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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FISHERMAN (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 145:
Long ago I spoke to you about concentration upon action. Indeed, an unshakable striving must be in each action. And yet he will be wrong who scatters the sparks of a blow - these are beneficent details. The husbandman knows the accounting of his seeds and the fisherman lets no fish escape over the net. The fires of unexpectedness bring light on the path.

New Era Community (1926) - 189:
189. The fisherman returns joyfully with his prise catch. Mankind was not made for misfortunes. Man is this same joyous fisherman with a multiform catch. True, the catch is different, but the joy is the same and inalienable - the joy of thought about the future. Neither fish nor birds nor animals know of the future. But man definitely knows the unavoidableness of a future. In this call of space is contained immense joy. He who is afraid of the future is still in an animal state, and the world feast is not yet for him.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 16:
16. Of no great merit are those who cannot distinguish the swallow from the vulture. But of what merit are those who believe that by plucking the eagle's wing they can turn it into a helpless duck? Beware of hypocrites, especially those immersed in greed - those cunning ones who stir their "spiritual" stew. The manifestation of the inviolability of the world's laws flashes like a sword. There is no spot for the hypocrite to lay his head. The teacher who has not assimilated the Indications of the Teaching is like an ass under a too-heavy load of grain. Likewise, the fisherman who has prepared his baskets for fish he cannot catch is like a fox outside a well-locked chicken coop.

Hierarchy (1931) - 388:
When We say guard your health, or do not give your writings into alien hands, or do not leave your home, We have foreseen many circumstances already transpired, which should have been avoided. Who else, then, can define the consequences so solicitously as We, as the Teacher? When We speak of gratitude it is certainly not because We are in need of it, but by this We try to strengthen the bond once more. Each disunity is as perilous as a hook with bait in the hands of the fisherman.

Heart (1932) - 334:
334. Ask a clever man what has most often warned him of danger, safeguarded him against errors and deviations. An honest man will say the heart. He will not name the brain or reason. Only a stupid man will rely upon conventionally rationalized deductions. The heart is permeated with straight-knowledge. We already voiced this concept long ago, but now we return to it upon another turn of the spiral. We have already passed through the discipline of Heart and Hierarchy, and have pondered upon Infinity. Thus straight-knowledge appeared not as a kind of vague intuition, but as a result of spiritual discipline together with the understanding of the significance of the heart. Thus guide the pupils. At first, cast the necessary concept like a far-reaching net, then cautiously draw in the corners of the net in order to completely surround that which you seek. It is not casually that the symbol of the fisherman casting his net is often pointed out. The heart is not so easy to catch! It is not easy to accept the language of the heart as a reality. Time, devotion, and striving are needed in order to obtain the understanding of the expression of the heart.

AUM (1936) - 480:
480. Each one who speaks to people is like a fisherman casting his net. One needs to cast farther in order to catch nearer. No sooner do you encourage someone than it becomes necessary to watch lest pride overcome him. Nature requires the methods of the middle path.


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