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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FU > FULFIL (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 14:
Learn the Wisdom of the Creator through life's symbols. Those who fulfil their accepted mission unmask the fact of earthly life, And understand the true meaning of their own path.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 320:
Pupil, find the energy to fulfil thy striving. Summon courage! Thy body must not hinder thee upon the path.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 388:
I shall not come in the night. And in the hours when the rays of the sun do not reach Earth, Let your spirit calmly rise to the Abode of the Creator. I shall tell you how to wait in the hours of day. Not with hymns nor with exaltation await Me, But by strengthening your labor in My Name. Not in sleep nor during the repast, But during labor shall I fulfil your hopes, My beloved ones. In the morning, repeating the seven words, say: Help us lest we neglect Your Labor. And repeating My Name, and asserting yourself in My Labor, You will attain My Day.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 273:
On this new level, Our instructions become less frequent and more brief, and one's work depends more on one's ability for independent action. Friends will be few, obstacles will pile up like seemingly unscalable mountains, and achievements will seem insignificant. The influences of the subtlest energies will not be so evident. The intermittent, so-called sacred, pains will torture one. The divisibility and transmissions of the spirit will still be beyond explanation. But above all this will arise the striving to fulfil the desire for the General Good. Spiritual cooperation will grow, unlimited by space. Emulation of the far-off worlds will change one's perception of one's surroundings, and spatial work will cease to be an empty idea. One's assigned tasks will become a joy, as if they were one's own chosen labor. It cannot be otherwise. Of course, this joy is not expressed in goat-like frolics. A true understanding of one's surroundings may provoke a stern face, but one's life is nevertheless transformed, and one can observe the coils of the Earthly Dragon from a higher vantage point. Fearlessness, already sent in the first call, brings one closer to the new waves of light.

Heart (1932) - 488:
488. Even before finishing the first book, my friend already asks when the next book will appear. Having failed to fulfil even one Indication, my friend wishes to know when the successive counsels will be given. Having failed to guard even one secret, my friend demands to be entrusted with others. Thus you know how things occur. You know how, without even reading the book, the "learned man" assures one that he has known all about it since his birth. You know how, not having renounced a single habit, the modest one assures you of his complete regeneration. Hence, since time immemorial, the practicality of changing habits was indicated. Travel through many lands also has that quality which accustoms one to the most varied conditions. A man who has apprehended the hearts of many nations will not be lost amidst the throngs of the Subtle World. But, of course, this is one of the mechanical methods of educating the consciousness; the basic strengthening of the consciousness is through the heart.

AUM (1936) - 442:
442. Much is possible; it is necessary only to fulfil that which has been prescribed. Especially now, when humanity is grasping with its teeth at any support. It cannot be thought that the existence of a few rich individuals is a sign of prosperity of the people as a whole. It is time to abandon the error that a hundred palaces make the state. It is time to understand and to look into the dwellings of the poor; only there is it possible to form an opinion about the true situation of a people.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 100:
We have often been accused of being interested in insignificant events while being deliberately indifferent to important ones. To this We say, "You of little faith, where are the scales on which you can weigh with such precision the events of the world? Can you assume the right to judge nations and the actions that fulfil their karma?" Even individuals must be judged sparingly.


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