Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 2: 2. In creation realize the happiness of life, and unto the desert turn your eye. Aflame with love for Christ, carry joy to Him. You bear wings of light. When departing life, you will see Me once more. Do not demean yourselves. Summon the courage to safeguard the mysteries. Comprehend the great gift of love to the One God. Try to unfold the power of insight, That you may perceive the future unity of mankind. The one salvation is to turn the spirit toward the light of Truth. The great gift of love lives in the one vision bestowed upon the fearless soul. You, my daughter, who have seen! Pure art is the true expression of the radiant spirit. Through art you gain the light. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 5: 5. Direct your friends towards righteousness. Do not conceal Our Communications. Follow Our Teachings with your heart. Strive and you will perceive the light. I will point out the way - the heart will understand Our Token. Behold! The Teachers will reveal a lyre, and miraculously its power will endow you with the gift of enchantment. Behold the bliss sent unto you. Dedication is the requisite of those who strive on the path of ascent. Those who with a full heart fulfill Our requests will attune their ears to the harmony of the Universe. By bringing happiness unto you We show Our Trust in your striving towards Good. Truth is with you - be ready to receive it. As the heavens are fathomless, so great is your strength. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 6: 6. Safeguard your solitude. God - or Aum - is the Highest Being of your inner self. My Breath is the daring towards Beauty. The great gift manifested through your sacrifice will lead you to joyous realization in your pursuit of Truth. Eschew the life of the slumberer. Love the life that sparkles in thoughts enveloped in the Divine Radiance. Strengthen the growing power of your spirit. Ever remember the Gates revealed by Us. The pure Breath of Our Bliss imparts living sustenance to you in your daily life. May the dance of wrath succumb before the power of the Temple! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 67: 67. I will grant you the power to lead souls to God. I will endow you with the gift of bringing joy to others. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 145: 145. On pure soil do you begin My Manifestations. I shall point out the time for every pure beginning. Need will not afflict you. Outer laws will not violate your inner order. Deem it a blessing to bring light amidst the dark and inimical hosts. We have determined to reveal the ways of enlightening cruel hearts - to soften them with the balm of Beauty. But the iron of the dark spirit is colder and stronger than the words of Bliss. Only with great travail can the Hand of Truth bend the prison bars. From Above rain words of Truth, and men have unfurled umbrellas to shield themselves from the downpour of God's Clouds. But the shower will reach even their dry hearts. We strike evil blind, and by lightning illumine the path of Good. We send the gift of understanding to the manifested hearts. Only the blind will doubt - have patience for the future steps. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 172: 172. There is an inner meaning in all things. On your mission point out that neither the cares of the house nor want have kept you from the path to Us. They will make excuses to you that poverty and children impede their way. But children are flowers of the earth and poverty is the gift of purification. They will say to you, "It is easy to serve God when you are rich." But you, too, have known want. They will say to you, "You are fortunate to have friends and helpers." But you, too, have lived among hearts of stone. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 371: True, if you wish again to make use of your gift in your life, Do not forget how unworthy is he who takes back what he has once given. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 394: 394. He who is safe and sound remembers with gratitude what has happened. The strong one looks into the future with sword upraised. The wise one perceives the coming task. The beautiful in spirit thrill at the harmony of the World. Seek the explanation of the rises and plunges of the spirit in the shuddering of the planets. The world is one in the consonance of spirit. The wondrous gift of receptivity is natural to all rational beings. But knowing these currents We do not call them oppressive - We seek new work beyond their range. The moon by night, the sun by day. Even the stupid dispose of life according to these luminaries. Boundless is the World, countless the colors of the Light. Immersed in its harmony, the spirit sings the song of all hearts. Therefore, rejoice if you can sense it. Devoid of effectiveness is the slumbering spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 395: Await not gifts but gather treasures. I can give you all the pearls of the world, But what will you do with this treasure? You will find the most iron-bound, the most musty, the most tomb-like vault, and the gift will die. But it will be different if under My Hand you will by yourself string from human souls a necklace of pearls, And will judge their size and value. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 446: 446. Verily, I say: Even crumbs are useful in the Great Service; One can collect a bowlful of the common work from yesterday's loaves - The gift of My Spiritual Instruction. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.12: 2.1.12. Assemble the most unfortunate ones, the most obscure young students, and reveal to them the gift of power to endow humanity. Advise them to write the statutes in the Temple. It is long since the world has witnessed assemblages in the Temple. Christ will bestow His Grace upon the attaining ones. We wish to see the Temple beautiful and alive. And no one shall expel those walking to Light, but ruin awaits him. Miracles will be received upon the tablets of knowledge. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.1: 2.2.1. Maitreya sends courage. Maitreya will accept the gift. Maitreya feels its love. Maitreya sends blessings upon the joyous labor. Maitreya bestows labor upon Earth in the name of miracle. Walk joyfully. It is a joy to Me to lead the smiling ones. Discern the Teaching of Light in each manifestation. Resourcefulness is a quality of My pupils. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.3: 2.2.3. The law of the transition into the spirit world is not complex. The one condition may not be likened to the other. As the dust of a volcano, so countless are the spirits who return to the spiritual world. Of course, matter is a condition of spirit. But blood differs so greatly from its equivalent in the spirit, which is nurtured by prana, that the boundaries are broken throughout all Worlds. It is with difficulty that the spirit realizes its release from matter. The spirit attached to Earth clothes itself in the astral body, which creates for him the illusion of Earth here in the hearth of cravings and remorse. But the spirit which speeds out, in upward striving only, can avoid the astral plane, because the astral body is but superfluous rubbish. The less liter the purer the consciousness. On Earth it is difficult to conceive of forsaking matter without despising it, abandoning it for a new formation. But you have the best example in the giving away of any objects. The best donor will devise the best gift. Therefore, the matter which has garbed a lofty spirit affords the greater usefulness because nothing is wasted. Of course, a conscious communion is accessible to lofty spirits if the appeal is sufficiently freed from questions of matter and blood. The spirit, nurtured by prana, does not assimilate blood. "Therefore, one may divide the world on the basis of blood; no other demarcation exists. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.15: Christ advised to distribute spiritual wealth. But, as the keys to it are far away, people have applied this advice toward the distribution of pillaged money. First to steal and then to give away with a tear and become enraptured by one's own goodness. As if in speaking of distribution the Teacher could have had in mind chairs and old coats! The Teacher meant imponderable wealth. Only the spiritual gift can move the cup of the scales. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.3: Christ answered: "The gift of the heart glows in the darkness." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.3: 2.8.3. Synthesis of spirituality is the rarest gift; it alone kindles the light of the world. Nothing can be compared to the light of the world. The light burns, but its ray is being sought. New Era Community (1926) - 162: In upward flights we learn the great gift of patience. Radiant, creative patience does not resemble the murky cloak of non-resistance to evil. Stooped non resisters sit like unsuccessful fishermen. Their stake of a length of yarn cannot check the dance of the elements. Creative patience holds the key to the New World; therefore, patience creates a power which is intensified with each hour of reality. New Era Community (1926) - 233: 233. Many times have we conversed about the broadening of consciousness and about the acquirement of may useful qualities. How then does this growth take place? If it is difficult to perceive the growth of one hair, it is much more difficult to detect the growth of consciousness. It is a mistake to think it possible to keep track of the growth of consciousness. As it happens the observing apparatus undergoes the same tension. Certainly, its antennae always search ahead. It is impossible to lose one's attainment if the dynamical factors have not been paralyzed. Thus, it is possible only on rare crossroads to inspect one's fundamental changes - this is a gift of evolution. One should not let dynamics pass into painful self-control. In actions and in results is cognized the right direction. Therefore We prefer even a mistaken action to inaction. New Era Community (1926) - 249: Accept the flow of psychic energy as a bountiful wave. The loss of these possibilities represents an irreparable harm to the communities. Leave it to the old world to be afraid of the study of psychic energy. But you, young, strong and unprejudiced, investigate by all means, and accept the gift lying at your gates. Agni Yoga (1929) - 45: In observing the history of humanity's development, entire periods of growth in consciousness can be seen. Let us not conceal that precisely now a book of discoveries and of the light of daring is being opened before humanity. This ripened fruit of the thorny travail of the community is ready to burst with seed. Can one split this fruit with a sword, or crush it through fright or through cringing cowardice, or usurp it through treacherous cunning? No, only unity of consciousness and the gaining of knowledge will bestow on humanity the gift of a new race. The impetus toward this will be afforded not by cosmic phenomena, but by the current of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 82: 82. Can one trust a blind helmsman? Is it possible to think that the rags of antiquated thought can be worn in the New World? One must understand that the gift of the New World will be brought to those gates that have been opened to it. Truly, the New World wishes to bestow a beautiful garment. But humanity must approach to receive the fabric woven by the labor of the Mother of the World! Agni Yoga (1929) - 265: 265. The touch of the fine energies is like that of the most delicate veil. But only the one who knows their true value may wear them. So discern the spirit that is ready and flaming. He who does not accept the gift of spirit withers. Through ignorance, which is still with us, the dark ones destroy themselves. Agni Yoga (1929) - 278: When you yourselves become teachers, insist on the immediate fulfilling of your instructions. Do not give orders too often, for then they become commonplace. But if the work requires it, make the instruction concise. Let it be known that your instruction is irrevocable. Put more simply, the student should follow, reconciling his free initiative with cooperation. A distorted instruction is like a derailed train. It is better not to accept the gift than to disrupt the transmitted wave. Agni Yoga (1929) - 527: Exultant on the first day, he will not tire on the next. He will proceed like a joyous elephant, bursting through the brush. He will see his successes as the smile of the sun. He will drive away the scorpion of fear. He will accept the gift as the light on the path. He will understand the realization and development of the fires of the centers as an attracting magnet. And he will understand that the fires grow imperceptibly, just as plants do. He will understand that the fires burn away the past and illumine the future. And he will understand what podvig means! Agni Yoga (1929) - 643: There are four ways of perfectment: acceptance of the gift of the Teaching; liberation from the ego; manifestation of courage, knowing all dangers; learning to make the enemies work for the General Good. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 72: The books of Agni Yoga are a gift to humanity. I affirm the gift of the spirit; the approach of Fire will give to mankind a newly inscribed line, leading to the highest manifestations. We consider as most important and valuable the high manifestation of spirit which is linked with the appearance of the fires. We respect a high straight-knowledge and can impart Our treasures to the spirits closest to Us. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 169: We guard with great sacredness the spirit which bears the chalice of the gift of cosmic fires. Thus is the link forged between the spirit and the Cosmic Magnet. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 321: 321. Unmanifested matter is brought into life only through its spiritualization. Only form gives to matter the manifestation of life. But the spirit must be affirmed in the understanding that although matter receives the gift of the bliss of life because of its spiritualization, the process itself depends upon the potentiality of Eternal Fire. Thus, the thought formulates the action, but the potential of the spirit creates. Humanity is divided therefore according to the potential of the spirit. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 342: 342. Permeation of the space by a manifestation of the spirit is conscious striving. When human thought penetrates beyond the boundaries of manifest Earth, this contribution is acknowledged in a gift to humanity from space. Every thought propelled into Space means loftier attainment. In the striving of thought is comprised a new achievement in spatial records. Each expanded thought carries the spirit to the summits of Space. Thus, the spirit who knows the flights beyond the limits of Earth can realize the creativeness of Infinity. Hierarchy (1931) - 8: 8. Maitreya wishes to hasten all. Maitreya wishes that all should be successfully accomplished. Maitreya wishes you joy. Maitreya wishes to grant to humanity a gift through the fiery experience of Agni Yoga. Maitreya wishes to transform life on Earth in the radiance of the Mother of the World. Yes, yes, yes! The beauty of life is limitless! Hierarchy (1931) - 24: The evidence of enlightenment is the best gift to evolution. The Command of cosmic life is a summons to light-sustaining achievement, and this mission is affirmed only by Light. Hierarchy (1931) - 265: 265. For the realization of Hierarchy the broadening of understanding is necessary. Without broadening there will be neither depth nor length. Only thus will Hierarchy enter the consciousness and be applied to life. Only thus will Hierarchy transform the concept of conventionality. The battle will be transformed into an increase of energy. Slander will become a megaphone. Fatigue will indicate the need of a change of labor. Love will become a torch of Light. A gift will become an increase of power. Tenacity will mean the shortening of the path. Thus each property and quality will be transformed. Hierarchy (1931) - 383: 383. If even radio waves react so powerfully upon man, how powerfully can objects saturated with psychic energy act! The magnet that is consciously saturated transmits its magnetic currents; thus Our emanations surround each transmitted gift. Therefore the affirmed action of Our sendings can always intensify the strength of the one to whom they are sent. Space is raging. Perturbations are accumulating, but above all events a new current is directed for the step of regeneration. Heart (1932) - 119: 119. It is a great gift to induce clairvoyance by touching the solar plexus. This process can be performed in the physical body as well as in the subtle, because it belongs to a number of indestructible processes, but for that it is necessary to possess a strong magnet of the heart. Thus, one can at a certain stage of development create useful actions, raising the spirit of humanity. Of course, the consequence and expression of clairvoyance are varied, but its potentiality leads the organism to a sphere of activity where, under diverse circumstances, humanity is led toward perfection. It is not without cause that the gift of discovering clairvoyance and clairunderstanding belongs to the Mother of the World. Heart (1932) - 212: 212. Patience is the gift of heaven - thus spoke the ancients. Why should patience belong to heaven when in reality it should belong exclusively to the Heart? Yet how shall we exert patience without knowing the Higher World? Only when the silver thread shall be drawn from the heart to the Higher World, will the understanding of patience come. We revere that quality; it is close to tolerance and containment, in other words, to the opening of the Gates. If something is not close to us, but it opens the heart of a neighbor, would we not tolerate it only to kindle someone's heart? Would we prefer to satisfy our own pleasure and embitter the heart of a neighbor? Moreover, would it not be a beautiful test to keenly observe exactly what will open the heart to Good? In the diversity of achievements one cannot fail to acknowledge the general harmony of the spheres. Though it be expressed only in one tone, yet each correct note sounds like a cosmic consonance and must be accepted with care. Therefore people rebel so greatly in heart if this note is rejected. The trial by patience is one of the highest tests. Heart (1932) - 281: 281. Thus, feeling gives birth to energy. Energy can create so-called possessions. How, then, to deal with these possessions? We know about renunciation, but if something already exists, how is it possible to designate it as non-existent? Besides, would this not be destructive? Thus, let us again invoke the Teacher and, in thought, transfer to Him this burdensome load. And He will transfer our mental gift still higher. Thus we solve the problem of possessions. Thus, the very name disappears, and we remain the guardians of the property of the Hierarchy. For we may read the Teacher's books; the Teacher grants us permission to dwell in his house, to admire his things, and to be nurtured by the fruits of his garden. Thus, the name of the Teacher will always be with us, and we shall smile as we dust the objects entrusted to us by the faith of the Teacher. People do not know how to deal with possessions because they do not care to understand the meaning of mental transmutation of the earthly plane into the subtle one. Heart (1932) - 579: 579. Absorb forever - the so-called gift of discrimination is not a gift but the result of labor and experiment. The foolish word intuition expresses nothing but limitation. Not through intuition but by many accumulations can one acquire discrimination. To affirm that discrimination is not based on anything is analogous to the statement that imagination is not a reflection of former experiences. The time has come when that which is seemingly most abstract enters into the chain of events. Man has encountered many situations and has thus refined his judgment. Be assured that he who has no discrimination passed through a coarse existence and made no effort to free himself of it. Thus he deprived himself of the benefit of cognizing through the heart. The heart of man is not young, for its substance is permanent. Some will rejoice at this permanence, because in this concept is eternal life. Some will rejoice that one's own consciousness is also one's own responsibility. Thus the Tablets of Truth enter life. Do not tire of reading the Teaching of Life of all ages. The open heart will rejoice at the intermittence of rhythm. Also, having such foundations we shall understand that the impetus that guides humanity cannot be visible in daily life. In this comprehensiveness let us also find the path to joy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 522: 522. Does having no cares befit humanity? Some confuse having no cares with reliance upon Hierarchy. They hold that because they have been incarnated here someone must be made responsible for them. But the Great Service is great solicitude. One cannot imagine a day or an hour when a man may be without care, that is to say, can dispense with thinking. Thus, care must not be regarded as an arid burden, but rather as a distinguishing quality of man. Among the privileges of the Bodhisattvas, solicitude for everything that exists is the gem of their crown. Likewise, solicitude should be welcomed as the kindling of Fire. Not petty reflections, but a most solicitous thought strikes sparks of light from the heart. It is unwise to avoid cares, for one must make haste with the fires of the spirit. Those who fear cares reveal but meager accumulations. The experienced wayfarer says, "Burden me with care when I enter the Beautiful Garden." Man, who has received the gift of thinking, has accepted not the least of these responsibilities. It has been said that the smile of a rich man is of slight value, but the poor man who has retained his smile will become the companion of God. So does the folk understanding value a smile amidst cares. My advice is that you realize the number of cares cannot be lessened. Only thus do we realize that joy is a special wisdom. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 136: 136. Blessings to those who even once have reflected over the fact that possibilities are being given them for Service. One such thought already opens the initial Gates to the Fiery World. Whoever thinks in his pride - "Only I myself will attain," makes use of possibilities of serving his own ego. What an isolation resounds in boasting to oneself! What solitude is the prison of egoism! But it is joyful to think - "Yet I can bring to Thee, Lord!" There are no limits to such heart offerings! Is not the heart being exalted in trying to find the treasure of the offerings? The subtlest thoughts surround such supplications. Of course, the offering of the heart is really a prayer. It opens many gates. Not the consciousness of one's merits, but the offering of oneself in all entirely, helps one to pass over the threshold. When the gift is complete it leads past all frightening manifestations. One may say to the dwellers on the thresholds - "I've no time to gaze at you!" Thus, the offering brings ease. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 180: 180. Do not confuse fatigue with intensity. These two states, notwithstanding their complete difference, can produce similar symptoms. But fatigue must be overcome by a change of work, whereas tension must be actually increased. It would be a mistake to allow oneself to dissipate tension. One must nourish this manifest fiery power as a precious gift. Each tension is a sharpening of consciousness. Each weariness is a dulling, but in either case let us not forget to take musk. Ur. has wisely established the combination of musk with soda and valerian. Certainly the very speedy accumulation of musk by means of soda is useful, as it is also the continuation of the reaction to valerian. All three ingredients are of a fiery nature. Not without reason was soda called, in antiquity, ashes of divine Fire, and fields of soda deposits were called sites of Devas' encampments. Likewise valerian is especially effective in combination with musk. While musk kindles Fire, valerian sustains it as a static condition. In fatigue this fiery remedy is absorbed in order to renew the nerve centers; but in the striving of intensity there is need of prolonged combustion, in order to avoid explosions and shocks. But above all other life-giving agents is the communion with Hierarchy. Musk may dry up, but in communion with Hierarchy its strength will be promptly renewed and an inexhaustible supply of energy extended. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 396: 396. Sleep affords communion with the Higher Spheres. Sleep proves that without such communion people are unable to exist. The explanation of sleep as bodily repose is a most primitive one. Without sleep people can usually go on but a very short time before their thinking falls into a most ailing state; hallucinations and torpor, and other signs of an unnatural existence appear. The organism strives for the life-giving exchange, and does not find the ordained way. As We said, sleep can be brief on the heights, where the currents of communion can be especially nourishing. People may remember about meetings in the higher Spheres or in the lower. The dense body can impede such essential communions, but sleep as such will be the gift of the eternal life. And such meditation will help on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 60: 60. Religion and science must not be considered separate in their essential nature. Subtle study of matter and the atom leads to the conclusion that vital energy is not electricity but Fire. Thus science and religion merge upon a single principle. Matter is affirmed as a fiery substance, and no thoughtful spirit will deny that the higher force is Fire. Science cannot destroy the concept of the divinity of Fire, nor can any religion impose an interdiction on the subtle analyses made by science. In this way, then, the understanding and the harmony of the concepts of religion and science are affirmed. A subtle parallel can be drawn between science and religion, which will reveal all the higher stages. Therefore, it is so important that scholars should be in possession of subtle occult receptivity. But only a refined organism can possess this divine perception which is not developed from without but from within. Therefore, all the great discoveries for the good of humanity will not emanate from enormous laboratories, but will be discovered by the spirit of scholars who are in possession of the synthesis. We, the Brothers of Humanity, see the results which direct all quests along the right channel. Of course, the gift of the synthesis is not always bestowed, but those selfless zealots who do possess the synthesis are in no need of specialization. We see and foretell great results from the synthesis of spirit of the zealots. On the path to the Fiery World one must revere the Bearers of Synthesis. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 171: With what, then, is the Heart of the Arhat fed? We say - with love. Only this Source knows how to saturate the fiery heart. The great Mother of the World knows this Source. Each pure heart knows this Source. How, then, are the hearts commerged? We say - with love, that powerful source which converts life into a manifestation of beauty, that source which contains all the subtle energies of the heart. The Heart of the Arhat is a secret stronghold, which guards the sacred gift of the Cosmos. And not outside of life but in the very depths of life is forged the Heart of the Arhat. Let us say, by love. Yes, yes, yes, thus saith the Lord of Shambhala. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 585: 585. It has been said - "Ignorance is Hell." Few understand this. Whereas, precisely devouring Fire is the result of ignorance. But one may exchange evil for good and thus alter the properties of the Fire. A wonderful gift is possessed by man in that he can alter the properties of the element. Yet how can humanity enter upon such action if it fails to think altogether about the elements? The Teaching of Living Ethics must set the direction in which the mind of man is to be propelled. Let us not violate free will, let each one make haste in his own rhythm, let each one sense the great vibrations in his own way, but let him sense it and make haste. AUM (1936) - 23: Thus, the concept of the power of Grace will be a beautiful gift. Only the best striving receives its recompense. The criterion of the best is understood as conformity with the Highest Principle; a cord will be stretched from one thing to another - left untaut the string hangs loose in space. AUM (1936) - 92: In view of the fact that a potential of basic energy has been given to each man, it is difficult to conceive how contrarily people have dealt with his great gift. The very imagination can hardly encompass such a chasm. People regard that which is unpleasant to them as difficult and that which causes them no trouble as easy; out of such conventionality open up yawning abysses. People are not accustomed to keeping the Higher World in their consciousness, yet it is not difficult to replace the feeling of emptiness with infinite life. How much more beautiful is realization of the Higher World than the casting of oneself into stony fetters! AUM (1936) - 142: 142. Madmen, they know not what they possess! People usually censure profligacy, yet is not thought being dissipated? Is not the great gift, attained with such difficulty, being reduced to nought? Thought, as the great gift of the Teacher, perishes in ignorant actions. Thus, men are ready to betray even their own planet, provided they do not have to think. AUM (1936) - 451: 451. It is necessary to confirm the fact that the concept of inspiration is inherent in all people. Ordinarily it is attributed only to scholars, poets, musicians, artists, but each one who is concerned about his own consciousness may receive this higher gift. AUM (1936) - 493: 493. "It is not I who give, but you who accept." The Guide very rarely says that He gives. Only in the case of necessity will He confirm His pledge and give a manifestation of His "I." Throughout life the Guide says, "Accept." He affirms that a gift through Him proceeds from Hierarchy. One should keep these formulae in mind, for in them is contained the joy of Hierarchy which labors for Good. One must not refer unreasoningly to words; in them is contained the imprint of limitation, as it were. There is no reason for forgetting the salutary bond of Hierarchy! Therefore - "It is not I who give, but you who accept." AUM (1936) - 501: Much keen-sightedness, untiringness, devotion, has been laid into the foundation of each synthesis. It is understandable that the man who develops the power of observation sees around himself many generalizations and apprehends how much more attractive these broad paths are. Indeed, synthesis is based upon convincingness and attractiveness. Synthesis so broadly encompasses the essence that negation is alien to the synthetic mind. One must not attribute the special gift of synthesis to certain fortunate individuals. One must industriously develop within oneself the precious quality. AUM (1936) - 576: 576. Psychometry is regarded as the gift of exceptional people, but this common faculty unquestionably has been given to all. Every man in each contact with objects receives different sensations. The distinction lies in that one person directs his attention to them while another passes them indifferently. One should take account of each sensation. AUM (1936) - 576: What riches of life are opened up to those who vibrate to all sensations! It is not difficult to awaken oneself to a diversity of perceptions. Each book, each letter bears in itself a complete aura. Something indescribable, yet evident to the heart, is received from a contact. There is no reason to suppose that only certain fortunate persons possess this gift denied to others. The thought of possibilities is already an opened path. AUM (1936) - 584: 584. A disciple asked his Teacher, "Tell me, how shall I apply the Teaching in life?" The Teacher advised him, "To begin with, become kinder. Do not consider good as a supernatural gift. Let it be the foundation of your hearth; upon it build your fire, and on such a ground the flame will not be scorching." Thus asked the disciples, and the Teacher was amazed that after all the Teaching a question as to how to begin was necessary. Brotherhood (1937) - 46: 46. Everything is relative, but it is impossible to compare the harmony of the Universe with human free will. Precisely this bountiful gift, when not rightly used, imposes grave consequences. Much has been said about the significance of man in the Cosmos, but this truth must be reiterated unceasingly. One can become convinced as to how much people fail to think about their destination. Brotherhood (1937) - 240: It is striking to observe how persecutions and oppressions multiply one's strength. One may marvel as to whence people draw the strength to endure and resist abuses. That same salutary energy which purifies the consciousness also creates an armor. Let us grow to love it, and let us not reject it light-mindedly. People say prayers for protection, yet themselves destroy the best gift. Brotherhood (1937) - 570: 570. Free will is a solemn bidding to the wayfarer. Before reaching the far-off paths, it is essential to give him the precious gift of free will. Each one may act according to his ability, he will not be constrained. But the wise one will realize what a responsibility he bears for the use of the treasure of free will. It is as if a purse full of gold were given him; it can be spent at his discretion, but an account would have to be rendered. And the Brotherhood teaches not to spend the entrusted treasure without usefulness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 88: Our Abode has witnessed many wars, and We can testify how this evil is increasing in the most unexpected ways. People know that explosions can cause rain, but what about poison gas and its possible effects? How sad We are to see free will, which was bestowed as the Highest Gift, manifested in this horrible, uncontrolled way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 119: We cannot help feeling these storms, which tear the tissue woven over centuries. Let us not underestimate the dangers created by free will: a high gift, its misuse can drag humanity into the greatest dangers. It is impossible to convince people not to harm one another, but it is possible to continue the battle for equilibrium. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153: The Teacher could have lived His Great Life without the crowds. Even those whom He healed polluted space with their threats and curses. Such a manifestation of free will may be called by many names, yet it remains a form of free will. It is correct to consider free will as the highest gift, but how wisely this precious treasure must be used! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170: One must live through many lives in order to acquire such patience and understanding in how to help humanity. Thus the love for humanity grows, not just for individuals, but for all mankind. It is extremely painful to watch the abuse of free will, this greatest gift, yet, in spite of it, one becomes even more determined to help those who err. Thus you can imagine the Inner Life of the Teacher. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 171: Pure will can be cultivated in all environments, and psychic energy can be preserved in all circumstances. Each person, small or great, is equally endowed with free will. Everyone has this highest gift and may either accept it or, in ignorance, prefer to squander the entrusted treasure. Everyone has sufficient psychic energy for fearless flight into the Subtle World, but must first of all overcome the fear of the unknown and learn something about the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 174: The Great Pilgrim also taught the advantage of knowledge over ignorance. "Knowledge is achieved as the result of great labor. People will never succeed unless they strive to learn. Few are those who are qualified to help others to learn. Glory to such enlightened teachers! Each of them teaches what has already been written, but also includes a drop of his own knowledge. Such a drop is a gift from Infinity." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188: 188. Urusvati knows that the duration of a human life depends largely upon the will to live. The Thinker said, "Life lasts as long as man himself wants to remain on Earth." Even fatal diseases can be cured by the human will. Everyone, whether a messenger from the higher spheres, or, at the other extreme, an outcast, must preserve the gift of life. We may not wilfully cut the silver cord that binds us to the Masters. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200: "Beautiful symbols have been given to people but they treat them as superstition. They look at depictions of winged creatures and consider them to be fantasies. But does not each one of us soar? It does not matter whether the flights are made in the luminous or the dense body, they do take place, consciously or unconsciously. Sleep is a great gift of the gods, and opens the entrance into the Supermundane. Insomnia was always regarded as a punishment, because it deprived man of a natural communion. Friends, we must be grateful to the Higher Spirits, who allow us to have communion with Them. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223: It can be observed that a man who speaks with feeling can overcome natural impediments, but the moment inspiration is gone, his defects return. In the same way, one's mental ardor can become continuous, and like wings will carry one to the Guide. We can work best where there is flame, and therefore warn against fear, depression, and despair, which, like damp coals, cannot produce the needed fire. This comparison came from the Thinker, who possessed a remarkable gift for dispelling depression. The Brotherhood needs such abilities, for both the physical and Subtle Worlds. What We say now has an intimate connection with the life of the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231: Man possesses the great gift of cognizing joy. The high forehead that was given to him is a sign of lofty aspirations. From the far-off worlds down to the smallest flower joy offers herself to people. A new supply of strength comes to you every time you allow yourself to be joyous, for there is an intensity in joy that opens the next gate. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 258: We must tell people about their free will, and not leave them with the idea that it is worthless. Free will is the highest gift, and the time has come for people to learn how to use it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266: We deplore the fact that there are so many disagreements within families. Even the best warriors lose their strength due to such disharmony. Instead of goodness, blasphemy and evil talk defeat aspiration and cause waste of the precious panacea of psychic energy! People do not appreciate this gift, and it can be spilled as from a broken vessel. Wherever possible one must help families to maintain their balance. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 306: The Thinker knew that everyone has, as an inner gift, the ability to contact the Highest. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321: Man has the gift of communication with his brethren. He learns that a life of enmity finally becomes unbearable, and that the family is ruined by discord. He should understand that this is also true about great nations, which become corrupt without constant, vigilant efforts toward improvement. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334: The Thinker strongly advised treasuring objects that were given with good thoughts and good wishes. He said, "We are not superstitious people but scientists, and We realize that he whose hand holds a gift close to his heart gives a part of his soul." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 423: We can recall examples from ancient times that indicate an understanding of this inner energy. For example, it was customary when giving a gift to place one's hand upon the gift and even to hold it close for a while. Thus the magnetism of the donor was transferred to the object. Sometimes the gift was wrapped in hair or dipped into magnetized water. If even in ancient times people had an idea of Primary Energy, surely by today we should be able to apply it scientifically! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429: The Thinker taught that everyone is given the gift of being able to perceive the subtle nature. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 446: The Thinker believed firmly that love is a divine gift.