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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FOOLISH (29)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 320:
320. In the mist you will find the way, for I am with you. Know the unfathomable character of eternal creation. The formless Form, the soundless Sound. Behold the joy of creation and rejoice at the Wisdom of the Creator. The Glory of the Eternal Being radiates in the stars, and His Might is symbolized in Earth's highest summits. Amidst valley and mountain, amidst forest and plain, will you wander in search of your Teacher. O foolish one, why seek so far? I am here, your Teacher.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.2:
Egypt was of lofty culture, but it cannot be said that the present culture is lower. Culture used to be centered in the north of India, but only a limited class of people possessed knowledge. Castes - foolish mustiness - have hindered culture. Indeed, the Lord Buddha wished to abolish this caste foolishness. The Teaching of the Lord was imbued with joy.

New Era Community (1926) - 138:
When we know that the enemy is attached to us we can look upon him as a foolish member of the household. Thus, penetrate into the essential nature of the enemies and you will find a place for them. They may serve beautifully as the legs of your workbench. Out of the obstinacy of ignorance they intensify their forces in order to stick to you. But you have nothing to conceal because you work for humanity, and the enemy must become an imitator or else perish. This perishing, indeed, is not by your hand but is from a spark of the world apparatus. Therefore I insist on fiery striving.

New Era Community (1926) - 213:
A great deal must be removed from the path. It is necessary to examine everything imbedded. We have become accustomed to accept occasional stumps as guiding landmarks, but, as worthy members of a rational society, all are responsible for each foolish survival. One should not consider oneself the victim of the general senselessness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 146:
146. Every false accusation, suspicion, or statement immediately burdens the sender. It is foolish to hope that the consequences of a lie can be averted or hidden. Precisely these consequences root themselves, just as promises do, in a karma that must inevitably be outlived.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 180:
A yogi is neither old nor young. Not old, because he knows the path of steady ascent. Not young, because he knows the cumulation of previous experiences. A yogi can pass unnoticed through life. A yogi smiles at foolish words, and smites ignorance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 245:
245. Why is Earth so sick? Because the rays of the heavenly bodies cannot penetrate its polluted aura. To what will man be reduced if he ceases his communion with the supreme consciousness and sinks into base ignorance? From the greatest of the worlds to the microcosm, the law is one. Losing their realization of the great worlds, people have wandered from the understanding of perfection. The great worlds have become for them a foolish fantasy; and for them, self-perfectment is an unnecessary or even dangerous pastime. Slaving for their daily wage, they yearn only for the end of their path as they see it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 438:
The Teachers never had many disciples. One can remember the small number - sixteen, or twelve, or even fewer. This confirms with what difficulty the Fire of Space is approached and assimilated. But, for the saturation of space, Fire is a vital necessity. He who can think about psychic energy must know about the Fire of Space. It would be foolish to assume that the element of fire is somewhere outside of us and that its realization can be lazily postponed. No, fire rages around us! One can have it as one's friend or one's enemy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 410:
Learn not to insist where you see that the path is besmirched. One cannot go against karma. But a multitude of foolish ones have sinned against Hierarchy, hence the froth of their irritation.

Heart (1932) - 186:
186. The work of the subtle body proceeds with greater influence away from its physical body; the subtle body can develop its greatest power where the physical currents cannot reach. Of course, from a physical point of view, the execution of distant labor is incomparably more difficult, and actually not all subtle bodies will dare these remote flights. One can judge the difficulty with which the physical body reacts to far-off flights by the perspiration, even in cold surroundings. I praise the attention paid to these physical manifestations. Even physicians usually overlook many characteristic symptoms, but true science can advance only by the comparison of facts. When indicated tension, I had in mind not muscular tension, but that of the heart. One may record outstanding success when, after such tension, the heart does not manifest special pains. Such adaptation of the heart is not easily attained. Foolish people assume that the training of the heart and consciousness can be hastened at will, but these apparatuses must be adapted very wisely and patiently when we cognize Infinity.

Heart (1932) - 579:
579. Absorb forever - the so-called gift of discrimination is not a gift but the result of labor and experiment. The foolish word intuition expresses nothing but limitation. Not through intuition but by many accumulations can one acquire discrimination. To affirm that discrimination is not based on anything is analogous to the statement that imagination is not a reflection of former experiences. The time has come when that which is seemingly most abstract enters into the chain of events. Man has encountered many situations and has thus refined his judgment. Be assured that he who has no discrimination passed through a coarse existence and made no effort to free himself of it. Thus he deprived himself of the benefit of cognizing through the heart. The heart of man is not young, for its substance is permanent. Some will rejoice at this permanence, because in this concept is eternal life. Some will rejoice that one's own consciousness is also one's own responsibility. Thus the Tablets of Truth enter life. Do not tire of reading the Teaching of Life of all ages. The open heart will rejoice at the intermittence of rhythm. Also, having such foundations we shall understand that the impetus that guides humanity cannot be visible in daily life. In this comprehensiveness let us also find the path to joy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 353:
353. A certain Guru remained out of sight in his cave. And when his disciples asked him to show himself, he replied, "Foolish ones - is it not for your sake that I have hidden myself? For I do not wish to cause discord among you by my appearance. But when you accept me as one who does not exist, perhaps your own fires will burn the more intensely." Even through such means does the Guru show concern about the kindling of the fires so that the heart may be aflame!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 394:
394. Only the foolish fall into despair. Every hour brings its lesson, and therefore one must be grateful for each experience. Night permits observation of far-off worlds and remote distances. Likewise, each hour of the day is filled with possibilities for observation. One must be grateful for such accumulations. Science seeks a solution in the glands, but does not yet dare to think about the fiery energy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 87:
87. Not without reason do people recall ancient prophecies about changes in the firmament. In fact, violation of the planet's equilibrium will cause many three-fold manifestations. Not only may new heavenly bodies become visible, but the very chemism of the Luminaries may be altered, and of course this will react strongly upon the inhabitants of Earth. Thus, while people are enjoying their bazaars and fairs, ominous events are in the offing. Therefore one must undeferrably reiterate about the Living Ethics. The Sacred Ethics is transformed into a foolish etiquette and has become a printed label.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 134:
134. Competition is one of the difficult concepts. Only the fiery heart understands how many measures may be placed upon the light and upon the dark side. A pure understanding of self-perfection will not evoke competition. Where the consciousness is wild and unrestricted, there competition leads to mutual destruction. Envy nests around competition. It leads to the most subtle crimes. Cooperation must bring balance to the misunderstood competition. It is not easy to fix for oneself the boundary of a reasonable competition. The word competition itself is already dangerous; in it is expressed jealousy, in other words, a corrupt devotion. Therefore, it is best wherever possible to replace the concept of competition with that of perfectionment. A great number of concepts must be revised from their contemporary connotation. It should be acknowledged that a just history of beliefs would reveal the roots of many most perverted concepts. Care should be taken that the language of the basic ideas be resounding and as clear-cut as possible. One may enrich the language with new definitions, but senseless buzzing will not bring any benefit. Each letter denotes by its sound a vibration of the centers. It is foolish to infringe uselessly upon harmony. Turn your attention to the resonance of the ancient names of places. The new places do not always produce the same useful vibration. The ancient names had a timeless significance. Often no philology can discover the root inserted by manifest powerful peoples. The more carefully, then, must we regard an inheritance which is unknown but which forces our hearts to resound.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 527:
527. Everyone has met people who emphatically denied the existence of the Subtle World. Their argument was that they had never seen it. But, likewise, many people have not seen the inhabitants of some remote parts of the planet yet none the less a remarkable life has been flowing there. Therefore it is foolish to ridicule the investigators. Though they may not have made mathematical calculations, still their heart knows the right direction. At the call of the heart do the Fires of enlightenment flare up.

Brotherhood (1937) - 400:
400. Even the smallest signs lead to great manifestations, but people do not realize that a pathway overgrown with brambles can lead to a glorious achievement. It is the usual mistake to demand large earthly signs for advancing. One must understand the entire and most subtle fabric befitting the Greatest Image. One must not permit people to defame beautiful existence. Those Images must be brought to Earth which do not cause harmful confusion. As it is, the great Tree is cloven, its separate branches withered. It is not evident that anyone has regretted the scattering of the One Treasure. The foolish assume that discourse about the severed branches is a needless symbol, for they do not even know how to think about Oneness. These ignorant ones cannot understand the collective concept of Brotherhood. What is the dome to them, when they have not even laid the steps!

Brotherhood (1937) - 456:
456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands.

Brotherhood (1937) - 457:
457. A mission, in itself, likewise bears danger. One must hold fast to one's mission, for hands are stretching out on all sides. Therefore it is not surprising that there are so many admonitions on the paths to Brotherhood. Whoever considers these exhortations superfluous is foolish. Who can boast that his traveling bag is in order?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 8:
If people only realized in what visible and invisible ways they can collaborate! If people only realized how much they can increase their strength by cooperating with the Brotherhood! If they at least thought about cooperation, which can be manifested in every moment! But people not only do not approach the Brotherhood in thought, they even consider thought about the Brotherhood foolish. Everyone can apply his strength at each moment; one need only understand that in Our mountains ceaseless labor continues for help to humanity. One such thought alone creates a flow of energy, and advances the consciousness toward service for humanity. It whispers that love for humanity is possible, but earthly conditions often make it difficult to imagine the possibility of such love. Let thought about the existence of the Brotherhood help to open hearts. Then cooperation will be revealed, not as a duty, but as joy, and the drops of sweat and sacred pains will bring the Crown of Enlightenment. Let us not take these words as an abstraction, for such denial will close the best receptacle - the heart. Each drop of sweat from labor, each pain for humanity, lives in the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 55:
People encumber themselves with objects not only on Earth, but also in the Subtle World, where each unnecessary object will become a heavy load. Equally intolerable is unrestrained, foolish creativeness in the Subtle World. There one can create so much ugliness that it will follow one through all lives. Joy cannot be born when dirty tails are dragged along. Joy is about the future and cannot live in the past.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 73:
73. Urusvati knows how to discern the veils of Maya. When We speak about veils, it is because there is something being veiled, and that is Primal Energy. Wise is the one who can perceive in different manifestations where the eternal, indestructible foundation lies. Without this discernment everything will be Maya, a baseless mirage. It is impossible to live among such phantoms. The very foundation of eternal life requires a realization of where to find that steadfastness upon which the tired traveler can lean. Inevitably man will come to seek the eternal foundation. Thought about immutability can inspire man to action, and this striving to action is a healthy sign. We may be asked what conditions are required for Us to be able to help people better: of course, the answer is in action. We can say to those who ask for help, "Act!" for then it is easier for Us to help. Even a small unsuccessful action is better than no action, since We can then add Our energy to the energy shown by you. It is no wonder that a substance will blend more easily with one that is similar. When We wish to apply Our energy, We look for its most useful application. We send Our energy not just to awaken, but also to increase the power of those who strive. A person suddenly awakened can perform the most foolish actions. The sleeping one should not be disturbed unexpectedly, but when one is on a conscious vigil, We can help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76:
76. Urusvati knows how to guard what has been entrusted. It is not easy to find a balance between withholding and disclosing. Beginners are eager to impart all they have learned, not thinking about the consequences, and many calamities have resulted from their foolish diffusion. But experience forges the measures of wisdom, and with time one can find the true ways of dissemination. The path is difficult, and you should weigh how much those with whom you speak can contain. A panacea must be dispensed in proper measure, neither more nor less. One can recall occasions when, after a long conversation, a question was asked that proved the listener's lack of understanding, the answer to which could have produced harmful results. We advise that the books of the Teaching simply be placed at the crossroads, so that they may find their own destiny. Thus We indicate special means of dissemination.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 186:
"It is foolish to assume that the gods have sent diseases as punishment, and it is wrong to think that the High Forces would afflict the innocent as well as the guilty with suffering. People themselves have generated infectious diseases through their intemperance and filth."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
The Thinker was particularly concerned about wise dissemination of the Teaching, and practiced strict discipline to prevent the word from reaching those who were not ready to receive it. A foolish broadcaster was looked upon as if he were obsessed, and often he was.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 272:
They are foolish who assert that martyrs belong only to the remote past and do not exist today! Heroism and martyrdom are increasingly in evidence, and are presently characteristic of entire nations. These examples are not as clearly discerned, but it can be said that certain nations are creating a completely new rhythm of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317:
There should be an attempt to expand the boundaries of human concepts. Present schools are totally inadequate in fostering the expansion of consciousness. Today the average person would consider Our discourses to be insane or foolish! You know of people who scoff at Us because We attempt to teach humanity the purpose of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 414:
One can study the extent to which the poison created by humanity has spread. Man can be likened to a foolish archer who shoots his arrows aimlessly in a thickly populated city without caring where they strike. It was this way in remote antiquity, and it is so now, to an even greater extent. Science must explain to humanity that such a production of poisons is clearly inadmissible. Compare man's many technical achievements with his neglect of psychic energy and you will be ashamed that this most important domain has been forgotten and even condemned.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424:
424. Urusvati knows that self-control is needed for all experiments with psychic energy. It is important to maintain composure, for both foolish lightmindedness and untimely agitation will both lead to inaccurate results.


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