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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FO > FOCAL (19)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.6:
3.3.6. Regard nothing as belonging to you; the easier for you not to damage things. Think how best to adorn each place; the surer will you protect yourself from rubbish. Consider how much better than the old must each new thing be; by this will you affirm the ladder of ascent. Think how beautiful is the morrow; thus will you learn to look forward. Think how cruel is the condition of animals; thus will you start to pity the lower. Reflect how small is the Earth; thus you will improve your understanding of relationships. Think how beautiful is the sun hiding behind the Earth's sphere; thus will you restrain yourself from irritation. Think how white are the doves in the sun's ray; thus will you strengthen your hope. Think how blue is the sky; thus will you approach eternity. Think how black is darkness; thus will you guard yourself against the cold of retreat. Think courageously about the Images of the Great Ones; thus will you follow the line of unity. Think what happiness it is to walk upon the crust of the planet, imbuing it with the consciousness of the spirit. Think what happiness it is to walk under the rays of constellations, being a focal point of rays millenniums of years old. Think about Our Hand, which guides vigilantly; thus will you prolong the thread of life.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 119:
119. Each action is strained by the lever of spirit and the lever of heart. Cosmic creativeness expresses forms by these levers. In Cosmos, the lever of the spirit is the consciousness of Materia Lucida, and the lever of the heart is the same manifested symbol of attraction. How greatly humanity has deviated from the great principle of the creative Magnet! Man has accepted the center of the creative impulse as his Ego, and the action of the Ego absorbs all tensions. Thus, instead of a cosmic action there results a focus of egotism. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes cooperation. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes striving to the far-off worlds. The focal point of the Ego, rejecting all ordinances of Cosmos, generates causes which affirm the manifestation of isolation. Cosmos attracts dates which are identical with the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. The core of the Ego proceeds in isolation. The creativeness of Cosmos manifests boundless cooperation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 279:
279. During the construction of great steps one can observe how the central power gathers around itself all that is needed for evolution. Like a focal magnet, the leader of progress attracts everything to himself, sweeping away the old accumulations and creating new currents. Thus, throughout history, countries have been built by such leaders. It can be stated that by evidencing full adherence to Hierarchy any cosmic task can be fulfilled. Humanity has suffered most through its severance from the Higher Will. Only through affirmation of the great unification with the Higher Power can the fulfillment of Higher Laws be achieved. It is impossible for the acceptance of the powerful Hierarchy to be established without an understanding of the Higher Will.

Heart (1932) - 3:
3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 7:
7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted.

Heart (1932) - 40:
40. The Invisible World participates in earthly life much more than is supposed. Advise that attention be directed to many small manifestations, which are usually not even noticed. Not striking and blinding manifestations, but those which the limited mind calls coincidence or accident, these construct unforgettable results. If we take all the inexplicable manifestations of the heart, even unprepared minds will notice unusualness which contradicts the deductions of medicine. Let us take for instance the so-called double pulse, when an external influence seemingly creates two focal points for the organism. Yet, the manifestation of cosmic energy explains with perfect simplicity how closely we are united with the external forces, and the external fires and lights will remind us of the same thing, if our minds will permit them to be seen.

Heart (1932) - 378:
378. Pranayama of all kinds is directed essentially to the kindling of the fires of the heart. Indeed, of the multitudes who practice pranayama only very few receive positive results. Wherein lies the cause? Of course, in an indifferent attitude toward the heart. A complex exercise is devised, and the consciousness strives toward the calculation or alternation of bodily movements, in other words towards superficial methods. Yet no earthly calculations will kindle the talisman of the heart. Solar energy is non-existent without the sun; thus, also, the heart will not be kindled without striving toward the focal point. Hence, it is easier to kindle the heart through transporting oneself to the focal point than by relying on material calculations. Of course, pranayama has been wisely established as an auxiliary means for hastening results. But as soon as the mantram of the heart lost its significance, pranayama also turned into a mechanical remedy against the common cold. Therefore, let us remember about the sacred heart as the path to the focal point.

Heart (1932) - 500:
500. The heart was always regarded as the focal point of life. Then people, in their hearts, become cognizant of the Yoga of Hierarchy, in other words, the link with the Supreme. Now there has been set down the Yoga of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds; such cooperation of the heart appears as a new condition in people's consciousness. Precisely, we must not remain within the boundaries of abstract ethics. The events and indisputable conditions lead mankind toward new paths; therefore We so greatly advise discarding the yoke of habit, and an understanding of our unique times.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 137:
137. Actually it is inadmissible to try to alter Karma willfully or forcibly. The Lords of Karma add each violence to the chalice of condemnation, but They can lighten Karma where perfectionment and offerings are without end. Thus do we lighten the paths to the Fiery World, when we are willing to do the best possible. It is not for us to measure what is best, but the heart's desire leads to the radiance of the gates. Restrain each thought about self, but permit the heart to lead along the shortest path. The heart has been given as the focal magnet to the Fiery World. Not without reason do many hearts grieve, both on the Earth and in the Subtle World. Of course the nature of the heart is fiery, and it sorrows at all obstacles which prevent its return to its native land.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 462:
462. It may be observed that I Advise you to concentrate mentally on certain individuals, but it should not be thought that the effect can reach only these persons. Lightnings act upon a certain extent of space; so, too, do the lightnings of thought fly through a great expanse and touch upon many circumstances. The central person will be the focal point, but no less useful is the influence on the surrounding area. A thought of welfare is as a nursery of good.

AUM (1936) - 389:
389. Rarely do people realize at what distances psychic energy can react, but it is time to understand that events of great importance are accomplished on the basis of psychic energy. One may find remarkable examples of personalities, who, consciously or unconsciously, have been manifested as the focal point of great decisions.

AUM (1936) - 468:
Likewise, they fail to take into consideration that during a prolonged thought a great number of mental sendings of varying degrees are in operation. Amid such prolonged thinking the focal point of the sending is lost. The manifestation of instantaneousness must teach that a short impact of thought will conform to the essential nature of the psychic energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 131:
131. Through what means can Brothers be in contact? If in the earthly body, then such connection will be a fleeting one. If in the subtle body, then, too, such unity may be frail. Only the bodies of Light can be mutually affirmed. Only under the one ray of the focal point is it possible to find mutual understanding. Thus, let us not consider the concept of Brotherhood superficially, as then it will remain within earthly bounds and will be useless. The guiding magnet is encompassed not in the earthly body, nor in the subtle, but in the seed of the spirit, in the given Light which surpasses imagination. He who does not understand the higher mystery of Brotherhood had better not belittle this concept. Let him plunge once again into the Subtle World and learn about the radiance of the Higher World. Perhaps the wayfarer will carry along a spark of Light in his new ascent?

Brotherhood (1937) - 220:
220. Each phase of the Teaching answers a particular need of humanity. The present time is distinguished by the shattering of morality. The help of the Teaching must be directed to the affirmation of moral foundations. The findings of science pursue a path different from the way of life; there results a particular kind of savagery, which is in possession of scientific instruments. A minority of highly enlightened workers stand out as rare islands in an ocean of ignorance. Literacy is by no means enlightenment; therefore, the advice is given to reinforce the heart as the focal point of enlightenment. Scientific and medical indications are given; they ought to help to restore the bodily and spiritual health. The more directly these counsels are accepted, the stronger will be their action. The embryo of enthusiasm grows into a beautiful inspiration. A drop of goodness is transformed into effective good. A grain of love grows into a beautiful garden. Who then would censure a desire to help a neighbor?

Brotherhood (1937) - 586:
586. The primary basis of the Brotherhood was established, not as a haven of refuge, but as a focal point of thought. Since unification of thought produces multiplication of energy in a striking progression, it is but natural to bring together powerful thoughts. Such a base will be the point for diffusion of the thought of salvation. But people do not know how to be united in thought even for an instant. They break up their impulses by a multitude of petty thoughts. Some have tried blindfolding themselves and stopping up the ears and nose in order not to be diverted by external sensations. But is the distraction an external one? It actually lies in an undisciplined consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 22:
22. Urusvati can affirm the great significance of the heart. Above and beyond the actions of all the centers the significance of the heart is evident. Even Kundalini would seem earthly in comparison with the heart, whose significance is little understood. It is regarded as the focal point of physical life, but this view is inadequate. The heart is the bridge between the worlds. Where the meeting-point of the three worlds is especially manifested, the significance of the heart is felt deeply. In Our Abode the heart is especially revered.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 98:
Our Abode is the focal point of stout-hearted decisions. But We have to practice great patience so that these decisions do not interfere with free will. Thus, with regard to Our patience, We can be considered examples.


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