Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 390: 390. Karma always manifests its signs. This coming year will manifest also its own requitals. The Karma of the World and the peoples' march will indicate the effects of world events. The Forces of Light imbue all world movements. On the Cosmic Scales will fluctuate self-renunciation and obvious ill will. Thus, in all reconstruction it will be possible to observe cosmic agitations which will reveal the Power of Light in the final Battle. Thus do We saturate space. A new step of saturation of construction is at hand. Thus by the tension of all forces will We conquer. AUM (1936) - 256: You may often be asked, "Does the consciousness wear out?" The seed of the spirit is everlasting, the Chalice is filled with accumulations, but the degree of consciousness may fluctuate. The principle reason is indolence in the Subtle World. Such a quality can imprison the seed of the spirit and the Chalice as behind forty locks. Especially subject to such indolence is the weak consciousness, which lives its earthly life without overcoming obstacles and without labor. One can observe how such consciousnesses clutch at the Subtle World; not for two thousand years, but for much longer, would they prefer to be spared a new experience. This is how malevolent deniers come to be born. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71: 71. Urusvati notices the change in currents during communion with Us. It should be explained that these changes take place, not because of Our influence, but because the spatial currents fluctuate when they come into contact with Our currents. This should be noted, otherwise one might attribute to Our current qualities not properly pertaining to it. The Teacher always takes precautions so that communion with Him will not be burdensome.