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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FOLKLORE (4)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
Folklore preserves stories about sleeping beauties and knights who remained in states of suspended animation. Folk wisdom observes this as a special condition that is followed by renewed energy and heroism. Truly, the time will come when medical science will be able to create these periods of absolute rest for the renewal of vital forces. Experiments for this took place in ancient times.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
The ancients paid much attention to the study of the psychic nature of man, and such studies took place not only in the temples, but also in special schools, which, when later established in Greece, were called Academies. Many subjects were studied in them, including the legends, which were the main source of information about life in remote antiquity. Even now, scientists who study folklore can find there traces of profound wisdom.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
We should investigate the heroic achievements of the ancients; we will find in them similarities with the achievements of modern science. As a matter of fact, the ancients not only dreamed about future scientific achievements, they were aware of many of them. If scientists were to look at the treasures of folklore from a scientific point of view, they would find many confirmations of the knowledge of ancient people.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 370:
The wisdom of folklore should always be remembered; it will lead to a practical application of the Teaching, rather than a superficial reading. Many people read all the books, but remain without knowledge. Sometimes such unreceptive readers even regress, and prove to be worse off than if they had been illiterate. People should try to understand exactly what has been assimilated from their reading, and what can be useful in its application to their lives. Let them ask themselves what negative habits they have successfully overcome, and write down those paragraphs from the books that have influenced their minds in a beneficial way. How can one expect harmony amidst the uproar of disharmony if the smallest habits remain untouched and unchanged? Thus, do not forget to warn friends against the dangers of petty habits.


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