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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GE > GERM (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.1:
It is of great value to approach the highest ways without being a medium and without renouncing the earthly life. Where there is argument, where there is fear, where there is the germ of prejudice, there it is difficult for the white flowers. Simply, simply, simply, applying love, courage and readiness. This is no time for inflated bubbles; out of place is conceit, especially when compared with Christ's washing of the fishermen's feet.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.4:
You may write emphatically about simplicity, because nothing so much bars the way as the puffiness of self-conceit. One must exert utmost efforts to reject every germ of self-conceit, and without sinking into bigotry. It seems an old truth, but now it must be reiterated. Everyone must understand for himself where his simplicity is lacking.

Heart (1932) - 335:
335. He who reflects upon the heart amidst the horror of lawlessness will show that this thought dwelt with him long before. One can trust him greatly because he has already contacted knowledge, and thus safeguarded the spirit from the defilement of treason. Be assured that the man who carries the germ of treason does not know the treasure of the heart. Thus, build up the finest concepts amidst the horrors of darkness. The hearing and vision of the heart are great.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 397:
397. The ability to discern the true direction is a great and fiery quality. One can understand that such a quality is not easily strengthened. It demands not only discussion but the most attentive study of life. No one believes that one can leap, at one bound, from animal consciousness to straight-knowledge. Animal instinct is the germ of straight-knowledge, but great is the abyss between a dog that senses its master, and a man who is aware of the Fiery World! To sense the Fiery World while in the earthly body is already enlightenment.

AUM (1936) - 489:
489. Wherein is Guidance? Precisely in the indications of what is most needed and in protection against what is most dangerous. One needs to reflect what the word itself means. Usually people place upon it their own interpretation; in this will be the germ of mistrust, that is, the inception of dissolution. The scientist cannot carry on an experiment by premising unbelief. It can be observed that the likelihood of success in such an experiment is three-fourths lost.

Brotherhood (1937) - 139:
Thus, let us very solicitously render assistance, so that each germ of good thought be translated into action.

Brotherhood (1937) - 172:
172. Inexperienced physicians try to drive a disease inward in order even temporarily to evade dangerous symptoms - thus are established hotbeds of maladies. But the experienced physician tries to draw out the germ of the disease in order to eradicate it in good time. The same method ought to be applied in all sicknesses. It is better that a crisis be lived through than that a destructive collapse seize the whole organism. It is possible to live through a crisis, and such shock may call new forces into life. Whereas disintegration and rot but infect all the surroundings. Thus, let us understand it in forty ways.


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