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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FE > FELL (20)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.3:
Night fell. Christ was seated at a threshold

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.5:
One of Our Friends once went forth by the mountain path, and, being accustomed to long marches, went beyond the protected boundary and there fell into a deep faint. What then did Our telescopic apparati show? Our Friend was lying on the brink of a very dangerous precipice. A member of a geographical expedition, having become lost from his caravan, hastened to Him. Although himself hungry and weakened, he lifted up Our Friend, Who was very tall of stature, and carried Him along the footpath. It should be explained that only by increased nerve tension could he have been able to lift such a weight. When those sent by Us arrived, the traveler himself fell into a still deeper swoon. But his excessive burden had made him Our co-worker.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
The timid in spirit became disconcerted and upset the rhythm of the pace; but he who knew the significance of immutability went on resolutely. And when his body encountered the stronghold it fell to pieces, and he entered into the last chamber.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 77:
St. Germain fell ill after fulfilling his mission because of the undisciplined thought of one of his co-workers. Guard against the harm of undisciplined thought. Think only in new ways. Consider as lost that day during which you did not contemplate the New World. Set yourself problems demanding concrete solutions to life's questions. Do not waste your breath with questions of cosmogony while attempting to scale the heights of Earth.

Hierarchy (1931) - 123:
123. In Kurdistan there is a ruin called "the castle of errors." It is said that the castle was build by error, its location was chosen by error, the owner married by error, conducted wars by error, had councilors by error, gambled by error, fell ill by error, and perished by error. Only a certain amount of errors can be tolerated!

Heart (1932) - 236:
236. If we take a deodar tree - the highest and most powerful - how many marks we find on the trunk of former branches which have fallen away. This did not weaken the deodar; on the contrary, the places where these branches fell off became the strongest; even steel will break against them. No Teaching is terrified at those who fall away. It knows that the lower branches must fall aside. Thus, those which fall away, carried by the wind, may fulfill their designation. They may even generate new deodars. And in any case their resin will be curative. Later, when set together to support the corner of a house, they will join unitedly in bearing the general stress. Therefore do not be terrified at those who fall away. They cannot go far from the resin of the heart. And if you observe the mass of crossroads from above, you will even smile at the travelers who meet. When the length of the infinite path is realized, you will also apply different measures. Wandering is not terrifying - immobility alone is chilling.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 79:
79. It may be asked in what relation Our Teaching stands to the one already given by Us through Blavatsky. Answer that each century, after the manifestation of a detailed exposition, a conclusive culmination is given, which actually moves the world, along the line of humaneness. Thus, Our Teaching includes the "Secret Doctrine" of Blavatsky. Similarly, Christianity was the culmination of the world wisdom of the classic epoch, and the Commandments of Moses were the culmination of that of ancient Egypt and Babylon. However, the significance of the ramiform Teachings must be understood. It is hoped that people not only read Our books but accept them without delay, for I speak briefly of that which must be remembered. When I speak of the need of fulfilling My Indications, I ask you to fulfill them with complete precision. I can see more clearly, and you must learn to follow the Indication, which has in view your own good. A man fell under a train merely because he stepped upon the rails, but he had been forewarned and should not have done so.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 471:
471. When, after brilliant epochs, people fell into the horrors of flesh, the best terms were forgotten or were transferred to other concepts. One should not forget the earthly vicissitudes, and one should profit by these examples. The mechanical concepts are basically so ineffectual that one should prayerfully turn to the seed of the spirit, which glows brighter than all the electric lamps. One should not regard the reminder about Fire as a mere fairy tale. Many among you will think of Fire only as a torment of the conscience. But the Fiery World is cognized through joy!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 656:
656. When I speak of tension it must not be interpreted as fanaticism On the contrary, the tension that links one with Hierarchy may be precisely a spiritual departure from customary conditions. Though formerly people fell into bodily fanaticism this does not mean that in a more spiritually advanced time the same primitive methods need be used. If formerly it was necessary to threaten people with the torments of hell in order to curtail their partaking of bloody food, nowadays the vegetable diet enters life quite naturally. So, also, when it is realized that the heart is the focus of the spirit, then the physical manifestation of fanatics will be replaced by the revelation of the life of the heart. Thus, gradually, even in the most difficult epoch, the spiritualization of life is entered upon. There are many grave examples before you of entire nations losing their image. But when the Fiery World is realized, the highest earthly state appears small and transitory.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
236. Let us affirm the enthusiasm of the spirit. To be filled with the spirit means to place oneself in direct communion with Hierarchy. All kinds of magical methods, even inner concentration, are used in attempts to achieve Higher Communion. But the new approach to the Highest directs one to the example of ascetics who above all approach direct Communion through the heart. We learn of prophets, saints, who never fell into a frenzy, yet whose every word was a word of the Covenant.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351:
351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 175:
175. Each Epoch leaves its impress in Eternity. These manifested remains of time are just as vital as life itself. Each Epoch leaves its echo, as a repetition of spatial records. But never do the records manifest a repetition, because to them are added always new energies and new decisions. An identicalness of time can be affirmed, but the reconstruction of the planet has its own new levers, and into the change go new energies. Thus Babylon fell, thus Rome fell, thus sands have covered civilizations, and waters engulfed empires. But for the change of our Cycle there approaches the most fiery, and the greatest, destruction and construction. Space is saturated with fiery energies for reorganization. Extraordinary is the time; the Fire is raging! On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the approaching Fiery Cycle.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 468:
468. An awesome manifestation will again shake the Earth. Let people ponder - why? An ancient tale relates - "A king became unjustly angry and his best city fell in ruins. But the king did not reflect about the cause of it, and again became filled with unjust anger. And lightning devoured his best harvest. But even then the king did not come to his senses, and he became so incensed that a plague carried off his people. Then began to shine a miraculous sign on which was written 'Murderer'. And the unjust king fell lifeless and condemned." Thus knew the ancients about the effects of injustice.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 542:
542. Why are people amazed at many cases of children who remember their past? Precisely nowadays are being born many such evident intermediaries between this and the Subtle World. They also remember about their sojourn between the earthly lives, but people do not know how to question them about this. The important thing is not that they remember about buried gold, but that they can tell about precious sensations. Thus takes place a rapprochement of the two Worlds, and this circumstance precedes great events. But for a long time not many will apprehend to what an extent everything is changed around them. Remember the old tale, how the king was being taken to execution but he was so far removed from reality that on the way he was much concerned about a stone that fell out of his crown.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Urusvati saw those who were eager to see their Teacher. Remember that We do visit the various spheres of the Subtle World, although it is difficult for Us to remain in the lower strata. Brother K. fell ill while fulfilling His mission on the earthly plane, and the lower layers of the Subtle World are just as dense. Urusvati is aware of this denseness and suffocation. It is better to know of all the difficulties of a dedicated life than to dream only of "heavenly harps and songs." We purposely emphasize the difficult side; first, in order not to hide the truth, and second, if man realizes the joy of spiritual achievement, he will also realize that even the greatest difficulties are nothing when compared with the grandeur of illumination.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
There were cases when magnetized objects fell into the hands of evil people who were then able to use the beneficent energy for evil purposes. In such cases it becomes necessary to cut off the magnetic currents that permeate the objects. The energy should be maintained only where there is a benevolent purpose. This law is of paramount importance. Many previously revered sacred objects can be found for sale, but they are now used for selfish profit.


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