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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FR > FROST (3)

Heart (1932) - 62:
I speak of the warmth of the heart when it is especially needed. The striving thought kindles space, but the warmth of the heart is a constant hearth. Courage dwells in the warmth of the heart. This must be remembered. The appearance of the dark forces is like a frost to the sowing. Only the heart's warmth provides a glowing shield. But, as we delicately test light-waves, so solicitously must one approach the heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 478:
478. One who has been chilled by frost brings cold with him. Mothers caution their children - don't go near the cold man. One has been warmed by the sun carries warmth with him. People wish to warm themselves in proximity to him. Is it not the same with the flaming heart which is in communion with the Fiery World? People hasten to the glowing heart to warm themselves, and avoid the deadly cold - thus it is in all Existence. Simple and close is the presence of the Higher World, but earthly consciousnesses drive away the ethereal flame with stone blocks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53:
It is almost impossible to tell people how to create by thought. They do not believe that strings can resound in response to the currents of thought. They do not believe that dry pigment can be gathered into harmonious images under the pressure of thought. And yet, people do know about the designs created in sand by rhythm. They admire the designs made by frost, and are not surprised when strings resound to distant rhythms. But thought produces the most powerful rhythms, and with such vibrations one can create.


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