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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GE > GERMANY (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 131:
Already in America, Germany and England, basic radiation is being determined. Even this crude stage of investigation will help in primary groupings, and later perhaps you could approach the methods of the Eastern Laboratories. First of all, expel all ignorance, and without bombast simply know more! Mass leadership involves a broadening of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
One may hear that Brother R. lives in the Carpathians, but it would be just as true to say that I live in London. Undoubtedly, Brother R. has been in the Carpathian Mountains just as I have been in London, but one should not mislead people by referring to dwelling places as permanent. Likewise, one should not think that Brother H. lives in Germany, although some people would like to limit his whereabouts even more, to the vicinity of Nuremburg. There are many examples of how people arbitrarily dispose of Us, while proclaiming themselves to be high initiates, or even Maha Chohans.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 155:
History has recorded that objects belonging to the Teachers were scattered in various ways. For example, paintings by S.G. were left in France, England, Germany, and the Netherlands and attributed to others. Most of His paintings were destroyed by the artist, but a few were left with the Van Loo family.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 331:
331. Urusvati is aware of foretold dates. People may be surprised to learn that events in China and in Spain were predicted ten years in advance of their happening. The evolution and involution of other nations were also indicated. At times these indications were given in symbols; for example, the coarsening of Germany was pointed out in visions relating to the Thirty Years' War.


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