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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FR > FRIGHTENING (19)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.7:
For those who know the future it is hard to observe these departing flickers. Like yesterday stands tomorrow. And the step is measured not in feet but in three-year periods. Thus is obtained the stride of Giants, to whom it is not frightening to step over whole centuries. Thus does the psychology of the spirit reach the Earth.

New Era Community (1926) - 178:
178. Let us recall the qualities absolutely inadmissible in the community; ignorance, fear, falsehood, hypocrisy, cupidity, usurpation, drunkenness, smoking, and obscenity. Someone may say, "Do you wish to collect angels?" We then shall ask, "Are all those on earth liars or drunkards? We know many who are courageous and sincere." Again they will say, "The requirements are too high." We shall reply, "Can it be that you have only foul-talkers and self-seekers? All these requirements are frightening only for the lowest citizen, who hides his wealth under his threshold. In the Himalayas, We have long ago found people to whom the above stipulations are no bugbear.

New Era Community (1926) - 186:
186. Every community is in need of defensive resources. We are not conquerors by force, but nevertheless We keep an account of Our enemies, and We are not deceived about their numbers. Rays, gases, and aerial outposts will be the best external measures, but the most effective resources will be in the products of psychic energy. By no means do We intend to present a spectacle of defenseless sheep! Real knowledge is ever ready to reply! We are not interested in frightening anyone, but We must issue the warning "Beware, ignorant one!" Now is the time to whisper to all those who are united in community, "Be conscious of your psychic commands." There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the responsibility for a decisive order. But intensify at that time all keen-sightedness, in order to perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a misdirected order. On the way the most unexpected manifestations may be touched, and who can control the consequences of an ill-sped arrow? Long ago did I say to the enemy, "I will receive into My shield all thy arrows, but I shall send thee only one." In these words is Our entire Advice.

New Era Community (1926) - 219:
It is necessary to understand the significance of psychic energy in the approaching evolution, and to study scientifically its manifestations. There is no need to test it by the method of spectacular tricks. With all solicitude and responsibility should one approach the discovery of humanity's treasure. There is not much time for turning many opponents into useful co-workers. True, if you approach them with frightening warnings, this will be crude and unworthy of true community members.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 84:
84. I believe everyone can read Our books. I do not see any among those who approach Us who are afraid. Test people's fear. Show them frightening masks, then smile with understanding when their hearts tremble. Where is their trust in the Teacher? Where is their understanding of where power lies? One can distinguish Our people at the first call. Like deer will Our own hasten. I know no fearful mask that can turn them away.

Hierarchy (1931) - 294:
The same graphic example shows how the seed of the spirit is unharmed; and striving to the heights it sustains its shell without fearing the past. Verily, karma is frightening only to those who are plunged into inaction. But a striving thought is liberated from the burden of the past, and like a heavenly body is impelled forward without retracing its path. Thus, even with a difficult karma, one can achieve a useful liberation.

Heart (1932) - 520:
520. After the pulsations of the world the tremors of human hearts are not frightening. Hence, a great touchstone must be applied everywhere, or else it will be impossible to exist, sinking into the slough of meanness. The scale of the entire Universe is needed where Armageddon thunders. Consolation lies in co-measurement. One's entire observation must be applied in order to evaluate the essence of the battle. And yet, people often understand the battle as something not beyond a street brawl, forgetting that the battle is in the mailbox, in the smile of cunning deceit, and in the restraint of Light. The battle is far more dramatic than earthly people understand. When I speak about caution, also understand it in seven ways.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 491:
491. Mediocrity arises from the failure of man to realize his inherent forces. Mediocrity is contagious; it exists for generations; it kills the being on the threshold of life. In mediocrity is affirmed a general condition in which the personality and human achievements are annihilated. Constructiveness is especially abhorrent to mediocrity. In fact, to mediocrity the Fiery World is a most frightening bugbear.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 136:
136. Blessings to those who even once have reflected over the fact that possibilities are being given them for Service. One such thought already opens the initial Gates to the Fiery World. Whoever thinks in his pride - "Only I myself will attain," makes use of possibilities of serving his own ego. What an isolation resounds in boasting to oneself! What solitude is the prison of egoism! But it is joyful to think - "Yet I can bring to Thee, Lord!" There are no limits to such heart offerings! Is not the heart being exalted in trying to find the treasure of the offerings? The subtlest thoughts surround such supplications. Of course, the offering of the heart is really a prayer. It opens many gates. Not the consciousness of one's merits, but the offering of oneself in all entirely, helps one to pass over the threshold. When the gift is complete it leads past all frightening manifestations. One may say to the dwellers on the thresholds - "I've no time to gaze at you!" Thus, the offering brings ease.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 248:
248. Reading without the heart's functioning, even memorizing, helps but little. One can even compile a table showing how much the participation of the heart evokes true understanding. Let this not be understood as an abstraction. By its quality the pulse indicates how much heart participation assists the manifestation of perception. Such a concept draws one near to the Fiery World. It is tedious to listen to babblings which lack the heart quality, particularly since the number of printed books is reaching frightening proportions. Rarely has the quantity been so at variance with the quality! In this is also revealed a sign of heartlessness. We encourage each burning of the spirit. The flaming heart is a torch of the Fiery World. One should become accustomed to delving into the meaning of what has been said; and for this, translations into different languages are useful. Thereby is developed a precision of understanding. The Teacher must always rotate a concept so that it contacts the consciousness of the disciple in its full scope. Though urgent, it is impossible to accept many concepts at the first reading. One must return to them, as has been said, under all the shades of color of morning and evening. Even the night will bring a ray of understanding. You yourselves have seen how strangely people form opinions about what they have read. When they hear about the Messiah, they merely think - isn't he a demon? When they read about the heart, they are afraid - isn't it sorcery? This means that demons and sorcery are very familiar to them. The man who is pure in heart will not think first of all about darkness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 7:
7. I give this farewell bidding to the disciple; "Let thy prayer be - 'Thee, O Lord, I shall serve in everything, always and everywhere. Let my path be marked by the attainment of selflessness'." When the disciple realizes in his heart the joy of the path, a path which knows no friction because all is transformed in the joy of Service, then it is possible to open before him the Great Gates. Amidst higher concepts the disciple must remember in his heart the records of Light. Amidst the frightening manifestations the disciple must remember about the records of darkness. There is inscribed upon the Shield of Light - "Lord, I come alone, I come in a manifested achievement, I shall reach the goal. I shall reach it!" And there is inscribed upon the Shield of Light honesty, devotion and self-abnegation. But fearful are the records of darkness. Let the hand of the disciple refrain from inscribing upon these permanent scrolls lie, hypocrisy, betrayal, selfhood.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 39:
39. The essence of fiery advancement comes from various affirmations of spirit. The chief factor will be the development of self-activity. In self-activity will be contained love for Hierarchy; in it will be contained a feeling of responsibility and a true understanding of Service. Thus when we speak of self-activity, one should understand that it includes all qualities of higher affirmation. When a co-worker takes upon himself the development of self-activity, his field of action becomes unlimited. Hierarchy becomes the fiery impetus of all his actions. No attacks, near or far, are frightening to the co-worker, because he knows fiery service. Therefore it is so important to purify one's consciousness from selfhood. But the co-worker must be prepared to accept all difficulties, knowing that Service to Hierarchy is the highest attainment.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 587:
587. It is always good to talk about the heart. It is timely to speak of that which is urgently needed. Precisely there where is heart is also Fire. The wayfarer does not sally forth without his flint, for he does not forget that he stands in need of it at night. Thus, without heart the night of the spirit approaches. Not so frightening are the impediments, but a stony heartlessness is terrible. No man is without heart, nor animal, nor plant, nor even stones. This means that heartlessness is no longer in the manifested World but in chaos.

AUM (1936) - 276:
276. People ordinarily avoid the word unity; they are afraid of it. At the same time they talk much about sympathy, but they forget that these concepts are identical - one without the other is unthinkable. Likewise with other concepts; people try to accept the one carrying the least responsibility. Sympathy may be limited to words, but unity necessitates action. Each action is in itself frightening to cowards. They do not wish to understand that each thought of sympathy is a powerful action, if the thought is suitably expressed. Often sympathy is limited to empty sounds. In such a case neither creative thought nor action takes place. A lack of thought kills sympathy, and inaction dissolves unity. Man fears responsibility, and with this he falls into heartlessness.

AUM (1936) - 549:
It is possible to verify the sum total of all the thoughts simultaneously flying through the world. It is instructive to learn what humanity is thinking of each minute. The result will be utterly unexpected. It is possible to divide thoughts into a few categories; only a very small number appear to be directed to the Common Good. Such calculations result in the most frightening conclusions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 232:
232. Telepathy was recognized long before the transmission of thought. Sendings of feeling are more accessible to man than sendings of thought. It may be noticed that even the word telepathy is uttered far more complacently than thought-sending, which is frightening for many. Even in psychiatric hospitals a physician will readily agree about a telepathic manifestation, but as for the possibility of recognition of a definite thought transmission, this would denote a dangerous condition. Mesmerism was condemned but hypnotism is recognized. There is much injustice, and yet justice has to be restored.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116:
We are often accused of frightening people by putting so much stress on the concept of battle and for saying that Our Battle is endless. People assume that creation is peaceful, and battle destructive, but how can one think of creation without mastery over the elements, without a courageous struggle to overcome obstacles? Thus Our Battle, too, is mastery over chaos. If there were no such defense, the waves of chaos would overwhelm all achievements. It is important to realize fully that battle and creation are active principles of Be-ness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 255:
The speed of life will seem frightening until people develop a speed of thought sufficient to outstrip it. People must accept cosmic conditions or there will be dangerous discord. The motion of Earth will slow down, but at the same time the influx of energies will be accelerated. Each disharmony is destructive in itself, and each disunity brings disruption. When it was declared that ideas rule the world, the power of thought was affirmed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295:
Fear of scarecrows in this earthly life only shows an unpreparedness for life in the Subtle World, where one is also confronted with frightening images. But the courageous do not even notice them! Only fear breeds ghosts.


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