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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FU > FURNACE (29)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 181:
181. Pure music helps the transmission of the current. We pray by sounds and by symbols of Beauty. The heart and mind do not conflict when they sail the Ocean of Creative Labor. And the wings of the bird of the spirit, atremble, will soar upon the breeze of harmony. And the steel of the word flashes in the furnace of Truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.10:
As a bird flutters and then flies, so does a word gush from Our Furnace, and afterwards it can only be confirmed. Occultly the first moment is more important than a repetition. But when one can catch the boiling of the Furnace, it glows more powerfully than a command.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
Friends, preserve a pure channel of receptivity, for in this furnace pure thoughts are forged. Look upon pure thoughts not as a wondrous Heaven-Dweller who descends on holidays, but as the fare of your workdays.

New Era Community (1926) - 152:
When you proclaim - "Always ready!" you are, as it were, following Our call. For him who is always ready it is possible to test the whole furnace of tension.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 11:
Lord, grant me to cast into the flames the deceptive rags of the ordinary. I shall not err in realizing that winged daring has Thy blessing. In the sacred furnace will I forge the Wings of Alaya. I know nothing of complaints, cruelty, or aught that could weigh down my new wings. New will be my song!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 113:
One can impart to few the sacred Mystery. Their number is small, but space itself harkens to them, for, like a human furnace, they fuse and temper the thoughts of the world. Let people guard thought!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
All preceding Yogas, given from the highest Sources, took as their basis a particular aspect of life. Now, at the dawn of the age of Maitreya, there is needed a Yoga comprising the essence of the whole of life, all-embracing, evading nought. One remembers the example of those unignitible youths in the biblical legend who valiantly sacrificed themselves to the fiery furnace and thereby acquired power.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 36:
36. If we were to look upon the manifestations from an opposite viewpoint, we would be astonished at their consequences. As will those of the elements, so also will our own life manifestations lead to one conclusion - cause and effect. In the death of a man, or in the charring of a tree, or the evaporation of water - all returns to its primary seed. Therefore, search everything for its true origin. When you will exhaust the findings of psychic energy, then you may forge out of the human furnace a broad cosmic design. Consider that one may transform the most pitiful existence into one radiant with cosmic fires. If we will apply in the strong current of karma that which is given, then the signs of the manifested Infinity will rise not as phantasmagoria but as reality.

Heart (1932) - 63:
63. The heart that has consecrated itself to righteousness radiates benevolence continuously, independently of the volitional sendings. Similarly, the sun's rays are not sent with premeditation. The heart that has pledged itself to evil will thrust out arrows consciously, unconsciously, and continuously. The heart of goodness sows about itself health, smiles, and spiritual bliss. The heart of evil destroys warmth and, like a vampire, sucks out the vital strength. Thus, the activity of hearts, good and evil, is unceasing. Upon the lower plane of Being the conditions of good and evil differ from their significance in the Highest World. One can visualize a glowing furnace of Light and a yawning gorge of darkness. Thus awesomely the swords of the demons and the Archangels are crossed! Amidst the flashes of battle, how many hearts are drawn toward Light and darkness!

Heart (1932) - 395:
395. Who can fail to be serious now when all thinking beings realize the downfall of the old world? Precisely, the downfall! Because many things are not yet outlived, incommensurable ingredients are thrown into the one Furnace, and the atrophying lack of discipline carries decomposition with it. It is necessary to summon all valor in order to advance in thought about the heart. The vibrations are aquiver, and it is impossible to demand precision from warriors when confusion dulls the eyes. Conquer anxiety, for the world is atremor, but do not believe that one can continue thinking in the habitual manner. Think only of the future, only of the Teacher!

Heart (1932) - 405:
405. Events are bearing away the corrupted world. This period was indicated in all scriptures. Nevertheless, people do not think of what is taking place. They cannot even begin to think of the future. Thus, one should not produce a book without indicating the Teaching of the time which has come. One cannot assume that something will still alter the direction of the current created by people. On the far-off worlds there is already a horror of the fiery inevitability, yet Earth continues to shroud itself in a dark cover. That which necessitated a century now occurs in five years - the progression of acceleration acts according to law. Therefore, when I speak of the heart it means that salvation can be found along this channel. Do you hear? I repeat about salvation! Not arguments, not doubt, not uncertainty, but salvation will be the sign of that hour. One must understand still more firmly how unfit by now are the old measures. Only one bridge remains from the highest worlds - the heart. Let us approach the source of the sensing of Light. Let us understand that even in the fiery furnace the youths were not consumed when they ascended by way of the heart. The time is a difficult one! Thus shall we repeat, fearless of the derision of the ignorant. They do not have even an idea of the significance of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 106:
106. The master smelter counseled the new worker on how to approach the fiery furnace. But the worker's only concern was to learn the chemical composition of the flame. The master said to him, "You will be burned alive before you reach the flame. Knowing the chemical formula will not save you. Let me give you the proper clothes, change your footwear, shield your eyes, and indicate the proper breathing. First, keep in mind all the rapid transitions and fluctuations from heat to cold. I can make the most fiery work attractive to you. You will love the flashes and the glow of fires. In the tension of the flame you will find, not terror, but the tremor of ecstasy, and a proper conception of fire will fortify your being."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 292:
292. The trouble everywhere and always is that as soon as circumstances improve somewhat, a dark hand tries to cast small shaggy balls in the way. One can distinctly see how small harmful fissures appear. But in a furnace where the pressure is great even a small fissure allows the escape of destructive gas. Amidst life, one can witness experiments in higher chemistry. Hence, it is so important just to observe.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 490:
490. It cannot be doubted that the expenditure of inner energy is far greater during mental than during physical labor. This statement should be laid in the foundation of culture. Also, it is time to realize that vitamins and many other substances gain force only when coming in contact with the fiery energy of man. Let this belated discovery also testify to the power of human fiery energy. Striving along the path of discovery of the qualities of human psychic energy will provide the structure of life. One should attentively observe the degree to which man himself transmutes even the most powerful substances. Let us compare the effects of medicine taken with faith and medicine taken with repulsion. We have often witnessed how, under the influence of suggestion, a medicine had an opposite effect; how water acquired the most powerful properties of medicinal compounds. But it was not an outside will that produced these transformations. The will only directed the fiery energy, and in the furnace of Fire the transformation took place. It must be understood that we ourselves affirm our power through the understanding of fiery energy. One cannot express it more powerfully than to say that man is created in the image of the Highest; thus the presence of the higher energies is indicated. But it has not been said that man can make use of these energies only by means of artificial exercises. Energies are inherent in human nature; this means that they must act under the natural conditions of existence. Thus, we return again to the structure of life. If magic denotes artificiality of conditions, it is indeed unsuitable for the regeneration of life. The natural cultivation of the spirit and realization of the Fiery World will be the simplest solution for the aspiration of mankind. It is also said correctly that luxury is the antipode of beauty. Luxury is a form of magic, but where there is beauty no magic is needed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 618:
618. Everywhere it is indicated that suffering is the best purifier and means of shortening the Path. This is undoubtedly true under the existing conditions on Earth. But could there have been Creation with an unalterable condition of suffering? No. Indeed, the Great Creativeness does not foresee a need for suffering. With terrific zeal people drive themselves into the circle of suffering. For millenniums people have tried to become mere bipeds. They try to weigh down the atmosphere of Earth with malice. Verily, every physician will bear witness that without evil there would be no suffering. Let us designate the ability to avoid suffering as a step toward Good. Truly, the passage of the Good through the furnace of fire eliminates the sense of suffering. Thus, fiery transfiguration even on Earth lifts one beyond suffering. One should not evade suffering, for without suffering earthly achievement does not exist. But let each one ready for achievement kindle the fires of his heart. They will be the indicators of the Path, and a shield not fashioned by human hands. Someone has asked, "How does the Lord discern those who approach him?" The answer is, "By the fires of their hearts." If we are astonished by the power of Fire that even here envelops us and saturates our garments, then we can understand how supernal is the glow of the fires of the heart along the Chain of Hierarchy!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 16:
16. As in Heaven, so on Earth. One foundation of Be-ness verily permeates all existence. Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity. Who then will doubt that in every earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that the whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same. Such will of course is more readily comprehensible to an expanded consciousness. But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm. One need not go too far in special calculation, but if we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will. One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system. Such a problem would be an introduction into the Grandeur of the Ineffable. So useful are the observations, therefore, upon will power, when thought sets into motion this cosmic energy. The abode of Agni is the furnace of Cosmic Power. One should not be overwhelmed at the innumerable digits in the calculation of the Magnitude. Figures merely express that of which we are conscious, but the fiery heart, without figures can strive along the path of assimilation of the Grandeur there where word is naught.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 182:
182. Can the body be wounded? As on Earth, so also in Heaven. Consequently, the fiery body can be wounded, just as the earthly one. Observe the process of wounding of the earthly body, and you will have a complete analogy with the subtle and fiery bodies. Let us see how a knife pierces the physical body, how it damages tissue and blood-circulation; then follow local necrosis and decomposition.; but vital energy gets the upper hand, and slow healing begins. But often there remains a local atrophy and a permanent scar. Precisely the same process takes place in the case of the fiery body, but instead of a knife will be a thought, and in place of a scar will be a condensation of fiery energy. But the healing is very slow, and requires the drawing of energy from the other centers. Each organism has a fiery body, and until it attains the Fiery World, is subject to being wounded. Only when the fiery body has been purified and poured into the furnace of spatial fire, will it no longer be susceptible to being wounded. But I assure you, scars remain for a long time. I affirm that the fiery body can be smitten both externally and internally. Suicide of the earthly body is the prototype of self-wounding of the fiery body. Thus is it possible to find of the most earthly actions a correlation in all states.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 234:
234. It is not the brain substance that thinks. It is time to recognize the fact that thought is born in the fiery centers. Thought exists as something ponderable but invisible, and it must be understood that a lever is not a furnace. Already many truths are knocking for admission, but only thinking about the fiery centers can be of assistance toward correct interpretation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 332:
332. Compare the fire of a smelting furnace with the flame of a raging conflagration; compare harmonious action with the elements of chaos. All salutary rhythms are invoked in order to manifest concordance of action. Therefore schools must develop the rhythm of harmoniousness. We have already reminded more than once about the coordination in gymnastic exercises. Not for war alone, but also for spiritual defense do the crowds need discipline. It is wrong to direct crowds toward bestiality, but rhythm brings harmony into gatherings of people. In this let us not forget the fiery examples. Precisely the fiery principle exists by a special rhythm.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 26:
26. For such fiery humility the spirit must be tempered through thousands of years and must live in constant achievement. Thus takes place the final bid for the planet, and in this great Battle We manifest Our Might. Therefore Our humility is so fiery. It is not easy for a fiery spirit to manifest humility. The fiery spirit is like a furnace, like a flaming torch, and self-denial and self-sacrifice are its lot upon the last step. Therefore the last sojourn on Earth is so hard. Each threshold means a painful step. Thus do We forge the great future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 114:
114. The fabric of the protective net is strung by the most diverse energies. Each spiritual center is based upon the collection of precipitations of the subtlest energies into the protective net. All the centers are transmuted and saturated by fire, which weaves the threads of the protective net. Thus, this shield is an affirmation of all cosmic currents, which are refracted in the protective net. Each blow upon the aura may be reflected, as a boomerang, upon its sender. When the protective net can reflect all the Higher Fires, then, indeed, can be fused in this furnace many manifest blows. Each striving consciousness must weave its own protective net. One may deflect many blows and painful stings if the protective net remains impenetrable. The immunity of the spiritual centers may become complete when the protective net is continually nourished by fire from within. Hence, it is so important to be solicitous about the tension of the protective net. Psychic energy, aspiration of the spirit, and fiery transmutation will supply the needed fabric for the protective net. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the power of this Shield.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 167:
167. Before the great reorganization of the World, a manifestation of all the dark forces is displayed, for a better transmutation. What is taking place in the World cannot be called a step of evolution, but it can indeed be said that what is being manifested is the lowest, the most intense, the most saturated by the forces of darkness. But great is the work which gathers together everything helpful for the great reconstruction. Just as the condensed strata of the earthly spheres are being made ready for battle, so does a manifestation of the Forces of Light stand on guard. The stage which the planet is going through can be compared with a furnace of Cosmic Fire. All dense energies are aflame in tension, and on guard stands the Fiery Right. Fiery creativeness is assembling all fiery energies - thus the World is being reconstructed by the tension of two polarities. It is necessary clearly to discern these turbulent energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 200:
200. In the furnace of life many concepts must be transmuted. So many layers have been deposited upon the loftiest conceptions, that Fiery Baptism must truly be administered to the planet. Around the concepts of the Fiery Images have been gathered those imaginings which are close to a low spirit. Not thus taught the Great Teachers. Not thus lived the Great Teachers. Not thus walked the Great Teachers. Verily, not thus, as people insist. The Fiery Images must take shape in a form appropriate and adequate for Them; therefore spreading of the Teaching must go flamingly side by side with a clarifying of the Great Figures. The creativeness of true strivings will grant those new steps which will give to the World resurrection of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that it is vital to bathe the Teaching of Beauty in achievement and with service.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 269:
269. Indeed, the very loftiest consciousness strives toward the Fiery Principle, while the lower one creates the Higher Image in its own likeness. The capacity of the small consciousness will determine the created Image, hence so many obvious distortions! How is it possible to fill a small consciousness with an Universal Concept, when all-comprehensiveness leads the spirit into a frenzy. I say - distressing, grievous is human thinking! A spatial horizon is accessible only to him who knows the Universality of the Principle, for the kingly spirit can merge with the Higher Principle precisely as the microcosm merges with Macrocosm. Hence, a small spirit cannot merge with the Fiery Principle. Fiery power reveals the entire Furnace, manifested to him who senses the pulse of the Fiery World. This life-giving Principle builds life upon Fohat. Thus, let us remember that only a small consciousness denies, but the fiery spirit is all-comprehending. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great Principle.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 318:
318. The present condition of the World corresponds to the stratified sedimentations accumulated by humanity. The manifestation of the conformity can affirm those cycles which are ensuing; in them will be reflected all the expiations of Karma, and each cycle will introduce its new step. Speaking about cycles, let us keep in mind the transference of cosmic conformity. Truly, let us look upon expiation as fiery construction. These cycles will be instituted by three causes - the transmutation of old accumulations, purification of space, and the molding of a great future. The transmutation has begun. And as monsters rise from the bottom of the seas, so is all rubbish rising from the depths of the rabble. In the Furnace of the Cosmos much is being melted down for the useful construction. The efforts at transmutation will attract each Karmic action. The condition of the planet creates an inevitable Karma, woven by the engenderings of humanity. But on the path to the Fiery World it must be kept in mind that the purification of space will bring a great future.

AUM (1936) - 325:
325. Among secret things, especially undiscoverable remains the knowledge as to who reaps the most benefit from the good sent forth. No one knows whom his goodness has helped. It may be assumed that a thought of good reaches a definite person, but this is only a supposition. It may be that this thought has greatly aided someone unknown to us. Such a thought is a messenger of good, and the rescued man may not know his savior; so his gratitude is turned toward the Higher World. When he wishes to express his enraptured gratefulness, he looks upward into the eternal furnace of creative thought.

Brotherhood (1937) - 378:
378. Thought does not die away in space. Horizontally and vertically thought traverses space. There is no limit to its expansion. But nothing can remain in the same state. We know about the inviolability of thought, but apparently transmutation of it is taking place, and one needs to know into what the thought is being transmuted. It flows into pure fire. A beautiful circle results. From the fire arises energy - a creative thought - and through the earthly furnace this thought is again united with fire. The circle is closed, and renewed energy ascends regenerated for new labor. Such consummated cycles can be observed throughout the Universe. But the evolution of thought will be especially sublime. Therefore, does not this realization of the value of thought impel man to intensify his thought-energy? Let each one apprehend what kind of thought will be especially creative. Let man weigh in his heart which thought is fitting for him. Thus a selection of values takes place.

Brotherhood (1937) - 548:
548. Blessed is true cooperation; in it is the element of space. As Infinity ceaselessly flashes out in each spark of an electrical discharge, so, too, common labor engenders limitless effects. Therefore, let us not call labor small and of no consequence; no spatial spark should be condemned by man. The quality of spaciousness should be reverenced as something supermundane. And so labor is a furnace of Supermundane sparks.


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