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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FU > FURTHER (74)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 397:
My judgment is ready, but muster all resourcefulness and avoid wasting energy. The river must be nurtured by streams, not littered with trash. Clouds have become thickened; One must not condense them further. You should understand that truth is simple. Learn to hearken to the Teacher.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.9:
It is good to understand that the possession of objects should be devoid of a feeling of property ownership. It is good to possess things in order to take care of them, and even to surround them with a benevolent aura, with the thought of passing them on to others. The manifestation of a creative hand dwells in a house whose occupants are without attachment to property, and being improved it will carry joy further. The sign of the bestowing hand will be preserved continuously, and therein lies the justification of objects. Through this understanding is solved the most difficult problem. I say this for the world, because the ruination of the world arises chiefly from attachment to non-existent property. To incalculate this in the new people means to cure them of the fear of old age. Possession devoid of the sense of ownership will open the path to all without conventional inheritance. Who can improve, shall possess. This concerns lands, forests and waters. All mechanical achievements and various types of inventions are subject to the same principle. It is easy to imagine how folk creation will begin to work, especially in the knowledge that only the spirit offers the best solution. To the hearth of spirit shall be directed questions as to how best; and the sword of the spirit shall strike any evil guild. Verily, it is profitable to do better. The law is simple, as is everything of spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.1:
Sound and flowers become a necessity for further flights. The sounds of life of the spheres and the vital emanations of flowers truly enter into the recipe of Amrita.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.14:
Time was when We said: "Give up everything." Now We go further and say: "Take everything but do not consider it your own."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
The combination of a correct appreciation of the beauty of matter with a readiness to fathom the attainments of the spirit, brings the achievement to maturity. The turmoil of life no longer attracts, and of course there comes the realization that it can proceed no further in the same way.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.18:
2.5.18. Even earthly things may have a special atmosphere preserved around them. Just before reading a document one may become impressed by a sense of the nature of it. The Teaching penetrates considerably further when first of all it is possible to transmit the essence of a manifestation. I vouch that very soon sensitive apparati will be able to assimilate it. The intuition unfolds normally if spirit is acknowledged.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.3:
The astral plane is still full of earthly possibilities, but further on the knowledge of the spirit predominates; so earthly consciousness exists only in the earthly shell. In the astral body, however, there is still the remnant of a personal consciousness. But this consciousness is not the knowledge of the spirit. Consciousness is only one combination of skandhas. It is a confined knowledge of the spirit. The knowledge of the spirit possesses clarity of conception but it can be actively manifested only when entering into a combination of skandhas and fecundating the consciousness of the given combination.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3:
Once the principle of the Common Good has been inculcated in humanity, then by carrying it further we secure a Community strong through experience.

New Era Community (1926) - 150:
A moment approaches when the eyes of the listener darken and across the physical radiation there run sparks of unrelated color - this color pertains to the radiation of the sender. Indeed, light has succeeded in flashing out most rapidly, affecting the light of the listener's consciousness. It means that the field has been occupied and is prepared for further reception.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 28:
28. Hatha Yoga cannot be regarded as an independent form. The growth of the spirit changes it into Raja Yoga. It is impossible to name anybody who attained through Hatha Yoga alone. Besides, in a world of darkness and prejudice, accomplishments through Hatha Yoga can even bring harm, by its strengthening of the astral body. The fakirs may adapt themselves to this world of darkness and unwittingly weaken the ascent of thought. Even a person sitting quietly and contemplating can attain further, because thought is the Raja of all that exists. Beauty is born through the lightning of thought. Truly, a flaming Bhakti can kindle new worlds with a thought. And the step of a Jnani will be but the smile of a Raja-Bhakti. Therefore Hatha and Jnana are not original and are insufficient. What sage of wisdom would not be the lord of love?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 34:
34. Striving, during the growth of consciousness, is focused in the center of the solar plexus. Should striving go beyond its proper limits, then the so-called fiery death is unpreventable. An uncultivated consciousness can bear the fiery emotion of striving, but further ascent demands that the treasure be placed temporarily within a guarded casket.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 91:
Urusvati has arrived at a proper understanding that makes possible a further comprehension of the formation of the worlds. Vividly glows the manifestation of cosmic functioning!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 256:
256. The Keeper of the Seven Gates grieved: "I give people an endless stream of miracles, but they do not perceive them. I provide new stars, but their light does not alter human thought. I plunge whole countries into the depths of the seas, but human consciousness remains silent. I erect mountains and the Teachings of Truth, but people do not even turn their heads to the call. I send wars and pestilence, but even terror does not impel people to think. I offer the joy of knowledge, but people make a gruel out of the sacred feast. I have no further signs to turn humanity away from destruction."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 270:
Further spoke Akbar, "I rejoice that I have been able to apply in life the sacred Teaching, that I gave people contentment, and that I was made more prominent in the light by the shadow of my great enemies." Thus spoke Akbar, knowing the value of enemies.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 378:
When a man sees and feels a fire, self-igniting and unconsuming, he decides it is electricity. When he hears the vibration of a string in the air, or the ringing of a bell where none exists, he thinks vaguely about sound waves. When he sees colored stars near him, of course, he rushes to an oculist. When he sees formations in space, he thinks of meteoric dust. When he receives objects from space, he only suspects his neighbor - his imagination can work no further. Almost never does he pay attention to manifestations within his own organism. Yet it is from just these small observations that a great experience is built. Opinions must not be imposed by command, but should pass through one's own channels of psychic energy. Let us watch closely.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 431:
Our own Leaders have entrusted to Us the vessel to quench the conflagrations of evil, and We relay this mission to chosen emissaries, entrusting to them the task of further transmission. Recognition of Hierarchy facilitates movement into the Infinite.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 547:
547. Thoughts sent into space attract kindred thinking. How should one act if one's broad views do not achieve their goal? One must expand them still further. Beyond the boundaries of hostility lies the field of friendship. The traveler must know the geography of this domain.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 651:
651. Attentiveness can be tested in a simple way. Move an object to a new place; if it remains unnoticed, do the same with a larger object and observe what "elephant" finally attracts the "sharp" eye. Test yourself and others. Test for fear, for irritation, and for laziness - and for all failings that cause the litmus paper to blush with shame. There is no need of complicated invocations, since simple attentiveness moves one many steps further. Thus one should begin to develop the "eagle-eye."

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 50:
When manifesting elements are accepted as the roar of Cosmos, and people are unable to discover a further explanation, then blindness must be removed, for mental reclusion is far from the realization of Infinity. The inceptions are always accompanied by engenderings of that life impulse which moves the hand of a creator, or by the rush of the wind that bears the seed of life which, on finding a fitting soil, can evince the sprout of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 96:
96. Man draws his conclusions from the facts of life, comparing the evidence, however, with manifestations already past. The conditioning of life by only what has been already experienced sets that slow pace to progress which is adopted by man. The severing of ideas from the current of life arrests humanity at the point where it manifests uncertainty of further progress.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 127:
127. When the resistance to the Cosmic Magnet is for the purpose of gathering new combinations for a temporary manifestation, this result does not follow. The Cosmic Magnet links these correlations, which are carried into the creative wheel of Space. The power of the Cosmic Magnet, being centrifugal, repels those particles which do not suit the paramount purpose of welding into one integral whole the properties belonging to one element. The resistance of the spirit to the Origins of the Universe has violently plunged the vessel of knowledge into the slough of ignorance. All the Lords came to disperse the spiritual resistance, and having illumined the spirit, They further strove to raise knowledge to a higher level. Thus, the Cosmic Magnet gathers the Highest Reason, which is of infinite creativeness!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 139:
Conditions on the far-off worlds are quite the reverse; thus, humanity, having discovered the power manifested in the law of receptivity, can strive to further ascent. Life is determined upon the principle of unity - union of spirit and matter, union of the Origins, union demonstrated by the entire Cosmos. Union is the basis of the Cosmic Magnet. And in the manifestation of dissolution, search only for the evidence of the law of perfection.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 171:
171. Homogeneousness and consubstantiality are identical. Thus only can we understand Be-ness. The world is created of One Heart, and that Heart beats through the one pulsation of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the principle which affirms homogeneousness in all things affirms unity. Thus, the principle of fusion is ordained by the creative Reason. Therefore, I say that the knowledge of Be-ness can further the cosmic evolution. Many are the beautiful mysteries in Cosmos!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 191:
191. The manifestation of cosmic fires, imperceptible to humanity, is the main action of the Cosmic Magnet. The ascertainment of the Magnet in life has become a science for the further advancement of humanity. The linking of the Magnet with life provides correlation with the entire cosmic cycle.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 191:
We are raising humanity out of the conditions of the lower sphere into the sphere of limitless thought. Limitations imprison the spirit by that bolted chain which destroys the best cosmic currents. In limitless thought is encompassed the whole cosmic action, and out of Materia Lucida Fohat creates. It is instructive to know that the most fiery process can be achieved by the spirit, and the transmutation of fires inspires to the further process. Thus, the chain of manifested strivings confirms the infinite world of mutual creation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 333:
333. The energies are distinguished according to their potential; the more powerful the potential, the more powerful the striving of energy. The more powerful the potential, the more powerful the attraction. The energy is intensified in proportion to the rising of the Spatial Fire. A like correspondence exists between the seed of the spirit and its saturation by the luminary. Thus, the potentiality of the spirit depends on its saturation by the luminary. The generation of energies in this manner results from the saturation by the luminary. The vortices which draw the seed into a spiral transmit to it their energies, and the life impulse carries it along further into the sphere where the attraction sets its direction. Thus does the impelled seed acquire its life path, and the manifestation of an everlasting life impulse confirms existence.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 11:
11. The substance of the Fire of Space directs the human consciousness. Since it is acknowledged that even the rays of the moon help the growth of plants and affect inanimate objects, one may go a step further and admit the creativeness of the rays. Certainly the sun - the life giver - saturates the entire Universe; but the realization that the streaming rays impart a conscious force of energy will afford the most fiery attainments. Cosmos demands uniformity of striving in all things. Sensing the vibrations of the currents, humanity will discover the multifold creative transmissions of the rays. Thus does Cosmos bestow its treasures. The substantiation of these treasures is inevitable. Spiritual application should be accepted equally with the wondrous powerful impulse. Cosmic creation is built upon the foundation of spirit. A discovery comes in a harmonious fusion with a cosmic ray. The rays from heterogeneous elements bring immeasurable revelations to humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 56:
56. Humanity regards all uninvestigated energies as non-existent. It is not striving but denial that impels humanity to reject the subtlest energies. When the cosmic creativeness strains its levers, the preordained forms are generated. But humanity, in not aspiring to accept the new forms, certainly rejects further progress. Everything soars around humanity, but the energies only then take form when they come in contact with the human consciousness. Hence the surging tide toward deaf receivers is bringing but isolation from the cosmic treasury. Thus humanity deprives itself of the most precious.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 304:
304. The ways of action differ in their tensions. The spirit striving to a cosmic action always displays the acceptance of cosmic measures. The ways of action of the spirit impelled to egoistic intensity always further measures that retard evolution. Thus, all the ways of action are strained by the human lever of intentions. Our planet is battling in a vigorously asserted tension, and the ways of action thus are turning the karmic effects. Therefore, the field of human ways clutters the sphere with dams.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 356:
356. What might is contained in the creativeness of the heart! All cosmic tensions can be discharged by a light-bearing ray. How can one melt a projected arrow? Only by a smiting ray of Light. Therefore, the smiting ray of Light must penetrate into all arising difficulties. All the dark corners where ignorance is hiding must be illuminated. All erections based upon ignorance and cleavage should be demolished, because they do not further the growth of the construction. When We construct We manifest pure striving. All harmful accumulations of which humanity is unaware breed impediments to evolution. Thus, the smiting ray of Light will illumine all dark corners.

Hierarchy (1931) - 320:
320. What undertakings enter into life without great tension? Each creative step is the affirmation of great battles. Each battle has its predestination, and each design its significance. Thus, those who walk along with the Powers of Light must know that without a tense battle there is no victory. Thus, when the step of great victory is being affirmed, the disciples of Light must feel entire invincibility of the spirit and entire steadfastness of actions. When the affirmation of great foundations was given to humanity, each tension was accepted as a further impulse for new structures. Thus, in evolution each banner has been affirmed by the greatness of the steadfastness manifested. Verily, only thus can one conquer!

Heart (1932) - 100:
100. Healers are divided into two groups one heals through the laying on of hands or through the direct glance; the other sends a heart current from a distance. Of course, for future construction the second means is preferable. With the heart's radiation one does not need to strike many centers of the patient, but without burdening his attention, the sick part alone can be reacted upon, thus sustaining the organism in the battle for balance. You know how imperceptible are Our touches, in order not to infringe upon independent activity. You also remember how We avoided physical manifestations, permitting them to the extent that was necessary for the evidence of a certain step. We strive further as soon as We see understanding. We call a lazy person the violator of the law of life. Healers through the heart current act in the physical as well as in the subtle body. Attention should be paid to the phenomenal side of life, it is far more substantial than it seems.

Heart (1932) - 365:
365. If you encounter a bigot, know that he is not of the heart. If you meet one who is superstitious, know he is not of the heart. If you meet one affrighted, know he is not of the heart. Nevertheless, these uninvited guests will mention the word heart. It is high time to segregate all mountebanks of the heart, so that they should not play with human hearts. The heart should be studied when obscured by self-love and cruelty. Thus, through observation of the pulse, one can approach the treasures of the heart. One can similarly sense when the heart is silent and the calls do not reach it. A great deal of work has been done on the transmission of thought at a distance - the pulse is also useful for this. In its most sensitive capacity the pulse can detect a thought-sending, even before its realization. In this way one can again prove the extent to which the subtlest possibilities are contained in the organism, of which people have formed only an obtuse, physical image. This coarsening has already accumulated for many thousands of years, and the light of the body goes further from the Fire.

Heart (1932) - 377:
377. A scientist may ask how one arrives at immunity of the heart. His question will be a correct one. The heart, with all its indisputable potentiality, will not reveal itself without a conscious immunity. The balancing of the heart with the consciousness gives impetus to the unifying substance. To this end, the scientist can begin a twofold approach he can purify the consciousness, for the physical ballast does not as yet help the consciousness. Only thought purified by art and liberated from servility can give efflorescence to the consciousness. Here I call attention to the condition of liberation from slavery. One must be liberated precisely from all forms of slavery. As to the second condition for the scientist, he must feel the heart as an independent apparatus and begin to observe the reactions and reflexes of the heart. Then will also come the first heralds of success - precisely the stars of light; they will teach still further observation.

Heart (1932) - 402:
402. A mantram and all prayers can sustain the outer rhythm and also serve as union with the Highest World. Many people fail to perceive either the outer or inner meaning of prayer. The beautiful hymns of the Rig Vedas died away because they did not penetrate into the heart. This lack of rhythm can be regarded as a sign of the final period of Kali Yuga. It is precisely darkness which will intrude upon each harmony by every means. Dissonance is the distinctive mark of all contemporary arts. It can even be noticed how consonance and the major key seemingly have become a distinctive characteristic of the old-fashioned. One must possess a certain courage to continue to create in the consonance of the major key-maestoso! Thus, along the entire structure of life one must note the deviation from every heroism. And in the entire world cowardly malice distinguishes the adherents of darkness and chaos. But the heart demands construction, for it knows how infectious is chaos. Each decay generates further decay.

Heart (1932) - 455:
455. The atmosphere is unusually dense! One must be especially dull-witted not to sense the phenomena manifested with each step. The condition of the world cannot be considered normal, yet the people of Atlantis also failed in like extent to see all that was already amazing. They even went further. They meted out capital punishment to all who pointed out the evident calamities. Of course, such a measure only served to hasten the destruction. People have never willingly acknowledged that they themselves are the basis of transmutation of psychic energy, and so they were never reluctant to divert the flow of this precious power.

Heart (1932) - 569:
569. The scientific basis of the effect of the human glance provided an opportunity for further investigations. After investigation of the effect upon the human organism, of course attention should be paid to the precipitates of the human glance upon inanimate objects. If a glance reaches the state of poison, there can be a similar stratification upon water and upon all types of objects. In fact, the significance of the conjuration of water lies not in the rhythm of the words, but in the glance. Certainly this reaction may be good or evil. As usual, the evil meaning can be more easily sensed, as in the case of imperil, but after having discovered evil the good will also be detected. Thus, one may approach an investigation of various mutual reactions. Is it not thrilling to observe the effects upon various objects, when armed with contemporary apparatuses? The ancient legends about the chalices of the world or the blessed pieces of cloth gain a different rational significance. But the observers should be advised not to stop at the first steps. Let them immediately expand their field of experimentation. Will not the observation of the piercing of the atmosphere by the human glance or thought lead to many conclusions? And will not the reaction of the same energy at various altitudes be instructive? One can begin with crude manifestations, as was already done with the evil eye. But it is better not to delay observation of the benevolent eye. One may discover the most beneficial results. One ought to concentrate on these.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 11:
11. During intense fiery manifestations, one can observe one characteristic of the basic property of Fire. The surrounding objects appear to be translucent. You can bear witness to this. Fire seemingly transforms all fiery substances and reveals the luminous matter lying in the foundation of everything that exists. The same can be said about the magnet of a fiery heart; in its own way it discloses the fiery nature of everything that draws near it. Thus, through the fiery heart one can observe fiery qualities. It is only necessary to discover such a heart and with great caution utilize it in this experiment. In such experiments one must remember that the uncovering of luminous matter can be extremely dangerous under crude surrounding conditions. The danger of complete Samadhi is also dependent upon the same quality of Fire. Nevertheless, do not resist the fiery manifestations if they do not overburden the heart. In the years of Armageddon the manifestations are, of course, highly involved, because the rhythms of the Fire of Space and of the subterranean fire are intercepted. Usually, such violations of rhythm are not taken into consideration, and hence they increase the cosmic agitation still further.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 113:
113. A principle permits us to form a concept of the successive steps of the very same orderly process. Everyone can learn to swim as soon as he conquers the element in his consciousness. Following this principle a man can lie upon the water, and through a certain exercise, can sit upon the water. Advancing further, the Yogi can stand upon the water. Of course, such standing, and also levitation, are already fiery actions. You have knowledge of levitation, and you recall what fiery tension is required beforehand. But levitation is not so difficult, for the element of fire is akin to air. At the slightest doubt, despite all physical accomplishment, the man will immediately drown or fall. The reflex of doubt is a most striking one.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 455:
455. One may stress further that people should not be astonished that they themselves must place the final stone in the mosaic. This law is the more just since usually there is scarcely the desire to set even the first given stones. Much has been given and much is not applied. It has been stated clearly that many mechanical formulas must be reanimated by fiery energy. But, as before, people call this occultism and fear even to think about such experiments.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 529:
529. A common error of people is to cease to study after leaving school. The Pythagoreans and similar philosophic schools of Greece, India, and China furnish sufficient examples of continuous study. Truly, limiting education to the prescribed schooling indicates ignorance. Obligatory learning is only the entrance to real knowledge. If we divide humanity into three categories - those who are altogether unschooled, those whose education is confined to compulsory schooling, and those who continue their education - the number of the last will prove astonishingly small. This primarily shows indifference toward future lives. In their decline of spirit, men are indifferent even to their own future. There should remain a record that in the present significant year it is necessary to remind people about that which was useful a thousand years ago. In addition to elementary education one should further the education of adults. Several generations exist simultaneously on Earth, and they are all equally indifferent in striving to the future which they cannot evade. Such negligence is astonishing! Learning has become an empty shell. Yet for a simple holiday people like to dress in their best. Is it possible that they do not think it behooves them to secure an attire of Light for the solemn Abode in the Fiery World? One should rejoice not in bigotry, not in superstition, but with an illumined mind, and not only at the schools for children but also at the uniting of adults for continuous learning.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 603:
603. It is astonishing that even recently the transmission of pictures was considered unrealizable. But now images are already transmitted over great distances; the word thunders through many spheres, even further than people imagine. The Fiery Worlds likewise have no impediments in transmission and communication. One should not be astonished at such fiery potencies when even the material world has already mastered the crude forms of the same possibilities. And how many achievements are knocking upon the doors of the human heart!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 380:
380. Actually, it is more difficult to arrest a thought than to generate it. For trial, first the conception of thought takes place, then its strengthening and concentration, and only afterward is it possible to test oneself upon deliverance from thought; the latter is not easy even physiologically. Thought creates a special fiery substance. Its crystallization, then, means that dissolution is required, and this process demands new fiery energy. So-called intrusive thoughts are often the result of a fiery flash which cannot be balanced by further treatment. The thought has succeeded in being crystallized, but the extra fiery energy needed is not there. Therefore deliverance from a thought is recognized as an extremely needed indicator of the proper conversion of fiery energy. A great deal of suspicion, a great deal of envy, a great deal of revenge can be stopped through liberation from intrusive thoughts. So, too, in space, intrusive thoughts cause actual calamities. It is right if these thoughts are directed toward an unselfish deed, but if they be about injury or destruction, the digging of such a channel in space will be unworthy. Often intrusive thoughts are not expressed aloud in definite words, and therefore influence by suggestion is made difficult. Learning to free oneself from a thought can be of great assistance in advancing toward the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 120:
120. It is necessary subtly to investigate transference of sensitiveness. Transfer of sensitivity, inwardly or outwardly, constitutes a very important branch of science; not only for the investigation of the human organism, but also for the study of reciprocal tension of Macrocosm and microcosm. Up to this point experiments have been carried out between people and objects; further experiments will be made with plants and animals. By broadening the investigations, one can arrive at a study of the exchange of subtle energies. Thus, all animals can serve for the change of currents of diseases. Of course, in this investigation it will be needful to develop an immunity against infection. Magnetism of the Earth and of the roots of trees, as well as Prana, can serve for the purification of emanations. One may reach into the Cosmic Laboratory for all bases for these investigations. Before the experiment of transfer of sensitivity one should study the manifestations of Agni Yoga, for only subtle receptivity will yield a subtle understanding. One must be imbued with currents of the spirit in order to understand all the potency that saturates the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 170:
170. Spatial Fire shivers during earthly shocks. The subtle bond which exists between spheres and between Worlds is so strong that there is no manifestation the further effect of which is not recorded. The subtle bond is unmistakably expressed in the conformity of Macrocosm with microcosm. The condition of the spirit so often reflects manifestations on different spheres. The appearance of Spatial Fire often serves as a discharging agent for the purification of the atmosphere. Indeed, it would be possible to make use of these energies consciously, but for this the organism must be refined. It can be observed that the fiery spirit must bridle its subtle energies because the lack of correlation between the fire of the centers and the planetary conditions is so great that it is impossible to manifest full labor without injury.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 294:
294. The causes of diseases lie in the root of the bond between the physical and astral worlds. The body reflects all the effects from affirmations taking place in all the strata and recesses of the Cosmos. It seems to be clear as to what an indissoluble correlation exists between Macrocosm and microcosm, but, except for the enlightened consciousnesses, this concept is not taken into consideration and does not advance scientific investigations further. If it were known how atmospheric pressure influences the organism, would one not strive for realization of this link, the power of which saturates each cell of life with its Fire? The bond between the bodies and the interaction of currents must be investigated, for it is impossible to determine precisely the condition of the organism and its ailments without establishing the fiery correspondence. Sensitive investigation of the spiritual and physical states will provide the possibility of discovering the fluids of dissolution.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 334:
334. The most frightful bane of humanity is its narrow world outlook. The best people think that the adoption of their horizon is the principle key to the salvation of the World, but their world outlook goes no farther than the boundaries of the physical world. Representatives of the church promise people salvation of the soul, but beyond the physical world they do not go. National leaders direct the thinking of their peoples toward reorganization, but further than the lower spheres they do not lead. Thus one can enumerate all the degrees of human leadership, and become horrified at the blind alley into which humanity has entered. Verily, only the reconstruction of the World and the regeneration of consciousness can awaken the energies needed for the maintenance of the planet. We untiringly repeat about the vital necessity of purifying the consciousness, for the last hour has come for the cleansing of that which has been created by mankind. Let us apprehend in the heart the Fiery Covenant to assist the reconstruction of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 459:
459. In ancient Teachings the Fiery World was far more often mentioned than at present. The peoples have a concept of fire not as a higher element but as a most ordinary circumstance. Science and the newest discoveries proclaim much about the fiery power. It is a matter of complete indifference by what paths will the cognizance of the Fiery World again return. But in evolution it must be revealed as the basis of further advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 531:
531. For what reason then are people being tormented here? Why are sufferings not diminished? Why is hatred so strongly in possession of hearts? The shield of the spirit has been forgotten. There is nothing supernatural in a reminder about the Fiery World, where the coarse knags are being burned away. People consider bodily cleanliness necessary, but after ablution by water there is need of one by Fire. One may understand that water pertains to subtle ingress, but further along Fire is needed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 600:
600. A hermit wished to progress further in his training in the matter of silence, and, not trusting himself, he patiently and firmly bound his mouth. One day he saw a child on the edge of a cliff, but he didn't succeed in removing his complicated bandage quickly enough to warn of the danger. By the time he unbound his mouth the child had been already carried away by the current. Not in invented bonds lies achievement! Only then do we attain when we cannot but do. He who does not because he cannot, attains nothing. Thus it is in bodily and in spiritual existence. In addition to not doing shameful things, one must also account to oneself why such doings are inadmissible. Thought must be at work. In such creativeness the force of thought is needed. Evolution without thought is impossible. If in the nearby Subtle and in the Fiery World all is moved by thought, then it is not difficult to recognizes the preeminence of thought. In Infinity, spiral rings, whole cycles of thought, are engaged in manifestation. The most insignificant earthly object represents a transformation of thought. Cannot the very same thing take place in space on a large scale? Thought is Fire. Thought is the engendering of the creative vortex and explosion. Thought is Light and radiance. Thus must Fiery Thought be respected.

AUM (1936) - 119:
Let each one by the quality of his thinking further his own ascent and his perception of the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 234:
Of all earthly themes, love and creativeness are most closely combined with the concept of the Higher World. When mentioning the Higher World the worthy man will rejoice. In a discussion about science he will be heartily delighted. If both concepts provoke only condemnation, it will be the sign of a dead heart. Be not distressed at encountering deniers and condemners, this is just as unavoidable as is the fact of the existence of Light and darkness. Straight-knowledge will whisper where the degree of darkness makes further persuasion useless; sowing is advisable only on good soil. You already know that understanding friends arrive irrespective of earthly considerations. It happens that even the jinns build temples, but the Higher World and knowledge are inaccessible to them. Sooner or later they rebel and return into darkness. Shall one name examples!

AUM (1936) - 439:
You know that in the Subtle world accumulations of ugliness take place. The battle in the Subtle World manifests both achievement and loathsome actions. Frightful are the conditions in the Subtle World when space is being poisoned with black projectiles. If earthly explosions shake the firmament, then how much more destructive are the actions of subtle energies! People think little about this relationship of the earthly to the Subtle World; to speak in earthly language - the consequences of the subtlest energies exceed the earthly reactions many thousand times. They are indeed reflected in earthly sensations, but many explain them only as bad weather. At best they are attributed to sunspots or to an eclipse, but further than this humanity does not venture to surmise.

AUM (1936) - 599:
599. Neglect of psychic energy is manifested as the source of many ailments. It can be said that not only bodily and psychic illnesses but obsessions depend entirely upon the state of psychic energy. A man who has lost immunity will also be the one to lose his store of psychic energy. The man who has violated moral equilibrium demonstrates thereby a dissoluteness of his psychic energy. Everyone knows that it is easier not to admit dissoluteness than afterwards to overcome its madness. Everyone understands that the disorder of psychic energy is the birth of many miseries, both for oneself and for others. Man rarely restrains himself, but let him learn by himself to recognize the significance of psychic energy. Let man not be afraid that on the path of cognition he will be left without further sources of knowledge. The magnet of striving will attract the best possibilities to the seeker. Many bear witness as to how they unexpectedly found assistance for further advancement. Only let doubt not overshadow the light of discoveries!

Brotherhood (1937) - 7:
If the broad concept of Brotherhood has come down to blood relationship, this means that the consciousness has become greatly impoverished. Often the consciousness is so limited that people cannot understand at all what manner of brotherhood could exist outside of blood kinship. Degrees of kinship have been designated, such as "first cousin," "second cousin," and even "third cousin," but further the imagination hesitates to proceed. Many books could be compiled of conventionalities that have piled up around the concept of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 105:
105. In ancient treatises can be found the expression "crippled souls." And it is explained that such crippling can be done only by oneself. As soon as a man imagines that no further path remains for him, he shackles his own primary energy. In such fetters there can be no advance. By cutting short the path, the man takes upon himself a grave responsibility. This cannot be justified by despair, for of course this dark phantom is engendered by one's own weak will. Having lodged in the spirit, this specter actually injures the health. The phantom has nothing in it of reality. If people will investigate the true causes of despair, the invalidity of these causes will become amazingly clear. If the concept of Brotherhood were near to people, how many such groundless despairs would be dispelled! Yet people would rather cut short their own progress than reflect about the healing fundamentals. The writers of the ancient treatises about crippled souls had good grounds for this expression.

Brotherhood (1937) - 208:
208. People do not regard sensitiveness of the organism as an advantage. Even very enlightened people often are afraid of such refinements. In truth, a broadened consciousness is required in order to understand how indispensable for further advance is the acquisition of sensitiveness. Under the existing conditions of earthly life various pains may be expected, but certainly these sufferings occur, not as a result of sensitiveness, but by reason of abnormality of life. If there were an uninfected atmosphere, then sensitiveness would be seen as a true good; but people prefer to pollute the planet, if only they may dwell in the savage state. Do not think that words about savagery are an exaggeration. One may wear expensive clothing and still remain a savage. The more grave is the offense of those who have already heard about the condition of the planet and yet do not apply their efforts for the advancement of the Common Good.

Brotherhood (1937) - 263:
263. Picture a house filed with people who know about some important event, but among whom is one who does not know what all the others are thinking about. There will be a great difference between those who know and the one who does not know. Even judging by externals, one can form an opinion about the obvious difference. He who does not know will begin to feel troubled, to glance about, and to listen; he will be suspicious and look around in a hostile way. The more irritation he may feel, the further he will be from a solution of the enigma. In such simple examples there can be observed the reactions of thought and the causes which impede their perception. For the grasping of a thought, first of all, irritation is not useful. There may be excitement or tranquillity, but absolutely no anger or irritation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 321:
321. In general, fearful wayfarers are not fitted for the path. Can one imagine a swimmer who is afraid of the water? Likewise harmful is fear before advancing into the Subtle World. Only steadfastness and aspiration to the Highest can further the ascent. He who strives toward something beloved does not count the steps of the ladder. Thus, it is necessary to love in order to attain.

Brotherhood (1937) - 373:
373. Strong are the rays of Jupiter; they further the rapid diffusion of the forces of Uranus. In time people will discover methods of treatment by means of the rays of the luminaries. Since earthly light rays are curative, how much more powerful are the rays of the luminaries!

Brotherhood (1937) - 494:
494. Do not think that ones own thoughts can have a preponderant influence upon dreams. Remote spatial thoughts can also produce such influences. The perception of distant thoughts is very easy during sleep. Dreams must be studied still further.

Brotherhood (1937) - 503:
503. Fury - thus is called that horrible state into which fall those possessed by egoism, and who approach the higher Teachings for the sake of gain. Their condition cannot be called other than fury. Let physicians examine their saliva to be convinced of the pathological state of their organisms. Someone may ask, Do they bite? He will be right, for their touch is poisonous. One may name many examples of this madness. It is amazing with what dark intentions such people approach the Sources of Light. It is shocking to realize that man rushes into a hideous abyss without looking ahead further than today.

Brotherhood (1937) - 540:
540. Can faith and trust replace the force of muscles and nerves? Indeed, life itself confirms this truth, but what faith and what trust! Man should not affirm that his faith has limits. Love has no limits, and likewise faith. No one will dare to say that faith can be manifested no further. Many will be indignant at the statement that their faith is insufficient, but at some time they will comprehend how much they could have increased their energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 583:
583. Understanding of Brotherhood may come unexpectedly. People themselves turn possibilities into obstacles. Someone calls Earth a cemetery because death occurred upon each spot, but another considers this same Earth to be a place of birth because upon each spot life has been conceived. Both are right, but the first has imprisoned himself, whereas the second has been liberated for further advance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 92:
92. Urusvati knows that working with Us is a Great Service and a reverence of Hierarchy. So many divisive ideas have permeated the world that we must seek the common thread in all concepts. We are called by various names in the world's many languages, and Our work is understood differently by different people. But further division should not be allowed. There is not one Teaching that has not been rent by distortion. Even the Teaching given late in the last century has already split into many rival groups. Hence, the unification of ideas is essential.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
143. Urusvati knows that psychic energy is subject to many physical influences. We have already mentioned that the currents of space affect the entire human organism, but in fact any physical manifestation of energy can heighten the tension of the centers. For instance, strong electrical energy can be most helpful in the transmission of thought at a distance. This is most evident in America, where electrification is presently more widespread, but people there are not usually aware of how this energy assists their experiments. In advanced stages of development psychic energy is not affected by outer influences, but beginners are greatly affected by them. Every intensification of energy further increases one's powers. One scientist declared that he could think with the greatest concentration in front of a blazing fireplace, and another discovered that he was influenced by the sound of boiling water. A third found that thunderstorms increased his mental faculties. Many examples illustrate that even the most ordinary concentration of such natural energies aids the power of thought. One must learn to observe what it is that particularly increases or decreases the thought energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260:
By observing the course of one's actions one can determine their causes and effects, and thus independently prepare oneself for future tests. There are some who require periods of sleep and long reminiscence in the Subtle World, but others will immediately begin their preparations for the further journey.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349:
We strongly advocate both labor and thought for self-perfectment. These will bring sublime accumulations that do not evaporate in the Subtle World, but, on the contrary, will lead to further knowledge. Thus We lay the foundation of harmony.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
One may further ask, if cosmic currents influence all living beings, why must only exceptional people undergo severe suffering? Again the answer is simple. These currents certainly influence the entire planet, but the degree of reaction to them varies, and when someone fills his Chalice and refines his consciousness, he places himself in the first rank of those affected. It is impossible then to avoid such suffering by altering his consciousness, for it has already attained a natural degree of development.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375:
Further, people do not think that by their blasphemy they impede Our work. We have to expend much energy purifying those places that they have polluted. How can one permit such lack of discipline? Most obscenity is uttered because of ignorance. And some people might say that they feel imprisoned because of not being allowed to speak freely. But they should understand that many crimes and miseries are caused by casual, thoughtless words. Some places are so permeated with blood and curses that it is better to leave these poisonous locations and start a new life elsewhere. Let time itself clear away the dark emanations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
No one can say when an inflamed tissue will become further damaged, with all the attendant consequences. On the other hand, the inflammation may abate, and this must be watched with equal care. Nourishment is needed for the organism to regain its vitality, and a simple, non-acidic diet should be recommended,

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 446:
446. Urusvati knows that the free will also acts in the Subtle World. In the Higher Spheres it is harmonized with the highest psychic energy, resulting in true collaboration, but in the middle and lower spheres struggle is often sensed. Some entities there do not wish to recognize the goal-fitness of the Law of Existence. It is especially deplorable to observe how they attempt to avoid incarnation. These entities know that because of their karmic load they cannot advance any further in the Subtle World, yet prefer even their state of confusion to the necessity of undertaking a new earthly path. We call their condition a state of confusion, but it could also be called a state of torment. No one mistreats them, but they feel the impossibility of further progress in the lower strata. Such resistance by the free will indicates that, because their consciousness did not broaden during their earthly life, there was no inclination toward an understanding of Cosmos, and there certainly was no love for Hierarchy. This condition must be thoroughly understood.


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