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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FOREBODINGS (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 412:
412. Only by renewal of thinking can humanity attain the new planetary step. What a spatial tension surrounds the planet! Such ominous forebodings have taken place only before a stupendous cosmic conflict. Therefore, only when Our Hierarchy shall be affirmed can humanity be saved.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 407:
407. It is not always possible to know immediately whither a current of psychic energy has been directed. It is impossible to decide immediately, when the currents are going in different directions and reveal an identical reaction, for the expenditure of psychic energy in creative actions emanates from one source. The current of psychic energy is reflected on the heart and on the whole organism, therefore it is difficult at any one moment to determine the direction in which psychic energy is creating its saturations. Heart anguish can be the result of many causes, but one should not attribute it only to the weight of the burdensome manifestations of life, for the cause may be the opposite. When a current of psychic energy is directed into space, a sensation of heartache is inevitable. One must carefully discriminate in these wonder-working manifestations and not confuse them with forebodings.

AUM (1936) - 487:
487. Let us leave to the decision of true science the beclouded discussions about apparitions, forebodings, and suggestions. Let us not be afraid to leave to scholars the investigation of all manifestations in the light of severe scientific study. But let such study be actually strict, that is to say, just. Only this condition is necessary, when we are touching cosmic laws.


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