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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FORGETFUL (3)

Heart (1932) - 105:
105. In the book Heart one must speak about even such simple matters as a living fire. The best people are content with electric light, forgetful of how many sicknesses are brought on by energies that are purposely sealed. So with rays. Why do they not notice that x-rays react upon the heart? So, too, they do not care to notice the influence of metals upon the heart. Many experiments are needed in order to learn even slightly to control destructive conditions. People wish to be relieved of sicknesses, but they hasten to multiply them. We should not be regarded as opponents retarding discoveries; on the contrary, We summon new discoveries.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 149:
149. Forgetful about everything, man forgets his own destiny. Not without foundation is the legend mentioning the animal state. Many examples have been given to man in order to warn him in good time, but never before have there been so many animal-like people. And the external covering merely reveals the inner ulcer. The Teaching calls upon people to help themselves and to respect their own nature. But the deepest, darkest ulcer is considered fitting for those who trust Satan. It is difficult to imagine how many people are addicted to Satanic rituals! Entire schools are busy spreading such harmful principles. Much already has been told to you about terrors, but when I see new transgressions, I cannot but warn you once more. Be not surprised at dizziness and headaches; each particle of your energy is tensed and on guard, for it is necessary to protect you from many projectiles. Unprecedented necromancy is being applied by the dark ones, in order to summon the very lowest spirits; for they are indifferent to consequences, they wish to be strengthened for just one hour. But a counterblow is naturally drawing near.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
400. Urusvati knows how uninterested and forgetful people are about past eras. Not realizing that today's culture is linked to the past, they demean it and thus limit their knowledge of the present. The recent past is vaguely remembered, and the ancient periods have been completely forgotten. Thus do people restrict the scope of their life awareness.


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