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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FOREWARNS (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 27:
27. Having no home is a necessary attribute of the Teacher. The Teacher has a place to stay, but not a home. The Teacher participates in life, but is not touched by the ordinary. The Teacher beautifies a discussion, but does not prolong it. He pities, but does not bewail. The Teacher defends, but does not gesticulate. The Teacher affirms, and is never uncertain. He forewarns, and delays not. If absolutely necessary, He can smite, but will never wound. He is grateful, and does not forget. He evaluates motives, and shows no weakness. Carefully He guards, but does not impose. He fears not, yet is not reckless. And so, cherish the Teacher, who is revealed for the growth of your spirit. Consciously must the spirit be nurtured.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 144:
144. Much is going on roundabout and especially where there is a Magnet. The Teacher forewarns that nowadays the most unusual conflicts may be expected, so crowded have the lower strata of the Subtle World become. People have decided to fill the Subtle World with great numbers that are arriving before their normal time. No one has thought what the consequences will be for the people themselves. It is impossible to slaughter millions of people with impunity, without setting up a most grave Karma. Even if the karma is not a personal one, so much the worse, because it increases the Karma of nations and of the whole planet. What has been said about peace-makers is the more correct, since because of them there arises a proper attitude toward the future. The lower strata of the Subtle World must not be filled with the horrors of uncompleted karma. One should not think that this will have no reaction upon the condition of the planet. But the principal cause is that no one thinks about the Subtle World at all. The isolation is most frightful; precisely the dark force exults at each alienation.

AUM (1936) - 27:
27. You yourselves see how the best hearts suffer from the dark schemes of peoples. For evil creatures, pure earthly thoughts are but the targets for mockery. It is impossible to express that which saturates the atmosphere around Earth. The thought-forms of the minions of darkness are as countless claws! The symbol of life - the cross - is sundered by them, as an inadmissible means of ascent. Even if this sign forewarns of danger, the servants of darkness direct their efforts toward shattering it. One should not ignore the machinations of evil. One must be wisely aware of reality, the better to value the power of Grace bestowed for salvation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 375:
375. People will wonder why at times a very important thought reaches one fleetingly, whereas ordinary communications arrive clearly. One should decide with caution whether something is important, which appears to be ordinary. Sometimes the most ordinary circumstance contains the solution of something important. Often a single word forewarns about something essential. Often man is cautioned against danger by a single exclamation. It is well if in this hasty word he hears the warning. There are many examples of people having remained deaf to the must urgent Indications. At the moment when misfortune is taking place they recall in a flash how help was offered them, but it is already too late. People usually think that equal help can be extended in all the stages of circumstances. But can a cure be expected when the organism is already disintegrating? It is impossible to grow a non-existent hand, it is impossible to reanimate an already dying brain. Many examples can be cited when people beseeched resuscitation of the dying. Such an attitude merely shows complete lack of understanding of how to deal with energies.


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