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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > GA > GATHERS (57)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.19:
It is not necessary to explain the Laws of Fearlessness and Righteousness, and it is easy to understand the Law of Containment, but the Law of Nearness must be elucidated. At the approach of certain Signs and Images ordained by dates, a specially saturated atmosphere gathers, as if clouds of smoke were overcasting Heaven and Earth. That which had been clear begins to crumble, and, as if in a whirlwind, falls to pieces. Even physically this period is difficult, but during this period certain dates are being pronounced which stand as milestones on the road.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.3:
Not in remote laboratories, not in monastic cells, but in life shall you gather the truthful records. Where Christ, not in the folds of a chiton but in the beauty of toil, gathers the seekers of the freedom of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.7:
There is a center in the brain which is called the bell. Like a resonator it gathers the symphony of the world, and it can transform the deepest silence into a thundering chord. It is said: "He who hath ears, let him hear."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11:
Nothing gathers the essence of prana as well as do plants. Even pranayama may be replaced by association with plants. And it should be understood how assiduously the eye must fathom the structure of the plants. The pores of the plants are enlarged not only by the advent of new leaves and flowers, but also by the removal of dead parts. The law of Earth's nurture affords, through the antennae of the plants, the possibility of drawing out of this reservoir by means of smell and sight the precious quality of vitality, the so-called Naturovaloris, which is acquired through conscious striving.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.7:
It is said of man that he is born and he dies. About the elemental spirit it can be said that it flashes and becomes extinct. Like an arrow, the consciousness of the manifested spirit pierces into the substance of the elements, and like a magnet it gathers the molten substance. The birth of an elemental spirit is conditioned by the contact of a manifested consciousness. Verily, boundless is cooperation!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.7:
The spheres of the elements are of dazzling beauty, and besmirching them is like destroying a wonderful flower. I feel that the teaching of pure thoughts will penetrate into people's consciousness. The sower of thought gathers the harvest. Therefore, with the Mother of the World all-seeing cooperation is unavoidable. The state of the substance of the space, pierced by the combinations of new rays, permits the beginning of the New Era. All Good should be gathered.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 163:
Recall how I began with you the attainment of Agni Yoga. Similarly, lead your disciples into the domain of the mastery of the Fiery Yoga. Like sculptors, begin to shape the different surfaces of the raw matter. Suddenly and continually strike sparks of the fire of life from the surface of chaos. As the play of the Great Mother gathers power in the spiral turns of the energy of Fohat, thus fearlessly offer to people a complete - more complete than expected - understanding of the whole of life in the realization of the Infinite. Do not be concerned with the rising and falling of the spirit. These are only turns in the spiral of motion. Far worse are a continuous inattentiveness and self-concern.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 234:
234. You have seen how a stream becomes a powerful torrent after it gathers to itself other streams and passes through waterfalls and rapids, merging them all into its own current. Thus also for the yogi, there is no categorizing of streams of knowledge into good and evil. He assimilates all kinds of knowledge, finding proper use for each.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 255:
Like contagion from an unseen source, similar thoughts spread. Some force gathers them, directs them, intensifies them. Those who used to place a magnet over the crown of their heads in order to deepen the consciousness knew fragments of the Great Teaching. Collecting the magnetic waves out of various realms, they reinforced their store of psychic energy. One can really unite several currents and effect a renewal of consciousness. For this, one must primarily learn open-mindedness. This is the first condition for the development of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 464:
464. Even if one gathers all the power of will, one still cannot evoke the Fire of Space. Those manifestations of the fiery element are not subject to command, they grow naturally from the expansion of consciousness. We call the human consciousness Our garden, where grow the fruits of labor. The work on the expansion of consciousness proceeds on two planes. These two planes are separate from the manifestations of life, just as a subterranean passage does not touch the vegetable kingdom and just as the fall of a meteorite is independent of the weather. People understand with difficulty these stratifications of two planes. Vigilance of the consciousness is required, but few are those who possess it. Each phenomenon of fire not only requires certain physical conditions but also depends upon the state of consciousness. The unexpectedness of phenomena is not so difficult to explain: it is enough to look into one's own consciousness without prejudice and to discern the physical conditions that preceded the phenomena. One will perceive a kind of short circuit of the current, which produces the manifestation.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 546:
546. Fundamental and irreplaceable is the element of fire. Similarly without substitute is psychic energy. The most self-sufficient, the most refined, the most upthrusting energy is the true Daughter of Fire! Not without reason do We call you to the Fiery Conqueress. Every manifestation of enthusiasm precipitates a particle of the treasure. Each exaltation before nature and Beauty gathers the seeds of light and creates a ray of victory. Long ago I said, "Through Beauty thou hast Light." Is it possible that We say this only to give pleasure? Each Indication has undeniable and urgent importance. Thus, enthusiasm will be the shortest way to the accumulation of psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 574:
The Voice said, "Wisely do you tirelessly persist. There, where you have heard the Teaching, there is the Treasure. Rise, you need not go far. Raise the stone on which you sit. Accept the divine cloud of Benevolence, and also from the earth its gold. The one who has harkened unto the end receives. The one who is courageous cannot be deprived. The one who gathers acquires."

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 49:
Condemned one, why does your heart not whisper to you wherein lies the truth? In every action is comprised an energy identical in substance with the energy of Cosmos. Every atom moves in accordance with exact calculation, and energy gathers from each convulsion of spirit. Let each one understand that he is doomed not because of karmic cruelty but by self-indictment. Cosmic Justice is aware of the design of evolution, and the plan is executed in accordance with the design of one and the same law of the Fire of the Mother of the World.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 90:
The creativeness of the far-off worlds gathers all currents and all manifestations of the energies of the elements, and transmutation is effected in the great fiery laboratory of Cosmos. The construction of higher forms is revealed to the higher consciousness, but when the formula is applied inversely an antithesis is created, as exemplified in the lower sphere. No one accepts this page of our existence as an infinite manifestation!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120:
120. The Cosmic Magnet is reflected in everything existing. Gravitation collects those particles of the creation of Cosmos which in turn reflect the cosmic magnetism. The whirl forges the contacts wherever the psycho-dynamic force is affirmed. Wherever the attraction weakens, severance results. Like an explosion, these breaks disperse the parts which belong to one element. The cosmic magnetism gathers nations, gathers races, gathers parts of the world, gathers aspects of evolution, gathers arcs of consciousness, gathers manifestations of all attractions. At the root of all vital manifestations may be discovered cosmic magnetism, and even behind the karmic law stands the Cosmic Magnet. The very thirst for existence is conditioned by the Psycho-magnet of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 127:
127. When the resistance to the Cosmic Magnet is for the purpose of gathering new combinations for a temporary manifestation, this result does not follow. The Cosmic Magnet links these correlations, which are carried into the creative wheel of Space. The power of the Cosmic Magnet, being centrifugal, repels those particles which do not suit the paramount purpose of welding into one integral whole the properties belonging to one element. The resistance of the spirit to the Origins of the Universe has violently plunged the vessel of knowledge into the slough of ignorance. All the Lords came to disperse the spiritual resistance, and having illumined the spirit, They further strove to raise knowledge to a higher level. Thus, the Cosmic Magnet gathers the Highest Reason, which is of infinite creativeness!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 140:
140. If men were to be told that each departing form carries within itself the succeeding one, We would be considered paradox-proclaiming scientists. Nevertheless, this manifestation of continuity is very beautiful! When the atom sunders, the center, the seed of spirit, finds the Cosmic Magnet. These are not errant particles, but rational forces. And when the power of the seed of spirit gathers the force of an atom, then cosmic fusion may be accomplished. Beautiful is the power and also beautiful the expression of potentialities of the parts. From the human standpoint it would seem that the law is exceedingly complicated, but the Arhat says, "Wondrous is the law of the Cosmic Magnet." By higher measures we attain the higher Be-ness. So great is the whole manifestation that a temporary existence on the planet expresses only a meager measure of it. And the cosmic fusion is called the synthesis of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 144:
144. In the interchange of energies is comprised the most beautiful power of the Cosmic Magnet. The interchange is manifested in the striving in Cosmos toward perfection. The communion of spirit with spirit reveals itself as an interweaving of the subtlest energies. The interweaving of these subtlest energies draws a line which leads to the Cosmic Magnet. Upon each unit the Absolute Reason lays its confirming Hand, and the Hand gathers that force of the element which is needful to Cosmos. Thus the Fire blends with the currents of Space. Therefore, the spirit that merges with Cosmic Reason can verily manifest that element which, blending all contents of the cosmic seed, can become a directing cosmic force. All that consciously unites can direct the cosmic forces. The same law governs the expression of creativeness upon the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 166:
It is precisely the creative force of Reason which gathers the different elements into dams against the unharmonized energies. The Universe derives that power for all its manifestations. Thus do races assemble and unite.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 199:
After the differentiation of Atoms has taken place, the life throb carries the particles toward various ends. A combination of particles is carried along, moved by the force of Fire. During blending of the atom, this process is subject to the law of the nature of the Cosmic Magnet. The consciousness gathers in the same way as the force of the Magnet. During separation, instinct guides the tension of each inception as a new cosmic force. The earthly existence of the atom and its consciousness is affirmed as the psycho-life itself.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 207:
207. The net of events is conditioned by the Cosmic Magnet. It is precisely a net because the creative force acts upon all waves of the flow of events. Hence, when the net gathers in its course elements antagonistic to the harmony of the Cosmic Magnet, it draws into the cosmic net effects of imperfection. These intervening forces often impede the flow of the stream of striving.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 208:
208. An Arhat gathers all the nets of events and all the threads of nations. From these interlacings there is born a new race, and this aids in creating the race synthesis. However great is the manifestation of the spirit in one sphere, it cannot accomplish this assembling of the race; only the synthesis of the Chalice can establish such magnetization. The evincing of intensified fires upon the earthly sphere may evoke a rush of various currents, and it is thus that the Agni Yogi creates.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 211:
211. The Cosmic Magnet force brings into tension the psycho-life of the elements. The Cosmic Magnet gathers the combinations of heterogeneous fires which in fusion provide the formula for a spatial, embodied form. The immutability of the law of the creative Materia Lucida provides each form that appears in the Universe. Its law establishes the psycho-life as the seed of the form. Hence, all that intervenes is subject to the reciprocal force. Such striving is inherent in man, and the seed of the spirit will always respond to the Cosmic Magnet. All other strivings of the spirit either correspond to the destination of the seed or transgress against it. Every man must correlate his striving with this law of the seed of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 324:
324. Consecutiveness in strivings creates streams of cosmic fires. When the fires of the centers of the flaming Agni Yogi create, all the intensified strivings are responding. When the centers respond to the pull of cosmic attractions, it may be said that the substance of the planet gathers much of the pure Fire. When the flaming Agni Yogi directs the fiery striving toward the accomplishment of the mission, it may be said that the entire Cosmic Might is cooperating with him. Where is the end, and where the spatial boundary? This may be defined by the guiding Agni Yogi himself. These spirit transmissions are verily most powerful; therefore, the creativeness of the rays is highly valued in Our Tower. The fire of the spirit is the best conductor. We know all its power. Thus, We see the creativeness of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 325:
325. The creativeness of Cosmos is saturated by the attraction of the Magnet. All impelled atoms are attracted to the seed of the spirit, as each creative manifestation has its kernel. The seed of the spirit comprises the entire striving and expression of creative tension. Truly, all energies are affirmed in the seed of the spirit, and therein also is the conformation with the cosmic direction. But striving toward a variety of combinations sets up a process of inverse tension. Only a tensed vehicle affords a direction conformable with the cosmic aim. When an energy akin to the striving of the Magnet gathers around the seed of the spirit, it is comparable to the assembling of the atom around its kernel. All life processes act from inner impulses. When the impulse ceases to be sustained by the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet, the force of cohesion is dissipated. When the seed of the spirit is covered by encumbrances, there follows a separation from the pure current leading in the direction of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 327:
327. The realization of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet directs the energies toward creativeness. The property of attraction fuses the energies, and this combination is so great an extent correlated to the striving that it may be affirmed that the combination is a corollary of the attraction. When the energies are striving to their seed, the link with Materia Lucida is established. The compound constituted by the Magnet in fusion with the energies calls up currents which are contained in Space. The abundance of cosmic currents affords a continuous chain which links and embraces all vital manifestations. Thus, everything in Cosmos gathers itself around its vital seed, and all which is vital is drawn to its seed. And in a limitless circle the seed lives as the center.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 348:
348. A most powerful stream is diffused in the combinations of the Magnet. True, when Reason unites various energies, then forces are conjoined which produce a powerful energy. The manifestation of cosmic rays is the straining of energies responding to the attraction of the Magnet. The Universe is filled with such manifestations. The creative principle gathers potential energies and propels all the manifested energies into a channel. Hence, each energy is intensified by creative tension.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 355:
355. The consciousness of the creative principle lends consciousness to the entire constructiveness in Cosmos. When the cosmic seed is gathered, the consciousness of the creative principle is made manifest. The compound of the striving seed gathers always in such a way that the impulse shows the quality of striving toward conscious creativeness. The creative impulse always corresponds to the law of attraction. The Spatial Fire generates its seeds. Humanity generates its seeds in each intent. The growth of consciousness will propel humanity toward creativeness with Cosmos and will tense all spiritual levers. When the consciousness of the seed acts against the affirmed Magnet, different currents are manifested. When construction is directed in line with the creative impulse, evolution may be discerned. Hence, the earthly ties must be constructed most solicitously.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 368:
368. Cosmic creativeness gathers combinations which are saturated by the Fire of Space. The cosmic creativeness imbues the striving energies by the impulse of attraction. When new combinations which are saturated with Fire manifest the vital energy, the impelling Magnet assembles these spatial energies. Explosions of fiery, impelling magnetism occur unavoidably when the energies are attracted in incidental fusion which generates dissimilar energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 375:
The husk which gathers about the human spirit clogs the paths to affirmation. Therefore, Our co-workers must understand that a husk is not applicable to Our conditions. One must understand the unworthiness of manifesting the garment of spirit as a husk, when We so greatly revere the radiance of the veil of the Mother of the World.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 378:
378. The pull of evolution gathers energies which strive toward the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is revealed as the Will of the Highest Reason. The fusion of aspiring energies by the Will provides the creation in the forms of the intensified Fire. When the element of driving Fire, speeding toward the vital manifestation, encounters currents in harmony with the cosmic tension, then this element collects more striving fires. But when the energy is rushing to affirm a contrary aspiration, an explosion in the space occurs. The manifestations of Infinity and of human impulse are equal. Thus the ways coalesce.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 398:
398. The cosmic dates are reflected upon all the subtle energies. The appearance of the subterranean fires is under such tension that the centers of the Agni Yogi verily reverberate. Hence, the Fire, straining to manifest itself, stirs unrest in the Agni Yogi. Indeed, at the present time, the fires of all spheres are highly strained, and the cosmic decision thus manipulates events. The centers of the Agni Yogi sense all that occurs and all the elements which are finding their way through. When the centers are kindled, the Agni Yogi senses especially sharply and a fiery manifestation is evoked. The centers must be particularly protected and they must be permitted to rest. The magnetic currents strongly attract the subterranean fire. Today you witnessed an explosion of the subterranean fire. When an explosion gathers, the centers give warning - a most precise indicator.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 33:
33. The strivings of Cosmos are manifested upon this principle. When Our Brothers of Humanity adhere to the cosmic creativeness, the principle of unity is affirmed. The property of intense fire contains in itself the property of unification. The inherent impulse of striving attracts the atom toward consummation. The union with the Highest Reason is followed by cosmic fusion. The Crown of Be-ness unites that which belongs to it. The Highest Reason blends that which it manifests. The Cosmic Magnet fuses that which it gathers. Thus triumphs the beauty of Be-ness!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 73:
73. The Cosmos is strained in the blending of its parts. So powerful is the principle of blending that it may be stated that the most powerful lever is the principle of unity. Magnetization through the spirit expresses the decision of the Cosmic Will. Only the creativity of spirit can truly be called the creativity of Eternity. Thus, the creative seed of the spirit strains each striving cell. The spirit determines the chain of lives; thus, the cosmic union is so powerful. Hence, the affirmed union is constructed upon the attraction of the spirit. Yes, yes, yes! According to cosmic law the principle manifested by the spirit gathers those seeds which respond to the attraction of the Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 78:
78. The regeneration of the spirit is affirmed also by the eradication of old boundaries. Thus, when the creativeness of the spirit is tensed by its approach to the Cosmic Magnet, the spirit then partakes of cosmic regeneration. These regenerations comprise in themselves the entire potentiality of the spirit, and the step of regeneration will provide a new formula. Hence, when the creativeness of the fire of the spirit is strained for the construction of evolution, it gathers identical energies. Thus does the Agni Yogi gather energies for regeneration. Therefore, the flaming centers can create regenerations. Thus, the cosmic fire is assimilated by the centers.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 152:
152. The center of the Chalice gathers all creative threads. Therefore, each cosmic vibration resounds within the Chalice. The spirit must give evidence of many indispensable strivings in order to assimilate the responding vibrations. When the center of the Chalice can manifest all the resounding vibrations of the cosmic fires, the creativeness of independent action is truly great. Therefore, this center must be protected by a moderator. Hence, it is necessary to guard the health.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 159:
159. Karma gathers the currents which are adapted to the affirmed improvement. When the spirit strains all efforts, the manifestation of the transmutation can develop the best possibilities. Only the adaptability to the karmic current provides the affirmed cosmic foundation. Thus, karma and striving give to humanity the essential impulses. Only the guidance of karma carries one to the step of Be-ness. Therefore, when man realizes the power of karma and strives to express the best aspirations, his path is parallel with the universal energy. The universal energy attracts the creative strivings. The future and the Infinite are thus being built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 253:
253. The energies are strained into combination by mutual attraction. Only attraction to the basis of the seed produces cosmic combination. All kinds of energies are intensified by the vibrations of Fire, and a spirit imbued by an attraction is responding to harmony. Thus, the cosmic Magnet gathers correlations. Each cosmic structure is imbued with fiery energies. Verily, all cosmic forms contain in themselves the essence of Fire. Boundless is the constructiveness of Cosmos!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 419:
419. The law governing the function of saturation is applied through attraction and identity of energies. When the impelled creative impulse gathers the affirmed energies in space, the law of the function of correspondence gathers the manifested fires. Humanity must understand that each force that enters into life creates upon the visible plane but is intensified by an invisible lever. Hence, one must seek in space for the saturating Fire and accept the law which serves as a link between striving and the creativeness of Fire. Thus, We strain the spatial manifestations into conformity with cosmic manifestations. The laws of spatial fires and human actions have identical driving force. Thus, the lowest attracts the lowest and the highest attracts the highest. But the law demands striving, and evolution is built by the manifestation of the higher attraction.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 424:
424. When Space thunders with the shifting, one must protect well those centers which respond. When the creativeness of Cosmos gathers the higher tensions, one must battle for the affirmation of Light. There is mutual intensification between humanity and the beauty of Cosmos, and only thus can one affirm a cosmically united power. Such striving has constructiveness in it. The creativeness of thought has continuous inner blending, and the spirit of a cosmic creator knows the thought of Cosmic Reason. Thus, a sensitive Agni Yogi knows the flow of evolution, and each spatial thought finds corroboration. Each thought manifested by the fire of a creator imbues consciousness. Thus, We create the shifting of the spirit and affirm an enlightened cognizance.

Hierarchy (1931) - 209:
209. The affirmation of the Teacher intensifies all creative forces. Without the Teacher there can be no link in the great chain of creativeness. Hence all the forces of Cosmos which manifest the course of evolution can be affirmed on the principle of Hierarchy. How can one build without the focus of attraction? Each force has its own tensions, which call forth creative strivings from the source of cosmic fires that gathers Light and spreads Fire around itself. Verily, thus is the Cosmic Focus affirmed, and life must be built around a focus. Creativeness is limitless!

Hierarchy (1931) - 279:
279. During the construction of great steps one can observe how the central power gathers around itself all that is needed for evolution. Like a focal magnet, the leader of progress attracts everything to himself, sweeping away the old accumulations and creating new currents. Thus, throughout history, countries have been built by such leaders. It can be stated that by evidencing full adherence to Hierarchy any cosmic task can be fulfilled. Humanity has suffered most through its severance from the Higher Will. Only through affirmation of the great unification with the Higher Power can the fulfillment of Higher Laws be achieved. It is impossible for the acceptance of the powerful Hierarchy to be established without an understanding of the Higher Will.

Heart (1932) - 84:
84. A spiritual battle evidences itself in an influx of blood to the extremities. An Agni Yogi with a fiery Chalice does not remain behind; help is assured when the flaming heart gathers valiant spirits around it. The Battle is not upon the physical plane; it is not the small earthly forces that battle each other, but Forces of age-old experience are arrayed to determine Their destiny! The earthly reflections of the Battle swell out like unexpected blisters, but the fiery heart does not follow the earthly signs. The tension is great!

Heart (1932) - 444:
444. Among the sacred pains there is a certain type which is called, "The Vina of the Creator." As chords on a musical instrument, so speed the pains of the centers of the throat, the shoulders, the elbows, the extremities, the knees, and other centers. Thus is the heart attuned. Undoubtedly, the contact of the heart with the Highest remains the only refuge of humanity. Other Yogas have corresponded to different cosmic conditions. The heart is set out like an anchor in a storm, and it is not difficult to approach the fiery Yoga of the Heart. First, one should sense the great battle and the threatening peril which gathers over Earth. Second, one should regard one's own heart as a refuge. And third, one should be affirmed upon Hierarchy. It would seem that these conditions are not difficult. But so often we prefer the deviations, and even prefer deceit, rather than to turn to the simplest ways. True, tension of the heart is needed, and not without cause was the heart called, "The Great Prisoner."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 472:
472. Poor is the master craftsman who does not make use of all the riches of nature. For the skillful carver, a bent tree is a precious treasure. A good weaver uses each spit for the embellishment of his carpet. The goldsmith rejoices at each unusual alloy of metals. Only the mediocre craftsman will deplore everything unusual. Only an impoverished imagination is satisfied with the limits set by others. The true master develops great acuteness and resourcefulness in himself. The blessed spell of his craft frees the master worker from discouragement. Even the night does not bring darkness for the master, but only a variety of forms of the one fire. No one can entice a master toward aimless speculations, because he knows the inexhaustibility of the essence of being. In the name of this unity, the master gathers each blossom and constructs an eternal harmony. He regrets the waste of any material. But people far from mastery lose the best treasures. They repeat the best prayers and invocations, but these broken and unrealized rhythms are carried away like dust. The fragments of knowledge are turned into the dust of a dead desert. The human heart knows about fire, but the reason tries to obscure this evident wisdom. People say, "He was consumed with wrath; he withered from envy; he was aflame with desire." In a multitude of expressions, precise and clear, people show knowledge of the significance of Fire. But these people are not master artisans, and are always ready thoughtlessly to scatter the pearls they themselves so need! One cannot understand the human prodigality which destroys the treasures of Light. People do not deny themselves a single opportunity for negation. They are ready to extinguish all fires around them, only to proclaim that there is no Fire within them. Yet to extinguish fires and admit the darkness is the horror of ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 167:
167. Before the great reorganization of the World, a manifestation of all the dark forces is displayed, for a better transmutation. What is taking place in the World cannot be called a step of evolution, but it can indeed be said that what is being manifested is the lowest, the most intense, the most saturated by the forces of darkness. But great is the work which gathers together everything helpful for the great reconstruction. Just as the condensed strata of the earthly spheres are being made ready for battle, so does a manifestation of the Forces of Light stand on guard. The stage which the planet is going through can be compared with a furnace of Cosmic Fire. All dense energies are aflame in tension, and on guard stands the Fiery Right. Fiery creativeness is assembling all fiery energies - thus the World is being reconstructed by the tension of two polarities. It is necessary clearly to discern these turbulent energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 196:
196. When the Forces of Light are tensed, of course, the darkness gathers together its own forces, but the Light is the stronger. Thus do We create manifestations. Events are drawing near, the time is grave and saturated. Thus shall We be victorious.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 274:
274. Therefore, the flaming heart can affirm each manifestation. For the revealed magnet of the heart attracts sparks of Fohat. Hence the heart, which creates in the name of Cosmic Right, has that powerful force, and gathers together sparks of Fohat and arrays with them those manifestations which are intensified for creativeness. This magnet of the fused heart creates on all planes. Therefore Our Heart creates so fierily. It is the heart which can contain each affirmed degree of Fire. Such a heart can be affirmed only by cosmic Right. The Heart which realizes Cosmic Right has all the Fires.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 282:
282. The Heart of the World contains all the properties of cosmic energies. Each force of attraction acts according to the law of the Heart of the World. Each form and the process of concerted actions create according to the great fiery command of the Heart of the World. A manifestation of fiery conjunctions has its own power of unification which gathers together cosmic energies. Verily all human actions can be saturated by the Heart of the World. But for this great action it is necessary to feel the pulse of the Fiery World. In this fiery creative power it is verily possible to regenerate the consciousness of humanity. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for creativeness in unison with the Heart of the World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 139:
139. Urusvati knows that many decisive moments pass in silence. First may come a storm, with lightning and thunder, but the foundation is silence. When We suggest unification in silence, then somewhere something significant is taking place. Such concentrated silence gathers a special energy, which potentially is more powerful than even the loudest words. Very few understand silence as action. Our entire Abode sometimes merges into profound silence when something of great importance is taking place.


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