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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FORESAW (7)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 38:
38. People often complain of the isolation of the Subtle World, which is already inaccessible to Earth. Yet the Ayurvedic traditions foresaw this earthly alienation. There exists a plant extract which, when rubbed into the skin permits an approach to the Subtle World, facilitating its visibility and tangibility. But for this a complete detachment of the consciousness from Earth is required. Moreover, such coercion is impermissible in the reconstruction of the world. Let us not disparage the significance of the heart and Fire in any way. Are small roots of any use during the flights of the spirit?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 237:
237. Deprivation of blessing was an act of the most ancient patriarchate. It is far removed from the latter anathemas. Anathema is a product of ignorance, whereas the very ancient act foresaw rupture of the bond with Hierarchy. The bond with Hierarchy is an actual blessing with all its consequences. The ignorant will say, "We have many times defamed the Highest, and nevertheless we still exist; no fire has seared us, and nothing threatens us." Then let us lead them to the public square, where blind beggars are crawling in filth, and say to them, "There also are you." Let us lead them into prisons, into mines, to fires, to executions, and say, "Can it be that you do not recognize yourselves? You have just severed the thread with the Highest, and you have hurled yourselves into the abyss." It is not necessary to terrify with threats, life is full of examples of such horrors. Remember that the pressure of fire is invisible, yet nothing can escape its consequences. Thus, it can be seen that even the ancients understood the justice of the law, and knew that offense against the Primary Principles is so great and terrible that the result cannot be immediately seen.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 23:
23. Urusvati has many times experienced Our way of healing through vibrations. There will come a time when medical science will change. Vibrations and hypnotic suggestion will be utilized together with medicines, and the large doses that are usually given will be reduced. Only a small medicinal impulse will be needed, and the rest of the recovery will depend upon vibrations and suggestions. Homeopathy, to a certain extent, foresaw the course of this medicine of the future, but at this time only those homeopathic physicians who possess strong psychic energy can succeed. Perhaps they are unaware of the source of their successful healing, but gradually they will learn about the harmony of the inner and outer influences, and the new methods of healing will then begin. At present, because of unenlightened conditions physicians hesitate to recognize that to a great extent it is their own psychic energy that is acting. They are ready to attribute their success to even the weakest medicines, unaware of their own powerful influence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 129:
Our Brother V. remembers that He once foresaw an explosion that was about to take place in the heart of a city. We are responsible for all karma that comes Our way, and such misfortunes should not be allowed. Also in flights goal-fitness should be applied. There is no benefit in being burned before the Fiery Gates have opened. We are responsible for all karma that comes Our way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 189:
Likewise He said, "Is it worthy to build the majestic Acropolis simply as a monument to your weakness?" The Teacher foresaw the decline that was soon to begin, and that falsehood and hypocrisy would accelerate the coming of the end.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366:
The Thinker foresaw how few there would be who care to save the planet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412:
The Thinker foresaw these calamities. He said, "Do not count the days until that time when you are asked to account for all your hypocrisies. You had better wash yourself clean today!"


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