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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FITTINGLY (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 218:
How can one not be affirmed in a fiery transport to Hierarchy when the most sacred fire is Hierarchy! Therefore, let each one ponder on how better to serve Hierarchy, eliminating all evidences of selfhood, disparagement, levity, and the standardized formulas of the crowd. One should cooperate more fittingly, consciously accepting the Fiery Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 662:
Thus, once again let us understand why the heart's striving to the Highest is so necessary. Simple maxims must not be arrogantly scorned; in them the most essential is attested simply. When a warrior is ready for battle, his leader examines him. Thus, especial caution is needed when I speak of that subtlest element, fire. One should not understand fire as a chemical formula. One should fittingly understand its utter indefinableness. Already in antiquity we can find all kinds of descriptions of the characteristics of Fire; how it permeates all objects; how all heavenly bodies, without exception, are permeated with fire. Thus, we cannot escape this most luminiferous element; and it is wise to prepare oneself to meet it and to know that the cognizance of higher Fire is useful in overcoming the lower fires.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 310:
310. Everything of higher significance is found to be in uninterrupted action. A manifestation of attraction is fitting for higher activity. Thus let us fittingly array our hearts in a state of attraction. Nothing else is conformable to great action. One must become accustomed to the understanding of attraction for the Common Welfare; in this will be contained the law of the heart. Likewise all physical laws will be strengthened by attractive actions.


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