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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FA > FANTASIES (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 421:
Not necessary are countless fantasies and plans; The spirit proceeds freely. Earth's burden must be lifted. Layers of effluvia enwrap every cradle. Blessed is the mother who draws open the curtain to let in the light, and who offers the first blossom. In quiet, in beauty, and with a smile, Await those new ones seeking entry into the world.

New Era Community (1926) - 196:
196. Manifestations must be accepted in full reality. For materialists this condition is especially obligatory. But indeed, materialists more than others tint various manifestations with their own color, thus impeding the evolutionary process. Us, as experienced Builders - realists, can see the harm of intolerance, based on the coarsest ignorance. Where then is reality when thinking is constrained? Instead of a thousand formulas only five are known! Affirmation becomes distortion if beforehand a stereotype of conventionalities has been forged. The smile of knowledge breaks open the flood-gate of deliberate obstruction. The builder cannot have fantasies about the ground under the building. Such an attitude is criminal, since the material point of view gives unlimited lawful possibilities.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 19:
19. Of all creative energies, thought remains supreme. What may be the crystal of this energy? Some believe that precise knowledge is the crown of thought; but it would be more correct to say that legend is the crown of thought. In legend is expressed the essence of creative energy. In a legend's short formula are defined both hope and achievement. It is a mistake to believe that legends are fantasies of antiquity. The impartial mind will discern the legend spun through all the days of the Universe. Each great achievement of a nation, each great leader, each important discovery, each cataclysm, each podvig is veiled in winged legend. Therefore, let us not disdain the legends of truth; let us discern keenly and cherish the words of reality. In legend is expressed the will of the people, and we cannot cite one legend that was false. The spiritual striving of the powerful collective spirit imprints an image of true meaning. And the outer form of a symbol is a sign for the world, a part of a world language, which is inevitable in evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 128:
We are opposed to baseless fantasies, but We welcome each goal-fitting prognosis. If the best building-blocks for construction can be found, and if the will can join them, then one can be certain that one's plan is valid and will be accepted. The cause of unfitness or frailty of any structure lies within ourselves. The horror of destruction is caused by discord between consciousness and reason. The narrowness of human logic and reason can undermine the foundations, when the consciousness is already celebrating victory. If the logic of evidence finds its true role in the understanding of reality, then one's decisions are made firm. Think thus about the future, and in the midst of the desert erect walls of knowledge. You know that every stone put into these walls must be vital and needed. Their strength will resist all assaults of the enemies of knowledge. Treasure each hour devoted to constructing the future. The major forces of humanity are made possible by man's foresight. Whence comes courage? Whence striving? Whence the ability to overcome? From foresight.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 257:
When We say, "Set sail," We mean that you must try the ocean; the grandeur of its waves will give you joy. Does not the testing of one's strength lead to a growth of power? It may seem impossible to cross an abyss, but you have already crossed many an abyss and smiled. You see, I do not speak of fantasies, but of that which has already been tested and for which there are witnesses.

Hierarchy (1931) - 12:
12. Humanity has never deliberated upon the life of the Arhat. It is customary to think of an Arhat as a dweller of the clouds. The records of the drift of thought are dreadful and grotesque. Verily, We Brothers of Humanity do not recognize ourselves as humanity conceives Us. The images of Us are so fantastic that We deem that if people applied their fantasies precisely conversely, Our Images would assume true form.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Beautiful symbols have been given to people but they treat them as superstition. They look at depictions of winged creatures and consider them to be fantasies. But does not each one of us soar? It does not matter whether the flights are made in the luminous or the dense body, they do take place, consciously or unconsciously. Sleep is a great gift of the gods, and opens the entrance into the Supermundane. Insomnia was always regarded as a punishment, because it deprived man of a natural communion. Friends, we must be grateful to the Higher Spirits, who allow us to have communion with Them.


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