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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FU > FUSION (80)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 254:
You have heard the legend about a whirling cloud above a site of special significance. This is based on the same idea of projection of energy. The projected energy may be so powerful that it can cause physical manifestations, for the fusion of energy with the elements produces most unusual phenomena. But during periods of great activity, this energy becomes separated from its source, and one must expect a certain fatigue, accepting it as the natural consequence of the depletion of the treasury.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 341:
Let Our words about Fire not be regarded as abstract symbols. I speak of Fire truly existing. This is not the first time that the planet will experience the effect of this element. During each change of race Fire approaches as a purifying stream. Humanity remembers the devastation caused by the fusion of the Fire of Space with its subterranean fiery precipitates. Why repeat the destruction of Atlantis if it is possible to attract the beneficial aspects of the element of fire? But in order to approach Fire without fear it is necessary to learn to think about it and to assimilate it in the consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 57:
57. Realizing that the path into Infinity is that shoreline toward which the highest spatial energy is impelled for fusion with the essence of everything that exists, one may affirm that Cosmos creates the consciousness of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 61:
Cosmos and our will symbolize the assertion of Be-ness. And the freedom of will is but a great possibility for the manifestation of the human spirit. When the Fire of Space directs the consciousness to the Infinite, then the rushing stream of energy is intensified. When isolation will cease, then the fusion will direct toward Infinity. In all Space there is one pulse, and the Law of Cosmos is one for all that exists. Creation is designated for all affirmed lives and for all Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 87:
87. In the kernel of the spirit a dissociated atom carries the knowledge of its destiny. Only that spirit who guards the kernel in pure Fire can affirm his true destiny. The highest fusion is possible only in this pure burning. When the boundary is crossed and one existence terminates, then the step of higher existence begins. Thus, the perfect cosmic joy is reached in the manifestation of fusion. The vigilance of the kernel of the spirit through the span of millennia constitutes the Sacrament of the highest tension in Cosmos. Dissociation brings mutual handicap through cosmic reaction.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 109:
109. Transfiguration is Our most wondrous foundation of cosmic fusion. That step of cosmic transfiguration, at which man consummates his earthly path, We call cosmic joy. The manifestation of consummation is the most difficult attainment. The transmutation on higher spheres is far easier. The most difficult severance is from Earth, since Earth is the highest chain of lower worlds. The very ascent to higher spheres is difficult. Hence slowly does the spirit attain consummation and rare are such attainments.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 109:
The higher planets do not exert such gravitational pull. The spirit's striving is a moving force, and a vital and flaming fusion carries one into higher spheres. Onerous is the earthly path for the spirit nearing consummation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 116:
116. Upon the far-off worlds, transmutation is at the highest tensity. One may attain there the most fiery results and seemingly unattainable transmutations for all the highest manifestations of new elements. Only in the most aspiring manifestations of fusion are the highest transmutations successful. Humanity is ill with repulsion, and the earthly sphere is satiated with these suffocating horrors. When humanity ejected the concept of the most sacred principle, the reign of repulsion was established. There is no corner on the planet where there is not repulsion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 116:
The world created by the heart through the principle of fusion will create through cosmic attraction. The cosmic attraction and the blended heart create the manifested beauty of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 118:
118. The foundation of creative life can be affirmed only by psycho-dynamics. Psycho-dynamics can be affirmed upon the principles of the spatial energies. Whether the spirit manifests a cosmic and conscious aspect or affirms the consciousness by its attunement with the spatial cliche, the principle of inducing the manifestations of cosmic forces by way of fusion is one. Only by this unification are the forms of space created. Diffusion cannot produce entities which are not subject to the same law. The cause of human ills is in its inconsistency of strivings. Cosmos, in creating, requires stratifications which can grow step by step. When humanity will understand that striving leads to the cognition of these steps, then one can vouch for the path leading to Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 119:
119. The cosmic creativeness is strained in full harmony and in unison with the highest vibrations. When We entrust a mission, first We appraise the degree of tension of harmony. The scale of harmony is limitless, and limitless is the harmony vouchsafing the highest fusion. And the fusion, affirmed by the cosmic principle, is confirmed in the chain of the higher worlds. Wondrous is this chain, which forms a ring of Cosmic Might!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 122:
Astrology is constructed entirely upon the premises of the laws of cosmic magnetism. Life and its cessation are determined by the same cosmic magnetism. So long as the correlating combinations are held together by the power of the magnetism, so long life flows. However, cosmic magnetism can respond to the conditions evidenced by the psycho-dynamics of the spirit. Indeed, the spirit proceeding in rhythm with the Cosmic Magnet can attune itself in full harmony with the attraction of evolution. The death of a man may be defined as the evidence of a powerful attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. It is difficult not to give life and death identical denomination, as they constitute the same attraction among incalculable changes; it is only that the combinations and their destinations are changed. So much could be derived from a realization of the majesty of this law of fusion in the entire Cosmos. The beginning and the end verily meet in Space!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 123:
123. When I see a vibration responding to Our sacred vibrations, I rejoice. When we proceed in pace with the cosmic magnetism, then harmony is manifested. The law of assimilationis founded on the property of cosmic magnetism. The complexity of manifestations is increased when the evidence of resistance or surrender shown by the spirit is based on dormant principles. When the spirit strives to the Cosmic Magnet, the correlation produces the highest form of life. The fusion is found throughout Cosmos, and it is reflected in all space as the highest expression of the cosmic Reason. Man's strength lies in the Cosmic Magnet, and his loss of this powerful potential through lack of comprehension exposes that gaping abyss which man cannot cross save by plunging to the bottom and then ascending. Hence, there are so many crevices and so many people who are deprived of the higher understanding. Therefore, jubilation of the spheres is manifested when the greatness of cosmic fusion triumphs. Verily, the spheres then tremble with the highest exultation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 138:
Transmutation of the fires is so difficult in the earthly sphere because man, through negation, has created a special sphere which enwraps the entire Earth. These negations act like needles, and many are the battles taking place on the astral plane. Therefore, the achievement of the fiery Agni Yogi is so great. When each center not only receives the fire but also undergoes a fiery transmutation for the progress of humanity, one may truly call this carrier of fires a server of evolution. He who sacrifices himself for the fusion of the Fire of Space with the planet is confirmed as a link between the planet and the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 140:
140. If men were to be told that each departing form carries within itself the succeeding one, We would be considered paradox-proclaiming scientists. Nevertheless, this manifestation of continuity is very beautiful! When the atom sunders, the center, the seed of spirit, finds the Cosmic Magnet. These are not errant particles, but rational forces. And when the power of the seed of spirit gathers the force of an atom, then cosmic fusion may be accomplished. Beautiful is the power and also beautiful the expression of potentialities of the parts. From the human standpoint it would seem that the law is exceedingly complicated, but the Arhat says, "Wondrous is the law of the Cosmic Magnet." By higher measures we attain the higher Be-ness. So great is the whole manifestation that a temporary existence on the planet expresses only a meager measure of it. And the cosmic fusion is called the synthesis of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 148:
148. Casualness cannot guide the progress of humanity. Humanity does not realize the law which builds cosmic life. The Ancient Teaching which regarded the mortal remains as belonging to Earth, thus indicated the kinship of man to the elements. The Great Teaching knew that differentiation of the elements leads but to final fusion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 154:
spirit can glimpse dimly the beauty of cosmic fusion. The great sacrament can be experienced through a great spirit-realization. This Truth has been attested since the time when consciousness was able to unite itself with the Highest Principle, freely expanding its tasks. Wondrous are the threads issuing from the seed of one spirit! These are the threads which weave the treasure that, by the Ordainment of the Lords, leads to Them!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 171:
171. Homogeneousness and consubstantiality are identical. Thus only can we understand Be-ness. The world is created of One Heart, and that Heart beats through the one pulsation of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the principle which affirms homogeneousness in all things affirms unity. Thus, the principle of fusion is ordained by the creative Reason. Therefore, I say that the knowledge of Be-ness can further the cosmic evolution. Many are the beautiful mysteries in Cosmos!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 175:
175. Creativeness with incessancy of tension molds the better form. There exists a difference between the applied activity of an Agni Yogi and that of an ordinary man. The fire in the activity of an Agni Yogi is invisible and incomprehensible to the human mind, which admits only that which is visible. Hence, the great Cosmic Fire in different epochs was identified by different terms. When the spirit exercises its will to penetrate into the mystery of cosmic fusion, it can then assimilate the power of the cosmic energies. The invisible force becomes clear to him and, through the current of the Cosmic Magnet, he can sense the beauty manifested.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 211:
211. The Cosmic Magnet force brings into tension the psycho-life of the elements. The Cosmic Magnet gathers the combinations of heterogeneous fires which in fusion provide the formula for a spatial, embodied form. The immutability of the law of the creative Materia Lucida provides each form that appears in the Universe. Its law establishes the psycho-life as the seed of the form. Hence, all that intervenes is subject to the reciprocal force. Such striving is inherent in man, and the seed of the spirit will always respond to the Cosmic Magnet. All other strivings of the spirit either correspond to the destination of the seed or transgress against it. Every man must correlate his striving with this law of the seed of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 214:
214. In the fusion of elements, so-called, which are in correlation with the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet, it is important that the condition be maintained of as precise identicalness or of a harmonized combination. In the assembling of the new race, the same principle holds primary significance. When the foundation of a race is laid, the assembling is established upon the best principles. The Cosmic Magnet impels the seed, and around it there is developed a powerful monad. Each seed has its cycle, which develops along a general principle. When the dominant element is fiery, the principle of the new race will be built upon Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 229:
229. An Agni Yogi enters the tempo of the universal current, thus directing the trend of world thought; and, by suffusing the space with his essence, he attracts spirits to the new and predestined affirmation. Most complex is the universal creativeness, and interwoven with the most subtle energies. The manifestation of the Fire of Space is a force propelling toward creation of universal currents. The principle of Fire gives the direction to all the new cosmic currents. Therefore, the assertion of fusion will be disclosed as a key to the sixth race. The currents inset into the basis of life predetermine a new course. Thus do We confirm this great path. Thus do We build the great, the wondrous step of the universal life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 231:
231. Indeed, the affirmed new race must aspire to the principle of the center of evolution. The imbalance now manifest on the planet must inevitably provoke a shift, either for continual participation of the psychic energy or for destruction. Hence, the continuance of existence is conditional upon that affirmed force. Thus the Mother of Agni Yogi brings the chalice of salvation to mankind. Thus the Arhat and the Tara bring salvation into the construction of a better future. In the harmonious alliances of the Origins, salvation is borne to mankind. Thus We set the foundation of the new race and the step of highest fusion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 253:
The process of infusion of psycho-dynamics into a new planet may be manifested only through a united Atom. The manifestation of the cosmic basis must be imbued by the all-containing energy. Therefore, We are united in a synthesis of cosmic fusion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 268:
268. The law of transmutation is inescapable and is expressed in all cosmic manifestations. When the fusion of elements creates its formulae, the tensity of transmutation is extremely powerful. In its spiritual and physical aspects life is highly intensive, both in the electing of the vital energies and in the inhaling of those already exhausted. The energies induced through transmutation create the life of the elements. The essence of the transmutation is evolved in relation to various cosmic energies. The records of transmutation assert the power of evolution, based upon the Fire of Space. The substance of the life impulse is affirmed as a transmutation of Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 285:
The atom which is impelled to fusion will co-resound with Space. Therefore, the path of fusion is the highest in Cosmos. Those who deny the path of consummation deny the radiance of Be-ness. Yes, yes, yes! The power of cosmic fusion is a true cosmic force.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 327:
327. The realization of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet directs the energies toward creativeness. The property of attraction fuses the energies, and this combination is so great an extent correlated to the striving that it may be affirmed that the combination is a corollary of the attraction. When the energies are striving to their seed, the link with Materia Lucida is established. The compound constituted by the Magnet in fusion with the energies calls up currents which are contained in Space. The abundance of cosmic currents affords a continuous chain which links and embraces all vital manifestations. Thus, everything in Cosmos gathers itself around its vital seed, and all which is vital is drawn to its seed. And in a limitless circle the seed lives as the center.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 330:
330. The seed of the spirit forms a part of the magnetized power of a luminary. The rays penetrating the determined and manifested energy intensify its properties by their striving; therefore, the seed of the spirit carries within itself every impulse contained in the luminary. The energy which combines with the impelling force of the Magnet induces the development of this fusion. Thus, when the creativeness of the ray saturates its surrounding space, the energy of this circle, striving to life, attracts other energies; and the fusion of the luminary with the life impulse gives power to the seed of the spirit. Thus shall We conclude about the law of attraction of the seeds toward life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 331:
331. The combination of the energies with the tensed Magnet presents the power of creativeness. There is not engulfment in cosmically manifested creation; there is only a fusion of the energies in a new combination. Thus, the passage through all karmic steps intensifies the development of various properties and results in a striving, manifest activity. Therefore, the seed of the spirit creates the design of each round which is striving evolutionward. But by reason of the accumulations that are inharmonious with the activity, not every spirit can reach the higher step. In this case, the seed of the spirit is in correlation with the Cosmic Magnet but is physically tardy in outliving its imperfections. Then, the manifestation of imperfection can be redeemed through striving. This is not an engulfment by Infinity, it is the path to the Infinite!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 334:
334. When the propelled seed is attracted by the cosmic seed, fusion occurs through intensification by the Magnet. When the propelled seed is attracted by the cosmic seed, the direction of the path of the seed is determined. Upon the fusion depends the creativeness of the potential.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 339:
339. The motion of the molecules sends out the vibrations of currents of identical energies. The cosmic seeds are being saturated with the energies of the vibrations of impelled molecules. In speaking of the cosmic seeds, one may call creation a state of magnetic consciousness. When energies are attracted to an identical center, the cause of this attraction may be discovered. Whether the energy be called an impulse or a whirling vortex, its base is consciousness. Indeed, when it is possible to define an energy as one impetuously surging toward fusion, the driving force of the Magnet is confirmed.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 341:
341. Materia Lucida clothes all aspects of the cosmic energies. The flux of the Fire of Space can envelop for manifestation that region which is subject to the cosmic attraction. The seed, strained toward life, is subject to this great law of attraction. When the power of impulse drives the seed toward creative fire, the striving of consciousness bestows life. The consciousness of the energy is the current of fire. How, then, can priority be given to one energy over another when the fiery tension can occur only in fusion? He who knows the law of Be-ness can affirm that the acknowledgment of the two Origins is the foundation of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343:
343. Striving toward development of consciousness depends upon the impulse of the seed of the spirit. The cumulation of striving intensifies the growth of consciousness. If the energy lacks striving, the manifestation of the intensity of energy is considerably weakened, and the attraction cannot result in fusion. Thus, the seed of the spirit is in need of striving. The best sign of the tension in the seed of the spirit is the intensified fire; hence, the centers of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so aflame and the tensity of fire is so great. Only the influx of fire bears witness to this fire; and creativeness of the centers is very flaming.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 344:
344. The creative principle impels all energies toward fusion. The heterogeneity of the striving energies manifests the power of attraction. Thus, each propelled energy is not lost in space; and the power of each energy increases through fusion. Each energy attracted by the creative principle multiplies its power through this impulse; and each coalescing and striving atom generates energy. Hence, all cosmic energies manifest the potency of creativeness. Infinity affirms the generation of energies and multiplies all cosmic manifestations of the creative principle.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 345:
345. The creative principle affirms each new center and determines its correlation with world events. The potential of the striving center intensifies the fusion with the Magnet, and the consciousness which strives toward the blending confirms a new aspiring energy. The blending of these energies is precisely in conformity with the pull of the Magnet. Thus, each center can direct its own energy. Each energy is determined by its center. And when the space is strained in the creation of a new center, the correlation attracts new energies. Hence, the centers of the Agni Yogi are able to reverberate to all cosmic manifestations; then the centers respond so flamingly. A conscious creation intensifies the centers.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 346:
346. Fusion of the energies pertains to cosmic creativeness. When two energies are attracted to each other, a combination of striving magnetism is generated. If it is possible to correlate the creative principle with the principle of the Cosmic Magnet, it is possible to correlate the striving with the attraction. Hence, the assertion of the striving energies in space is termed the course of the Magnet. All cosmic manifestations are thus correlated, and the creativeness of Cosmos strains the flux of the energies. The attainment of tension is correlated with the tension of the Fire of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 358:
The experience of the rotation in the center of Brahmarandhra is a very important manifestation of the fusion of the Fire of Space with the fires of the centers. It is a rare manifestation when the consciousness retains memory of this process taking place. It is necessary to observe all sensations because it is so rare an attainment. I affirm, I affirm, I affirm!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 368:
368. Cosmic creativeness gathers combinations which are saturated by the Fire of Space. The cosmic creativeness imbues the striving energies by the impulse of attraction. When new combinations which are saturated with Fire manifest the vital energy, the impelling Magnet assembles these spatial energies. Explosions of fiery, impelling magnetism occur unavoidably when the energies are attracted in incidental fusion which generates dissimilar energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 374:
374. In cosmic creativeness energies are fused at highest tensity. The combinations of fusing energies multiply with the increase of tension. The synthesis of tensity is confirmed by the power of the higher fires. Throughout the entire cosmic creativeness the law of tension is immutable. Only the power of a rising tension can create a new combination. With the increase of tension different energies are involved. When the energies which join in the magnetic fusion attract to themselves identical currents, the harmonization of the energies may be established. But when the energies project themselves in different directions, then occurs an evident dissipation of the energy of the Magnet. It is similar with human actions. Why is the human spirit attracted to inharmonious currents? True, the currents which strive to the Fire of Space can afford the better formula, but this formula must be established through self-action.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 378:
378. The pull of evolution gathers energies which strive toward the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is revealed as the Will of the Highest Reason. The fusion of aspiring energies by the Will provides the creation in the forms of the intensified Fire. When the element of driving Fire, speeding toward the vital manifestation, encounters currents in harmony with the cosmic tension, then this element collects more striving fires. But when the energy is rushing to affirm a contrary aspiration, an explosion in the space occurs. The manifestations of Infinity and of human impulse are equal. Thus the ways coalesce.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 11:
11. The substance of the Fire of Space directs the human consciousness. Since it is acknowledged that even the rays of the moon help the growth of plants and affect inanimate objects, one may go a step further and admit the creativeness of the rays. Certainly the sun - the life giver - saturates the entire Universe; but the realization that the streaming rays impart a conscious force of energy will afford the most fiery attainments. Cosmos demands uniformity of striving in all things. Sensing the vibrations of the currents, humanity will discover the multifold creative transmissions of the rays. Thus does Cosmos bestow its treasures. The substantiation of these treasures is inevitable. Spiritual application should be accepted equally with the wondrous powerful impulse. Cosmic creation is built upon the foundation of spirit. A discovery comes in a harmonious fusion with a cosmic ray. The rays from heterogeneous elements bring immeasurable revelations to humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 13:
13. The law of generation creates its own affirmations. When the properties of the fire coordinate with the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet, space is enriched with a new formula. A man seeking to harmonize his qualities cooperates with Cosmos. In creating his spiritual image, each one adds to the harmonization in Cosmos. The currents of space are reinforced through the principle of fusion. This law rules all cosmic forces. The man who confirms his life path shows cosmic cooperation. The power of space is calling for self-sacrifice, and self-sacrifice is inscribed in the construction of Cosmos. It is precisely self-sacrifice that guides the light of the spirit into Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 33:
33. The strivings of Cosmos are manifested upon this principle. When Our Brothers of Humanity adhere to the cosmic creativeness, the principle of unity is affirmed. The property of intense fire contains in itself the property of unification. The inherent impulse of striving attracts the atom toward consummation. The union with the Highest Reason is followed by cosmic fusion. The Crown of Be-ness unites that which belongs to it. The Highest Reason blends that which it manifests. The Cosmic Magnet fuses that which it gathers. Thus triumphs the beauty of Be-ness!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 34:
34. Cosmic blending is tensed by the Fire of Space. The fusion of sparks is precipitated by the Cosmic Magnet. Fiery seeds live in each atom, and the power of cohesion rests in these fiery seeds. When the intensified force of the creative Magnet is acting, the fire of the seed fuses with the impulsion of the Magnet. The manifested fire breathes the impulse of life into each atom. The spirit creativeness is strained by the manifestation of Fire. When thoughts create spiritually at a distance, such action is analogous to the creativity of the Fire of Space. The reception and the transmission are under the same law. The action of Fire is comprised in the impulsion of the Magnet. Hence, the magnet of the spirit reflects all cosmic manifestations. These potential forces are established by the Reason as the life force. The magnet of the spirit combines all vital impulses. Indeed, the magnet of the spirit fuses matter even physically. Of course, the treasury of the spirit is the Chalice, and that treasury also guards matter, because the powerful impulse of sacred Fire is laid in it. Thus, a wise power flows from the seed of the Fire of Space. Thus, the seed of the spirit intensifies the striving toward the higher spheres.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 36:
36. Reality responds to intensity. When the striving of the energies aggregates around the seed, reality creates. In regard to illusion, this law has been forgotten,. In reality Light engulfs darkness. The fusion of energies is consummated in reality. When cosmic creativeness intensifies reality, the entire power of attraction is applied. Reality is imbued with magnetic currents. The presence of striving affords a powerful flux of attraction. Only these processes give rise to the manifestation of life. Constant striving into a higher sphere produces the tension of reality. The unalienable attraction of the Cosmic Magnet sustains humanity on its path of evolution. The countless courses of reality are confirmed by the law of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 42:
42. The fusion of energies are manifested in different spheres. When a lower sphere is taut for fusion, an identical energy approaches it. The higher sphere summons the higher energy. Similarly are the human fields of action divided. Those who cling to the lower sphere preordain their own destinies. Each assimilation and each response thus affirms the tension of the spirit. These indicators subtly define the striving of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 45:
45. The essence of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet is contained in the assertion of new combinations. The power of the Cosmic Magnet exerts strain upon those parts of the energies which are not united. Upon this process of fusion the entire cosmic creativity is built. Wherever the eye turns, life is being built by these processes. Spheres are formed around the seed of spirit and around the cosmic seed; and the cosmic seed constructs the spheres,. Thus do the cosmic energies mutually create. Upon this creativity stands the Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 50:
50. In the eternal creativeness of life, the law of Oneness holds. The cosmic creativeness goes forth as a fiery command; a command preordaining fusion; a command preordaining destiny; a command preordaining the replacement of one by another; a command preordaining consummation; a command preordaining immortality; a command preordaining life for each atom; a command preordaining the approach of new energy; a command preordaining the New Era. Thus is the cosmic creation accomplished by the magnet of life. How then is it possible to split the creation of the Cosmos? How then can those things which belong to one another be separated? How then can those things which verily issue one from another be separated? Indeed, in its saturation Cosmos is strained for the fiery fusion! Only Cosmic Reason can give to humanity the Image of Oneness. Reason gives to humanity the supreme Image of the creation of the most fiery Heart. Reason assembles in sacredness; therefore, in Cosmos this law is created by life. Where then is the end, when all cosmic manifestations evolve upon two Origins? When a spirit contacts the higher spheres, cosmic creativeness is revealed to it as the law of infinite unity. When the spirit reaches the highest Oneness, it may be said verily that it draws from the vessel of cosmic joy. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 59:
59. In the flowering of the potential of spirit we see the synthesis. How powerfully this blossoming of the potential proceeds, and how continuously it is directed toward the consummation! The manifestation of the consummation magnetizes the entire chain of lives for that spirit who knows cosmic law. The affirmation of Be-ness thus leads the spirit. At the cosmic fusion the law must lead, and, having contacted the vibration of the Cosmic Magnet, the striving spirit cleaves in its essence to the ordinance of fusion.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 231:
231. Much is spoken about cosmic creativeness, but understood is only the finite creativity that is in the various manifestations intensified by the elements. The chief thing is overlooked that the cosmic seed is spiritualized by the higher energies. But when the creations of Cosmos are straining forth, the attracted sparks of intensified fire are seeking the vital fire. Only fire creates spiritually, and the cornerstone is the eternal law of attraction. Therefore, the necessary energies are intensified into fusion by an irresistible attraction. Therefore, it may be said that the cosmic creativeness depends on the impellent force of Fire. In Cosmos, there has never been an affirmation that did not respond to attraction without destruction following.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 364:
364. Cosmic sensitiveness fills the space. Only when an attraction acts upon a sensitive receptivity can a formula be affirmed. Therefore, when a cosmic combination is impelled to fusion, it is a power of sensitiveness that creates. Thus limitlessly does the Cosmos create sensitive organisms.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 416:
416. The eternal interchange cosmically unites and impels toward consummation the particles which belong to each other. The creative power of Cosmos attracts the impelled particles of life which are driving toward the affirmation of consummation. Only when the spirit knows the manifested law can Cosmos powerfully attract. Therefore, when the thought of consummation summons, the particles speed toward fusion in fiery striving.

Hierarchy (1931) - 10:
Let us find the reflection of the Cosmos in the great principle of construction and fusion. When the Brothers of Humanity feel sorrow over the Image in which they are held by the human consciousness, they can only say, "You are building your hypotheses upon apparent phantoms. We are only phantoms for humanity! When the spirit affirms Our Flaming Existence, then, instead of phantoms, We shall become the Fiery Warriors."

Hierarchy (1931) - 104:
104. For the evolution of the spirit the fusion of consciousness and heart is needed. When the forces are disunited, the spirit cannot act. Therefore striving for fusion of the subtle energies is so needed. In the entire cosmic constructiveness forces are in correlation, and by dissociation one can only suspend the preordained development. Therefore, the blended consciousness is being affirmed. Each force is in need of manifestation of a strained action, the more saturated, the more powerful. Hence, the fusion of the levers of heart and consciousness should be intensified.

Heart (1932) - 333:
333. Who, then, in his heart cannot understand the beauty of ascension? Who will not sense at heart the burden of return into a temporary house - a doomed house - a confining house? Thus, one should cognize the Higher World in order to become transported and ascend with one's entire being. Is it possible to peer from the window of the narrow home without thinking about the higher worlds? And the heart will lead one by the path of Christ to the step of Transfiguration. Thus we shall open the doors of the narrow house. Each fusion of consciousness already means open doors.

Heart (1932) - 350:
350. Parallel with pressure one can feel apparent void. This sensation should be observed very carefully. Often this is a certain defensive area which guards the heart from destructive blows, a type of defensive armor. One should be aware of this condition. Some regard this sensation as a severing and are unnecessarily distressed; others regard this sensation as the cessation of danger and abandon their vigilance. Either one impedes the flow of energy. But the already experienced warrior values this shield which so greatly guards his strength. You already know that the blows upon the aura are especially painful for the eyes and ears, but there may be some sensations of a cut or pierced wound. These sensations are especially painful upon the shoulders, the neck, and the lower abdomen. Thus, these sensations may also be felt at the opening of the wounds - stigmata; then the energy of the heart draws a condensed fohatic particle toward this definite spot and injures the cellular tissue of the skin texture. Thus the fusion of the heart with the energy of Bliss offers the strongest combination.

Heart (1932) - 483:
483. And when I speak of caution, I also have vibrations in mind, because many cross currents may create venomous combinations. Therefore, it is so important to know whence the vibrations come, in order to accept them with the heart. Wondrous is the current of the heart; being better than the telegraph it comprehends fusion. The cognition of Hierarchy also leads to this. One must understand what signifies consciousness in the entire being.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 205:
205. The knowledge of vitamins is a sign of the coming age. But to the physical substance of vitamins one should add conscious psychic energy, and then numerous questions of physical and spiritual healing will be solved. Thus, one can begin to accompany the taking of vitamins with a corresponding thought. Even upon the simplest physical actions one can notice the influence of thought. For instance, one may throw a ball with an unvarying physical effort, but by accompanying it with different thoughts, the force imparted to the ball will of course vary. Thus one can observe how greatly we either hinder or augment even our ordinary actions. One must introduce similar experiments in schools in order to demonstrate the power of thought upon simple physical apparatus. Vitamins themselves pertain to the domain of psychic energy. In other words, they belong to the fiery sphere, meaning that their fusion with fiery thought produces a most powerful combination.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 19:
19. As there is not enough room for all on a summit, whoever ascends it will likewise discover that the ascent cannot take place with a heavy load. Furthermore, there is no place on the peak for anything superfluous. The ascending spirit must constantly bear in mind the necessity to break away from the attachments to everyday life. The slopes are steep, and one should remember also that only the foot of the Mountain is broad. At the base there is room for worldly things, but the Summit is sharp-pointed and too small for all human possessions. Mundane occurrences are best seen from the Summit; hence, everyone should remember about the Summit, but should also not forget about the steep slopes. During the ascent, in courage, firmness and creativeness, one should remember that the Summit itself is small but the horizon vast. The higher one ascends the broader and more powerful is the vision; and the more powerful the vision the stronger the fusion into oneness. Thus let us remember the farewell bidding given for the ascent.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 21:
21. The Teaching is given in endless succession, for the purpose of affirmation of fiery revelations and the carrying out of highest laws, and, following the same principle as that governing magnetic poles, can be given only to a fiery spirit that has been aligned with Hierarchy for thousands of years. The intensified fiery action extends for thousands of years. The fusion of consciousness is forged over a span of thousands of years. The united path is carved and paved in thousands of years. Hearts are merged in one Great Service in thousands of years. Immutable is the Cosmic Law, and it should be understood that the succession of the Teaching is affirmed through millenniums. There are many who attempt to infringe upon this great right, but a Cosmic Right is given to a creator in the Fiery World. Therefore humanity must purify consciousness for the understanding of the great Right of succession.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 48:
48. How man does limit the Fiery Right! He does not even understand that he is going against the very affirmation of Existence. How many wondrous manifested laws are concealed from man! Thus each sacred principle must be guarded. Close by is the revelation, yet it is difficult to broaden the consciousness. Thus the sacred is cognized by that spirit which is close to the Fiery Law. Unification is affirmation of the Cosmic law of Causality. A fiery vortex generates a powerful spatial tension; therefore all human calculations are unreliable. Indeed, to humanity it has been given according to its consciousness; that is the reason Truth is concealed, but the affirmation of Fiery Right rules in space. Thus We, the Arhats, sacredly guard in the heart the law of Cosmic Right. Cosmic structure is impossible without fiery fusion - upon this we shall end.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 117:
117. The bridge between Worlds is based on harmonization of all the subtlest energies. Actually, the majority thinks that transmutation of the centers takes place on the physical plane. This is an error. Such consciousness must be enlightened. Transmutation of centers by Fire is a fusion of all the centers, both physical and spiritual. A spiritualization of the entire being takes place. In fiery transmutation the Fiery World is revealed especially strongly, because a fiery harmonization takes place in one's entire essence, involving acquisition of all the higher tensions. Therefore, one may accept the law of the connection of the Worlds in each process of the refinement of spiritual centers. Accumulation of these energies gives the spirit an impetuousness which carves out the shortest path. Thus one must accept the concept of the bridge between Worlds, and one should remember that no unconscious labor of the centers exists. Conscious harmony of the centers is a great mystery. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the shortest path.

AUM (1936) - 68:
68. The spiritual principle precedes each action. There can be no bodily action without an antecedent spiritual fusion. Thus, whoever denies the spiritual principle thereby divests his actions of meaning. Evolution cannot continue if the primary motive force is repudiated. The Dark Age has among its characteristics the denial of principles and fundamentals. Yet precisely such darkness is transitory. Man must prepare himself for the acceptance of Light, and, lest he become like a mole, he must realize within himself the essence of Light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46:
We consider it most important to preserve pure thinking. This is possible where burning evenly exists. Thought is sent when there is a developed ability to concentrate. There are special apparatuses that enhance the concentration of thought. They are useful for sending thoughts to great distances. You may be surprised to know that these apparatuses are made by fusing various alloys. This fusion was considered from ancient times to be a special science, and an alloy was called a choir of metals.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185:
185. Urusvati knows that there are many methods of healing. At one time, healing was considered an art that for best results required the inner fusion of the will of the practitioner with the will of the patient. It was believed that intellectual analysis alone would not bring success.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
399. Urusvati knows that metals can accelerate the transmission of thought at a distance. This phenomenon was known even in the remote past, and from this knowledge grew an entire science dealing with alloys. Different images could be cast with a proper fusion of metals. Even today such objects can be found, but the characteristics of the alloys cannot be analyzed without damage to the images themselves.


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