countries will flourish only through equilibrium. We will even admit a preponderance on the side of the feminine principle, because the conflict will be very intense. Indeed, Councils of Ministers will have to include women. Woman, who gives life to a people, must also have a voice in the making of its destiny. Woman must have the right of voice. If woman were accepted as was ordained, the World would be quite differently impregnated. Thus, only affirmation of the law of Existence can restore the order of man. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 401: 401. The crystal of psychic energy can, as it were, grow dim during great tensions. But this temporary condition does not mean extinguishment, for, while there is compression from without, there is fieriness of spirit, because the potential of the crystal is, as it were, manifested in the fire which flares up from the very seed of the spirit. Psychic energy also gives form to the subtle body. When psychic energy compresses an energy, then that energy correspondingly compresses the subtle body. Clairaudience through fieriness depends upon the state of psychic energy. True, it is necessary to pay attention to each expenditure of psychic energy, for it must be remembered that one and the same source of psychic energy creates at distances and on all the other planes. Thus should be affirmed this fiery source, for in it is contained the dynamics of Fire. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 411: 411. The condition of humanity, deprived of a store of psychic energy, is clearly expressed in events which heighten the clash of the Forces of Light and darkness. All currents are so obviously being forced in different directions, which indicates how little the source of psychic energy saturates the peoples. Surely spiritual death, the exhaustion of psychic energy, the destruction of higher aspirations, all denote that condition in which humanity finds itself. Striving for higher attainments gives wings to the spirit and compresses a store of psychic energy. Of course, the flame-like psychic energy is in need of actual application, therefore fiery aspiration appears as such a powerful accumulator of psychic energy. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 588: 588. Worry is a chasm of misery. He who gives himself up to worry is like a man in a burning house. Waves of flame almost consume him. He is full of a desire only to escape from the house. Scraps of thought are tossing about and fill him with irritation. In this chaos fear is born, and the will becomes paralyzed. Hence, one must avoid worry. Yet calmness is not absence of feeling nor inaction. AUM (1936) - 163: Observe and compare events. These observations help one to understand the laws of conformity and concatenation. The Teaching gives intimations which are confirmed by reality. AUM (1936) - 202: 202. The kindling of the nerve centers has not sufficiently attracted the attention of physicians. It is very important to observe that the flaming of each center gives rise to symptoms of the local organ, yet the organ itself is not ill but is only vibrating in response to the fire of the center. It is possible to show that many false illnesses are announced by physicians when they do not recognize the basic cause of sensations. Moreover, the cause itself of inflammation is superficially studied. Purely cosmic conditions may be indicated, and of no less significance is the condition of the mass of humanity. AUM (1936) - 357: 357. There exist self-styled invalids who suggest to themselves all the symptoms of disease. But there is a still more dangerous case, when a man has in himself the germs of a disease, and instead of opposing it he gives in to it and deprives himself of the possibility of recovery. In the first case it is possible to act by means of suggestion, for there is no real disease. But in the second it is far more difficult; the man himself hastens the process of disease. He becomes the slave of his sickness and tries with all his strength to aggravate the symptoms of the disease. He constantly observes himself, but not in a desire to recover. He falls into the deepest self-pity and thus drives away every possibility of suggestion. The man is even offended and angry when spoken to about the possibility of recovery. Thus he can reach a dangerous degree of depression which cannot be transformed into a rising strength. This acts as a counterenergy; and the man deprives himself of his basic value - striving toward self-perfection. AUM (1936) - 372: 372. The true significance of so-called mediums should be revealed. According to the meaning of the word itself, they are intermediaries between the worlds. But let us not forget that to all people this communion has been given; all men are mediators. Indeed, the unrepeatable multiformity of the Universe gives to each incarnate being his share of communion. But the fact is that the majority of people do not realize their own abilities. On the contrary, under the pressure of ignorance they try to extinguish each manifestation of their own individuality. Therefore, let us apprehend that mediation between the worlds has been given to each man individually in his own measure. How beautiful it is to study such incomparable multiformity! AUM (1936) - 493: 493. "It is not I who give, but you who accept." The Guide very rarely says that He gives. Only in the case of necessity will He confirm His pledge and give a manifestation of His "I." Throughout life the Guide says, "Accept." He affirms that a gift through Him proceeds from Hierarchy. One should keep these formulae in mind, for in them is contained the joy of Hierarchy which labors for Good. One must not refer unreasoningly to words; in them is contained the imprint of limitation, as it were. There is no reason for forgetting the salutary bond of Hierarchy! Therefore - "It is not I who give, but you who accept." Brotherhood (1937) - 302: 302. Again let us delve into the concept of mood. During transmission at a distance there is frequently noticed some impeding circumstance, which colors the thoughts and gives them another meaning. The human frame of mind tints all of life in unexpected colors. Our moods are called tacit thoughts. They are not put into words, but they can have an influence upon mental energy. It can be easily shown that both the sender and the receiver are in opposing moods, consequently the transmission of thoughts is not precise. From this it should not be concluded that thought transmission cannot be accomplished; for it can be truly precise when concomitant conditions have been provided against. Mood will be the most manifest of such conditions, but its regulation is entirely possible. Organisms fraternally attuned will resound without superimposed stratifications. Brotherhood (1937) - 392: 392. The man who feels himself unlucky has been called an obscurer of the heavens. He has collected gloom around himself and has infected the distant space. He has harmed himself, but still more all that exists. He has proved himself to be an egoist, forgetting about his surroundings. Depriving himself of good fortune, he has become a breeding ground of afflictions. As the self-satisfied one loses the thread of advance, so does he who is filled with self-pity cut away his own success. It is not fitting for man to doom himself to calamities. Long-sown wails and groans turn into a ruinous vortex. The itch of envy changes into leprosy; from malice the tongue grows numb. A whole hotbed of disasters is built by the man who gives himself over to the illusion of bad luck. Such poisoners are intolerable in the Brotherhood. Yet many dream about Brotherhood without thinking what a burden They bear! How strong is the man who realizes the good fortune of being a man! Brotherhood (1937) - 450: 450. Wherein, then, is progress? Some assume that it is in constant recognition of the new. Will not such aspiration be one-sided, and must there not be added to it regulation of the old? More than once it has been shown that people abstractly strive toward something new, and yet continue to dwell in an old pigsty. Someone gives lectures about cleanliness, yet is himself extremely filthy. Will such instruction be convincing? Or a lazy man summons to labor, but who will give heed to him? Let us not be afraid to repeat such primitive examples, for life is full of them. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30: One must understand that the concept of darkness gradually vanishes, because one is surrounded by fires, rays, pillars of light, and brilliant sparks beyond counting, all visible with the eyes open or closed. Precisely, darkness vanishes. Twilight reigns only in the lower strata of the Subtle World, for its inhabitants do not know how to evoke Light. This ability depends upon thought, and thought gives birth to Light. Verily, a thinker sends the order, "Let there be Light!" Thus are the great truths taught, although people consider them to be fairy tales. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45: 45. Urusvati has overcome all the earthly misconceptions about safety and material security. Neither exists in earthly conditions, yet this dark mirage seduces multitudes of people. They dream of building towers where they might be sheltered in complete safety. They dream of accumulating treasures that would provide security, forgetting that they can reach such a stronghold only beyond earthly conditions. Do We wish to plunge humanity into despair? One must realize that it is only when one is beyond the range of all danger that invulnerability become possible. Only by acknowledging the vanity of earthly treasures are we able to receive our heritage of everlasting wealth. Let us not regard these Teachings as abstract moralizing. Only by looking at it from a purely scientific point of view can one be convinced that a true knowledge of earthly reality gives freedom of consciousness and perfectment to humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91: 91. Urusvati knows the ways of striving. Such techniques should be transmuted in the consciousness, for one cannot command them intellectually. Only with the eyes of the heart can one see whether there are still more ways to increase striving. One should rejoice at each act of full striving. Such fullness gives birth to the music of the spheres. An intensified harmony arises when all the strings of the heart resound. Do not take such comparisons as mere symbols; long ago We spoke about the eyes of the heart. Indeed, man sees through them, and hears with the ears of the heart. How could we exist without such senses? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123: It may be asked, "Can the hierophants of evil approach Our Tower?" Indeed they can, although these approaches are very painful for them. Their fury gives them a strong impulse. At times We are obliged to use powerful discharges of energy to repulse the uninvited visitors. With such discharges We vanquish the enemies who try to approach Our Brothers. You can remember special currents that you sensed during the night. These currents are salutary and protective. Striving to Us will intensify them. Other influences may cause tears in the protective net, but Our currents do not delay in protecting you. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 206: Thus man can truly build his destiny. He can develop his thinking capacity to any degree and can expand his generosity to the point of self-sacrifice. His power of thought will grow as it circulates in a spiral, and the more he gives, the more he receives. This truth should be taught in schools. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227: Extremes often dwell in the same personality. On the one hand, a man may be ready for higher perceptions, yet on the other he pictures Us as money-changers and waits expectantly to be given a small coin. Such a man forgets that only goal-fitness can secure the higher perceptions. Like fireflies, he gives only fleeting light, then merges again into darkness, and is indeed far from goal-fitness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 230: Thus, life itself gives us examples of the diversity of influences and reactions. Little attention is paid to the role of receptivity in the process of mental suggestion. A short word may have great effect, whereas a torrent of speech may leave no impression. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: We hear many letters. Each recorded amity gives Us joy. Let all letters carry the great message about the evolution of humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267: Very few accept the fullness of Service in its vitality and its achievements. These few know how the steps of Service have been formed and are ready to carry the living word wherever it will serve the General Good. Such heroes are ready to renounce the comforts of life in order to be able to offer inspiration to others. These few realize that, in addition to making scientific discoveries, it is necessary to unearth the spiritual treasures. Now, when multitudes of people are hurriedly shifting and seeking, it is especially difficult for mankind to reconcile material progress with higher spiritual values. The present age resembles a certain period of Atlantis, when the Atlanteans, too, could not find the necessary balance. But today people are aware of this discord, and this gives Us hope that the most vital nations will find the needed equilibrium. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334: The Thinker strongly advised treasuring objects that were given with good thoughts and good wishes. He said, "We are not superstitious people but scientists, and We realize that he whose hand holds a gift close to his heart gives a part of his soul." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 411: Let our labors serve as a reminder about active patience. Patience gives accuracy to our work, and in the high quality of labor we shall understand the meaning of harmony.