New Era Community (1926) - 199: 199. It may be asked "How is it that in Your Community there is a place set aside for ancient structures and books? Why does not this antiquity have an influence on striving into the future?" There are two reasons first, the propelled consciousness does not look back; second, structures were created and objects gathered together only for the advancement into the future. The stratification of striving into the future fills the whole existence of the Community. The entire attraction of objects is drowned in the current of aspiration. Pillars of basalt do not evoke past events, but by their stability they affirm their fitness for the future. The books do not carry thought back into the past but bear testimony just for the future. Transference of the whole consciousness into the future can affirm the existence of the Community. I shall not tire of repeating that community must be accepted by the consciousness. No external assurances serve to convince Us. Indispensable is that quality of the consciousness which sleeping or waking speaks the same; for any other solution is inadmissible even in the form of a jest. Agni Yoga (1929) - 104: Thou Who didst call me to the path of labor, accept my fitness and my desire. Heart (1932) - 21: Different peoples bring their understanding of the principles of spirituality. By this one can judge the fitness of hearts. Moreover, avoid arguments about that which is undeniable. Recently I wondered at the dissension between the followers of Joan of Arc, Sergius, and Moses. Each proclaimed that his Protector did not agree with the other. Whereas, knowing the truth it was sad to hear these inventions, composed for discord. Even if there is no unity, at least let there be no butting of foreheads, because horns will grow! Heart (1932) - 42: 42. Great, narrow, and intense is the battle. We know how the tension of some leads to the strengthening of others. When I advise the preservation of energy it means that the forces are arrayed for the battle. The fire spreads over the entire world. In comparison with the present the former war was nothing. To safeguard one's energy will be but a sign of fitness for action. Such caution is needed in everything, when We ourselves approach with measures unprecedented for the present race. But it is impossible to forsake the world in its decomposition! Consider the time extremely serious! Thus strive toward Me! Brotherhood (1937) - 198: 198. Among the external signs of fitness, pay attention to the wanderers. Something moves them and allows them no rest. More easily than others they realize the frailty of ownership. They are not afraid of distances; they are learning much. Among them may be messengers.