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Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 156:
156. You serve a cause beyond the reach even of wealth. The pure offering is returned alive by God to those who bring their offerings in pure faith, just as was offered Isaac upon the altar. And Mount M., which accepts your offering, will guard the offered treasure of the heart. Not a small task have you undertaken. Without pride or self-interest you placed all your possessions upon the altar. Can I, the Truth Bearer, pass silently by those who, amidst cold and storm, brought useful tributes for the coming harvest? In safeguarding My Instructions will you find protection. Need shall not afflict My Manifestations. Calm is found in the light of Truth. The mountain before you is not a test, but a task.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 258:
258. I address you, I command you, and I fill you with a desire for great service to the Teaching. But strength is found not only in trust, but in construction. Your trust makes of Me the architect. But it is you who must build. It is the reaper who gets the grain. To have figs one must first find a fig tree and cultivate it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 260:
To the wings that have touched the sun, To the courser before sunrise, To the song that fills the midnight, The way is not a terrible or cruel one. And the star is close to those who have found the Teraph. Send a smile to the stars!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 321:
321. Behold Nature when you are in it. Hearken to the manifestation of creation in every sound of the desert. The Master attends each manifestation of your spirit. In His Rays will you find the joy of creation. Children, do not regret time spent in the search for Truth. The Great Sages have found it by intense search. Believe in your power and know that you are chosen by Him Who is your Father in spirit. If in a moment of weakness you falter on the way - stretch out your hand, and help will come.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 338:
338. Whose knocking do I hear? It is you, fugitive! Now I shall tell you, You have been fleeing from Me with the same persistence you manifested before, when building My Abodes. You fled, attempting to hide yourself within the sanctuaries of the world's temples. Behind the steps of thrones did you conceal yourself. Changing your appearance, you did secrete yourself beneath the folds of tents. You tried to lose yourself in earthly sounds of flute and strings. To where did you flee? Now you stand before Me, and I say: You have returned to Me. You have found again My doors. You saw how your mind had lost its light, how dispersed was your joy. And you now understand that the knocking one will be admitted. And the admitted one will be forgiven. And you have now found better doors, and come, seeing the futility of your flight. And I will admit the knocking one and will say to him: I have preserved for you your joy. Take up your chalice, and work.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 357:
Throughout the Universe pulsates the fabric of Life's Beginning. Throughout the Universe is found the worthy Garment. Joy quivers, and vibrates, and resounds. In this Garment of Joy you will ascend the steps. This garment will enfold your body.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 384:
384. My Hand is above only the steadfast ones. Weakness and light-mindedness foster treachery. Treason is judged not by its causes but by its effects. Each one is free, but is judged by his deeds. Initiation is not found through heartless action. Happiness is gained through labor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 388:
388. Examine even the resounding stones under your feet. For on them may be found traces of My Coming.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.7.3:
1.7.3. Welfare and health are found in trust. The necessary is always prepared by My Ray. Errors rend the tissue of the body.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.8:
2.2.8. Our thoughts are about you. We are sending you the Teaching - how to walk upon the steep rock, transforming it into a wondrous valley. Humanity feels that the solution is not to be found by the sword, and the last possibility sent is the indication of the Gates.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.20:
2.3.20. In the ancient magic books can be found the term, "Illuminacio Regale," which means the Royal Illumination. It is such an important principle that Hermes ends his treatise with the words, "Blessed are those who have chosen the path of Illumination."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.13:
The rest you already know. He did not condemn me. He but weighed my chains and the chains of shame crumbled as dust. He decided simply. Never did He hesitate to send the simplest object which determined one's entire life. He touched these sendings as though bathing them in spirit. His path was empty; because people, after receiving His gifts, hastily departed. And wishing to lay on His Hands, He found all empty. When He was already condemned, the furies of shame rushed behind Him and mockingly brandished their branches. The price of the robber was worthy of the crowd.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.1:
2.5.1. The waves of the currents proceed spirally. The principle of the spiral whirl is found in everything.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.5:
2.5.5. The Star of Allahabad pointed out the way. And so We visited Sarnath and Gaya. Everywhere We found the desecration of religion. On the way back, under the full moon, occurred the memorable saying of Christ.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.5:
During the night march the guide lost his way. After some seeking I found Christ seated upon a sand mound looking at the sands flooded by moonlight. I said to Him, "We have lost the way. We must await the indication of the stars."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.3:
Our Shield is forged by human hands. The manifested power will come through people. There is no need for angels to deafen the ears with trumpets when human hands are found able to accept the chalice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.5:
Truly, the thread of cosmic coordination can be found by comparing the pulse of different elements. There is nothing new in this; but the importance of world-wide cooperation can be demonstrated graphically, even to some readers whose spirits are like cockroaches sticking in corners.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17:
How many times, having started out for Egypt, have We found Ourselves in Mongolia? How many times, having found a manuscript, have We locked it up again? How many times, having begun to erect walls, have We reduced them to rubble? How many times, having turned the steed homeward, have We again rushed it into the darkness of the night, lest, by sleeping overnight at home, We should deprive the plan of immutability? The seeming changeableness is no more than the vibration of life. The ways to the guideposts of immutability vibrate and billow like waves.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17:
One will start to build a bridge, the second will hire a swimmer, the third will sit down to await shallow water, but one will be found who will weave the silver thread of the spirit and cross upon it without the burden of the body, because I will take his load upon Myself.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.16:
The best instance of this is found in the Biblical legend about Lot. For a new life they walked out of the city, and only one condition was imposed upon them - not to look back. But the wife of Lot looked back, and bound herself to Earth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.2:
2.11.2. Truly, the whole Universe consists of many varied origins. By "origin" I mean a series of basic elements. We call these elements primary which are to be found in a free state - that is, not having entered into any combination. One of the principal traits of the creative power is the necessity for combinations.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.6:
What do I see? The first has lost the money. The second has exchanged it for intoxicant wine. The third has hidden it. The fourth did not notice that the grapes were unripe. The fifth, testing their ripeness, crushed the entire cluster. The sixth chose wisely, but brushed them loose and scattered them through carelessness. The seventh brought a ripe branch and even found leaves to adorn it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.7:
The magnet forges the projection of the evolution of the planet. The magnet manifests immutability. The magnet affirms the path of humanity. There are several aspects to the magnet: either the unsplit body of the leading planet; or a part of that body, connected with other parts; or an extraneous object which has acquired a link with the magnet through contact. The magnet either remains invisible, attracting the flow of events; or it serves as a center of conscious action; or it enlightens the man who found it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
A special harm can be found in "phenomena," because the discharge of the forcibly disturbed matter produces a repelling atmosphere of tossing electrons. Nothing harms an organism so much as useless phenomena.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.15:
When a physician prescribes a diversified treatment, time and opportunities are found to carry it out. In the same way one can find a rational change of work. This concerns all kinds of labor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
When you read about a discovery of dinosaur eggs, you readily accept the information. Just as easily do you accept information about a new species of ape; about the vital capacity of seeds found in the tombs of the Pyramids; about an unknown metal; about a new tribe of descendants of island castaways. A whole train of information outside of your everyday life you accept without demur.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
The first are the unconscious communities whose members work out a mutually acceptable way of coexistence. These can be found among workmen, farmers, students, and, less frequently, in families.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
I can visualize a present-day minister of state or a Roman Pontiff driving up to Our Towers in a motorcar! Is there more of comedy or of tragedy here? In any case, a simple Mongol will be found to behave with more dignity, for in him the nerve of receptiveness has not been ruptured.

New Era Community (1926) - 53:
In order to play the game of hidden twig, the searcher must look for it - not the one who hid it. Not without reason do the Hindus call the Highest Being the Player. Verily, the Earth is to be saved by earthly hands, and the Heavenly Forces are sending the best manna; but if ungathered it is transformed into dew. How then not to rejoice when gatherers are found? When, ignoring derision, these seekers proceed, remembering Our Shield.

New Era Community (1926) - 72:
72. The Community, as Fellowship, can unprecedentedly accelerate the evolution of the planet and give new possibilities of intercourse with the forces of matter. It must not be thought that community and the conquest of matter are found on different planes. One channel, one banner - Maitreya, Mother, Matter!

New Era Community (1926) - 78:
78. In each book there must be a chapter about irritation. It is imperative to expel this beast from the house. I welcome austerity as well as decisiveness. I enjoin you to abolish jeering jests. Each one should be helped to get out of entanglements. One should nip each bud of vulgarity. Each one must be permitted to have his say, and patience must be found to listen. The empty rumor must be cut short, and ten words must be found against each word defaming the Teacher. Indeed, remain not silent at an arrow directed at the Teacher. Mother and Teacher - these two concepts must be safeguarded in each book. The light of greatness is not to be extinguished.

New Era Community (1926) - 145:
145. About the development of possibilities through action. When a determined action is created it resembles the movement of a ship. The cloven atmosphere sends out splashes of intensified matter. They are all found in the magnetic sphere of action and are temporarily subjected to it. The intersected strata of the atmosphere are very divergent; and the usefulness of the stirred-up particles is quite unexpected. In truth, he has mastered action who can take into account the activated particles of matter and, cognizing them, compress them into unity.

New Era Community (1926) - 159:
We make use of springs, admitting for purification alum or pumice. Tufa, which is found around geysers, is also useful as a purifier of water. Pure water not only quenches thirst but also ozonizes the whole atmosphere.

New Era Community (1926) - 165:
Cynics may be found who will say, "Let them sway freely, the more energy will there be in space." The remark is not devoid of sense, but indeed the common work is so much in need of solicitude that a true economy of forces must be adopted. The most economical principle is equality, which destroys privilege and cupidity.

New Era Community (1926) - 167:
167. It has been said often - "Rest can be found not in sleep but in change of labor." True, some may discontinue sleeping and obtain poor results. As a preliminary it is necessary to teach the nerve centers to work in groups. One must disconnect the work of the centers. One must learn to unite the most unexpected groups and then quickly change their combinations. Thus, a street musician playing several instruments simultaneously performs one of the useful exercises. Dictating to several copyists at the same time is useful. Contrasting movement of the arms is useful. Stoppage of breathing and thinking is useful. One can enumerate a great number of exercises of the will about which it would be fitting to say, "Bees create their hives with patience."

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
There was a certain ruler who said to some criminals "You cannot live more than a day," and at night they were found lifeless. The responsibility for such sendings is great. And each hour we send arrows in all directions.

New Era Community (1926) - 174:
If the principle of a manifestation has been found, its dimensions depend upon technique. Thus, transference of sensitivity can take on the most diverse dimensions. Let us say - in a certain location there must be founded a new community. The place may have all the necessary signs, but surrounding conditions may temporarily constitute a grave danger. Then let us take a new location and transfer to it the possibilities of the first. In our consciousness we have not broken away from the possibilities of the first place, and we experience the effect of the first decision in laying the foundations for the future structure. Whether something is to be on the fiftieth parallel or twenty degrees farther south, it is essential to preserve the enlightenment of constructiveness.

New Era Community (1926) - 178:
178. Let us recall the qualities absolutely inadmissible in the community; ignorance, fear, falsehood, hypocrisy, cupidity, usurpation, drunkenness, smoking, and obscenity. Someone may say, "Do you wish to collect angels?" We then shall ask, "Are all those on earth liars or drunkards? We know many who are courageous and sincere." Again they will say, "The requirements are too high." We shall reply, "Can it be that you have only foul-talkers and self-seekers? All these requirements are frightening only for the lowest citizen, who hides his wealth under his threshold. In the Himalayas, We have long ago found people to whom the above stipulations are no bugbear.

New Era Community (1926) - 191:
When the banner of the community is unfurled as a realization of necessity, then life will become winged in each day's action. As long as it is thought that the community is an experiment, so long will the community be found in the alchemist's jar. Only a firm realization of historic necessity will bring the community into life.

New Era Community (1926) - 197:
197. It will be asked, "What care are you taking of the established communities?" Let us consider the most recent. What can be said on its anniversary? No one has fallen back, yet the general results are weak. Cooperation by leaps and bounds hinders understanding of co-measurement. A particle of dust occupies more attention than a rock. Noticeable is conflict about precedence, therefore it is better to select a temporary chairman. The matter of the attraction of new ones is worse. Words about the Teaching are not found, and there is no defense against slander. One may open to those who knock, but the sword of the spirit must be kept always sharp. One may regret the lost co-workers. It is necessary to work more compactly, otherwise you will postpone dates. I would be glad to summon you nearer - provide the opportunity. My Hand is with you in each courageous action.

New Era Community (1926) - 218:
There will be found conquerors of the beast, but seek them without old formulas. If your surroundings turn you to worn-out thinking, then it were better for you to burn up this milieu than to become its servants.

New Era Community (1926) - 239:
How fortunate it is if a new place can be found which enhances the potential of the preceding one. Do not limit a plan by deciding upon one place only - the essence of the plan is important.

New Era Community (1926) - 254:
Just as you would cleanse a poor found diamond, likewise should you cleanse the mud from the faces of great toilers!

New Era Community (1926) - 265:
265. When the direction has been ascertained, when the consciousness has been verified, when determination has been tried, then must be found the word expressing the step. The Light-force burns the darkness - thus has been defined the current three-year period. But amidst these three-year periods there did terminate a seven-year period of enlightenment. As briefly we can define the new seven-year period - struggle is the name for it. Struggle in full consciousness, in resoluteness, with no retreat.

New Era Community (1926) - 266:
Your books stand in Our libraries. Are Our books likewise to be found in your libraries? We can talk about your books. Have you read Ours?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 31:
Quality of thinking must be realized as healing. Gratitude is likewise the finest purifier of the organism. He who has found the seed and realized the care of the Sender can project gratitude into space. Great is the healing power of the emission of gratitude. One must transform everything abstract into reality.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 32:
Inimical to international tasks is each perpetration of fraud. But the unity of peoples, the appreciation of creative labor, the growth of the consciousness, are affirmed by the International Government as undeferrable measures. And if one traces the measures of this Government, it will be found that it cannot be accused of inactivity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 39:
How to cleanse away the ulcers of thought of cowardice and treason? One cannot heal the aura with cedar tar. One must burn away the ulcers with the flame of shock, and must find courage to endure the pain. But how can courage be found in a state of cowardice? Terror shakes the coward, but for Us terror is entirely inadmissible.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 61:
61. You think correctly about the manifold effects of human emanations upon their surroundings. A convincing example is to be found in the effect of a human being upon animals and plants. Give someone an animal or plant, and by noting the change in its condition you can identify the man who is a destroyer of life energy. Like a vampire, the rider can exhaust his horse; or the hunter his dog; or the gardener his plants. Seek the cause of this in the emanations of the man.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 63:
63. If you notice repetitions in the Teaching, it means that new details can still be found, or that a command not yet fully applied in life must be stressed again.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 75:
It is impossible to become accustomed to the lightmindedness of human deeds. Only the spiritual consciousness can discern which are incompatible elements. People are distinguished not only by their emanations but also by the essence of elements, which always remains intact. Precisely in relation to elements are the best combinations found.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 84:
We need not always take examples from giants or heroes. I recall a Hindu boy who had found his Teacher. We asked him, "Is it possible that the sun would seem dark to you if you saw it without the Teacher?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 89:
89. Harmony of auras does not require sameness of color. Thus, a violet aura can be in harmony with one that is green, and a pink aura can make a blue one more visible. In such combinations can be found currents of special intensity. It is even desirable to combine colors, as a guarantee of the future rainbow. So multihued are the vibrations of luminous colors, that it is impossible for the limited range of earthly colors to represent them, just as it is impossible for the range of earthly sounds to encompass the symphony of the spheres. Your earthly lilac and violet have nothing in common with Our heavenly purple.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 128:
We are opposed to baseless fantasies, but We welcome each goal-fitting prognosis. If the best building-blocks for construction can be found, and if the will can join them, then one can be certain that one's plan is valid and will be accepted. The cause of unfitness or frailty of any structure lies within ourselves. The horror of destruction is caused by discord between consciousness and reason. The narrowness of human logic and reason can undermine the foundations, when the consciousness is already celebrating victory. If the logic of evidence finds its true role in the understanding of reality, then one's decisions are made firm. Think thus about the future, and in the midst of the desert erect walls of knowledge. You know that every stone put into these walls must be vital and needed. Their strength will resist all assaults of the enemies of knowledge. Treasure each hour devoted to constructing the future. The major forces of humanity are made possible by man's foresight. Whence comes courage? Whence striving? Whence the ability to overcome? From foresight.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 160:
160. Can we think about battle only in terms of victory? What seems like failure is the root of strength. Success is like multicolored blossoms. But tap the roots, because in them is found the sap of power. I suggest that power be understood as being gained from the accumulations of experience. We are again in the garden of life, where experience assures attainment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 164:
"But, you who claim to be creator of the desert and lord of the cold, you caused your own thirst and shuddered from the cold of your own heart. My spring of pure water remained unnoticed and you did not turn to regard My flowers. You encumbered your way with selfishness and found time only to protect your precious feet from the thorns that you yourself grew. My help therefore took flight like a startled bird. My messenger returns in haste, and white Lobnor bays mournfully. My help is rejected."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 220:
One can imagine what confusion would be caused by these inexplicable movements of the centers if we did not think of them in terms of psychic energy. Strange as it may seem, a study of the physical traces of imperil can lead to an understanding of the accumulations of psychic energy. One can observe the traces of imperil in any nerve channel. But it also can be noticed that, around the granulations of this poisonous viper, is gathered another substance that absorbs it - accumulations of psychic energy are found there too, because each energy has its physical crystal.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 225:
One must not delay until tomorrow the planting of a new garden; only immediately and without delay can one strengthen the nursery of consciousness. The gardener studies each new root found in his garden. And for the yogi, each thread of consciousness will be a thread to the far-off worlds.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
278. Often the Teacher finds himself in a very difficult situation with a pupil. The pupil promises to follow all the instructions of the Teacher, but no sooner is one received than reasons are immediately found to alter it. The Teacher experiences a similar difficulty when He is accused of being inactive. Imagine the situation of an archer when he is tensed for his shot and behind him someone cries, "Why does he not shoot?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 282:
282. People can take protective measures against the crude manifestations of the elements. But by the time of the advent of the new, subtler energies it will be essential to have found new ways of dealing with these energies. Until recently, people hid themselves from lightning beneath a tree or they ran away terrified. But now they have found practical methods of self-protection. Of course the same thing will also occur with the subtle energies. If this is realized in time, much harm can be avoided.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 285:
285. Truly, much time is needed by those who seek the right path. But those who have found the path can then apply their forces for achievement. We wish them to go forward exultantly. Each of their steps is a joy to Us. We are ready to send them strength, so that they do not fall.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 286:
286. Success in life can be found both by those who with particular clarity understand the essential nature of things and also by those who have accepted their own very distorted perception of things. The difference lies only in the consequences. Those who have realized the nature of things are not attached to them, but the distorters are slaves to them. If someone finds no success, it means that he has remained at the fulcrum of the balance rather than placing himself in either cup. What is the measure of whether things are understood or distorted? Whether or not the conditions of one's life have changed. If nothing has changed, it is because there has been no action of thought. Those who are slow to understand cannot succeed. The majority of people are dragged down by their own weakness and inertia. Life is like chains to them, whereas life should be a conquest. The guarantee of success lies in action.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 292:
292. External phenomena seen today are on the lowest level. You know that levitation is possible; but if all humanity were to rise for no reason into the air, what madness would follow! You know that the weight of objects can be decreased or increased, but in humanity's present state this ability is still premature. The striving toward realization of the spirit must first be made firm. The clue to many such manifestations will then be found in the power of the will.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 342:
342. In analyzing matter, many elements have been identified, but there are two that are not yet discovered or named. The first is the deposit of psychic energy, and the second, the substance of Fire. As long as the crystal of psychic energy is not found, the substance of Fire will not be identified. Just as the deposits of psychic energy can be found through imperil, the substance of Fire will be found through observing the tension of psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
Of course, from the point of view of external reasoning, apparent lapses in the processes of mental synthesis can always be found. As rings of the spiral show to the observer the outer turns and conceal the inner turns, so mental logic proceeds according to the limits of the outer turns while the inner turns are still merged in the streams of collective thought in space. Hence, We take such care about the broadening of the consciousness, in order that union with spatial thought may be approached.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 380:
380. It has been truly said that manifestations come first in thunder and later in silence. It is impossible to hear the Voice in silence without having first experienced it in thunder, which is much less difficult and exhausting. But after thunder, silence follows; and it is in silence that the Essence is found. But then, can darkness exist for the eye that has attained light? Or silence for the ear that has heard the birth of sound? How could Materia Matrix be soundless or without light?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 391:
391. Recently I sent you a Tibetan coin, and it was placed in the middle of the table under a notebook, in order that it might be found more easily. But no one thought to pick up the notebook. In the morning the maid happened to move the coin to a more noticeable spot, but even then no one noticed it until evening, when it was found by following a new Indication. Similar things often happen in accordance with the action of karma. Something is sent, but it must be recognized and accepted. So many small things clutter one's view that sent gifts remain unnoticed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 393:
Just as the hunting falcon is recalled from the sky, sharpness of understanding should be summoned with a fiery call. The falcon is lured and obediently speeds down onto the gloved hand. Thus will true understanding descend upon the fire of consciousness. One cannot pass through darkness without carrying a light. Some may mockingly say, "This trivial advice is nothing new!" Yet they themselves make no attempt to light their fires. They do not even look around to discover the source of fire. They scoff at those who have found the fire. They do not even know that the fire is found not for oneself but for humanity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 393:
But to you who have found the fire, I say, "All is permitted! You know how to leap across the abyss. Dangers are joys to you. In the words of the Teaching, fiery signs, embodying the inexpressible, flash out for you. Fire is not an abstraction, but is perceptible to the eye. This is a great treasure. Fire is the measure of the all-permissible. Fire is the sign of all-embracing trust."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 413:
A multitude of circumstances must be examined. If people who have achieved the kindling of the inner fire would write down their observations about it, they would greatly help many beginners. The common work for humanity requires first of all the protection of individuality. And when all the many ways of kindling the inner fire have been found, the simplest way proves to be the quickest. It is astonishing to see what supposedly insignificant circumstances can help to ignite the flame. One such, which is always present, is a sensitivity to shocks. A straight position of the spine is also of great importance in this. But in the case of chronic curvature of the spine, musk can be used to help ignite the flame. The absorption of musk interacts with phosphorus, which restores the impeded flow of fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 437:
437. Each new condition of the body is like a new location in which one has not yet found one's proper place.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 443:
What does a site of the gods mean? Does it not signify that this is a place with special conditions for the astral? Where the streams of fire are near, there may be found vivid manifestations of the astral that astonish the human imagination. Is the subterranean fire not related to the Fire of Space?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 485:
485. Some people are called bearers of happiness, some of unhappiness. Many examples and much evidence can be found. Let us assume that something like this exists, and let us look at it from a psycho-physical point of view. In addition to karmic effects, there is something that attracts or repels happiness. By a series of physical experiments, one can demonstrate that certain combinations of elements will determine the degrees of attraction and repulsion. The stronger the presence of the basic energy in people, the more positive will be their effect. If this main element is fire, then the other needed elements will be drawn like moths toward the light. This means that even success can be revealed and measured in physical terms, and it is useful to know one's own essence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 485:
Where is the boundary of the action of fire? Are not the magnet and fire related? What nourishes the essence of the magnet? Even now people do not possess an apparatus for measuring the tension of the Fire of Space. But metals can be found that are sensitive to the fiery waves. Many reactions which until now have seemed to be of the most rare and refined quality will soon astonish by their primordial nature. People always notice the most evident elements first. As yet they have not tried to distill the all-penetrating energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 490:
490. It is very valuable when spatial thought can be summoned for cooperation - when fire accompanies actions, and stars participate in them too. On one step we intensify our will, and on the next we come in touch with the fires of space. Then spatial thought serves as a kind of semaphore and as an amplifier. In this state we do not need to depend so much on will power, for near us is found an inexhaustible source of energy that works with us if permitted.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 490:
If a spark strikes from your manuscript lines that ought to be erased, and underlines with blue light that which should be accepted, it means you have found a powerful co-worker. This cannot be evoked forcibly; only experience can bring you closer to spatial thought. Then, after fire and spatial thought, you will move toward the realization of the far-off worlds. We rejoice when someone enters into the ocean of space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
492. Agni Yoga approaches just in time. Without it, who could say that epidemics of influenza should be cured by psychic energy? Who would pay attention to the new kinds of mental, brain, and nervous illnesses, such as sleeping sickness? It is not leprosy, or the old forms of plague or cholera that must be dreaded; for them, preventive measures already exist. But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life. One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through the expansion of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 516:
516. Uru and Svati are found in cosmogony. The signs of approaching Aquarius and its combination with Saturn are again being repeated. One can see once more how the cosmogony of the Atlanteans was on the right path. Not only was the chemism of the rays known at that time, but also the actual cooperation of the luminaries. After long wanderings, humanity again approaches just that. But still one more simple thing has to be realized: that the forms of those who populate Earth need not be repeated elsewhere in Cosmos. People cannot imagine themselves in different forms, but what joys could arise from the realization of cooperation with other life forms! One should be able to approach easily such all-embracing circumstances.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 550:
550. Where can be found the refinement and upliftment of thought tempered in the holy fire? Is it possible to find it in the ever-increasing heaps of artificial and oversophisticated reasoning? No, real thought will strive toward an appreciation of the best and the beautiful, and toward the search for the most useful. One can foresee that the accumulations of the Chalice will permit a flow of clear thinking, with proper comparison of the past with the future.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 571:
The dust of the far-off spheres, when found in the snow on the peaks and at lower altitudes when it has melted, provides the opportunity to learn about new substances. In order to approach psychic energy under earthly conditions, one must observe how the deposits from the far-off spheres influence the human organism. One can see that these influences are many and strong. Thus, let us be attentive to the manifestations of nature.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
Affirm that the refining of consciousness is the magnet that attracts all beneficial energies. The consciousness, an inexhaustible treasure, will lead to the summits, where victory is found. Is it worthy of man to let his consciousness be overgrown with weeds? It is essential to consider whither one wishes to propel oneself. The fire of consciousness will illumine the way.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 602:
602. The forging of the sword in the flame under the hammer's blow is the best illustration of how one tempers one's psychic energy. Someone may ask how to endure unrest and agitation. But rest can be found only at the peak of unrest. There is no rest amidst the cosmic whirlwinds. The blind and deaf may dream of a rest that does not exist, but the ones who see, who want only to see clearly, prefer to endure the storms. There is no rest, as people understand it. One cannot step out of the turning spiral of creation. One has to evoke Teros as one's anchor, to link oneself to the proper chain of currents. The strong spirit rejoices in tempering his sword.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 613:
Mediators can be found in the Subtle World. Of course, our own consciousness should attract a refined consciousness, and the mediator must be capable of comprehending the tasks of the world. Not long ago I spoke of how impartially one has to think about the astral world. One must gain a proper understanding of the mediators through straight-knowledge; these are not guides, but simply helpers - telegraph poles, as it were. In time, their number will decrease and they will eventually become unnecessary. Thus, all elements and all conditions will be joined in the one work. How can one point out more clearly to a merchant that he can step beyond the limits of his account books? And how can one show that health and joy abide in the realization of Infinity?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 625:
625. Remember that help is found in one's actions. The power of action provides the best armor, the best rudder, the best eye!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 23:
The concatenation of the Universe with all higher spheres should be adopted by the consciousness as a saving anchor in the advancement of the higher foundations of the future. The scientists have already found that which is most evident, but much is as yet unperceived. It is not denied to humanity to draw from Space, but the principle of prejudice is destructive. The action of Earth's magnetism upon an apple is recognized by all, but the realization of the very great Magnet of Infinity, is immerged by ignorance. The ozone of Space and the rays of far-off worlds will provide the planetary substance for the accumulation of new energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 30:
30. The best path to choose is not pointed out directly. Protection and the designation of an affirmed path is made manifest; but in essence it must be found by the man, and this will determine the consequences. When you hear defamation of Our Covenants, which provide endless vistas for the expressions of the spirit in its striving toward beauty, is it possible that this seems to you an achievement breathing with true beauty? When incomprehensible grimaces of spirit are manifested, is it possible that you will follow those who cannot keep pace with the rhythm of Cosmos?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 34:
34. Yes, yes, yes! Cosmic dates and planetary movements can coincide. This combination provides the better formula of Existence. You are right in calling the spirit the creator of Cosmos. Subservience to the elements of nature puts man in a corner, like one in ambush awaiting an enemy. True understanding of the elements is not yet alive in the consciousness. The so-called "chastisement by the Lord" reveals itself as a vivid evidence of the great defamation of the Cosmic Fire. Sacrifices are not needed. Evolution needs only quickened steps, The unforeseen factor of unbridled elements is not a chastisement, but only an unutilized afflux of the gigantic forces of Cosmos. As in the small so in the great. Means for the lesser and greater bridlings of the elements are found. How insignificant are these checks! Still, they clearly reveal a direction. Why, then, not move in the opposite direction? The result would be valuable. The manifestation of loss will be replaced by a revealed propulsion of the consciousness. This law is immutable and is one with the universal process.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 78:
78. The process toward perfection can lead humanity to higher worlds. For this, it is necessary to affirm the understanding of non-transistoriness. When the focus of knowledge will be widened into new angles and a way will be found to transform the nets into spatial fires, then the world of new forms will be unlimited.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 123:
123. When I see a vibration responding to Our sacred vibrations, I rejoice. When we proceed in pace with the cosmic magnetism, then harmony is manifested. The law of assimilationis founded on the property of cosmic magnetism. The complexity of manifestations is increased when the evidence of resistance or surrender shown by the spirit is based on dormant principles. When the spirit strives to the Cosmic Magnet, the correlation produces the highest form of life. The fusion is found throughout Cosmos, and it is reflected in all space as the highest expression of the cosmic Reason. Man's strength lies in the Cosmic Magnet, and his loss of this powerful potential through lack of comprehension exposes that gaping abyss which man cannot cross save by plunging to the bottom and then ascending. Hence, there are so many crevices and so many people who are deprived of the higher understanding. Therefore, jubilation of the spheres is manifested when the greatness of cosmic fusion triumphs. Verily, the spheres then tremble with the highest exultation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 134:
134. Cosmic attraction directs most clearly the movement toward evolution. In the wake of the propelled impulse is that spiral which cannot but evoke a reverberative force. And the thrust of the spiral depends upon Spatial Fire. The manifestation of cosmic attraction, affirming the questing force by the current of positive magnetism, at the same time generates the negative magnetism; the one beginning is to be found in the entire Cosmos. The Cosmic Magnet, evincing the one great and eternal Law, gives to the world the image of limitless creation. Hence, the world may follow this Law.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 157:
157. So complex is the substance of the life principle that humanity must ponder over the law of the Cosmic Magnet. It is so complex that the concept of the substance is closely related to the expression of the purpose of Be-ness itself. When we will establish a rational correlation between the force of differentiation and the assembling force of the Magnet, we will have found that bond upon which the Universe is sustained. One should understand that each dissonance agitates a chain of destruction in the space. Each explosion sets the space atremble, and the possibilities which gather around the spirit often are dispersed by the waves of repercussion. Precisely the reverse happens following an action of harmony. As a magnetic wave collects different currents, so also a harmonized spirit possesses the power of uniting those streams which lead to the eternal power of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 166:
166. The evidence of the Cosmic Magnet itself affirms the tension of the forces which manifest a shifting. Conditions of necessary maintenance may require a downward step. And when the attraction acts upon the resonance of the predestined forces, the spiral of progression is established. Accidental shiftings do not occur, nor does destruction occur without a possibility of an evident restitution. The cliches of necessary shiftings exist on all planes. Of course there occur shudders of the spheres, and vortices of superterranean whirlwinds, but the causes of such disturbances are to be found in strivings inharmonious with the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 258:
258. The function of the rays is contained in the blending of all energies with the Fire of Space. If one could resolve the Solar Ray into its electrons, it may be found to contain all elements that are in the cosmic, manifested, ray. The creativeness of the cosmic ray lies in the attraction and dissolution of energies. If the molecular particles could be extracted from the ray, their attraction could be utilized. Hence, one must adjust the forces of receptivity. Only striving from both ends will afford the necessary tension. Explosion occurs because of non-coordination of energies. All chaotic manifestations are only evidence of non-coordination. It may be said then that the tensive power of the cosmic ray is attracted toward Earth but meets with no responding vibration. Yet upon this foundation are all creative manifestations built. The affirmation of the cosmic ray intensifies all activity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 266:
266. The great law of the oneness of life unites all Being. The oneness of life in Cosmos is expressed by the fiery impulse. The psycho-dynamics is asserted as the unifying force of the Cosmic Breath. The creativeness of this power is evident in the tension of forms. The currents of psycho-dynamics guide all that exists, as does the Spatial fire. The Cosmic Breath generates forces for the process of creation of forms. Be-ness, in its boundlessness, may be affirmed as Infinity. The currents of all energies, when conjoined, provide the formula of the Cosmic Magnet. The one life in its manifest power sets up the chain of manifestations which are linked together. The endless interlinking process is confirmed in the tension of creation. The binding element of life is the principle of the Magnet. In all things may be found the evidence of its inexhaustible power.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 315:
315. Certainly, the rays of the luminaries predetermine the course of the necessary currents, and it is thus that all prophecies are fulfilled. The luminaries propel everything emanating from that which is predestined by the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, what is ordained by Our Covenant corresponds to that which is determined by the Cosmic Magnet. Verily, in the records of the luminaries may be found the enumeration of those chosen and sent by Us. The manifestation affirmed by Us is recorded.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 372:
372. The symbol of Fire is found in all Teachings, and in Cosmos Fire is affirmed as the manifestation of life. The substance of Fire is so radiant that it is impossible to define and describe it. The Cosmic Breath is the Fire of Space. All cosmic manifestations are permeated with Fire and human thought is Fire. Thought gives form; thought gives direction; thought gives life; thought imparts creativeness; thought imparts the attraction of a drawing magnet. When the spirit kindles its fires, thought creates through the accretion of Materia Lucida. Cosmic thought is comprised in the fiery communion. The Spatial Fire contains the striving energies. Cosmic Fire is boundless in its saturations and its manifestations. Thus, the Cosmic Fire strives with the Cosmic Magnet!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 28:
28. The Fire of Space kindles the manifestations of propulsive energies. The manifestation of spatial torches is to be found throughout Cosmos. The human consciousness is kindled by the torches of the Fire of Space. Each spirit bearing fire in its potential is such a torch. The most fiery torch directs humanity to the assimilation of the affirmation of the spiritual fire. The creativeness of these torches intensifies the thought in a spatial scope. The Fire of Space, which imbues the Universe, creates the manifestations of energies as evolution. The torch of spiritual consciousness offers its intensified spiral to humanity. Along this spiral moves the affirmed life. The torch which creates the spiral of thought verily calls to the Fire of Space. Thus, We shall say to the striving ones "Be like torches!"

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 348:
348. Thought has definite significance as an affirmed impetus of creativeness. The diversity of Cosmos is intensified by the higher thought. Only when the aspiration toward thinking is realized can the subtle quality of energy be found. Since humanity speaks much about thought, certainly the significance of thought must assume a conscious form pertaining to the creativity of Cosmos. In the creativity of Cosmos each thought appears as motion. In human creativity thought is the impeller of each step, both in small and in great. The significance of thought is most powerful!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 465:
465. The creativity of Cosmos brings the spatial fires closer to the planet. Spiritual striving must tauten its threads and find the ways to the spatial fires. Hence, every constructive possibility is intensified by thought. The approach to the spiritual fires may be found when spiritual concordance is established. The imbalance on the planet is the result of the absence of this approach. Thus, the sickness of the planet is in its imbalance.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 471:
471. The affirmation of cosmic reconstruction intensifies all spatial fires. The acceptance of the basis of cosmic fires imparts a spiritual quality to the reconstruction. The creativeness of cosmic fires is intensified by the principle of magnetism. Hence, in the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet there is contained all cosmic creativeness. The creativity of Cosmos is linked with the tensity of cosmic fires, and the spiritual saturation of the planet depends upon the impulsion of the cosmic fires. Hence, humanity is under the strain of its own strivings; and the free will creates, affirming a cosmic urge or a contrary manifestation. Thus, when the spirit of humanity is attracted to the Cosmic Magnet the path of the spirit is found. The spirit thus strives into the Infinite.

Hierarchy (1931) - 24:
The quest for Shambhala varies widely in the spiritual domain. And is it possible that people believe they will attain the Community of Shambhala through invasion or through fasting? To him who is aware of the path to Us, let us say, "Walk by the path of love. Walk by the path of labor. Walk by the path of the shield of faith!" To him who has found Our Image in his heart, We shall say, "Walk by the way of the heart and the Chalice will affirm the path!" To him who, through conceit, thinks he has attained the path, We shall say, "Go and learn from the spirit who knows consummation."

Hierarchy (1931) - 206:
206. The experiment with the densified astral body, in substance, is not an attempt, but a plan-fitting inception of the Sixth Race. It should not be thought that a densified astral body will remain unstable for a long time. The preparation that can sufficiently densify it has already been found. Thus, amidst the earthly turmoil We assemble a new race. Certainly, means have to be found which will purify the lowest strata of the earthly atmosphere. But already there are some possibilities. The emulsion given to you pertains to the remedies for purification, destroying poisons through the pure film of the skin.

Hierarchy (1931) - 207:
207. Let us not think that the next race will fall from heaven on rosy wings. No, here also one cannot dispense with a laboratory. We welcome it if now thoughts about the transformation of the race are strengthened. For this, we shall not resort to the help of monkeys, but shall turn to the foundations of human nature and add the accumulations of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Thus the human spirit will receive a regenerated garment. Precisely, man can and must think of the future, not with prejudices, but starting from the facts of the existence of bodies of different degrees. If such degrees exist, then no one can maintain that intermediate stages based upon mutual advantage may not be found. It is difficult to understand Hierarchy if its continuity is not comprehended. Similarly, the various degrees of bodies exist when they are mutually nourished.

Hierarchy (1931) - 240:
240. When people shall investigate not only fires and rays but also human secretions, then one may think of a change of the body. It is strange that people understand the powerful chemical processes that take place in their organisms and at the same time consider the products of these processes only as refuse. One can see how powerful is the blood or saliva. One can see what unusual strength the blood of the vegetable kingdom, valerian, transmits to a plant. Equally powerful are saliva and the other secretions of the glands. But one must observe the causes of increase and decrease of the reaction of the energy of these products. The saliva of wrath is poisonous, and the saliva of benevolence is beneficial. Is it not important to investigate such generally known manifestations, for which mechanical equipment cannot be substituted? Thus we shall again approach the lost knowledge regarding the substance of psychic energy, that mysterious Atma, which in ancient medical science was found in using the products of the glands. One must be able to oppose the fiery element by Atma, which is incombustible.

Hierarchy (1931) - 250:
250. Forgetfulness, distraction, duplicity, curiosity, belong to the imperfections which must be eradicated. Any of these qualities may be regarded as treason, for out of them issues the lowest. One should understand how unavoidable for oneself are their consequences. A small consciousness is engulfed in mistakes and, trying to justify itself - in other words to lie to itself, actually sinks to the bottom. It can be observed through many lives how the garden of effects blossoms. Sooner or later one must be convinced of the harm of mistakes. The main touchstone will be the question, "Is there no treason?" One must in the end realize how manifold is treason. Besides the classical kiss, there may be found many subtle aspects of treason.

Hierarchy (1931) - 260:
260. How often must the gardener water the garden entrusted to him? Certainly every day, except during a beneficent shower. When people close their shutters, the gardener weaves baskets for the ripening fruit. Verily, the shower frees the gardener from the labor of carrying water. Is it not the same with the Teaching? Certainly the foundations of the Teaching should be reiterated each day. Every hour, the Teaching should be protected from the leprosy of habit. But in the time of the whirlwind the Teaching is not in need of protection, because in it alone will the sole hope of men be found. Then they will turn their heads from Earth and perhaps for the first time perceive the far-off worlds and the heavenly Fire. The gardener calls the shower a blessing. Shall we not say the same of the whirlwind, which will force us to think of the Fire of Space and of future existence?

Hierarchy (1931) - 304:
304. The word Mahatma is translated as Great Soul. Some imagine the Mahatmas as a completely distinct race. One should not conceive a Great Soul to be entirely distinct. Each Mahatma began his ascent from the very midst of the people, having only dared to choose the difficult path of the Great Soul. And, besides daring, he found in his heart indignation of spirit, for how else can the fires be kindled? Upon these fires the precious substance of the secretions is transmuted into a healing substance. One can see how the saliva of a fiery being can remove an inflammation and restore the vital energy to numb centers. Alongside the sacred property of secretions stands the healing power of the laying on of hands. It is instructive to compare the secretions of men having dormant centers with the ejection of the fiery substance. If I advise medicines made from plants for common organisms, then for the more knowing ones there is a powerful laboratory of sacred fiery secretions.

Hierarchy (1931) - 311:
311. Let us observe how the black ones labor. It is necessary to observe their peculiar habits. They are not indignant about a nonentity. They consider that the first steps of service are particularly useful for them. A nonentity is negligible even in treason. Treason is precisely the main basis of undermining by the black ones. For treason, one must know something. This relative knowledge, not strengthened by devotion, may be found on the first steps. One must know that condemnation acts like fire upon a wavering devotion. It is sad to observe with what unnoticeable deviations the disciple begins to steep himself in indifference, finding eloquent justifications. Like the blade of a knife, the heart loses its protective net. Without its sheath, the blade injures the carrier himself; and such spurs do not lead to achievement, they lead only to irritation. If one day has passed successfully in demeaning the Teacher, why may not tomorrow also be blazing with blasphemy against the Highest? And if the silver thread is broken, the blade of ossification is already irrevocably sharpened.

Hierarchy (1931) - 380:
380. Are there not enough earthquakes? Are there not enough wrecks, storms, excesses of cold and heat? Has not the fiery cross risen? Has not a star shone by day? Has not a fiery rainbow flared? Have not the signs sufficiently multiplied? But humanity amidst chaos does not wish to be aware of the apparent signs! And so We shall not insist upon a visible sign when doubt has blinded the people. But amidst these blind and deaf the children of fire are found. To them We send signs, that they shall know of the approach of Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 397:
397. During a trance, even the most average man becomes adroit, daring, indefatigable, begins to learn much of what is as yet inaccessible to him, and the evidence of the invisible world becomes apparent to him, merely because for a time he has parted from the lower physical world. But on returning to it the man forgets his higher substance as though it were a dream. A bridge must be found to prevent the loss of consciousness and to become enriched by the Higher World. Agni Yoga is given to bring people to the Higher World.

Hierarchy (1931) - 405:
405. When the centers are fierily intensified, it means that correspondence with the cosmic perturbations should be found. The signs are accurate and ascertained by close bonds between Cosmos and an Agni Yogi. Thus the bond reveals concordance with all currents of space. Thus a striving Agni Yogi displays a responsive vibration to all fiery manifestations. Therefore, health must be guarded. A very important time; space vibrates and the whirlwinds are powerful.

Hierarchy (1931) - 434:
434. Help each other, harken! Help in the small and in the great. Help is a rap upon the future. You know not which is the drop that filled the cup to the brim. I shall remind you of a tale of ancient India King Rishiputra could no longer sleep. He summoned a Sage to restore his sleep to him. The Sage said, "King, examine thy couch." The royal couch was examined, and a stone was found in the folds of the sheets. The King rejoiced, believing that this was the cause of his affliction. But sleep did not return and the Sage repeated his advice. Again the couch was examined, and a dead butterfly was found. Again the King was sure that the cause of his sleeplessness was discovered. But his sleep did not return. The Sage said, "There is no effect without cause. Thou thyself, King, examine thy couch; for nothing can take the place of one's own eye." And the King found under his pillow a grain of gold, small as a mustard seed. "This minute grain could not have harmed me," thought the King. But sleep immediately closed his eyes. In the morning the Sage pointed out to the King, "The downfall of the spirit is not measured by fourths. The treasures of war cannot outweigh a seed taken from a widow. Help, King, wherever help can reach."

Heart (1932) - 2:
2. Many legends tell of the fulfillment of wishes, but they do not speak of the fundamental condition of issuelessness, which whets the desires to the point of immutability. Each tiny deviating path already dulls the arrow of immutability. But as one who is unaccustomed to the water can swim when in danger of being drawn to the bottom, so the solution of the fulfillment of a wish is found when all paths are cut off. People say a miracle has happened! But often it was only the intensification of the psychic energy. The heart, the sun of the organism, is the focus of psychic energy. Thus, in speaking of the heart we must have in mind the law of psychic energy. It is beautiful to sense the heart as the Sun of Suns of the universe. We must understand the Sun of the Highest Hierarch as our Banner. Beautiful is this Banner, like an invincible power if our eyes have assimilated its radiance, reflected in our heart.

Heart (1932) - 78:
78. At first, the boundary between the physical and Subtle worlds was not so defined. In the most ancient scripts fragmentary indications can be found about the close cooperation between these worlds. In physical condensation the focus of the heart was needed as a balance for the subtle energies. The material world was necessary to transmute the substances for the multiplication of energies. But, as you know, the mind strove for insulation and thus made evolution more difficult. The time of Kali Yuga has been difficult, but Satya Yuga must again bring closer the worlds, which were forcibly separated. One must await this time solemnly as the return to a predestined perfection. Thus, let us decide to apportion sufficient attention for spiritual creativeness. One should become accustomed to thinking from this point of view. Thus, it is necessary to refer to that which is most significant in the direction of life. Whoever learns the balance between the worlds will considerably ease his path.

Heart (1932) - 123:
123. Praise physicians who at the inception of any sickness give a strong tonic remedy. It is too late to overtake the sickness when the heart has already weakened. It is the physician's task to discern the inception of the sickness and to pour new strength for the fight against it. Therefore, first of all We turn attention to musk. But there is not enough of the precious substance for all, and therefore We again turn your attention to the plants that are included in the food of these animals. Of course, this compound will be weaker, but it will nevertheless provide a curative substance, which can be administered broadly. Thus one can avoid the chief enemy of mankind - all narcotics. It is not difficult to discover this substance in the food of the animals, besides, ways may be found to avoid killing.

Heart (1932) - 124:
124. One should pay attention to the characteristic spasmodic sign which accompanies known spiritual exaltations. The sensation seemingly of goose flesh upon different parts of one's body during communions with Us is also sufficiently characteristic. During the process of experimentation for the discovery of psychic energy, the significance of both sensations will be found.

Heart (1932) - 283:
283. Pure thinking is the best disinfectant. It is time to accept thinking as having a chemical reaction. So, too, the manifestation of Armageddon should be understood not only as the usually accepted war but also in accordance with the events of the entire life. The obsession that was mentioned is a significant evidence of the Great Battle. True, suicides and also physical and spiritual calamities permeate the convulsed planet. Special types of diseases of the brain and nerves and also many perversions are to be found among men. One is astonished at the waverings of the spirit. One becomes indignant at the way in which the best are met with threats and hatred, as though Earth itself strove to disintegration! Of course the mad ones do not behold all the luminous warriors and let the dark ones drag them down into the abyss. Thus, one must fortify oneself with all strength through the Hierarchy. Even upon an ordinary battlefield, one should not cut oneself off from communications. Thus, by the simplest examples one must cognize the Great.

Heart (1932) - 318:
318. People who have visions should be carefully examined by physicians. Thereupon, special symptoms of the heart and nerve centers will be found. As the cadenza of ancient India is far more refined than the Western scale, so, also, the heart that cognizes the Subtle World will afford incomparably more subtle modulations of tone. Of course, physicians avoid examining healthy people; thus they overlook a precious page which guides one to the future. Usually, all miracles and visions are relegated to the category of hysteria, but no one explains what hysteria is. They will say it is an intensified reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, or they will attribute it to an irritation of the peripheral nerve endings; they will determine many causes among various reasons and will apply most bovine remedies, but they will not trouble to think whether in these manifestations there is not a higher reason.

Heart (1932) - 340:
340. Some will dismember, but We shall unite, because the theory of focus is found in unity. Formerly We indicated the focus of the Hierarchy, but now it is necessary to concentrate upon the heart, as the channel to Hierarchy. Thus, none shall say the Hierarchy is not a reality because there is no approach to it. Verily, there is the truest approach with the heart as intercessor - that very heart which tirelessly throbs and pulsates lest people forget it - the most tender, the most intense, the most responsive to that which is near and most far.

Heart (1932) - 405:
405. Events are bearing away the corrupted world. This period was indicated in all scriptures. Nevertheless, people do not think of what is taking place. They cannot even begin to think of the future. Thus, one should not produce a book without indicating the Teaching of the time which has come. One cannot assume that something will still alter the direction of the current created by people. On the far-off worlds there is already a horror of the fiery inevitability, yet Earth continues to shroud itself in a dark cover. That which necessitated a century now occurs in five years - the progression of acceleration acts according to law. Therefore, when I speak of the heart it means that salvation can be found along this channel. Do you hear? I repeat about salvation! Not arguments, not doubt, not uncertainty, but salvation will be the sign of that hour. One must understand still more firmly how unfit by now are the old measures. Only one bridge remains from the highest worlds - the heart. Let us approach the source of the sensing of Light. Let us understand that even in the fiery furnace the youths were not consumed when they ascended by way of the heart. The time is a difficult one! Thus shall we repeat, fearless of the derision of the ignorant. They do not have even an idea of the significance of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 484:
484. A "black heart" was always considered as the symbol of great peril. Only the most unwavering courage could resist this misfortune, but such courage was rarely found. The degree of courage is tested by the force of the peril, and true courage waxes stronger in accordance with the intensity of the danger. She, Our warrioress, knows the degree of courage of which I speak. When the dark legions are attacking, the consequences vary. During injury to the entity, obsession results; whereas the purified spirit may be subject, not to obsession, but to illness. You have read how our Brother, already on a high step, nevertheless became ill from dark opposition. Such consequences must be remembered because the battle is great. Of course, the effects of the dark arrows may be lessened, but personal caution is needed nevertheless. The same striving must be applied for the acquisition of courage as a remedy against the black poison. Indeed, physical weakening does not mean spiritual weakening; on the contrary, the expenditure of spiritual riches sometimes becomes unlimited.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 21:
21. The human eye does not see the most powerful electric vibrations. The same is true with regard to fiery gradations. Incidentally, this circumstance always hinders the Teaching of Fire. The smaller manifestations of fiery energies will be sensed, and thus admitted, but higher and more refined manifestations will become imperceptible to the modern apparatus, and to the consciousness which has not karmically approached the element of fire. But contemporaries do not readily admit the imperfection of the apparatus and especially their own inexperience. The lack of such acknowledgement becomes a great obstacle, and instead of moving forward valuable time must be spent in instilling an understanding of the nature of Fire. However, during these reiterations about the concept of Fire, a useful accumulation takes place, which will be indelibly inscribed upon the brain. Whatever is done, at least let those who cannot assimilate through the heart perceive through the brain. Our duty is to proffer the shortest paths, but patience will be found to follow the longest roads also. The chief requisite is steadfastness, when in your heart you yourself know that there is no other way; therefore The Subtle World is achieved only by means of Fire. Thus, knowledge of our essential nature is not only in knowing but also in sensing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 25:
25. It is especially valuable to cognize in one's own heart communion with the fiery essence. In the Middle Ages, of course, they would have added to this the fire of the stake. But even in those times, valorous men were found who did not fear to speak about that which they perceived and sensed within themselves.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 45:
45. Work like sculptors. Their hands know how to approach the stone in order not to distort the form. But, then, the one who eats knows how much food he requires. Naturally, overfilling the stomach will not be the right measure. On the contrary, the requirement is not determined by earthly measurements. The fire of the heart gives the sign to the consciousness. Thus, it is cause for rejoicing that the true measures are found in the fiery knowledge.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 97:
The relation of the hieroglyphics found in India to the inscriptions on Easter Island is unquestionable. Thus is disclosed the manifestation of a new relationship of peoples, which fully corresponds to the most ancient sources. Thus, once more you see how the chronicles have preserved the true historical data, but people accept them with difficulty. You observed justly that the facts about the Kalachakra are passed over in silence; this is due not only to ignorance but to an abhorrence of touching the fundamentals. Humanity passes over with equal shudders all the wells of knowledge - this applies to all worlds - and people will shudder just as much over the world of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 253:
253. It should not be thought that the calamitous situation of humanity can be improved if people do not keep in mind the threatening volcano and do not resort to psychic energy. The shifting of the Gulf Stream is only one of the many menacing signs, many others can be found nearer at hand.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 282:
282. Without doubt there exists a link between the hand at work and the Chalice, which reveals itself through radiation. And if such a link is perceived, one may be congratulated upon one's ability to observe. I equally value observations of the battle between Light and darkness; the stars of Light and darkness are quite apparent and denote a cosmic battle. One can foresee how in the course of time an astrochemical basis for many manifestations will be found. And each record of them will be of great service in the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 308:
308. Self-perfectment is Light. Self-indulgence is darkness. One can so build one's life that each day will, as it were, be the end. But one can so illumine one's life that each hour will be a beginning. Thus one can rebuild one's earthly existence beneath one's very eyes. Only in this way will the questions of the future and the understanding of fiery perfectment become perceptible. Daring should be found to reconstruct one's life in accordance with new accumulations. To die in the bed of one's grandfather is to be relegated to a medieval status. We even advise that these beds be taken to a museum; this will also be more hygienic. However, we should not limit tomorrow by the measurements of yesterday; if we do, how can we approach a comprehension of the Fiery World, which was like hellfire to our grandfathers. And now, when due reverence is tendered to Light and the grandeur of Fire, we can have spiritually a very rich tomorrow.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 323:
323. Your judgment is correct in regard to the need for an exodus from the festering cities and for a proportionate distribution of the population of the planet. If humanity is fundamentally a fire-bearer, is it possible not to understand how very necessary is the wise distribution of this element? It must be understood that the illness of the planet depends to a great extent upon human balance. One should not abandon vast spaces and gather in fratricidal congestion on infected and blood-soaked sites. Not by accident did the ancient chieftains found their camps on virgin sites. Today, science itself favors the normal peopling of free spaces. None will be forgotten or excluded, and the very forces of nature, called into cooperation, will render healthful Earth's diseased condition. Then only may one hope that labor will be valued, and that, instead of hired laborers, co-workers will be born. People's thinking will also undergo a reformation when the focus of thought is directed to an even distribution of labor over the entire face of Earth. One should regard this as a guarantee of the only solution. Otherwise people will only shake off the yoke, not finding the Truth that dwells in their hearts. Fiery is this Truth!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 335:
335. Can knowledge of the future be regarded as sorcery? Can cognition of the inevitable be magic? Each religion, as a link with the Highest, finds words to express the ineffable transition into the Subtle World. The earthly consciousness retains possession of all its senses, which are found in the Subtle World though in transmuted form. The precise moment of transition into the Subtle World is accompanied by a sensation of dizziness, as during fainting or at the beginning of a fit of epilepsy. The sensations that follow depend entirely upon the preparedness of the consciousness, or rather upon the fiery ego. If the consciousness has been obscured or dimmed, the senses cannot be carried over into the new condition. In this case a kind of oblivion or drowsy roaming about occurs. This state is not a pleasant one. I do not, of course, refer to the dark state of criminals and the depraved - the nature of their torment is indescribable! But it is preferable to speak of the luminous possibilities. Thus, if Agni has been awakened during life through knowledge or heroic feeling, it will immediately accomplish the great transmutation. Like a veritable torch, it will indicate the way; like radiant helium it will carry one up to the predestined sphere. Though so imperceptible in earthly life, Agni becomes the guiding principle in the Subtle World. And not only does it light the way in the Subtle World, it acts as a guide to the Fiery Beings. Without Agni it is impossible to commune with the Light of the Fiery World. Lacking the manifested fire, the roaming spirits are stricken blind. We behold by Fire, and we ascend by Flame. There are no other propellants, and therefore blessed be the Fire-conscious!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 336:
336. If each cell contains an entire universe, then the prototype of the Creator is to be found in each human being, throughout Infinity. How necessary it is to learn to reverence the Holy Spirit! One may give It the most exalted names. One may even suffuse one's heart with It namelessly, when all names pour forth as from an overflowing chalice. But defamation is inadmissible, for it severs the thread of Light. The affirmation of Guruship is necessary, as a natural step toward the realization of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 348:
348. It is apparent that people desire to have a change of existing conditions. A ruler asked that a contented man be found. Finally after long quests one was discovered - he was deaf, dumb, and blind!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 389:
389. Good will is not weak will. Quite often people, having deprived themselves of one attribute, have lost many other needed qualities with it. One should not confound shameful obsolete survivals with valuable achievements. Thus, malice is unworthy, but indignation of spirit is that uprising of elements which is found in the highest covenants. Spiritual battle has nothing in common with malice. Thus, Light pierces darkness, but not through malice.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 414:
414. I affirm that at the present one should gather all one's strength and courage. Throughout the entire world the forces of darkness are attacking. Is it possible that the good forces will be found fighting among themselves? The manifestation of heartache actually arises from the thoughts being sent. The physician may call it spasms of the aorta, without taking into account certain important external causes. Can one see only the effects without discerning their causes?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 423:
423. Equally wise reminders can be found in songs. The Koreans sing about three travelers who beheld heaven. One saw it as granular, the second saw it as if in drops, and the third beheld it aflame. But the first had dust in his eyes, the second had caught a chill, and the third had a bright and warm night's lodging. Thus did people understand the three essences and wisely characterized them. One traveler was not afraid of the Fiery Heaven, and Fire guarded him amidst the darkness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 460:
460. One should not laugh at the fact that certain yogis make use of a bamboo reed or a roll of papyrus during levitation. Certainly it is possible to achieve similar results without these physical aids. But if someone requires a feather in his hand for levitation let us not deprive him of this small assistance. The essential is not to be found in the feather or in the roll, but in thought, in fiery energy. There are many symbols which can evoke energy, and everyone can look for the nearest conductor. Thus, the gypsies require water or melted wax, but the essence lies in their psychic energy, which is very strong in this race. It is easy to derive instructive observations from them. Unfortunately, one must watch carefully their scrupulousness. Very often the increase of energy, which is an atavistic accumulation, is connected with a mediocre consciousness. But the physician and scientist must investigate all possibilities. Similarly, many northern races can provide interesting material, especially in Norway, Karelia, Scotland, and among the Eskimos. Of course, even primitive glimpses of this energy are useful to the scientist.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 462:
462. Why is it so difficult to correlate observations from the different fields of science? The time is approaching when complete accord between scientists from the most diverse branches of science will be required. It will be necessary to combine new rediscoveries of ancient cultures with mechanical and physical observations. Skeletons of giants will be found together with objects which will require the most manifold observations. And finally, the ancient knowledge of the firmament will be needed in connection with strange changes on our planet. Sound unity is needed, in order to expand the horizon of new investigators.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 484:
484. In regard to the question of nutrition, it should be noted that it is necessary to have some raw vegetables or fruit each day; raw milk is likewise preferable if the cow is known, and also bread of a somewhat coarse flour. Thus one can obtain sufficient vitamins without increasing the obvious superfluity of food. Hence, one should not burden oneself with the thought of food, because such thought often obscures many valuable strivings. He who has found the balance between physical and spiritual demands already stands at the border of understanding the Higher World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 487:
487. Historic acts of great significance were often carried out in accordance with directions given in visions. The Invisible Government has pronounced its decisions more often than people suspect. The Higher Beings or departed relatives bring the message of imminent dates. One can only deplore the concealment of such visions and visitations, that is, unless secrecy has been enjoined. The fiery seal upon the lips is very lasting. However, one may disclose the truth to posterity in memoirs that will sustain many hearts. You yourselves already know of an entire succession of historic events which were based on warnings and indications. Thus, one can note a series of events from antiquity to our days which were seemingly links of one guiding thought. It is right to collect these fiery revelations; in them will be disclosed an entire interworld system. One must probe historical facts deeply, in order still more consciously to understand the wisdom of the construction. I advise the recording of all known historic events that took place or were connected with higher visions. During such work many more facts will be found, because a striving thought is like a magnet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 493:
493. You have heard of many earthquakes and of innumerable meteorites which fall upon Earth, but earthquakes are recorded rather relatively. In certain zones they are recorded with extreme accuracy, but oceanic tremors remain only approximately recorded, although they may prove to be particularly dangerous. Likewise, there is approximation in connection with the fall of meteorites. It is true that many meteorites fall into water, but the fall is conditioned by magnetism. Thus, iron and other metals attract meteorites, especially when the deposits are in their natural state and are not void of cosmic magnetism. The conditions of cosmic magnetizations are successfully expressed in the so-called metal and water diviners. The existence of such people has been known since ancient times. Fortunately, contemporary science does not deny these facts. Thus, science has already established one of the properties of fiery energy. But it is most remarkable that these people sense precisely the subterranean waters and metals. Such a diviner will not react to a tank of water or a house constructed of steel. This magnetism is directed along the fiery channel and responds primarily to the natural state of a substance. This is also the core of all fiery communions. Naturalness and directness constitute the essence of fiery energy. One may never think of fire, one may never perceive Fire, and thus shut off one's access to the Fiery World. I repeat that in the Subtle World it is difficult and painful to cognize Fire if in the earthly state at least some way of approach has not been found to the Higher World. Wisely it is said, "He who wishes to go to his ancestors will go to them." But by this only the lower state is defined. Why be deprived of the predestined beautiful spheres?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 546:
546. To give is a divine attribute. The inexhaustibility of giving is found in varying degrees in all of nature. But fire is the element in which giving is most apparent. The very principle of Fire is transmutation and constant giving. Fire cannot exist without the sacrifice of giving; likewise the fiery seed of the spirit exists through giving. But the sacrifice is a true one only when it has become the very nature of a man. A mental and compulsive sacrifice is neither natural nor divine. Only when sacrifice becomes an inalienable attribute of life does it become inseparable from the consciousness. Thus, by its qualities Fire teaches us during ascent. Let each one who wishes to attain cognizance say to himself, "I will be like Agni." One must grow to love fiery sacrifice as the closest means of communion with the Fiery World. Without this self-sacrificial striving it is not easy to rise above the claws of evil. Like Fire, which is elusive, the consciousness becomes mobile when united with Agni. One must approach sacrifice not by the path of despondency but by that of fiery splendor. One cannot define Fire by any other term than splendor. Likewise, the Fiery World cannot be thought of as other than a manifestation of grandeur.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 564:
564. Let us relate another tale about the heart. "Some people gathered together to boast of their prowess some exhibited their muscular development; some boasted of taming wild beasts; one estimated strength by the hardness of his skull, another by his swiftness of foot - thus the various parts of the human body were extolled. But someone remembered the heart, which had remained unpraised. Then everyone began to think about how the strength of the heart could be estimated. Finally a newcomer said, 'You have discussed various types of competition, but you have forgotten one near to the human heart - a competition in magnanimity. Let your teeth, fists, and skull be at rest, and vie with each other in magnanimity. It will speed the path of the heart to the Fiery World.' It must be confessed that everyone became greatly concerned, for they did not know how to manifest magnanimity. And so the manifestation of love remained undiscussed, because even the gateway to it was not admitted to any place in the contest of prowess." Verily, if magnanimity is found, then love will kindle the fires of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 624:
624. Even among contemporary forms numerous animal-like men can be found. Such monstrosities are usually ascribed to a fright or shock experienced by the mother. But, notwithstanding many explanations, the principal cause is usually lost sight of. It may be understood that in the Subtle World certain entities are subject to fits of carnal desire. During these obscurations they sink to the level of the animal kingdom. Moreover, Agni declines to such an extent that the animal principles take possession of the fallen ones. Of course, with time, they can again ascend, but the animal contact is so powerful that it may be transformed at reincarnation into animal form. Sometimes heredity contributes to such animal-like rebirths, for base spirits prefer corresponding forms for themselves. And sometimes it is neither atavism nor heredity, but a deplorable lunge into the animal world, which imprints the seal of madness. Again it is instructive to note how the decrease of Agni permits the manifestation of animal propensities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 664:
664. If we look on our planet from above, we will observe, besides the evident volcanoes, particular vortices of light and darkness. The human spirit can create powerful manifestations of energy. One may state that the vortices of Light are saviors of the equilibrium of the planet. Nor is it far from the truth to state that the vortices of darkness contain a destructive gas, which is not only deadly to the crust of the planet but can alter the climate and even significantly effect a shifting of the poles. Thus powerful is the significance of the human spirit. Hence We treasure the Ashrams where purified Agni is gathered. Many teachings have pointed out the importance of pure places where psychic energy can be affirmed. References to the importance of pure places are found in the Sacred Writings, in the Bible, and in the Rig-Veda; the Tao likewise contains knowledge of these treasure-places of Earth. We rejoice when We notice the rise of new Ashrams, for people so seldom think of the power of their spirits!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 8:
8. Agni Yoga requires a special resourcefulness. It cannot manifest through physical mechanics, which appear in different degrees in other Yogas. Such an element as Fire should, it would seem, be subject to physical laws no less than other elements. But the essence of Agni is subject to such very subtle laws, that physically it is inexpressible. Thus one must apply the entire refined resourcefulness in order to follow the fiery signs. Hence, one may perceive that often fiery signs are sent by Hierarchy, and people do not even try to perceive them and to apply them. The fiery covenant lies at the very foundation of human life. Conception, birth and all acts subject to Agni do not arouse wonderment at the manifestation of the Ineffable. One may wander around the mechanical constructions, but advance into the future is possible only through realization of Agni. When whole continents are dying, how are new abodes to be found without new energy? It is necessary to prepare the spiritual consciousness for great earthly upheavals - this, at best, but if people approach the last divide filled with the black hatred of the past, they will be but powder magazines. Thus let us resourcefully think about Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 42:
42. To turn to the future is not at all easy. It sounds simple - to leave the past and look to the future. It is both simple and beautiful, but how shall we light the bonfires of the past and where shall we find the fires to illumine the future? The attainments of the spirit will prompt how to find these boundaries and measures. But how to squeeze the heroic deed into everyday life? Fortunately every heart is a ready purse for achievement. In all times the population has been divided into settlers and nomads. The nomads moved by the power of search for achievement, they had no place of their own. But for the future they found the strength of achievement. Such striving of the heart is inherent in every human life. Amidst the precipitants resulting from heroic achievements must be found this noble restlessness, leading into the future. Only thus may one escape the snares of the past. I already have told you that one should avoid reminiscences in the Subtle World. They are like fetters! But already here one must become accustomed to the striving into the future. It is not said that one should not know the past; precisely knowledge is blessed. But one must not get stuck in the dust of the forefathers. Thus without forgetting, without limiting, let us advance towards the New Worlds. The freedom of consciousness gives birth to heroes. Discipline of spirit affirms the wise, and only the ignorant understand the future as a new bed. It is best to imagine movement and flights.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 54:
54. Flammarion strains his thought toward the creation of the subtle body of a planet. And indeed the body of a planet is created by thought, but the conception of the planet proceeds not from the Subtle World, but from the Fiery. When the Fiery Seed has been formed, then the thought of the Subtle World can be also useful. A multitude of heavenly bodies are to be found already in the subtlest aspect. Truly, space is not only filled but overcrowded. Thus the destruction of worlds, which is taking place every second, is only the actual generation of new bodies that have taken form. But it is correct to understand that this germination requires a fiery thought. Strive toward the Fiery World in order to participate in the higher creativeness. It is a mistake to think that it is inaccessible. Precisely every developed consciousness should strive toward the joy of creativeness. This striving already in itself is the beginning of cooperation. Though the thought of Flammarion cannot give a fully complete result, this thought is vast, noble and deserves our rejoicing over it. He constantly strived towards the broadening of understanding. Thus even his errors took on an aspect of usefulness; besides he did not allow his mind to wither, and was able to leave the Earth still young in spirit. In the Subtle World, while some ignorant ones try to think about murder the scientist dreams about a beautiful creation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 61:
61. The art of thinking must be developed in schools. Every art is in need of exercise. Likewise thinking must be strengthened by practice. But such a deepening should not be burdensome nor tedious, therefore the instructor in such a subject must be truly enlightened. It may be seen that the most terrible calamities in the history of mankind have arisen from the inability to think. There may be found a multitude of examples wherein spasmodic thinking and unbridled feelings have let whole nations towards the abyss. On the other hand, laziness of thinking and slow-mindedness have destroyed accumulated possibilities. The Leader must provide in himself the example of a constant broadening of thinking in order to approach foresight. Of course, foresight results from Communion with Hierarchy. But Communion itself requires alertness in thinking and a clear striving. The art of thinking should not be understood as an occult concentration. There is nothing mysterious in the art of thinking and in the refinement of consciousness. Only a lofty quality of consciousness will affirm the path of the thinker. And no one will say that the thinker is a special genus. Every child can be directed towards thinking. Hence one must regard the art of thinking as the health of the nation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 103:
103. When cities were enumerated to you where the ritual of black magic was especially developed, it did not mean that there were no other places where it could be found. On the contrary, there are many black lodges, but some of them are devoted to evil as such, without any special rituals. But during recent times one may see a revival of the most ancient services of darkness. Among them there are very harmful ones, which can cause destruction by their very rhythm. The black lodges usually do not understand what cosmic harm they create. In their ignorance they think that they cause harm only in a desired direction, but in reality they touch whole strata of the atmosphere. Especially at present, when the fiery time is approaching and there are already evident many violations of the equilibrium, the harm of the evocations of the dark ones is particularly frightful. The ignorant act here also, by manifest destructions.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 116:
116. Actually, the very highest magic is as naught before the face of the Fiery World. One may convince oneself that magic is able to contend with the dark forces, but Fiery Beings are unexpected even by the higher magic. You esteem St. Sergius, but did He ever admit magic? He did not even employ inner concentration, nevertheless He did have flaming visions. He admitted only work, as an exaltation of the heart. In this, He outdistanced many spiritual wayfarers. We speak about the heart, but precisely He found the strength of this source. Even terrors were allayed by Him not through conjurations but by the prayer of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 128:
128. A renewal of energies is required in everything. The most powerful manifestations are in need of higher currents. Schools have the task of developing in students the understanding of the unity of the elements. It has been thought that the composition of the air is the same everywhere. People have thought like this up to the present, otherwise they would have taken suitable measures. People drink water and say - it is simply water; fire is simply fire. But even fire could be investigated from the point of view of the Fiery World. Beginning with the diversity of electrical manifestations, it is possible to arrive at the luminosity of objects and animals. One can find in certain species of fishes interesting degrees of luminosity. If we begin to analyze the composition of this luminosity, we can see, besides the ordinary processes, something indescribable, especially among deep water creatures. Amidst these compressed organisms appears one of the qualities of the subtlest Fire. Thus it is possible to observe comparable data upon antipodes. Amidst rare factions of the air and amid ethereal explosions similar differentiations of Fohat are glowing. Beings of the middle strata cannot endure the pressure of the oceanic depths, just as they are not adapted to ethereal vibrations; nevertheless certain hints may be found in observations which are already taking place. With sorrow did We follow two scientists - one descending into the depths, the other striving to the heights. Both had useful problems, but neither of them had in view the study of the degree of Fire, as an element. Naturally, their attempts were inadequate. Remarkable are the depths, and the heights still more so. But the basis of striving was right. Gradually there may be found apparatus sufficiently protective, but if the problem of spatial Fire will not be dealt with, again useful possibilities will be lost. In the fiery body we observe a great deal, but only with the help of Hierarchy. But it would be extremely opportune if scientists would put before themselves the problem of the Fire of space. Even by means of hints they would arrive at the realization of the pressure of the fiery element. Our disciples sustain it by the prophylaxis of the heart, but for the crowds, hints from various sources are needed. Crowds will perish from the fiery element. Why then do they not attempt to learn about this element?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 139:
139. Who will keep silent when blasphemies are uttered? Each living heart says, "We are not with you, blasphemers! The disease of blasphemy is very dangerous. But no justification is to be found in the fact that this is a disease, as this ailment is very disgraceful. When the heart is alive it will oppose in every way the infection of blasphemy. One can call to mind heroic oppositions even on the part of children, when their hearts were pure.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 144:
144. Conformity of the qualities of consciousness creates the possibility of entry into the Fiery World. Thus, side by side with love of good must be aversion to evil. Love of good alone, without aversion to evil is a highly active quality, it is the touchstone against evil. The mind cannot sufficiently well discern evil. A great many reasonings may be found in which a viper is concealed. But the heart feeling of repulsion to evil does not err. The nerve centers revolt against contact with the dark principle. It is impossible not to notice this heart sign, and then is created the resistance to evil. One may observe how the heart current immediately strengthens the armor of radiation. One may say to such a warrior - Verily, brother, you have armed yourself. Or, as one hermit compared himself to a dog sensing a wild beast - Though the eye see not, nor the ear hear, yet the heart has already sensed and armed itself, for evil is not endurable for the pure heart. Evil can adorn itself with many garments, but no mask will deceive a vigilant heart. So let us study the qualities needed for the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 147:
147. In any object there are to be found side by side perfect parts and chaotic particles. It is possible to call to action either the perfect or the chaotic portions of each thing. Outside of magic invocations, against which We have spoken more than once, every man, by means of heart energy, performs continual evocations. When a man thinks about the inconvenience of an object it actually becomes inconvenient. When a man thinks about a beautiful object its perfect particles begin to act. Ignorant people attribute such a manifestation to autosuggestion, but those who know the nature of things understand this as magnetism of thought. Of course, it is manifested in various degrees, but always it can be observed that the object is, as it were, animated through human thought. Man has but to realize this natural force to apply it beneficially in all circumstances of life. Thus, known Yogis often advise their disciples to talk to objects. Words are ships of thought. Thus, as long as we do not learn how to deal with objects, we shall not grasp the power of thought for the Fiery World. Consider it fortunate that also in the earthly thought it is possible to become accustomed to the proper treatment of objects.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 153:
Imagine a man coming out of a dark and stifling room into a beautiful garden. If such a sharp change does not renew his thinking, he shows himself to be highly insensitive. Such personalities are to be found among soulless people. But how incongruous are they amid beautiful uplifting surroundings, just like a filthy blot! But even earthly filth is not easy to remove; therefore We are anxious to project the consciousness through the Subtle World into the Fiery. Often such striving is not in accord with one's forces, yet even at worst it advances one in the spheres of the Subtle World. However, shopkeepers overcharge a great deal so that they may receive at least something. Not a great consolation! In order to advance somewhat in the Subtle World, let the consciousness be drawn into a most Beautiful Garden. This is Our Command - without small measures.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 183:
183. Much has been said about life in the Subtle World. The accounts often appear to be contradictory, but again let us take earthly examples. The diversity of earthly situations is astonishing, only undeveloped eyes are unable to distinguish great numbers of subtlest manifestations. When We speak about earthly situations, We usually have in mind only uniform groups, but We cannot enumerate the entire complex of volitional creativeness. Therefore Our definitions will depend upon the theme of the discourse, or upon the quality of the consciousness of Our listener. Likewise among the truest descriptions of the Subtle World there will always be found groups, corresponding most closely to Our designs. Thus, let us not criticize the diversified aspects of information about the Subtle World. If the earthly world is stately, then the Higher Worlds are progressively majestic and multiform.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 189:
189. Among fiery signs there is the particular aptitude for finding needed objects. One has but to think about them, and they draw near, as it were, and are discovered. Already in antiquity it was said - kindle the torch of the heart and find that which is needed. The symbol is true enough, for the fire of the heart kindles surrounding fires and creates a magnetic attraction. Also in books, what is sought can be found by illuminating the book with the same fire. The more such a quality is observed, the more it is developed. The fiery element loves to be noticed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 203:
203. The three Worlds are far closer to each other than one may think. One can see how corresponding vibrations create cooperation. You know how certain individuals from the Subtle World who are close to us act to assist a common task. Even not so long ago they were unable to serve the common purpose because of differences of vibrations, but now your vibrations and their endeavors for communion make them useful co-workers. Thus is created useful labor in common. It is the more useful because the adversaries have similar co-workers. Certainly, it is joyous to watch each cumulation of consciousness. Ur. has seen how in the beginning the atmosphere is dim and in the course of successive meetings it becomes lighter, and a day ago Ur. saw completely conscious cooperation. Such an enlightenment is very rapid, yet for this the Ashram is of significance. Verily, Ashrams have a great importance for the earthly and for the Subtle World. Ashrams may be defined as magnets and ozonatoars. Being filled with heart energy provides a conduit for many things. Therefore, when I am concerned about spiritually pure atmosphere, I have in mind a very important consequence. Without spiritual accumulations, the command to take everything upon oneself has no meaning. This command can be given only where there is a heart bond with the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Only such a bond, during the present earthly conflict, can strengthen those to whom the order has been given. The currents are too complicated to be opposed by earthly forces. But you know about the bond with the two Worlds. Precisely in this communion are found forces for the passing by the most unexpected path. In this, do not hesitate to take care of yourself, in order not to expend energy superfluously. One should not in any manner be diverted from inner concentration. The affairs of the whole world are in a grave state.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 210:
210. The spark of immortality is justly located by certain people in various centers, each will be right in his own way. True, in each center there is such a spark, but according to the conditions of the epoch the centers can vary in significance. Only the heart remains unchanged and only the chalice follows the heart in significance; the remaining centers and glands may be subject to cosmic currents. Not only are people mistaken in their judgment about the centers, but everywhere they do not admit a flexible expediency. Yet not only according to the epoch is the significance of psychic energy altered, but also according to races, to nationalities, and even to generations. Seemingly, a thing re-occurs, but meanwhile man has come in contact with the Highest by means of new antennae. Thus, one can observe how multiped insects may lose certain legs without a lessening of their vital capacity. Certainly where there is the fiery consciousness such atrophy of the centers is not found. Hence, again we come to the affirmation of the usefulness of the fiery consciousness. It will be no exaggeration when we say that fire is advantageous for the earthly as well as for the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 220:
The apparatus which were seen by Ur. are of enormous force; they are condensers of fiery tension. Thence comes the idea of the swastika. Scholars must review the ancient signs; in them will be found hints of many of Our apparatus.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 235:
235. One must observe how entire countries can be shaken by one incorrect interpretation. It is impossible to justify this by saying that someone did not know about something. Usually proof can be found that such knowledge had knocked at all doors, had lain on all tables, and had been mentioned many times. It is not right to try to justify inattention and unwillingness to think deeply.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 294:
294. It is precisely necessary to understand the sources of antiquity. When their significance is revealed, then will also come new discoveries. There is much to be found, but a savage inclination must not touch the treasures. Let us not reject the logic of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 303:
303. Let us look at those who come demanding only the new. Take one who so demands but who is even ignorant of harmonization of the centers - can he possibly be given the new? Take one who lacks enthusiasm - can he be given the new? Take one who is ignorant of joy - can he be given the new? Take one not freed from malice - can he be given the new? Take one shaking with envy - can he be given the new? Take one gray with fear - can he be given the new? Take one averse to the Truth - can he be given the new? Take one irascible and moribund in heart - can he be given the new? Many come and ask, "Where then is the new? We are prepared to trample it underfoot. Our thinking is ready to deny it. Our wish is to destroy whatever you say" - such words fill the Earth. The servants of darkness listen for the sake of negation and draw near for the sake of defamation. Discriminate according to negation; it has already found a nesting place in the heart of the servants of darkness. Thus may it often be pointed out, when the cold of negation draws near.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 310:
310. Everything of higher significance is found to be in uninterrupted action. A manifestation of attraction is fitting for higher activity. Thus let us fittingly array our hearts in a state of attraction. Nothing else is conformable to great action. One must become accustomed to the understanding of attraction for the Common Welfare; in this will be contained the law of the heart. Likewise all physical laws will be strengthened by attractive actions.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 331:
331. Should people be aware of all perils surrounding them? One can imagine the condition of a man who knows how many scorpions or serpents are to be found about him, or how many deadly flies and spiders surround him - a deplorable situation results. It will be particularly dangerous because when a man knows these perils they are brought so much the nearer. Therefore straight-knowledge is best, as it leads by the most secure path and does not weigh one down with a great quantity of needless burdens. Thus, the fiery principle which abides in straight-knowledge is called the wings of salvation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 335:
335. It has been said that humanity must abandon luxury. Not without reason have people themselves so isolated this concept. Luxury is not beauty, not spirituality, not perfectionment, not construction, not benevolence, not compassion; no good concept can replace it. Luxury is destruction of resources and possibilities. Luxury is dissolution, for all structures without rhythm mean only disintegration. One can see clearly enough that worldly luxury has already been shaken, but, as a cure, harmonious cooperation must be found in order to rid the world of the plague of luxury. Egoism will raise the objection that luxury is an earned abundance. It will also be said that luxury is regal. This will be slander. Luxury has been always a sign of decay and eclipse of the spirit. The chains of luxury are most terrible too for the Subtle World. Needed there are advancement and continuous perfectionment of thought. The encumbrance of luxury will not help one to the next Gates.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 337:
337. When Hiero-inspiration draws one's thought to a definite region or place, it means that circumstances of great cosmic significance are already being molded. Perhaps having such perception of a place is unexplainable by the earthly state of affairs. Perhaps from the earthly point of view such a country is found to be in a most unattractive state, but the higher law is already determining the place of special tension. Earthly eyes do not yet see, but Hiero-inspiration directs the consciousness thither, where the radiance of Higher Light has been ordained, thus, above your straight-knowledge shines Hiero-inspiration. Often it appears to contradict the obvious, but it speaks the word of the Fiery World. So too with the sensations spoken about today. Hiero-inspiration directs thither where already the summit is alight.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 375:
375. The Fiery World is as filled as the other spheres. Likewise, beings of different evolutions, yet of the fiery degrees, come together for cooperation. While those in the carnate state, under the influence of chaos, almost entirely fail to understand cooperation, and while in the Subtle World group cooperation is found, the Fiery World is distinguished by full cooperation. And such meditation is useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 385:
385. During transmission of thought at a distance a very indicative manifestation is observed. Thought is sent in one language and received in another. Does not this prove that psychic energy acts not verbally, by means of cerebral processes, but precisely by the fiery energy of the heart? Furthermore, it must be observed that not only is thought given utterance in another tongue, but also the expressions issuing from the consciousness are found to be the most customary ones. Such a difference of words may often impede recognition of thought transmission on the part of inexperienced observers. But notice that the passage of thoughts acts in accordance with the meaning, not the words.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 408:
408. One should not return again to a meat diet, if the organism has already become accustomed to a vegetable one. There can be exceptions only on account of hunger; but usually a handful of maize or rice can be found. People often do not suspect how meat can construct and disfigure the aura. But a disturbance may be felt particularly when the organism has become accustomed to the advantages of a vegetable diet. People sometimes discriminate less than animals in the matter of food and its quality. Such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 23:
23. The World is striving for the crowning perfection. Manifold are the paths of the search. The closest to perfection will be the path of Beauty. Religion has given a striving for Nirvana, but it is distorted by misleading concepts. Many quests were deflected by the misunderstanding of the concepts of Karma and Reincarnation. He who sought perfection could have found through Beauty the powerful laws of Being. Yet if one should take all distorted manifestations of life and line them up with Beauty one would find the law of perfection. If we take the unbalanced conditions of all principles introduced into life and line them up with Beauty, we shall arrive at the law of Being. When we observe the life of the planet with all its prejudices, we see that we must inevitably arrive at the victorious crowning through Beauty. One should become accustomed to the realization of the victorious crowning. Such thinking will bring one to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 36:
36. In the community one should remember about the sacredness of feelings. One should especially remember that it is inadmissible to evoke forcibly the subtle feeling in a fellow worker. One should not develop subtle vibrations in the heart by outside demands. Only an inner, merited action gives birth to a conformable vibration. Rarely is this life of spirit found amidst choking earthly vibrations. Yet this manifestation - when spirit resounds in harmony with spirit - is so beautiful! First of all, in the development of the consciousness of the community one should affirm the understanding of cooperation. In this understanding the community can become strengthened, and the worm of self-pity will vanish. Thus do We administer advice to the disciples, affirming the joy of labor without encroachment upon the heart of another. Long since was it said "One cannot be dear by force!" This is also a cosmic formula. But one can greatly purify the path of concerted labor. Thus let the disciples remember the manifestation of cooperation as an important step in the daily life of the community.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 142:
142. Resurrection of the spirit - what a sublime concept! It should be understood as the call of Beauty. Resurrection of the spirit can mean not only a succeeding step in the sense of incarnation but also a magnetic transmutation in life. The awakening of the higher Manas can be called a manifestation of the imaginations. How necessary it is to strive to those affirmations of the higher emanation which can awaken the higher manifestations of Manas! Man does not study the depths of his heart, whereas so many great and powerful formulas can be found in the depths of the heart! But people dodge each suggestion of introspection, revealing nothing of themselves but the surface, and suppressing such a multitude of accumulations of various spiritual experiences! Resurrection of the spirit must be understood as a most vital law. Certain images of great Spiritual Toilers reveal this great law of resurrection of the spirit. Resurrection of the spirit can manifest its power as a Fiery Call! Thus must one understand the transmuting Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 148:
148. Spiritual foresight is given only when the heart has been opened. Spiritual perspicuity can reveal the mysteries of spirit and matter. Foresight can harken to the Cosmic Forces which affirm life. Indeed, foresight can reveal that which is hidden to the eye. One need not be surprised that the key of knowledge is found in the hands of the Initiates, for spiritual foresight is saturated with Fiery Forces. And use of energies which are elusive to the human reason, discloses a foresight of the spirit, for only a highly integrated consciousness can awaken spiritual foresight. And the Sages of old knew this, for in antiquity subtle receptivity was regarded as a Sign of the Higher Forces. To him who has attained spiritual foresight comes the feeling of the unity of the two Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 165:
165. The forces of darkness press on by various means, being affirmed in strata which are found to be near to the Light. In the Subtle Spheres this proximity is naturally impossible, but in the earthly strata, where the atmosphere is so thickened with infected gases, the forces of darkness definitely try to come close to the Light. An impulse of destruction impels the forces of darkness to these Torch lights of Truth. The enemies who uplift a sword are not so dangerous as those who penetrate under the mask of Light. There are conscious and unconscious instruments of darkness. At first the unconscious ones create, as it were, in unison with the good, and these bearers of evil infect each pure beginning. But conscious servants of evil enter into the temple with your prayer, and woe to the undiscerning! Dark snares have been laid for them. It is not fitting to admit into the Holy of Holies offenders against the spirit. Djinn can help on the earthly plane, and may even build a temple, but the spiritual plane is inaccessible to them. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the servants of darkness who strive to penetrate into the Holy of Holies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 253:
253. The essential nature of man can be transmuted by the invocation of better vibrations. Only such a reminder will give man access to a higher status. At the present time humanity is found to be continually in the vibrations of the lower spheres; therefore the lower Manas motivates life. The contact of the Ray of the higher spheres will truly give that vibration which will rouse the consciousness. Perception of the spark of Divine Fire in the seed of the spirit will lay the foundation for a new humanity. Precisely it is necessary to establish in the spiritual structure that in which religion has not succeeded, and to apply to each affirmed manifestation the law of attraction. For realization of the Light in the heart will propel toward the Light, but darkness will dwell in darkness. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 261:
261. When constructing, one must remember about great correlation. Those who have adhered to the Source of Light must understand that burning of the spirit is beauty and shield in the service of Good. But only those bringing beauty know all the greatness of Service. Therefore it is necessary to note those who defame the manifestation of the Teaching. Many more slanderers of the Teaching can be found among those who have adhered to the Path than among the open enemies. You have pointed out with reason the misunderstandings that inflict blows upon the Shield. Actually it is an application of unfit manifestations. Who will be a follower, if the Teaching is merely an abstraction? It is possible to trace each deplorable consequence precisely as a neglect of understanding of the Living Ethics. Fiery is the heart which knows the affirmation of Service with the Teaching. I manifest as My Will the installation of the Living Ethics and the purification of the Teaching. Without this there is no path to the Fiery World. The greatest task is to affirm a new subtle consciousness. My Will transmits to the Tara My Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 272:
272. People do not reflect upon acts of disintegration and their consequences. How to remove frightful emanations, once having determined that the infection is actually spread by these emanations? It means that for each disintegrative action there must be found an antidote. One should be affirmed in the search for those fiery energies which can resist these poisonous emanations. The aspiring to a Higher Image will give equilibrium to the spirit. Purification of concepts, aspiration to the higher quest, will provide antidote for decomposition of thinking. Thus, each dark dissolution must be removed through quests of good. Spatial fires can dissolve the fluids of darkness. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the purification of Space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 309:
309. Much has already been said about psychism, nevertheless this scourge of humanity is insufficiently understood. Psychism blunts each aspiration, and higher attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of a man engulfed by psychism is limited within a charmed circle in which all the energies which retard growth of the spirit find their fitting place. Psychism embraces the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the fires of the centers are extinguished by these precipitations. With psychism there is inevitably to be found disorder of the nervous system. In addition, the breaking away from vital functions closes the path to self-perfectionment. Creativeness is blunted, and there is established a passive state which makes a man an instrument for the influx of all kinds of forces. By reason of relaxation of the will, control is weakened, and by this the attraction of various lower entities is increased. He who wishes to approach the Fiery World must battle with these forces of evil.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 310:
310. The accumulations of countries are being weighed on the Cosmic Scales. The preponderance of the forces of destruction is unquestionable, but transmutation of the spirit and purification of space and of humanity will afford a new destiny. The reconstruction of the planet will touch upon all values, spiritual and material. Each center, manifesting its Karma, will produce a new tension. Humanity passes through a fiery cleansing. A new affirmation will be revealed upon the horizon of the planet. In truth, a fiery purgatory will reach all the ends of the World. On the Cosmic Scales, for the good of the Universe, are found both the sword and fiery transmutation. Thus, for the planet's good the Fiery World draws near.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 329:
329. The World is experiencing a most tense time, and the layers close to the planet are saturated with energies which strive for transmutation of the supermundane strata. The condition of the planet is so acute that every supermundane affirmation is intensified in creative efforts, for it is needful to create a powerful counterbalance to darkness. Spirits which are found on the earthly plane in ignorance of the fiery transmutation taking place, may be burnt in the Great Battle, because the mighty conflict requires evidence of one's belonging to the element of Fire. Impetuousness of choice affirms for the spirit a place in the Cosmic Battle and in the Cosmic Victory. Knowledge of the paths to the Light is a task ordained in the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 357:
357. It is possible to trace how events are being crowded, how clouds are piling up, how all the centers of the planet reveal their sharpened trends. Even limited minds can see that the chart of the World is being altered. Verily, not much time remains before the great events. Reconstruction of the World is going on in all quarters, and apparently affirmed comfort is only a mirage, for each energy is found to be in a state of transmutation. It is not difficult to confirm the fact that the Cosmic Scales are oscillating. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for saturation by the Cosmic Magnet.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 360:
360. Human construction is in need of true foundations. The way construction is proceeding at present, the World is threatened with destruction. All Cosmic Reconstructions require higher foundations, for the creating spiral is affirmed in ascent. But, the foundations of humanity are found to be in a state of intense dissolution. All cosmic processes manifest transmutation upward, but the will of mankind has steered into a blind alley, for the circle of selfhood is reaping its harvests. Therefore, cosmic fire is not being utilized in transmutation by humanity, and instead of evolution involution is the result.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 389:
389. The best definition for the harmonized aura is a subtle combination of energies. In this constituency can be found all creative energies, because when the aura is harmonized all the subtle ingredients can be held in conjunction. The harmonized aura unites the unified consciousness and the unified heart. In each tension of harmonization a particular current can pass without any injury when the forces of the poles are identical. The same law is applicable to sendings, for the sender and receiver must conform to one and the same vibration. Therefore the factor of the heart is so important. And if it is possible to act mentally at a distance, then the power of the heart is incomparable, for the heart can awaken all the dormant energies of remembrances and accumulations of the past. Thus is it needful to understand the power of the heart as a manifestation of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 406:
406. Saturation of the centers by higher Fire intensifies psychic energy. When the fire of the centers is raging, psychic energy is also found to be in a state of highest tension. Balancing these fiery forces after transmutation results in a new kindling of the centers. The process of compressing psychic energy proceeds in conformity with the transmutation. The centers collect within themselves crystals of psychic energy which affirm the power of the transmutation. The Agni Yogi manifests a powerful straining of energy, which creates in conformity with manifested spatial Fire. The treasure of psychic energy can create a powerful panacea. The consciousness which assists the striving of the spirit toward transmutation of the centers performs a fiery action.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 414:
414. The heart especially intensifies psychic energy, and each heart experience is reflected on the store of psychic energy. One may speak about the chemical death of a man when the supply of psychic energy is exhausted. One may speak about resurrection when psychic energy begins to be accumulated. By a subtle study of methods it would be possible to discover means of intensifying psychic energy, but for this one should know the condition of the spirit. But a fiery composition of psychic energy can be compressed only through a fiery stimulus. In combating illnesses it is possible to focus psychic energy as a powerful factor. Through purification of the consciousness it is possible to intensify forces of the spirit which are revealed as motive powers of space. In the heart can be found levers for the fiery resurrection of psychic energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 450:
450. People inquire about the causes of infection, about the properties of blood and sperm, but they completely forget that at the base of these lies psychic energy. It preserves against infection; it is found in the properties of secretions. It is useless to take into consideration a mechanical summary of collected information if attention is not given to the participation of psychic energy. People call a certain immunity an influx of faith, but not without reason is a state of ecstasy called the radiance of the Fiery World. And such a radiance protects man against infection. It purifies the secretions, it is as a shield. Therefore a state of joy and exaltation is the best prophylaxis. Whoever knows rapture of spirit has already been cleansed against many dangers. Even ordinary physicians know how changeable is the condition of the blood and secretions. But few connect this with the spiritual condition.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 464:
464. Each solemnity is already a union with Fire. Who then can overcome you? Against Us no one is strong. Yet We love battle; otherwise it is converted into torment. Let there be found patience greater than Ours! But darkness is impatient. In this it is finite. Labor is in everything, and battle is already an affirmation of labor. Affirmation is courage, therefore We are so concerned about it.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 474:
474. Let us say to all traitors - you have convicted yourselves. The fate of traitors is indeed self-imposed. Unendurable is the yoke of a traitor. Whither then so many unfortunate ones? They are disguised as beggars, thieves, murderers. Usually in their pouch are to be found old debts. The traitors do not understand what debts they are paying. But manifestly they bear the weight of payment.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 574:
574. The Fiery Battle - such an expression may be found in many beliefs. Such expression is correct - love, courage, self-renunciation, devotion, all the best qualities are linked with Fire. On the other hand ignorance, anger, irritation, malice, malevolence, and envy also evoke Fire; albeit scarlet and dark, yet nevertheless Fire. Thus the battle of Good and evil will be a conflict of Fires. During such a clash one can see how very different are the Fires engendered by higher feelings and lower passions. Let this division into feelings and passions be accepted. Many can in no wise imagine the distinction, but the color of the Fire will easily indicate the engenderment.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 597:
597. It can be observed everywhere how people dismember one concept in their own many ways. Psychic energy is subtle, fiery, divine, Aum. Thus variously is the same fundamental called, and with each variation it is assumed that a better definition is introduced. Doubling our attention, we see that such dismemberments are not useful. It is again time to begin to synthesize. One should strongly affirm the meaning of earthly existence. It is needful to simplify it. Above all cares one should remember that the path is long, and that it will be necessary to be supplied with patience and with the thought about everything useful on the path. But this necessity should be found full of joy for oneself. Without this quality the heart will still be confused and thus weakness brought in. Likewise, one should realize that courage is inseparable from joy. Even the most difficult achievement cannot be low-spirited. A slave can toil in depression, but the fiery spirit transforms everything by very luminous joy. And warmth flows out from joy. But call to mind that joy, warmth, and fire live in the heart. Be not adverse to reminding about such dwellers in of the heart. After all, people do remember about the heart, and each one loves warmth, calling it cordiality. Therefore, know how to speak to everyone about the most joyous, in the simplest words and in the expressions most fitting for all. Thus knock at the fiery door of the human soul.

AUM (1936) - 86:
86. Throughout the history of humanity can be traced a recognition of the Higher Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and a great number of such concepts leading to the Higher World. Such testimony of all ages and peoples must compel even the ignorant to reflect. All mankind cannot be mistaken! Under varying conditions people have sensed the same supreme, ineffable Origin. People have regarded the manifestation of the spirit as the philosophers' stone. One can find the most multiform signs of great Reality preserved by peoples. This is not self-interested suggestion, but a discernment of truth. Let people search in ancient Egypt, in Babylon, amid the undiscovered cultures of the Mayans; and everywhere, beyond the subtle symbols, can be found the same exalted concepts.

AUM (1936) - 99:
99. It is especially difficult for people to discern what is most important in themselves. If a physician locates a malignant internal tumor, he hastens to cut through the external layers so as to forestall the danger, but the coward will want to spare his skin and will perish from the continued growth of the tumor. If it is necessary to choose, let the most essential be preserved. Similarly, in turning to the Higher World, time must be found for reflecting on the most important.

AUM (1936) - 133:
133. Again one is asked, "Why continue to speak of three aspects when there are known to be more?" One should firmly point out that two paths exist - the path of analysis and the path of synthesis. Many intermediate conditions may be found so that the worlds appear as one connected whole. But later it is again necessary to separate the principal groups, and then we shall return to the triple structure.

AUM (1936) - 157:
157. The life of the planet may be understood as the sum total of all beginnings created with it. So much the greater is the responsibility of all thinking inhabitants of the planet. It is presumed that they are the crown of the planet, but if lumps of coal are found in the crown instead of precious stones, the resulting damage will be on a planetary scale. As a result, all the connecting currents will be destroyed.

AUM (1936) - 163:
163. One should study the manifestations of nature in connection with world events. There may be found characteristic conformities; they repeatedly show how much of a living organism is the planet. Everything related to the planet is coordinated as the organs of a single body, therefore it is impossible to regard each being as an isolated individual. All beings belong to one organization, and they must regard themselves as responsible members of a community. In such a manner can one observe the fully defined structure of the Universe.

AUM (1936) - 173:
173. People wish to render everything commonplace and insignificant, but when they see something that does not fit into their framework, confusion results instead of attention. The manifestation of such an unusual scale of events will actually be considered as mere chance. Thus are precious weavings senselessly torn asunder. The obviousness of events is often striking, yet words are found to violate even evidence. People know how to break up stone blocks and remain with a rubbish heap.

AUM (1936) - 198:
When I advised that co-measurement be inscribed on the pillar, anyone could understand the striking progression. And yet bipeds are found who place themselves upon the pedestal. Dark is the abyss of ignorance!

AUM (1936) - 209:
Indeed, through deep study far more applicable names will be found. Even for the loftiest concepts it is possible to find comparisons in physical usage. People do not tightly cover an ailing tooth nor an open wound. They understand the need of admitting air in order not to deprive the affected part of a useful substance; likewise, the spiritual perception must not be deprived of communion with the Higher World. Just as bodily hygiene is indispensable for earthly life, so also is prophylaxis of the spirit needed. Do not be surprised that We apply medical terminology to the spirit; through this the physician may feel that his sphere is close to the Higher World. Let each one find the One Path in his own way, even through it be the way of mechanical terms.

AUM (1936) - 226:
But a bold world needs to be found in order to affirm the higher bond of the worlds as a guaranty of the health of people. There will be no health so long as people do not know why they bear the earthly burden. It is impossible to satisfy the consciousness within the sphere of one tiny planet. Terror will tear the heart that is deprived of the beautiful concept of unity of the worlds.

AUM (1936) - 252:
It is also said that the general significance of the word yes as affirmation is the same. It can be found in all tongues; sometimes it will even resound externally. So let us not be inordinately submerged in explanatory interpretations which have frequently been altered. The chief consideration is that the essence of the concept remain inviolate. Let us invoke all steadfastness.

AUM (1936) - 257:
257. In the Subtle World it is possible to remain in the lower strata for interims centuries long. One should not be astonished at the resourcefulness of certain people; in their insanity they can contrive much that is impossible for a healthy man. Madness of a special kind is to be found in the Subtle World. Unfailingly the law insists upon the date of incarnation, but the madness of the consciousness may be such that in larger measure only evil can be born. Just as cowardly soldiers cut off their fingers in order to avoid the battle, so do the madmen who dwell in the Subtle World contrive to avoid a summons to the banner of labor. It is impossible to evade the law entirely, but it is possible to conceal oneself temporarily in darkness.

AUM (1936) - 293:
293. If the precipitates of space upon cities were to be investigated, something similar to imperil would be found among the poisonous substances. Carefully observing this poison, one comes to the conviction that it is imperil exhaled by the breath of evil. Undoubtedly, breathing permeated with evil is a carrier of injurious effects. If poison can be deposited in the organism, due to irritation, if the saliva can be made poisonous, then the breath can also be made a poison-carrier. It is necessary to judge how much evil is being exhaled and how multiform are the aspects of evil compressed into the new combinations of poisons present in enormous crowds of people. This is increased by the varied effluvia of decomposing foods and all manner of refuse which litter the streets even in metropolises. It is time to look after the cleanliness of backyards. Cleanliness is necessary out of doors and in the human breathing. The imperil exhaled by irritated people is identical with filth, or shameful refuse. It is imperative to impress people's consciousness with the fact that each bit of filth infects those around. The filth of moral dissolution is worse than any excretions.

AUM (1936) - 308:
308. At times during a convalescence, one may observe that something impedes the process. It may be surmised that the patient himself is retarding the efforts of the organism by a negative attitude, but it is possible to be convinced that other causes exist outside of man's sphere of influence. Spatial currents can be strong determinants of any reaction. In hospitals, where observations upon many individuals are possible, there should be expert observation of the causes of different reactions to the same medicine. Many clues for this may be found in spatial conditions. It should not be thought that a clear blue sky is necessarily an indicator of useful currents; it may be that a threatening, clouded sky carries better currents.

AUM (1936) - 311:
With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections.

AUM (1936) - 329:
329. It is a pity that at graduation from high school a useful test, applied in olden times, is now omitted. The students had to expound a thesis, selected by themselves, before the most diverse listeners. This required that expressions be found that were comprehensible to all; the task was difficult. For some the students had to find simple words, ant yet avoid boring the more educated listeners. Although the gathering was not always satisfied, nevertheless the students applied their best efforts to make themselves understood and, at the same time, touch upon complex and lofty concepts. Such exercises are always useful.

AUM (1936) - 365:
People are not brought up in an understanding of the fundamentals of Existence. The very attainments of science stand aloof and do not promote the transformation of the entire life. It is indispensable to reiterate about the Higher World. It need not be thought that what has been said about it is sufficiently impressed on the hearts of people. New methods could be found in order that the greatness of Existence be unified in the consciousness in infinite understanding.

AUM (1936) - 377:
377. The study of the progression of collective energy can demonstrate that unity is not only a moral concept but also a powerful psychic motive force. When We reiterate about unity, We wish to inculcate consciousness of the great force which is found at the disposal of each man. It is impossible to demonstrate to an inexperienced investigator to what an extent collective energy multiplies. For such a manifestation it is necessary to prepare the consciousness. The success of an experiment depends upon the striving of all participants; if even one does not desire to participate whole-heartedly it will be best not to begin the experiment.

AUM (1936) - 382:
382. Learn to observe patiently what conditions are most favorable for experimentation. There may be cosmic conditions which will favor experiments either with color radiations, or with minerals, or animals. When I speak about iron and nitrogenous minerals, I have in mind an individual significance. One should independently discern where saltpeter or silver nitrate is better. Many combinations may be found which will produce the best results for strengthening psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 395:
Many well-thought-out symbols have been left for our interpretation. The study of symbols will provide a conception of the profundity of ancient thinking. Though remains of ancient adaptations are rarely found, such as apparatus, yet in symbols it is possible to see something far more profound than people care to admit. Still, excavations sometimes yield parts of objects which are not understood.

AUM (1936) - 407:
The latest interpreters have attributed a symbolic meaning to the saying in this way: "living water" denotes the ocean of wisdom; "the head" means the summit of cognition. Whereas, the writing had a medicinal significance. The disciple asked the Teacher to let him drink the magnetized water which had stood by his bedside. Many sayings can be found about the magnetization of water. On ancient images figures can be seen drinking from a vessel or sacred source.

AUM (1936) - 420:
420. Fullness of rights involves full obligation. Lacking such understanding, full rights will change into arbitrariness. Among women can be found that conscientiousness which will provide the quality of evolution.

AUM (1936) - 424:
When psychic energy occupies its due position, when woman enters as the protectress of culture, when cooperation is made the basis of the structure - then all life will become transformed. Knowledge and creativeness will occupy their manifest position. I say manifest in this sense, that even amid remote ages may be found examples of understanding of the significance of science and art.

AUM (1936) - 426:
A book could be written about small causes and great effects. Indeed, such a definition is possible only from earthly measurement. But it is instructive to investigate what causes have produced the large effects; one may be amazed at the smallness of the visible causes. Many do not remember at all the petty impulses. Let us see how such unconformity could result. An explanation may be found in karmic causes. Moreover, man differentiates the small from the great with difficulty.

AUM (1936) - 427:
427. A careful attitude toward all manifestations is a difficult step. One needs to repeat about the observance of keenness in order not to make wrong use of the sacred energy. Many counsels may be found toward such a path. Love, benevolence, pity, and many other qualities are indicated, but it is necessary to affirm them by a realization of the great energy. It is not easy to remember about this in the waves of life.

AUM (1936) - 428:
A great number of manifestations can be named wherein precisely woman can lend a special tension of psychic energy. But due attention has not been paid to such special qualities of women. It is rarely understood among physicians why the participation of a woman in operations can be particularly useful. The eternal Feminine Principle has not yet found its just interpretation.

AUM (1936) - 429:
429. No one should deny that he has something of special significance within him. The application may not have been found, but this does not mean that the possibility is lacking.

AUM (1936) - 444:
444. The most obvious illustration of Maya and of reality is found in the heavenly bodies. Though such a body may have been destroyed thousands of years ago, its light is still seen on Earth. Who, then, can attempt to define the boundary between the existing and the visionary? We find similar examples also among earthly manifestations.

AUM (1936) - 445:
445. Earthly victors, where is your being, and where is your phantom? Who will define - is it victory or the reflection of distant events? Where is the boundary of reality? Though all figures be amassed, the ciphers of solutions will not be found. Only the subtlest energy can distinguish between life and catalepsy.

AUM (1936) - 456:
456. Collaboration between scholars has become indispensable. A connection between diversified subjects must be found, because the division of many subjects is simply a convention.

AUM (1936) - 484:
484. Do not drive any one away if he wishes to study the energy with a purely scientific aim. Only ascertain that the goal should not prove to be pseudo-scientific. A scientific task is based on tolerant acceptance, but the pseudo-scientific is full of negation. Likewise, do not burden investigators with preconceived methods. Each investigator has the right to his own path. Even if his path be a complicated one, he may discover an unexpected new detail. Poor is the method of pedagogues who ridicule each attempt at an original solution of a problem. Quests of new approaches of truth should be welcomed. If one's conviction is so steadfast that Truth is one, there can be no fear that some other truth will be found.

AUM (1936) - 488:
488. Endeavor by all means to extend good will and containment. Not one affirmation of science may be found which you cannot accept; in such a manner the advantage will be on your side. You will have no grounds for irritation, because you admit any scientific consideration whatever. Sometimes you will regret a form of expression, but the essence will find a place in your consciousness. Such admittance will create a distinct advantage.

AUM (1936) - 521:
If people are to be found who have premonitions of distant earthquakes, then it is fully comprehensible that other cosmic vibrations can also be sensed. Let us not judge the reason why many perils are avoided - there are many causes for this. Certain islands are in a very dangerous state, yet the inhabitants will not abandon them. But no one derides scientists who investigate the changing shorelines.

AUM (1936) - 573:
When someone weeps at a funeral, there may be found one who deplores such ignorance. Likewise, if someone rejoices at such an occasion, people are indignant at a seeming madman. Thus, people cannot assimilate the relationship of earthly existence to the superearthly state of being. Many cases can be cited when people have seen their near ones of the Subtle World, but even such evidences merely remain listed as phenomena. It is impossible to convince people of the naturalness of the change of existence. They are forbidden to think about reincarnation, and they are agreed that they dwell on the edge of an unknown abyss. Yet each year brings the worlds closer together, and it is possible to increase the number of cases of evidence of memory of former lives. Already each one can cite many examples; all that is needed is an attitude of good will.

AUM (1936) - 599:
599. Neglect of psychic energy is manifested as the source of many ailments. It can be said that not only bodily and psychic illnesses but obsessions depend entirely upon the state of psychic energy. A man who has lost immunity will also be the one to lose his store of psychic energy. The man who has violated moral equilibrium demonstrates thereby a dissoluteness of his psychic energy. Everyone knows that it is easier not to admit dissoluteness than afterwards to overcome its madness. Everyone understands that the disorder of psychic energy is the birth of many miseries, both for oneself and for others. Man rarely restrains himself, but let him learn by himself to recognize the significance of psychic energy. Let man not be afraid that on the path of cognition he will be left without further sources of knowledge. The magnet of striving will attract the best possibilities to the seeker. Many bear witness as to how they unexpectedly found assistance for further advancement. Only let doubt not overshadow the light of discoveries!

Brotherhood (1937) - 9:
9. No one wishes to find himself in an enclosed field with no possibility of even looking over the fence. One needs to discover a crack, though it be but a small one, through which to perceive the possibility of approach to Infinity. Even in daily life let there be found the unifying principle, so that not only the very small but also the great can be generally accepted.

Brotherhood (1937) - 13:
When external vitamins fall into a natural habitat, they can produce the full measure of reaction. But even the best vegetable vitamins cannot manifest their best properties when they enter a poisoned organism. Thus, We esteem those organisms in which the basic qualities of human nature have found application.

Brotherhood (1937) - 37:
37. It must not be forgotten that, on the whole, many will not understand a single word about psychic energy. They will not accept it. Just as a man who has never seen lightning does not recognize it. Thus, there are to found people who do not understand on the whole what thought is. The characteristic of such people will not be illiteracy but obduracy. Not few are such corpses!

Brotherhood (1937) - 49:
49. Among one's human incarnations there is invariably found an incarnation devoted to rhythmic labor. Whether this be some sort of craftsmanship or music, singing or farm work, every man infallibly will cultivate in himself the rhythm which fills all of life. Upon learning of certain incarnations, people frequently are astonished as to why they should have been so insignificant. But in them there was being worked out the rhythm of labor. One of the greatest of qualities, this must be acquired through conflict and patience.

Brotherhood (1937) - 55:
The magnet of thought brings in most precious particles of psychic energy. One must grow to love it. One must recognize its constant presence. Such thinking is by no means easy. A great deal of patience must be found in order to protect it under the attack of all the unbridled currents of space.

Brotherhood (1937) - 60:
60. We strengthen our listeners with all the qualities necessary on the path to Brotherhood. It is not enough to possess only certain separate qualities, it is needful to realize their complete combination. The symphony of qualities is like the symphony of the spheres. If one quality develops beautifully while others are straggling, there results a destructive dissonance. Dissonances can be weakening or irritating, or even destructive. Equilibrium of qualities is achieved through great tension of consciousness. The shepherd must carefully tend his flock, and likewise man must cure an ailing quality. A man himself knows definitely which of his qualities is ailing. Life provides him with an opportunity to test any quality whatsoever. In everyday life there can be found the possibility of application of any quality. If a man begins to insist that he has been deprived of the possibility of applying his best qualities, he will reveal his own dullness. On the other hand, if a man rejoices at a chance to apply his qualities, he exhibits broadening of consciousness. Then comes the next step of joy, precisely that concerning the beauty of symphony of qualities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 63:
63. It has been said that virtue has a rainbow aura. The rainbow is the symbol of synthesis. Is not virtue revealed as a synthesis of qualities? In each ancient symbol can be found an unquestionable truth. People have understood that virtue is not simply the doing of good. They have distinctly known that only consonances of tensions of the best qualities provide the synthesis of ascent. They have known that only the motive will be the affirmation of virtue. No outward actions can testify to the intentions. Experiments with psychic energy will reveal to what extent action is to be distinguished from motive. No glittering words and actions can conceal intention. Many historical instances can be cited when, because of an unworthy motive, even useful actions could not be justified. On the other hand, much that remained inexplicable and under suspicion has shown the radiance of beautiful motives. Such evidences of the essence of life will be confirmed by the primary energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 73:
73. In the hour of confusion silence is the best friend. But let this quiet be not the stillness of malice. Though only momentarily, let the rhythm of the heart calm down. Let there be found again the quiet of psychic energy; thus will be strengthened the work of the centers - alight, but without inflammation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 105:
105. In ancient treatises can be found the expression "crippled souls." And it is explained that such crippling can be done only by oneself. As soon as a man imagines that no further path remains for him, he shackles his own primary energy. In such fetters there can be no advance. By cutting short the path, the man takes upon himself a grave responsibility. This cannot be justified by despair, for of course this dark phantom is engendered by one's own weak will. Having lodged in the spirit, this specter actually injures the health. The phantom has nothing in it of reality. If people will investigate the true causes of despair, the invalidity of these causes will become amazingly clear. If the concept of Brotherhood were near to people, how many such groundless despairs would be dispelled! Yet people would rather cut short their own progress than reflect about the healing fundamentals. The writers of the ancient treatises about crippled souls had good grounds for this expression.

Brotherhood (1937) - 111:
111. Good deeds are like different flowers in a meadow. Among the healing ones there may be others which are quite brilliant but poisonous. Among the wonderful manifestations there may be found extremely deadly ones, but only by experiment is it possible to make a just selection. Insincerity contains a destructive poison. It can be observed that a construction built upon falsehood degenerates into hideousness. Much is being spoken about good deeds, but they must be truly good. Let people search the depths of their hearts as to when they have been good. No mask can conceal the ugliness of a skeleton of falsehood. Let us not condemn, for each one has already condemned himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 120:
120. Independence of action is an indispensable quality. It is likewise not easily acquired. It may slip into arbitrariness or weaken to the point of dissolution. Every Teacher exerts his efforts to instill effective independent activity in the disciple, but how is one to reconcile this with Hierarchy? There are many misinterpretations impeding the encompassing of this concept. Whole treatises can be written about the contradiction between independent action and Hierarchy. There will be found very cunning whisperers who will try to prove that in this manner the immutability of Hierarchy is being shaken. The whisperers will try to conceal the fact that the independent action must be accompanied by attunement, or, as is said, by harmony, with all the degrees of consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 147:
It may be that certain objects appear to be unnecessary at some given hour, whereas tomorrow precisely these may make the journey easier. There are to be found people to whom the simplest word proves to be the best key. It is impossible to visualize the great diversity of human consciousnesses. It were better that those who know be bored for a while than that someone be forever repulsed. New approaches to perfectment are unexpected, and new co-workers are not easily recognized.

Brotherhood (1937) - 156:
156. Much is said about the habitability of planets, yet rarely is there found one who senses such far-away conditions. The earthly nature of people does not take in such matters. Even the subtle existence does not embrace the idea of remote companions. Only the fiery consciousness, common to all worlds, can cognize and testify about distant lives. Consequently, it is possible only for the fiery essence to be concerned with such subjects.

Brotherhood (1937) - 157:
157. Even under hypnosis people rarely speak about the Subtle World. An earthly will cannot force one to say anything about the Subtle World. What is the reason for this? It is to be found in Hierarchy, which guards against the useless spreading of information. There exists a popular supposition that in the Subtle World the individual principle predominates, whereas the higher the sphere the more is the principle of Hierarchy manifested. Dominating control by means of thought becomes feasible when the tight corporeal obstacles are discarded. Thus, when I speak about Hierarchy, I am only preparing you for the conscious acceptance of future advances.

Brotherhood (1937) - 163:
163. Idiosyncrasies are inexplicable attractions or repulsions, and they appear as trustworthy evidences of reincarnation. No one can explain otherwise these irresistible feelings. It is vain to try to show them to be the effects of atavism, because it is possible to trace their independence of ancestral habits. The special force of such attraction shows that they are deeply implanted in a given individual. They are so firmly fixed in the consciousness that even hypnosis cannot overcome them. But if in individual cases the changes of lives were to be examined, then the attraction or repulsion would be found to be a natural effect of what has gone before. Thus, it is especially instructive to observe such inborn symptoms. They reveal both the capacities of the man and the kind of surroundings that are most favorable for him. Let us not forget that each plant needs its own soil; so, too, in the life of man, indispensable are the circumstances which are natural and peculiar to him.

Brotherhood (1937) - 167:
167. Rarely is found a ready consciousness, one which does not limit itself by fear, doubt, malice and hypocrisy. It can be seen that harmful limitation comes not only from without; first of all, it stirs about in the corners of the consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 191:
191. To no purpose do physicians explain many ailments as purely physical manifestations. Catarrh, tuberculosis, colds in head and throat, and many other maladies are primarily of nervous origin. A man may feel a nervous exaltation and receive immunity, or through nervous shock may be left defenseless. This simple truth is not taken into consideration. Whereas the time is not far distant when the most diverse illnesses will be cured by means of nervous reactions. The treatment must be along the same paths by which consciousness is produced. It will be found that the most incurable diseases can be arrested by nervous reactions. On the other hand, without due concern about nervous forces the least indisposition may reach dangerous dimensions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 204:
204. Gradually it will become known that the legend is the true history; then documents will be found. Each revelation confirms the fact that truth lives on and must be perceived. Since myths live on, then too the history of the Brotherhood will acquire authenticity. It can be noted that information about the Brotherhood is especially suspected. Many circumstances are accepted quite easily, but the existence of the Brotherhood has a particularly striking effect. People are prepared to encounter an unknown hermit, but for some reason it is difficult for them to picture a society of such hermits. There exists an order of truths which meets with special opposition. It is not difficult to understand who is against the concept of Brotherhood. These creatures know perfectly well about the existence of the Brotherhood, and they tremble lest this knowledge reach the people. But all is accomplished in due time. If people do not know, still they are beginning to have premonitions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 205:
But let us value the good that is brought us and let us escort the messenger with friendliness. Precisely in this friendliness is found the key to success.

Brotherhood (1937) - 212:
212. Much is said about self-sacrifice and striving toward heaven, but there are examples of lofty self-sacrifice here on Earth. Every mother, under various conditions, in her own way expresses self-sacrifice. But let us be attentive, let us be able to discern the most well concealed signs of this great feeling, for it is so profound that it shuns expression. Among these beautiful blossoms there is to be found also the means for health improvement. Let us find best words, in order that man should not stumble. In this way also may the understanding of Brotherhood enter life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 236:
236. Some means must be found to enable people to understand the meaning of unity; otherwise, popular assemblies will resemble a bunch of balloons pulling to all sides. Some people assume that outward grinning alone should express unity. But the meaning of unified power remains alien to them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 237:
237. Not only is one to be called a wayfarer who is already found upon the way but also one who has been making ready for the path. It is just the same with a world event: it has already been formulated, it already exists, even though the ship has not yet pulled up the anchor. It is needful to distinguish outer movement from inner readiness. Certain people attach no significance to inner readiness. For them, if something is not in motion before the eyes of everyone it means that it does not exist. Let us return again to medical examples. Many sicknesses may be in process inwardly, presenting no external symptoms. Only in the last stage are they manifested, when treatment is already useless. Let us not consider the process only when in its fatal stage. So it is too in human relations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 263:
Let those who propose to observe thought transmission keep in mind that there may be obstacles which appear insurmountable, but which are easily set aside by man himself. The quieting of irritation only seems difficult. Let us not forget to gaze at a column which represents space, and try to imagine where irritation could be marked on it - no place will be found for it, and it is the same with egoism in the face of Infinity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 269:
269. Chaos is jealous and raging. It overwhelms wherever the least vacillation is found. Chaos loses no opportunity of breaking through a weak barrier. It may be noticed that treacheries take place on the eve of especially useful actions. There has not been a case when treacheries were perpetrated aside from particular dates when paths of progress had been already molded. Actually, darkness and chaos cannot endure anything constructive. They watch over pathways and seek whoever is capable of helping them. Many examples can be named, but on the other hand there are many indicative actions when heart unity has overcome darkness. Therefore, it is so needful to guard the concept of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 305:
305. Let us look at the apostates, who appear in all ages. It is possible to notice many common traits in their betrayals. Likewise it is possible to notice how, according to karmic paths, they have found the way to persons whose manifestation has been hateful to darkness. There can be discerned the same modes of falsehood that they have made use of in different languages. Moreover, it can be affirmed that not a single betrayal has succeeded in darkening the name of the one persecuted - so says the truth of all ages.

Brotherhood (1937) - 323:
323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 346:
346. Unity is the light-winged dream of humanity; when the dream approaches fulfillment, only a few followers remain. The transformation of intention into action drives the majority away. Thus, affirmation of unity is aspiration to the higher law, which humanity in its present state contains with difficulty. But each one who wishes to serve Brotherhood is not afraid of even the concepts most unaccepted by the majority; though striving for unity will be found only in exceptional consciousnesses. Each healthful place must be safeguarded. Thus will begin to come into being a healthy envelope of the planet. Right now it is greatly poisoned.

Brotherhood (1937) - 349:
349. In great storehouses many remarkable objects can be found, but experts and investigators sometimes prefer to search among small unknown repositories, and such quests yield irreplaceable discoveries. And so in everything, one should make broad surveys in order not to lose new and precious cooperation. It has already been pointed out that the hundred-thousandth one is bringing useful stones for the structure, yet it is inadmissible to jostle a burden-bearer on his difficult path. One should not suspect or upbraid him. The cement of the building should not set prematurely; likewise, wayfarers cannot make progress more quickly than their human strength permits. It is a special joy to see how the structure is being completed. Many would not believe that the local stones were sound enough; they formed their opinion through egoism. But the dawn will show where right judgment was.

Brotherhood (1937) - 349:
Thus, not only in great storehouses but also in small repositories are found precious things.

Brotherhood (1937) - 365:
365. During the reception and sending of thought there can be noticed a series of manifestations that confirm the fact that thought is energy. Sometimes one's breathing feels stifled. Some explain that the reason for this lies in tensed attention. But for the observer it is especially important to note that the thought process is accompanied by physical sensations. Likewise, sometimes part of a received word drops out; such a manifestation will be an effect of spatial currents, in other words, an effect of energy. Similarly can be observed an increase of heartbeat and irregular pulsation that will also be the result of the influence of energy. There can also be noticed sharp changes of mood and of temperature that are evidences of the currents. Thus it is possible to trace to what an extent all thought processes are connected with physical manifestations. An analogy may be found in observation of radio waves.

Brotherhood (1937) - 369:
369. During high tensions of currents one should be very careful of one's health. It need not be thought that this will be in contradiction to selflessness. The essence is to be found in making wise use of forces.

Brotherhood (1937) - 413:
413. Picture to yourself how the subtlest energy touches us. Such an arrow must pierce all space. Thought words may not be found to express the unrepeatable sensation, yet it remains as the most immutable in all existence.

Brotherhood (1937) - 416:
416. Yes, yes, yes, the usual mistake is that even people who accept the subtlest energies picture their action incorrectly. The manifestation of the subtlest energies is imagined as something thunder-like and physically striking. It is impossible to explain to people that their earthly nature makes the subtlest energies almost mute and imperceptible. Of course, the inner reaction will be enormous, but few are the consciousnesses sufficiently prepared to perceive these higher Contacts. It must not be thought that it is possible to receive sendings from the distant worlds without preparation. One should not be distressed that the dual nature, the earthly and the subtle, is not easily manifested as one. One is again obliged to remember about earthly cooperation, an idea which is assimilated with difficulty. It often excites the lowest passions instead of rational labor. If cooperation is rarely found, even in small circles, then with how much more difficulty is the synthesis of subtlest energies assimilated! We speak, not to distress you, but to implant patience and striving.

Brotherhood (1937) - 432:
432. A certain settler built his house at the foot of a volcano. When he was asked why he exposed himself to such peril, he replied, "The difference is merely that I know about my danger, but you do not know what surrounds you." Great equilibrium must be found between tranquillity and the realization of danger. It is inadvisable to surround oneself with terrors, but neither is carelessness the solution.

Brotherhood (1937) - 433:
433. For some reason birds are considered carefree, but they not only sense bad weather they also display more concern about dates for nesting and migration than people do. Goal-fitness has been excellently developed in all the kingdoms of nature. This quality is not always appreciated by people; they know too little of the past, and they do not wish to think about the future. For the most part, investigations of the past are casual, and therefore findings are heterogeneous. People usually limit themselves to quests of known places; they forget that life passes along the most unexpected paths, and its traces can be found unostensibly and unexpectedly. It is essential to preserve the writings of contemporaries, which in the course of time will help to find places already leveled to the ground.

Brotherhood (1937) - 463:
463. It will be pointed out that many Communities and Brotherhoods have fallen into ruin, but they are not the ones We speak about. Moreover, they could have been moved elsewhere, but to a stranger's eye it might seem that they disintegrated. Do people know much about life in a neighboring house, much less about that which they are not supposed to know? Each one can recall from his own life the most significant events about which no one has known. Especially if transmitted by thought at a distance, who could learn about them. True, thought can be intercepted, but for this special conditions are necessary. If a thought has been directed with especial clarity to a definite person, it will unfailingly contact his aura. Thus communities can be kept together by the force of thought. But some are so afraid of thought that they decline everything relating to this domain. Such people should not be attracted, their approach ends in treachery. More than once Communities have been moved away in order to free them from undesirable people. It is easier to announce the dissolution of a Community than to disclose those who can do harm. From such a situation one can more easily comprehend why the Brotherhood is to be found in an inaccessible place. therefore, too, each one who knows about the Brotherhood will be careful in giving out his information. People cannot bear it when they are unable to understand something. Such understandings are stratified slowly. Very rarely is the Chalice filled to overflowing. As a synthesized center, the Chalice preserves the most essential, indescribable accumulations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 473:
473. Anemia is usually considered to be a blood deficiency, but this factor is not of fundamental importance. It is but a result of an outflow of psychic energy. Thoughtless physicians assume that it is possible to restore strength by drinking blood, but they forget that the inflow of strength will be one of appearance only. It is the same as trying to illumine a large house with a single match. Taking in blood produces much harm; this substance requires study and adaptation. That is why We do not in general advise such mixing of blood. Essentially, it is unnecessary. Increase in psychic energy is attained by the simple expedients of which We have already spoken. But in this let us see to it that there be not found in the vicinity someone who absorbs the energy. Indeed, it can be absorbed consciously and unconsciously. Each irritation, each despondency will definitely absorb the precious energy. When the fundamentals of Brotherhood are being taught, first to be eliminated are all those elements which are adverse to psychic energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 478:
478. Spatial calls reach Earth through the most unexpected receptions. An imperative call about altruism and mutual understanding reaches certain people. But pay attention to the unexpectedness of such arrivals. If, on a map of the world, the places be marked where Our call is perceived, a very unexpected pattern will result. But there are people to be found who repeat this very same thing without any understanding. Sometimes the sowers of dissension are not averse to speaking about altruism. The very meaning of the word is annulled, and instead of mutual understanding violent hatred emerges. But over and above all obstacles remains the call for altruism and mutual understanding. What is not understood today will come tomorrow.

Brotherhood (1937) - 492:
492. A great number of cells of the organism are to be found in a dormant state. It has been pointed out that their awakening would make a man luminous and able to fly. Is it conceivable that people in their present state could achieve such an awakening of light within themselves? Reflect that people are fully equipped for the furthermost evolution, but the treasure must be left asleep. The state of consciousness does not permit rapid advance. Only in rare cases is an organism illumined and, with help from the Subtle World, temporarily realizes the preordained possibilities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 504:
504. Where, then, in earthly existence should one seek the flashes of Brotherhood? Signs of it may be found

Brotherhood (1937) - 511:
Speaking about the Subtle World, people rejoice that there thought will be the sole motive power. Correct, and not at all difficult to say, but is it easy to act by means of thought? For such actions one must know how to think. One must love the process of thinking. In the midst of every activity time must be found for the cultivation of thought. Besides, one must distinguish thought conceived by egoism from thought about the Common Good.

Brotherhood (1937) - 522:
522. Someone found a spring of healing water. He was carrying some of it in a vessel, and in his joy he spilled the precious fluid. Not every effort helps thinking, otherwise all prize fighters would become thinkers. It is useful to apply co-measurement everywhere.

Brotherhood (1937) - 537:
537. Among the sayings of the classical world may be found some indications regarding the profound foundations of Be-ness. It has been rightly said that "sleep is like unto death." In these few words it is explained that both conditions pertain to the Subtle World. But this meaning has been forgotten and the idea of immobility of the body has been placed foremost in this conception; and yet, even in primary schools the proverbs of antiquity are being taught. At the same time one could point out the significance of words and thus implant many true concepts. To affirm truth in simple words is equal to the manifestation of a indelible table of covenants.

Brotherhood (1937) - 565:
The sowing of Armageddon is sprouting, in it is to be found the cause of causes.

Brotherhood (1937) - 581:
581. In the vast mountain region it is not easy to seek out the Abode of the Brotherhood. It is hard to picture the entire complexity of the massed mountains. You already know about the special protective measures. If there exist signs marking off the boundary lines, who will understand these marks? Even if there exists a description of the path, who will discover the indications in the complicated symbols? Yet even a thoughtless person will understand the reason for such cautiousness. In ordinary life people know how to protect a beloved man. Where there is heart and feeling the means will be found.

Brotherhood (1937) - 585:
585. Each instant, someone somewhere is undergoing terrible misfortune. Let us not forget these perishing ones; let us send them thoughts of help. Perhaps people do not realize that afflictions are forever taking place, without end. In the Brotherhood they are known, and benevolent arrows are sent. Even if you cannot determine precisely the place of its destination, nevertheless send your salutary thought into space. It will find the right course and will be joined magnetically with Our Help. Beauty is found when, from diverse quarters of the world, thoughts of salvation come flying - in this each one will emulate the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 596:
596. A city of science will always be the dream of enlightened people. Not one would presume to raise objections to an abode of scientists, where in peace and wise communion truths would be brought to light. Each learned worker would have the best equipment at his disposal. One can picture what discoveries would issue from general concordance and cooperation of all the branches of science! No one would consider the idea of such a city utopian. If only the means and good will could be found! But if one were to say that a certain Abode of Knowledge does exist, a multitude of doubts and denials would come tumbling out. And if to the word science one were to add the word Brotherhood , it will certainly be said that such a chemical combination is impossible. But who has said that science and Brotherhood are incompatible?

Brotherhood (1937) - 608:
Brotherhood has saved multitudes of people from rash acts of madness. Among the statutes of Brotherhood may be found an edict about curing soul and body. Many messengers are hastening to prevent madness. Sometimes they will be received by people, but not seldom a violent free will rushes ahead to pass judgment upon itself..

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
Our mirrors cannot be called magical. They simply increase the effectiveness of Our energy. Many appliances can be found that make energy more effective. Strong magnets could hardly be called magical, even though their action is remarkable. The subtle body and all experiments connected with it belong to science, not to magic. Thus, one should abolish the superstitious use of the confusing term "magical."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 16:
Many strive to find Us, but it is right to hold back these travelers. We must be found not geographically, but first of all in spirit. You know what is expected of Us - not only expected, but demanded - and complaints tear the last threads. People do not realize that their complaints densify an already-saturated atmosphere. Of course, mistakes are attributed to Us according to the understanding of the one who complains: We do not know how to speak, We do not know how to write! People do not realize the lack of co-measurement in these claims. Do not think that We are displeased; We simply feel regret when We see that energy is not directed to full benefit. Discussion is preferable to complaints. A heartfelt talk is more in accord with the harmony of Our Abode. If help can be given it is not delayed. In this lies the beauty of thought-creativeness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31:
You have heard that Our Brothers became ill from contact with earthly disharmony, and often suffered from prolonged human discord. This is why We seldom visit your cities, and stay in them for only a short time. Our appearances are prompted by particular circumstances and are not of long duration. Places can be found in nature where the currents of decay are not as strong. In France and in England there are forests near the cities in which there is enough of the pure air that is indispensable to Us. You must not be surprised that even Our concentrated energy needs pure air. However, you must not think that We are not strong enough to withstand the emanations of crowds. Truly, We can concentrate Our energy to a tremendous degree, but co-measurement and caution must be maintained in everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32:
32. Urusvati has recognized the existence of a certain substance that preserves equilibrium and provides longevity to the organism. I shall not reveal the complete composition of this substance, for it can be destructive to the physical state. Strong radioactivity is allowable in the subtle state, but can destroy the physical body. In earthly conditions even valerian can be too strong; therefore one must know how to discern the relationships between different substances. For example, during a certain experiment carried out by My Brother the strongest poison was taken, which would have been deadly for an ordinary man. But since My Brother's body was already close to the subtle state, the action of the poison was beneficial. Many instances can be cited when a lethal poison did not cause death. The reason for this can be found in the special condition of the organism.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
One can trace many missions sent to humanity at different times. Homeopathy was sent as a means of safeguarding people from enormous doses of poison. Dreams about the need for a universal world-language have been given. Only in this way can the purity of all languages be preserved. Everyone will then know both his own language and the universal one. Thus may be found the best pattern for human relations. People do not understand that the distortion of a language is a crime, for many word-roots have a deep significance in their rhythm and sound. Thus We pave the way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
50. Urusvati has asked about the means of material support for Our abodes. Remember that many streams are filled with gold, silver and sapphires can be found in Our mountains, and We know about many hidden treasures. Do you remember how a pound note was sent flying to London? Often people need help. Thus the earthly is correlated with the Supermundane. Cooperation with the Subtle World must be continuous. The entire multiformity of the subtlest spheres must be understood in order to realize how complex is the work of Our Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
Let us consider how much opposition is met by everyone who sends useful thoughts. Today Urusvati experienced many of Our intensified currents. Such a change of current indicates the concentration that must be manifested, for each current struggles with its countercurrent. Thus, the most urgent decisions require defense against clever destroyers. Urusvati helped Us through the entire night, and even found time to be in her motherland.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
We do not argue about names, and We do not waste energy discussing the many strata of the Subtle World. Variety seems to be needed for human imagination. If only this would develop humanity! Thus, We welcome a correct attitude toward the Subtle World. Its reflection will then be found all over the world. Our Abode will be nearer for those who are able to find a right attitude toward the manifestations of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 67:
67. Urusvati knows well that one cannot use any earthly measures to identify Our friends. It is not possible to demonstrate to an earthly understanding the broad dispersion of Our co-workers. They can be found in many different places, even in opposing camps, and can be found on both sides in a battle. One cannot explain such contradiction to an earthly consciousness, but Our Abode does not act in accordance with earthly laws. A broadened consciousness can understand that there are ties beyond earthly laws. Is it so difficult to imagine that Our friends can be found in different parts of the world and that, using the local languages, they try to restrain human madness? They may not even know about each other, but will nevertheless act for the same General Good.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 110:
110. Urusvati knows that he who strives to discriminate between the laws of the three worlds during his earthly life approaches the fullness of self-realization. Where then should one look for the sparks of the Fiery World? Can they be found amidst the earthly dust? Of course, it is precisely in every earthly manifestation that one can find the sparks of the Fiery World. Therefore, each one should be more observant in his daily life. One must learn to refrain from hasty conclusions, which may result in harmful reactions. One must understand the harm of baseless accusations and thoughtless complaints; otherwise one will act like the man who, instead of expressing gratitude when he was saved from drowning, immediately began to complain that his clothes were spoiled! Frequently lives have been saved by the loss of a mere finger, but We hear more complaints about lost fingers than gratitude for lives that were saved. However, We will not forget those things that are far removed from the Fiery World, but will continue Our help, and will speak firmly about reverence for all the treasures of the three worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 118:
118. Urusvati is familiar with the many details that have been given to people about the Brotherhood and the Subtle World. We have records in which all such messages have been entered, and when We gather together all Our words We have a precise record of the many details which together provide a clear picture. These messages were deliberately scattered, and can be found in the historical records of various nations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Among those who have experienced a long earthly life there can be found an organization that helps others to recognize Hierarchy. The beings from the Highest Spheres are not always perceived by those in the Subtle World, and though their presence is more pronounced than on Earth, there are many disbelievers even in the Subtle World. Those who were ignorant on Earth are stubborn and carry their doubts and negations with them into the Subtle World. One should remember this so that one may be ready to follow the Teachings when in the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
143. Urusvati knows that psychic energy is subject to many physical influences. We have already mentioned that the currents of space affect the entire human organism, but in fact any physical manifestation of energy can heighten the tension of the centers. For instance, strong electrical energy can be most helpful in the transmission of thought at a distance. This is most evident in America, where electrification is presently more widespread, but people there are not usually aware of how this energy assists their experiments. In advanced stages of development psychic energy is not affected by outer influences, but beginners are greatly affected by them. Every intensification of energy further increases one's powers. One scientist declared that he could think with the greatest concentration in front of a blazing fireplace, and another discovered that he was influenced by the sound of boiling water. A third found that thunderstorms increased his mental faculties. Many examples illustrate that even the most ordinary concentration of such natural energies aids the power of thought. One must learn to observe what it is that particularly increases or decreases the thought energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149:
149. Urusvati remembers the Great Pilgrim. In the Arabian desert He was in solitude, but in a sheik's tent He found friends and helpers. He often remained alone, and one should not think that His journeys were always with wealthy caravans. Remember that everyone, when clad in an earthly sheath, is subject to the conditions of the physical world. It is usually supposed that when Our Brothers go into the world they will be placed in special conditions that are unnatural to them, but nature is a state conditioned by law. Every one of Us knows this and selects His path consciously.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 156:
Thus one may find in the Apocrypha many hints about all aspects of life, and besides the already known Apocrypha, new chronicles may still be found. One cannot try to trace the chronological dates of these writings, for they were rewritten and translated many times.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
One can imagine how filled His time was during that short life of heroic achievement. His disciples often wondered when He found time to sleep.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168:
The Great Pilgrim taught the love of goodness, but His Teaching was greatly distorted. Even His simplest words could not save the Teaching, for people found ways to interpret Truth for their own profit. The expulsion of the merchants from the Temple is a symbolic warning, and the Temple should also be understood as the human spirit from which mercenary thought must be ejected. No one can forbid the exchange of daily necessities, but merchants must attend to their business with enlightened hearts. Even the basic elements of life can be spiritualized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
Be assured that only a few contemplate the far-off worlds, or think about the continuity of life, and the very ideas that would help to improve life are neglected. It is not the acceleration of technical discoveries that leads to concentration of the mind, but the desire of people themselves to learn something new. Yet, how can they learn if the most fundamental truths have not found a place in their consciousness? One must do more than listen politely to these truths; one must apply them as reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 196:
The mobs, urged on by officials, demanded the destruction of the statue of Zeus, because it reminded them of the despised Phidias. If the names of these accused were found in manuscripts, the fearful citizens hastened to burn the writings, regardless of their value. Those who were particularly cautious even avoided passing by the houses of the accused citizens. The sycophants rushed to write epigrams describing in insulting terms the downfall of Pericles. Anaxagoras was depicted as an ass braying in the public square. And the circumstances surrounding the death of Socrates are known to everyone.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 199:
The Thinker said, "If you want to find a rare manuscript, do not look for it only in the libraries. It is better to roam about the market places, and even to pay attention to the wrapping paper being used! We sometimes found beautiful fragments of rare manuscripts being used to wrap vegetables. I remember a poet who once advised a writer not to use an ink that was poisonous, for it might harm someone who later buys cherries wrapped in the paper. Indeed, even We cannot be sure that Our writings will reach future generations in their original form."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 233:
And so it may happen with incarnations. People may have to return just to find a little ring that is of great importance to them, but of no value to others. People cannot understand why some great incarnations are followed by seemingly insignificant ones, but who can tell what valuable object must be found during the difficult journey? Often, in the course of general self-perfectment, a small, precious stone is required that seems insignificant, but is of great value. Various incarnations indicate that an important task must be performed for the sake of general evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 252:
252. Urusvati knows how ignorant most people are about the origins of events. They cannot perceive even the culminating points, and are satisfied with effects alone. But a sensitive heart will tremble at the very inception of an event. Perhaps no proper words can be found to describe this feeling, but its unspoken meaning will at once resound in the depths of the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267:
We see where the idea of synthesis can be assimilated. It will be found not where the pendulum of life is dead, but only where it swings fully. There the significance of the General Good is well understood, and it is known that Good can come only from Good. Although this formula is not yet uttered, it nevertheless is ripening in the depths of the consciousness, and this is very important.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267:
Words about cooperation have been uttered for many centuries, and the ideals usually outran the material possibilities. But now people have found many useful applications, and the time has come when it is necessary to think about the General Good.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294:
The time will come when people will learn to recognize the chemical compounds to be found in various strata. They will not then attribute manifestations to magic or conjurations, but will realize that man himself is a kind of magician at every moment of his life. Great power is given to a man who knows how to create the formulas of good and evil. We must not regard such people as magicians, but understand that the weaving of good or evil continues at every hour. Let us encourage the weavers of good and pity the weavers of evil, who will one day bitterly regret the dark shrouds they have woven.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
There were cases when magnetized objects fell into the hands of evil people who were then able to use the beneficent energy for evil purposes. In such cases it becomes necessary to cut off the magnetic currents that permeate the objects. The energy should be maintained only where there is a benevolent purpose. This law is of paramount importance. Many previously revered sacred objects can be found for sale, but they are now used for selfish profit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 369:
369. Urusvati knows that there are certain individuals who can foresee the direction of evolution. Such co-workers of Ours can be found in different countries and ages. We use them as channels through which We transmit the varying degrees of aspiration that correspond to the needs of evolution. But it should be understood that such striving individuals are rare, and will feel out of place in any generation. It would be correct to think of them not as dwellers of Earth, but rather as guests, filled with memories of better worlds. Indeed, earthly life is not easy for them. They are filled with the spirit of service to humanity, but this concept is little understood on Earth. These toilers cannot find a common language with coarser earthly people. It is to be lamented that time so distorts their ideas, although eventually their words find some degree of recognition. All that I have said here is also true about Our own work, but through the centuries We have become sufficiently aware of the turning of the Wheel of Life. We understand that in motion much is consumed; even huge meteors are burned away, yet some of them succeed in carrying their diamonds to Earth. Only a calm understanding of earthly processes can reveal the whole range of accumulated knowledge. We call such observations a clarification of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377:
Among the inhabitants of these spheres may be found many political leaders who while on Earth believed power to be the crown of earthly achievement, and are still unaware that their unrestrained desires are a burden to the earthly atmosphere. In fact, these souls without harmony are ever ready to storm not only Earth, but Heaven also. They know no peace and derive their destructive power from their fury. There is nothing puzzling in the resultant battles, and many of these madmen perish while others continue to survive. Even the most difficult karma requires existence, if the Law of Karma is to be fulfilled.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
399. Urusvati knows that metals can accelerate the transmission of thought at a distance. This phenomenon was known even in the remote past, and from this knowledge grew an entire science dealing with alloys. Different images could be cast with a proper fusion of metals. Even today such objects can be found, but the characteristics of the alloys cannot be analyzed without damage to the images themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 403:
One must remember the acts of betrayal in history when the traitors displayed an extraordinary ability to disappear. Traitors can always be found among the most learned followers, but this is not surprising, since without knowledge they would have nothing to betray. It is instructive to study the fate of these traitors. Sometimes they ended in dark despair, but more often their lives deteriorated into dreary stagnation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 421:
People long ago found ways to restore their equilibrium. One of the ancient methods was pranayama, by which, through rhythmic breathing exercises, one could find an equilibrium that protected against an excessive intake of energy. Nothing can be more destructive than consuming an excess of energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
432. Urusvati knows that the help of the Higher Beings is usually accomplished by spiritual means, but the help can also be material. Tradition often relates the appearance of departed dear ones who came to give useful advice, but stated that they were allowed to help only once. Similar indications can be found among different peoples throughout the ages, and such testimony is quite true.


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