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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FINDING (35)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.1:
2.8.1. The Ray of Christ is just as scientific as the ray of the sun, but to the crowds the simple finding of an object is itself a miracle. Is the change of races a miracle? Is the coming of the Teacher a miracle? Is the appearance of Christ a miracle? Does one prophesy a miracle centuries ahead? A miracle violates harmony, whereas cosmic events only affirm evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
Is it difficult to accept the fact that a group that has acquired knowledge by the path of tenacious labor can be united in the name of the Common Good? Empirical knowledge has led to the finding of a favorable place, where the currents permit easier communications in diverse directions.

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
Is it possible to discern the real current of evolution if a blinding evidence screens reality and prejudice reign as the established opinion? When will people realize the mirage of prejudice! In every prejudice is contained an evil design upon the human essence. This is not a moral but a practical warning. What sort of an idea about the Community can be conceived by prejudiced people! It is absurd to speak with them about free broadening of consciousness; they have no conception of freedom, yet without freedom there is no finding the channel of the current of success.

New Era Community (1926) - 226:
An invited guest finding one door bolted does not leave but goes all around the house and examines all the entrances.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 121:
The Teacher can point out the most necessary channel of action. The Teacher can protect to a certain degree, but the shadow-dance of the past will continue its round. One should concentrate one's thought on finding the right attitude toward these demons. When you see a doorkeeper you do not concern yourself greatly about his mentality. Also, when you meet a condemned criminal you do not discuss cosmogony with him. While on Earth, one must often polish one's treasures, and on this path many demons are encountered. We can recall many encounters with frightful entities during Our past lives. The elements are closely involved in one's earthly attainment. The elements stand guard on both sides. The battle of fire with earth will have its resultant phenomena, and untimely manifestations should be expected. Earth is the guardian of old ways of thinking, but fire is the rebellious outburst of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 204:
204. Many dream of acquiring the shield of the yogi, while finding it too troublesome to forge the needed sword. But the ability to strike cannot come through watching another wield his sword.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 234:
234. You have seen how a stream becomes a powerful torrent after it gathers to itself other streams and passes through waterfalls and rapids, merging them all into its own current. Thus also for the yogi, there is no categorizing of streams of knowledge into good and evil. He assimilates all kinds of knowledge, finding proper use for each.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 435:
435. The joy is not in the traditional order of things, but in the finding of new ways. The sensitive eye discerns the benefit of the new. It is not a mistake for the one who is perceptive to be rewarded.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 33:
To each one is entrusted the finding of the path to the higher sphere; but when humanity thinks that the work designated for the transmutation of the spirit and of all accumulations can proceed from without, then the lever of Cosmos will devastate the accumulation. Only by one's own hand, only by one's own will, only by one's own striving, only by one's own work can the spirit become a conscious co-worker of the Infinite. The lever will descend upon the constricted horizon, to devastate that which obscures the course of evolution. But the lever of the actions of the full life, affirmed as a union with the higher sphere, will descend as the regenerating Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 46:
46. The echo of Space carries the command of cosmic manifestations. And whatever humanity possesses, it draws from the treasury of Cosmos. It is necessary to have full realization of the immutability of our course of evolution. Every beginning depends on the understanding of the affirmation of cosmic evolution. Only acceptance in full faith can bestow the crown of success. The lever of faith will permit penetration into the spirit of man. Only through the lever of faith can one adhere to the Infinite. The great lever of faith will aid the spirit in finding its path. Faith indicates the striving toward the Teacher. Let us take for example the child who conceived in its spirit the love for the Teacher. Faith transformed the child into a warrior of spirit, and the path of solitude was transformed into one radiant with joy. Hope abides, and the wondrous power of Cosmos reveals itself when the spirit manifests faith.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 50:
When manifesting elements are accepted as the roar of Cosmos, and people are unable to discover a further explanation, then blindness must be removed, for mental reclusion is far from the realization of Infinity. The inceptions are always accompanied by engenderings of that life impulse which moves the hand of a creator, or by the rush of the wind that bears the seed of life which, on finding a fitting soil, can evince the sprout of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 57:
How is it possible to annihilate the power of motion, and how can one not acknowledge this wise and eternal cause of the entire Cosmic Fire! The evidence of the Cosmic Fire permeates every corner of the human dwelling, but as an extraneous manifestation. Man has detached himself from the best part of the creative impulse. The finding of Materia Lucida on the earthly sphere is possible only in spiritual consciousness. Clumsy hands may not touch the veil of the Mother of the World. A crude consciousness may not formulate the manifestation of cosmic energy. Only the yearning to perceive provides the access to higher matter.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 66:
66. Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations, or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. The separating and unifying energies are one and the same, but the psycho-dynamic force binds them materially. This is the eternal law of Infinity differentiation, mutual tests, and the eternal assembling of disconnected atoms which carry the manifestations of the Origins. Cosmos is designed as the great builder and heart of the cosmic energy. The harmonizing, creative, spatial force, finding the particles which belong to each other, is subjected to the great psycho-dynamics of cosmic evolution. Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 89:
89. The indication affirming creativeness on the far-off worlds is in conformity with the world tasks. The world tasks are like fires of joy, and thus the creative task is accomplished. One more task for Us is the molding of the human spirit, finding helpful rays for humanity which will shape and develop beautiful abilities of the spirit. The world tasks are affirmed by the tension of the cosmic fires, and the joy of spatial achievements reverberates as the music of the spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 260:
260. The currents of will can direct people toward striving into the higher spheres. The currents may alter all events. When the direction of the course is turned toward higher worlds, the spirit must guide the currents of will to the finding of the path. The change will lead to the affirmation of the new race. The currents of will assist in the development of the new race. When striving toward a conscious impulse lives in the spirit, better forms are made manifest. Non-coordination of currents will mean a non-correspondence of forms. The Cosmic Magnet, acting consciously, is like an immutable law.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 398:
398. The cosmic dates are reflected upon all the subtle energies. The appearance of the subterranean fires is under such tension that the centers of the Agni Yogi verily reverberate. Hence, the Fire, straining to manifest itself, stirs unrest in the Agni Yogi. Indeed, at the present time, the fires of all spheres are highly strained, and the cosmic decision thus manipulates events. The centers of the Agni Yogi sense all that occurs and all the elements which are finding their way through. When the centers are kindled, the Agni Yogi senses especially sharply and a fiery manifestation is evoked. The centers must be particularly protected and they must be permitted to rest. The magnetic currents strongly attract the subterranean fire. Today you witnessed an explosion of the subterranean fire. When an explosion gathers, the centers give warning - a most precise indicator.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 84:
The quality of finding new ways is precious. Therefore, We test a disciple upon his ability to adjust himself to unusual conditions.

Hierarchy (1931) - 130:
130. During construction one should develop all strivings toward synonymous understanding. Each task carries equivalent strength. One should strive toward finding this key. One cannot demand that a great manifestation be gauged by small measures. A small thought cannot be embellished. Small thoughts cannot make a hero. Only a subtle identity affords correspondence. Therefore the highest to the highest. The higher, the more affirming; only thus can one grow and introduce the predestined into life. The Highest Plan requires application of the highest measures.

Hierarchy (1931) - 311:
311. Let us observe how the black ones labor. It is necessary to observe their peculiar habits. They are not indignant about a nonentity. They consider that the first steps of service are particularly useful for them. A nonentity is negligible even in treason. Treason is precisely the main basis of undermining by the black ones. For treason, one must know something. This relative knowledge, not strengthened by devotion, may be found on the first steps. One must know that condemnation acts like fire upon a wavering devotion. It is sad to observe with what unnoticeable deviations the disciple begins to steep himself in indifference, finding eloquent justifications. Like the blade of a knife, the heart loses its protective net. Without its sheath, the blade injures the carrier himself; and such spurs do not lead to achievement, they lead only to irritation. If one day has passed successfully in demeaning the Teacher, why may not tomorrow also be blazing with blasphemy against the Highest? And if the silver thread is broken, the blade of ossification is already irrevocably sharpened.

Heart (1932) - 162:
162. It is not sufficient to affirm one's own consciousness; one must become accustomed to safeguarding it, under various conditions. One blade is used for cutting paper, another for wood, and a completely different one for metal. One can compare the physical, the subtle, and the fiery worlds to the resistance of paper, wood, and metal. Verily, one must continuously accustom oneself to the realization of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds; various exercises can lead up to it. Thus, one must become accustomed to a state of constant labor, endless and untiring. Such tension of consciousness is irreplaceably useful for the Subtle World, because people usually labor only for rest, not for limitless perfecting. Therefore, on finding themselves in the Subtle World, facing the Image of Infinity, they fall into consternation and fog. Likewise, for the Fiery World one must accustom oneself to walk fearlessly, as if along the rim of a precipice. Only the highest self-control and readiness for danger can prepare one for the fiery spheres.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 30:
30. On finding himself beyond the boundaries of the three dimensions even the most cold-blooded person will be terrified if his heart is unprepared for the next realization. One cannot leap from one state to another without a fiery tempering. Thus, it is impossible to assimilate the beauty and solemnity of the Subtle World without a timely refinement of the heart. One can stand insensate in the dark before the most wondrous works of art, but the darkness is within ourselves! And one can kindle the Spatial Fire only by the fire of the heart. It has been said many times that the Great Fire is manifested through our hearts. Therefore, let him who remains in darkness blame only himself. But it is terrifying to remain in the darkness of the fourth dimension, and all the succeeding dimensions become hideous nightmares when not illumined by the fire of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 48:
48. To co-measure one's actions with the actions of co-workers is also a fiery quality. When lighting a lamp, no one intends to set fire to the house. On the contrary, everyone seeks a safe place for a lamp. Fieriness is not madness. It is awful to listen frequently to ignorant conversations about the chaotic state of Fire. It must be understood that this element demands the highest co-measurement, profound circumspection, and caution. Each Agni Yogi is primarily wise in the apportionment of this substance. He will be thrifty rather than extravagant. As a faithful guardian he knows that the highest substance is purified through lofty labor and suffering. He knows that each energy of Fire is like a rare blessing. The Fire of Space demands manifestation; and he understands the value of this finding. Only then can he be entrusted with the ocean of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 323:
323. Your judgment is correct in regard to the need for an exodus from the festering cities and for a proportionate distribution of the population of the planet. If humanity is fundamentally a fire-bearer, is it possible not to understand how very necessary is the wise distribution of this element? It must be understood that the illness of the planet depends to a great extent upon human balance. One should not abandon vast spaces and gather in fratricidal congestion on infected and blood-soaked sites. Not by accident did the ancient chieftains found their camps on virgin sites. Today, science itself favors the normal peopling of free spaces. None will be forgotten or excluded, and the very forces of nature, called into cooperation, will render healthful Earth's diseased condition. Then only may one hope that labor will be valued, and that, instead of hired laborers, co-workers will be born. People's thinking will also undergo a reformation when the focus of thought is directed to an even distribution of labor over the entire face of Earth. One should regard this as a guarantee of the only solution. Otherwise people will only shake off the yoke, not finding the Truth that dwells in their hearts. Fiery is this Truth!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 332:
332. One should not only look forward to the advent of the densified subtle body but one should strive with all one's forces to become conscious of the Subtle World. Not only is the Subtle World to be realized but we must be filled with daring so that we may gain a perception of the fiery forces. We should become accustomed to the thought that sooner or later we are destined to reach the Fiery Shores. Thus, let us learn to cast the largest net in order to obtain the best catch. Not only in dreams but actually in the midst of daily labor we must direct our thoughts to the distant fiery manifestations. Otherwise, upon finding ourselves in the Subtle World, we will still have difficulty in cognizing the fiery radiance. Not only the eye, but consciousness itself must become accustomed to light. People suffer most from an inability to direct themselves forward. A limited consciousness only looks back, and therefore often begins to retrogress. "The Kingdom of Heaven, the Fiery Kingdom, is taken by storm" - this truth was pronounced long ago, but we have forgotten it and have dismissed each daring aspiration. Many precious indications have been confounded. People have distorted the concept of humility, so needed in relation to Hierarchy. For their own convenience people have made naught of it. Indolence was not ordained, for one must strive with all daring and labor toward Fire, the Beautiful. There is no earthly object of such value that the Fiery World should be renounced for it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 396:
396. When I indicate the beneficialness of gratitude, I do not mean that someone is in need of it, but that in itself it contains the chemism of bliss. One must analyze the chemism of various emotions; such observations will help in finding psychic energy. Not vitamins so much as the fiery energy must occupy the imagination. The revelation of the essence of human existence cannot be regarded a something occult! One should attract many minds to these researches; they will also observe in passing other useful peculiarities of feelings. Thus, one should first establish the direction of evolution. There cannot be two directions of progress. There can be but one true direction, and all other efforts will be errant. This should be remembered, because many confuse individuality with the general stimulus of the epoch. If a given epoch must strengthen in the consciousness the power of psychic energy, no machine can screen the imperative advance of the world.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 443:
443. The most difficult yet indispensable discipline is comprised in actions for the good of the world. It is not easy to watch oneself in order to reject egoistic thoughts and actions. But when the entire personality is consecrated to the world, discipline is not only easy but is even not felt. To find a starting point for renunciation means to construct a straight path to the Fiery World. The affirmation of personality with all its astrochemical implications is not egoism, which stifles the aspirations toward ascent itself. Egoism is of Earth. It does not exist in the Fiery World. Its remains in the Subtle World are like heavy chains. It is not difficult to perceive how the meaning of egoism ends with the earthly state, it is not applicable to the subtle ascent. Earth-dwellers, finding themselves in the Subtle World, are especially amazed at the absence of egoism in its higher spheres. Nothing so greatly helps to put an end to earthly accounts as the liberation from egoism. Being conscious of the Fiery World reveals in the simplest way how worthless are the tortures engendered by egoism. The Light of the Fiery World acts as a great disinfectant. The crystals of Fohat are so greatly concentrated in this radiance that each approach to this power purifies our psychic energy. I consider that self-discipline directed to the General Good is the most immediate means for great achievements.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 515:
515. Nations hope to make up for the lack of Agni by crude violence; but no force, crude and low, can kindle the Fire of Light. One can observe an unprecedented obduracy coincident with the decline of Agni in the hearts of men. Is it not apparent that no forces will assist one in finding psychic energy? Moreover, all violence personal as well as national, retards men's discovery of psychic energy. This means that instead of urgent cooperation for discovering Agni, people employ force for the destruction of the planet. This is deplorable and unworthy!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 189:
189. Among fiery signs there is the particular aptitude for finding needed objects. One has but to think about them, and they draw near, as it were, and are discovered. Already in antiquity it was said - kindle the torch of the heart and find that which is needed. The symbol is true enough, for the fire of the heart kindles surrounding fires and creates a magnetic attraction. Also in books, what is sought can be found by illuminating the book with the same fire. The more such a quality is observed, the more it is developed. The fiery element loves to be noticed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 85:
85. The unification of Worlds must be understood as complementation. Nothing can be given and received without mutual conformity. The supermundane World reflects all earthly emanations. One must not make the error of thinking about a condition of relaxation in the supermundane spheres. There where all is subtle, everything is sensitized. And the law of conformity should be understood as the basis of relations between the Worlds. More subtle and sensitive upward, and more coarse and unreceptive downward. Hence, the formula of intercourse between the Worlds must be understood as complementation. That which the spirit carries with ease in the earthly sphere may be unbearable in the Subtle World. Since in striving the spirit affirms its potentiality, in the Subtle World the spirit is saturated with all subtle energies. Thus, for example, a spirit intensified in the true quest yet finding no application for its pure searching, will find a useful creativeness in the subtle spheres. Thus conformity guides all intensified energies. Deplorable is the existence of those who are possessed by low feelings. Coarseness, egoism and conceit, and certain other noted human traits, bear fruit in the supermundane spheres in the way of frightful Karmic blows. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember complementation as a great law.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 336:
336. The equilibrium of the World has been violated to the very limit. Spiritual striving proceeds apart from matter, and instead of unity there is derived a frightful disunity and dissolution. All unapplied energies remain in the earthly strata, and instead of finding employment they are borne into a chaotic vortex. The spiritual quest is also carried into a chaotic vortex because the isolation of mankind severs the currents from the Higher Spheres. Equilibrium does not come about without the participation of all spatial and human radiations. On the path to the Fiery World, the basis of equilibrium is affirmation of the beginning of the Enlightened Epoch of the World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 264:
264. Comparison of the smallest with the greatest enables the finding of equilibrium. On each difficult path even a smooth rock will furnish some foothold. But the smooth surface results from a great number of streams. Thus, let the wayfarer not think that it is difficult for him alone.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 27:
You can imagine Our joy in finding workers worthy of Our trust. Their striving spirits do not fear being tested. Only hypocrites fear that the Ray of Light might penetrate into the depths of their being. Open hearts form a beautiful necklace for the Higher Worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82:
We can see the Subtle World with open eyes, but it is not easy to acquire such clairvoyance. Of the several kinds of clairvoyance We experience, that with open eyes is the most difficult. Urusvati is able to see with open eyes those in the Subtle World who wish to become visible to her, but in the previous example, We are speaking about becoming an observer, and simply finding yourself on a street in the Subtle World without any participation in that World. The evidence of that life should be remembered sometimes so that one is encouraged to vigorously strive to rise above these strata.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176:
176. Urusvati knows how unpredictably the mosaic of life falls together, but such unexpectedness is only from the earthly point of view. A person may think that he speaks or writes with a certain intent, but he is directed to an entirely different goal by the Higher Forces. He may think that he is finding success in a desired direction, when in reality he is achieving greater success in some unexpected way. He may, for example, write to a certain person, then find that the response comes from an unexpected source.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262:
262. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to find room for great tasks in the midst of earthly life. There is a saying, "To find a place for good is as difficult as packing a trunk." This saying alludes to the problem one faces, when packing a trunk, of finding room for the many small objects that have accumulated. Similarly, in earthly life the human consciousness is so full of petty concerns that there is no room for great tasks. This situation is not perceived by those who do not carefully observe their own lives. Their trunks are often so full that there is no space left for even the smallest object, and the most harmful details go unnoticed.


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