Heart (1932) - 241: It would be useful in the schools, in regard to historic epochs, to question the pupils as to how they would have acted in the place of the heroes. One must not implant any special replies in the pupils; on the contrary, the ground should be opened for all types of considerations; thus the students will be initiated into their first tests. Therefore, from the first years, one should become accustomed to a free choice of results. True, the Invisible Hand of the Teacher will always forewarn about retrogression. Of course, for this the existence of at least a thin thread with Hierarchy is necessary. Heart (1932) - 304: 304. The manifestation of fire is destructive for the physical body, but the element of fire is quite normal for the fiery body. It means that this change of correlation occurs upon the expanse of the Subtle World. Verily, one can ascertain by the condition of the subtle bodies the boundary of the beneficial reaction of fire. High strata purified from coarse physical strivings already experience the fiery benevolence; but the lowest strata of the Subtle World are still subjected to the physical sensation of the flame. In this regard the more there is of the physical husk, the more painfully the fire can act. Hence comes the intimation about the infernal flame. Thus, not accidentally does each true knowledge direct one into the higher strata. So, also, it is entirely scientific to forewarn people against carrying brutish lusts into the Subtle World. One can only pity the unwise ones who deride the state after death. Heart (1932) - 306: 306. The Teacher can point out the direction, sometimes he can forewarn, but many actions must be performed by the disciples themselves. Moreover, it is necessary to manifest these actions voluntarily. In this voluntary striving is contained self-perfectment. Each infusion of self-interest or fear will sever the salutary link. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157: 157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 339: 339. Each good thought is a powerful lever, for the receiver as well as for the sender. People prefer sendings about earthly objects, but they do not realize that earthly sendings can lead both to Light and to darkness. The effects of earthly sendings depend upon the level of consciousness of the recipient. But spiritual sendings cannot lead into error. They have no path to darkness, but through understanding they can have a favorable influence on earthly circumstances. The Teaching especially pauses on mental sendings. As fiery actions they also have a great significance for the equilibrium of spatial fire. The Teaching must forewarn that disorderly thinking cannot bring benefit for the surroundings. But we must take into consideration that the energy should be useful not only narrowly in one direction, but also for the whole spatial dimension. Let us not forget that Fire, as an omnipresent element, transmits vibrations instantaneously. And no one can arrest the spreading of these subtlest energies. So many times one has to reiterate about cautiousness with energies. Let us not judge as do people who are unwilling to think on a level higher than the earth's crust. When we are striving toward the Fiery World, we must recognize the symptoms of such a condition. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 606: 606. Earthly fire more quickly swallows up a tree which is cracked than a whole sturdy trunk, and the same holds true in all approaches of the Fiery World. When I forewarn about the harm of any fissures, I already foresee how important it is to restrain humanity from any folly. The crevices themselves, as it were, attract and draw in the lower flame. One must avoid all infections, and heartache will diminish. All-embracing thought will be the curative principle. Ask a physician how much longer will run the course of sickness of a man who wishes to be ill. Thus does personal desire indicate the power of thought. AUM (1936) - 164: 164. Why do physicians pay so little attention to atmospheric pressure? They send patients to health resorts or to the seashore or to the mountains, but they do not forewarn them that the quality of the air may be completely altered by reason of the reaction of currents. There exist various bureaus and scientific observations posts, but they should also broadcast information useful to the medical profession. Good health must be protected by the state. Brotherhood (1937) - 20: 20. Touchiness is not suitable for a long journey. This does not mean that We seek only supernal perfections. We merely forewarn as to what load should not be taken along. One should succeed in being fortified with joy, and in testing it in diverse circumstances and in all kinds of weather. One should not torture and torment oneself, but one should make tests in order to ascertain the measure of one's bodily endurance. Brotherhood (1937) - 178: It is appalling when that which is really most precious is in danger! Caution must be expressed in all of life. When I forewarn about the need of unity, I am anticipating the possibility of explosions. Amid fiery explosions one has to proceed as if on a tightrope. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 18: Our manifestations and help are different. We save worthy people at moments of danger. By gentle contact We draw the attention of seekers, whom We forewarn about their harmful decisions. We help to create and assist the Good. Our Work is dedicated to knowledge. We help each useful worker, unhindered by conventional distinctions of race and class. We watch diligently to discover where the ray of self-sacrificing achievement will flash. Our Temple is the Temple of Knowledge. We bring to it all the highest and We guard there all the affirmations of the future.