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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FIXING (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.2:
2.4.2. Just as We watch over you, so do We watch the development of children throughout the world from the cradle on, weighing their best thoughts. Of course, spirit does not often reach its best development, and the number of deserting ones is great, but We rejoice at a pure thought as at a beautiful garden. Therefore, do not be astonished that the Great Teacher repeats simple sentences, because by fixing these thoughts We sometimes provide opportunity for an excellent flower of spirit to become stronger. Therefore, along with great cosmic discoveries and world events, We just as carefully cultivate the flowers of the spirit. Thus diversified is the labor of Our Brotherhood.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 370:
370. Thought penetrates into all spheres and fixes there its imprinted affirmations. There is creativeness in the fixing of new impressions upon the consciousness. Every energy has a creative power. The most subtle consciousness has the best receptivity. The most striving consciousness can affix the imprints of its thought. The creative power is affirmed by the centers possessing subtle receptivity. Each fine energy is reflected in the creativeness of the spirit. Thought creates and it affirms each imprint! Thus do the Lords create. Likewise does an Agni Yogi create. If humanity would understand how majestic the creative impulse of thought is, then every thought generated would be expended for the common Good. Thus, each pearl of spirit creates better possibilities.

Hierarchy (1931) - 96:
That which is felt by the earthly senses is not significant; but let us apply the co-service of all the particles of Light. You await me. You await the manifestation of help. But you do not know when help is needed and when the final hour of battle rings out. Yet, fixing upon Us your entire consciousness, aware that We shall not delay, you are building an indestructible bridge, and you are gathering the treasures of Might.

Heart (1932) - 519:
519. Verily, the fixing of an impression upon the third eye is the foundation of creativeness. Not only the old Buddhists, but the most ancient scriptures demanded the training of observation. A heart bereft of the treasure of observations dissipates a great deal of energy, where great caution should be manifested. A teacher must develop observation through the most beautiful objects. Especially unpardonable in man is a fleeting glance, which neither notices anything nor bestows anything. Will not the chemism of the glance be a most beneficent problem for a true scientist?


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