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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GE > GENERATIONS (41)

New Era Community (1926) - 75:
75. Truly one may look forward to the fulfillment of all prophecies. I do not see the dates being altered. Think through the film of events, and comprehend how unimportant is the exterior; only the inner significance is vital. The sowing of generations begins to sprout; the seed is beginning to shoot up.

New Era Community (1926) - 207:
It will be inexcusable if schools of the future, like those in which recent generations have been maimed, are reminiscent of the stockyards. Fanaticism and forbiddances are replaced by possibilities.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
The governments that try to conceal their poverty of thought behind a mask of conventional success are doing the work of grave-diggers. Thus, it is necessary to point out to the younger generations the approach of the Yoga of Life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 586:
586. One can easily strengthen the action of vegetable remedial substances by increasing the metalization of the soil. In this way, even slow-acting medications can be made more powerful and rapid in their effects. Instructive experiments can be performed using the fortified seeds over generations. With short-lived plants these experiments do not require many years. Even the third generation will show considerable change.

Heart (1932) - 339:
The wish to inaugurate experiments of lengthy duration is quite correct, because through them one can create another link between the generations.

Heart (1932) - 474:
474. The dying out of generations of human and animal life as well as the exhaustion of nature's generative forces indicates the end of Kali Yuga. This process evolves before your eyes, but only few take the trouble to notice this cosmic manifestation. Even you at times are prone to ascribe to chance the evidences of the austere law called into action by humanity. It would seem impossible not to perceive the occurrences of recent years! Yet people nevertheless lull themselves with the consolations of yesterday, but should they perceive menacing signs anywhere, they fall under the spell of animal fear. Still no one harkens to the word about the heart. The great salutary substance remains unapplied.

Heart (1932) - 539:
539. You already know why the magnet was placed above the crown of the head. But one should not forget the ancient treatment of the heart by a magnet, also the strengthening of the nerves and the knowledge of magnetizing them according to the flow of nerve substance. These old remedies should be closely examined; above all, they correspond to the gradual realization of rays and currents. Of course, not only do the magnetic properties of metals effect powerful reactions but many other properties as well respond to the mineral basis of our organism. The laying of metals themselves upon the body produces a strong reaction. Naturally, the special properties of different skins should be taken into consideration. Fatty skin precipitations can greatly prevent subtle reactions; therefore, in antiquity efforts were made to destroy the fatty precipitations. Actually, the vegetable oils for massaging have nothing in common with the fatty precipitations of the body. On the contrary, the vegetable oil dissolves the fat together with its poisons. Thus it can be observed that in antiquity the hygiene of the body at times was at a higher level than in contemporary days. The ancients distinguished the mineral properties of water for their ablutions, but at present one scarcely pays attention to them. One would probably laugh now if it were recalled that entirely different fragrances were applied to the crown of the head, the region of the heart, and even to the extremities. A refined understanding of the needs of the body safeguarded many generations. For instance, it can be recalled how solicitously the Egyptians treated the condition of pregnancy. Now people rarely study the tastes or the strange demands of pregnant women. But formerly, at the inception of pregnancy the temple physicians defined the necessary mineral and vegetable reactions according to astrological data. Thus the labor itself was eased considerably. But now, instead of wise preliminary measures people apply coarse narcotics, not desiring to understand that the bond has not yet been severed with the child. The heart of the mother is at times very strained, and each narcotic reacts upon the milk - thus, nature is in need of corresponding reactions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 228:
228. During the investigation of loss of weight, the laying on of hands is used, just as during increase of weight; this means that the hands transmit certain fiery energy. But this will be only a certain fiery step, the next one will be transmission of the same energy by means of the glance, in which the question of distance will be secondary. Thus it is possible to increase or diminish the weight of an object at a distance. In truth, would it not be a pleasing occupation for a merchant! Therefore it is well that the manifestation of such energies is not common in the present state of humanity. It is possible to point out many experiments that can alleviate everyday earthly life; but, actually, people would make use of them for increasing the number of killings. Meanwhile the fiery energies are knocking at their prison doors. The date is coming when they will either be applied intelligently or they will pour forth as fiery sicknesses or cosmic cataclysms. Three alternatives lie before humanity. It remains for it to choose one according to the state of its consciousness. Freedom of choice is always given. No one can deny that before the disaster of a world war a great number of warnings were given. Even not very far-sighted people observed them, but madness blinded the majority. This manifestation was before the eyes of the living generations, yet their circumspection was not increased. Ten million victims crowded the strata of the Subtle World. People prayed for killing but did not think about atonement for the violation of the law of Existence! Instead of intelligent understanding, people are ready for new killings; they do not reflect that fiery energies will flood the planet as a natural effect of the law of nature. Thus, in the "Fiery Book" it is necessary to write for those few who are willing to think about the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 255:
255. The fiery tension of space inevitably causes a particular fatigue of the eyes. It is necessary to interrupt the work of the eyes, closing them for a brief time. One can also make use of warm compresses, but closing the eyes for short periods is very helpful. A great number of new conditions arise during the Epoch of Fire. One must take these new factors into consideration in all conditions of life. The principle error is to take the external conditions of nature as something immovable. True, the moon may have appeared to remain static for a great number of generations, but nevertheless it was possible at one time to observe a substantial change in it. A lamp on a table falls over but once, yet the possibility of this always exists. Thus, one must not forget useful prophylaxis in connection with the tension of the fiery element.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 297:
297. Gypsies usually accompany remedies with an incantation, in the belief that only thus will the remedy be effective. And so Our Himalayan traditions are maintained through many generations of migrants. Truly, if we compare the effect of medicines taken willingly or with repugnance, the difference will be astounding. Even the most potent medicines can produce almost contrary effects if they are accompanied by a corresponding suggestion. One can write a significant book on the relativity of physical reactions. One can gather facts from the various fields to prove that among the decisive factors the physical are the least important. Thus, step by step, one should trace the movement of Agni. One need not enter at once into complex formulas, but can proceed from the striking evidences of each day. If nature healers understand wherein the dominant principle of success is contained, an educated physician should discern even better the determining factors. Upon this path the past and future will meet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 491:
491. Mediocrity arises from the failure of man to realize his inherent forces. Mediocrity is contagious; it exists for generations; it kills the being on the threshold of life. In mediocrity is affirmed a general condition in which the personality and human achievements are annihilated. Constructiveness is especially abhorrent to mediocrity. In fact, to mediocrity the Fiery World is a most frightening bugbear.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 529:
529. A common error of people is to cease to study after leaving school. The Pythagoreans and similar philosophic schools of Greece, India, and China furnish sufficient examples of continuous study. Truly, limiting education to the prescribed schooling indicates ignorance. Obligatory learning is only the entrance to real knowledge. If we divide humanity into three categories - those who are altogether unschooled, those whose education is confined to compulsory schooling, and those who continue their education - the number of the last will prove astonishingly small. This primarily shows indifference toward future lives. In their decline of spirit, men are indifferent even to their own future. There should remain a record that in the present significant year it is necessary to remind people about that which was useful a thousand years ago. In addition to elementary education one should further the education of adults. Several generations exist simultaneously on Earth, and they are all equally indifferent in striving to the future which they cannot evade. Such negligence is astonishing! Learning has become an empty shell. Yet for a simple holiday people like to dress in their best. Is it possible that they do not think it behooves them to secure an attire of Light for the solemn Abode in the Fiery World? One should rejoice not in bigotry, not in superstition, but with an illumined mind, and not only at the schools for children but also at the uniting of adults for continuous learning.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 535:
535. The root of a thought, or its motivating cause, must be made evident to a refined consciousness. It is impossible to know all thoughts, because in the kaleidoscope of human fragmentary thoughts one becomes dizzy, and the mere scraps of unstable thinking are of no use. But it is useful to sense the motivating cause of each expression. Such fiery affirmation comes with the kindling of the centers. Man is beginning to know the purpose of words. The external expression is not important to the sensitive observer. Sometimes the speaker himself finds it difficult to determine the primary reason for his own words. But a fiery heart knows how the spoken formula was born. No grimace or gestures will lead the third eye into error. Such straight-knowledge is not obtained easily. Many generations each add their mite to the consciousness. Understand that the affirmation of fire is achieved by many incarnations. The root of thought will provide the way to the realization of other roots.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 168:
168. In general, food is not needed in the usual quantity. It is wisely said that eating is the chains of the devil. Many generations have been burdened by gluttony, therefore caution is required in applying countermeasures. In the final analysis, more people perish from overeating than from hunger. But a gradual process is required always in overcoming atavism. It is impossible to abolish overeating all at once, but it can be pointed out that all superfluous food is harmful.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 210:
210. The spark of immortality is justly located by certain people in various centers, each will be right in his own way. True, in each center there is such a spark, but according to the conditions of the epoch the centers can vary in significance. Only the heart remains unchanged and only the chalice follows the heart in significance; the remaining centers and glands may be subject to cosmic currents. Not only are people mistaken in their judgment about the centers, but everywhere they do not admit a flexible expediency. Yet not only according to the epoch is the significance of psychic energy altered, but also according to races, to nationalities, and even to generations. Seemingly, a thing re-occurs, but meanwhile man has come in contact with the Highest by means of new antennae. Thus, one can observe how multiped insects may lose certain legs without a lessening of their vital capacity. Certainly where there is the fiery consciousness such atrophy of the centers is not found. Hence, again we come to the affirmation of the usefulness of the fiery consciousness. It will be no exaggeration when we say that fire is advantageous for the earthly as well as for the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 217:
217. You have been writing today about physical remedies, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. One may urge all physicians of the World to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart. Each physician has access to different homes. He sees various generations, and his words are listened to with attention. When giving physical instructions he can so easily add the most valuable advices. He has the right to be acquainted with all the details of the moral conditions in the home. He can give advice which will compel the occupants to reflect over and above the actions of the stomach. He can even command, for behind him stands the fear of death. The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person. And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings. If we but had enlightened physicians! At present there are so few! The more do We esteem enlightened physicians, since of course they are always under the threat of expulsion from the Medical Societies. Heroism is needed everywhere where the Truth is.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 601:
601. Artificial calculations, not illumined by the fire of the heart, bring misfortunes and confusion to the world. People lose the meaning of life. Not only for themselves but for all generations to come they leave a heritage of smoke and poisonous fumes. Thus is it needful to turn to thought as the creative path. Each one possesses sufficiency in thoughts, if only he were reminded from childhood about the treasure, manifested and ordained.

AUM (1936) - 321:
Is it not time to reflect on the relationship of psychic energy to the surrounding atmospheric strata? It is not permissible to poison the psychic energy of entire generations! So many beautiful souls perish, because of the poisoning of the planet!

AUM (1936) - 338:
338. If, at times, errors have been made through ignorance or malice, still one cannot tutor entire generations in the same mistakes. People talk much about prejudices, but they are ready to stifle the young generation with requirements that have no meaning.

Brotherhood (1937) - 21:
There can thus be observed different kinds of people. It is possible to convince oneself particularly as to how strong atavism is. The desire for food containing blood is augmented by atavism, because the many preceding generations were saturated with blood. Unfortunately, governments pay no attention to improving the health of the population. State medicine and hygiene stand at a low level. Medical supervision is no higher than that of the police. No new thought penetrates into these outworn institutions. They can only prosecute, they cannot help.

Brotherhood (1937) - 152:
152. The stratification of observations over the extent of many lives, laid in the depths of consciousness is called dormant wisdom. It would be possible to carry out remarkable experiments by studying when man is drawing from his storehouse of knowledge. It is possible to make a comparison with atavism, which is manifested through several generations. Thus are displayed hereditary racial traits. But throughout his spiritual journeys man accumulates his own load, which he guards within his consciousness. It is instructive to observe the acquisitions of knowledge and inclinations already manifested in childhood, which cannot be explained in any other way except as former accumulations. The more so is it necessary to observe such individual propensities; they may indicate endowments which may later be damaged by an ugly upbringing. Dormant wisdom was already noted in deep antiquity, when questions of spiritual incarnation were sensibly understood. Intellectual advance resulted in a loss and impeded the development of the hidden forces of man.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 22:
There are Those in Our Abode whose incarnations have been separated by many centuries. It would seem that Their mentality would be very different, because after three generations one's thought processes change completely, but in Our collaboration this is not noticed. One of the main reasons is the broadened consciousness, but this alone is not enough. What is required is the cooperation of the heart center. Only the heart can unite consciousnesses separated by many centuries. The heart quality is required for all subtle actions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
93. Urusvati knew long ago the identity of the Founder of the Brotherhood. It is possible to trace the long chain of incarnations and the periods in the Subtle World, yet in all this diversity the fundamental, unchanging goal of existence should be discerned. Similarly, one can see how, though earthly temples and strongholds have perished, the ideas that brought them into being have not died. Not only do they nourish entire generations, but, as centuries go by they continue to flourish beautifully with a new understanding. We pay no attention to superficial fluctuations, knowing that the essence is unchangeable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153:
Urusvati heard the voice of the Great Pilgrim; how could such a voice belong to a mere leader of crowds? It was precisely the crowds that were the cause of His particular sufferings, shouting in praise of His Kingdom, and then hurrying to His crucifixion. Thus, in their way, they helped to fulfill the prophecies. It is impossible to imagine what karma awaited those crowds of madmen! People are now witnessing events that have burdened the lives of many generations. This is not a punishment, but the consequence of the madness of free will. When I advise restraint from unwise words and thoughts, by this very request I make you think about the future.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 186:
186. Urusvati knows that humanity itself has created and increased its illnesses. The Thinker said, "Nature does not require the suffering that people have brought upon themselves. Even childbirth need not be painful, and some women prove it. But countless generations have brought into life all kinds of illnesses, and it is difficult to say how many generations will be needed to neutralize them. Not only medical authorities, but everyone should try to eliminate disease.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 199:
The Thinker said, "If you want to find a rare manuscript, do not look for it only in the libraries. It is better to roam about the market places, and even to pay attention to the wrapping paper being used! We sometimes found beautiful fragments of rare manuscripts being used to wrap vegetables. I remember a poet who once advised a writer not to use an ink that was poisonous, for it might harm someone who later buys cherries wrapped in the paper. Indeed, even We cannot be sure that Our writings will reach future generations in their original form."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 209:
It is wrong to excite the mind with narcotics, for such methods harmfully affect even future generations. Artificial stimulants are as harmful as the most severe diseases, the only difference being that the effects of disease manifest quickly, whereas the effects of narcotics develop over a long time and affect future generations. Man thinks little about the future and cares little about what he contributes to it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 259:
You can observe the rapid advance of evolution. Not only by generations, but even by decades, one can measure the considerable progress of life. Experienced observers should carefully and objectively collect facts about the progress of evolution through the decades. Truly, one can declare that the New Era is approaching! Even if many things are misunderstood and distorted, new possibilities are entering life, and will in time influence humanity's level of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 276:
Seldom do people pay attention to such promptings, which can be studied only through lengthy observation. But who cares for such drawn-out processes? People read about instantaneous enlightenment and imagine that they can succeed without spiritual practice and protracted experiments. They do not want to hear that certain experiments require a time equal to the span of several generations; they desire immediate enlightenment, even if such an accelerated process could destroy their neighbors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286:
To all these insanities will be added the most shameful - the intensified competition between male and female. We insist upon equal and full rights for women, but the servants of darkness will expel them from many fields of activity, even where they bring the most benefit. We have spoken about the many maladies in the world, but the renewed struggle between the male and female principles will be the most tragic. It is hard to imagine how disastrous this will be, for it is a struggle against evolution itself! What a high price humanity pays for every such opposition to evolution! In these convulsions the young generations are corrupted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
There are many combinations of personal, family, and national karma. One may ask if it is possible that an injustice committed against one person could affect a whole country. Indeed, it can, especially since many who are involved with one another reincarnate in the same country. Such conditions increase the responsibility of mankind. People acknowledge that physical characteristics are transmitted through the generations; it is regrettable that they are not aware that karmic traits can also be transmitted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
Over many generations people have developed an awe for misfortune, and claim that it is the gods who send calamities. Man never forgets to pray for help, but he seldom remembers to give thanks for his happiness. It may seem hardly worthwhile to speak about such a thing, but it should be examined from the scientific point of view. The projected image of feelings of distress is an agitated one. We can observe their zigzags flickering on the screen, whereas rapture and exaltation produce perfect circles. It can be proved that disturbance not only produces poison, but also deadens the organs, whereupon the entire laboratory of the organism falls into disorder. This condition can be compared to the death of psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361:
Such immobile people will find themselves in a most lamentable position when they enter the Subtle World. They will regret that during their earthly existence they did not mingle with different generations or find points of contact with a variety of mentalities. The ancients wisely experimented with various generations. And you too will learn how to feel at home among the most diverse mentalities. Remember that We, also, had to undergo such experiences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368:
For example, imagine the hostility that arises in a certain country where the population has been living in hatred for a quarter of a century and has transmitted its hostility to the next generation. Is this just? Even when the original enemies no longer exist, and the young generation has begun to think in a new way, there are those who will wish to impose upon the young minds earlier antiquated concepts. One should always remember the span of the generations so that injustice will not be done.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368:
The essential meaning of a society should not be judged by the outward conditions and customs of life which can remain unchanged from one generation to the next, but by its inner growth and striving. You should understand that I am not talking abstractly. I am observing a certain nation in which people are creating a new world-outlook, yet there is a strong opposition that attempts to force the nation to revert to the ancient concepts of past generations. Casual, short-sighted observers tell the most contradictory stories. It would be appropriate to ask these observers from which generation they have drawn their judgments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412:
412. Urusvati knows that the decay of consciousness is worse than any war, pestilence, or earthquake. It steals up unnoticed and commits acts that will horrify future historians. It causes people to lose their self-respect, to become malicious, and to ignore their own necessary contribution to future generations. The decay of consciousness causes writers to produce repugnant images, and nonentities to sit in judgment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422:
Mixing supplies of whole blood is proof of ignorance. From both the physical and the psychic point of view one should consider what incompatible elements have been indiscriminately combined to produce a false cure instead of a real one. People fail to understand what they are preparing for future generations. On the one hand they seem to care about the purity of future generations, but on the other thoughtlessly transfuse mixed blood.


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