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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FOODS (9)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 196:
196. You know about the harmful effects of various fuels. Therefore one should pay attention to the proper construction of fireplaces. In any case it is best not to remain long near a hearth, knowing what manner of guests the emanations of food, especially bloody foods, attract. Therefore it is better to have smoked meat and poultry, when eaten cold.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 323:
There is no doubt that abstinence from meat is beneficial. All vegetables are good as foods, but a few, such as asparagus, celery, and garlic, are mainly medicinal.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 381:
381. Among the minor narcotics beware especially of bromine. It is an extinguisher of the fires, yet is very often used in various compounds. Valerian, on the other hand, kindles the fires. Treatment with narcotics is like curing by use of snake venom. The Atlanteans used snake venom, but one can imagine of course how often such treatment was fatal. For public health one must take care that foods should not be contaminated. Over-fermented cheese and other foodstuffs filled with the poison of decomposition must not be used. Fire requires pure fuel.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 404:
404. Perhaps the seventh vitamin is Fire. It has often be clearly stated that pure air provides far more essential nourishment than city air. But by purity one should understand a particular fiery saturation. People in the mountains can live longer without food and without needing sleep. The nourishment of spirit, or Agni, can satisfy them without the need of heavy foods. Studies should be made of the nourishment by prana on heights.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482:
482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet.

AUM (1936) - 218:
It is exactly the same with food. For one who is accustomed to pure food, it is unhealthy to stuff oneself with impure decaying matter. Whoever has been accustomed from childhood to unclean food is not in immediate danger, but he must remember that the germs of the most terrible diseases are contained in impure foods. It is possible to postpone realization of this for a limited time only; eventually the sowing will yield its harvest.

AUM (1936) - 293:
293. If the precipitates of space upon cities were to be investigated, something similar to imperil would be found among the poisonous substances. Carefully observing this poison, one comes to the conviction that it is imperil exhaled by the breath of evil. Undoubtedly, breathing permeated with evil is a carrier of injurious effects. If poison can be deposited in the organism, due to irritation, if the saliva can be made poisonous, then the breath can also be made a poison-carrier. It is necessary to judge how much evil is being exhaled and how multiform are the aspects of evil compressed into the new combinations of poisons present in enormous crowds of people. This is increased by the varied effluvia of decomposing foods and all manner of refuse which litter the streets even in metropolises. It is time to look after the cleanliness of backyards. Cleanliness is necessary out of doors and in the human breathing. The imperil exhaled by irritated people is identical with filth, or shameful refuse. It is imperative to impress people's consciousness with the fact that each bit of filth infects those around. The filth of moral dissolution is worse than any excretions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444:
A sensitive physician will prescribe a patient's favorite foods; the same is done when a preferred substance is indicated for the success of an experiment. Even the simplest man has an inner sense of what is especially close to him, and remarkable experiments could be performed comparing the different substances that are especially suitable for each organism. It can be shown that man himself senses what is best for him. But everything superficial must be eliminated, or drunkards will insist that only alcohol is good for them!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444:
In order to discern a person's inclinations it is sometimes necessary to use hypnosis, under which he will name not only the foods that are useful, but also the minerals, metals, and plants that are most needed for him. Thus a striking, unique individuality will be revealed. Quite different things may be named, which at first glance seem to be mutually exclusive, yet highly refined chemical experiments may reveal that combining them will prove to be useful.


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