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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FA > FAULT (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 213:
One should not reconcile oneself to the thought that someone else is at fault. It were better to calculate soberly one's own feelings. It were better, without a crooked smile, to consider that it is possible to reform beginning with today, and to examine the quality of each one's actions. In this, one should begin checking the most trivial matters. Have you slept too long? Have you spoken with those around you? Have you deferred an urgent task? Have you told false dates? Have you forgotten solicitude about the Common Good? Thus question yourself without hypocrisy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
Along with the approach of Satya-Yuga let us not forget that the destruction surpasses measures of equilibrium. People do not suspect to what an extent the earthly currents already have been violated! They do not wish to understand that this cosmic disturbance is taking place through their own fault. They consider themselves teachers of knowledge, yet the simple law of good is not convincing to them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 171:
171. People complain that the picture of the Fiery World is not clear to them. Let us not insist as to who is at fault in this. Let us propose to them that they picture the Fiery World in their own imagination. Though such visualization be a poor and hazy one, let it begin at least in some way. It thus can be utilized as a beginning, but it is bad when there is nothing upon which to build. Such a sate of indifference grows worse as time passes, and, as a stone, it drags to the bottom. No one can arbitrarily overstretch the boundaries of consciousness. The middle path is excellent when it is also lofty, but many cannot altogether understand the lofty concepts of the middle path, and confuse it with the path of vulgarity.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 192:
192. The Alexandrian philosophers used to say - Do not criticize the World, for it was created by great thought. The creation is not at fault, but our conception of it is. We can channel our thoughts either for good or for evil. We could transform the best animal into an evil creature. Cruelty on one side and fear on the other fills our consciousness by means of thought. We can send evil in our glance. We could turn a beneficial plant into a most poisonous and pernicious one. The thoughts of the ancient philosophers penetrated into religions. Clement of Alexandria knew how people themselves debase the great Creation. Even now people may observe how evil can transform the most harmless beings. Indeed, every animal tamer can tell how often precisely the element of good assists him in his work. But he also knows that besides good there must be measures for self-protection, varying according to the character of the animal. Such a science may be called goal-fitting. We cannot criticize the World without wondering why malice was allowed to enter. So too, protective measures will emanate not from evil but from good. Each leader may be advised not to forget the covenants of the ancient philosophers.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 326:
326. In the simplest handiwork, and in music, one can have most instructive experiences. Sometimes one finger alone is not firmly applied at the correct place and thus the full tone is lost; but even then such a misapplication does not at all mean that the fault is irreparable. Some centers harmonize quickly, but others, for many reasons, require far more protracted cooperation. Patience, that great constituent of success, will be tested in such adoptions of the centers. Often, precisely the slower adaptations serve for the good; they not only combine the centers, but, as it were, they unite energy to the future. Thus patience is an adornment of the heart. Each one who is inexperienced in patience will not know how to adapt himself to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 616:
616. Mild insanity is, as it were, a local paralysis. One must establish a friendly contact with brain and heart. Rarely does such heart contact take place. People either fear or scorn the patient. Yet the illness might have resulted not from any fault of the patient himself; a hostile arrow might have stunned him. There are many such cases, where the man himself is not at fault but a malignant arrow has pierced him. It is possible to cure many cases of this kind of madness, arising, as it were, from concussion.


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