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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FA > FATHOMLESS (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 5:
5. Direct your friends towards righteousness. Do not conceal Our Communications. Follow Our Teachings with your heart. Strive and you will perceive the light. I will point out the way - the heart will understand Our Token. Behold! The Teachers will reveal a lyre, and miraculously its power will endow you with the gift of enchantment. Behold the bliss sent unto you. Dedication is the requisite of those who strive on the path of ascent. Those who with a full heart fulfill Our requests will attune their ears to the harmony of the Universe. By bringing happiness unto you We show Our Trust in your striving towards Good. Truth is with you - be ready to receive it. As the heavens are fathomless, so great is your strength.

Brotherhood (1937) - 109:
109. In Infinity there are many sensations that are inexpressible in earthly words. Some of them fill the heart with palpitation, yet such tension will be neither terror nor rapture. It is difficult to describe the feeling of the one who stands before the fathomless abyss. He is not frightened, yet he cannot act boldly. He does not see any support and he does not know what is to be done in such a situation. But it is his good fortune if behind him stands Brotherhood, completely realized. One should not understand Brotherhood as something abstract. It is here present for the happiness of humanity.


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