AUM (1936) - 446: You already know how closely inspiration unites one with the most powerful energies. Each one has experienced at times how fatigue is dispersed by striving. As a child each one knows the possibility of overcoming fatigue, but, in the course of time, the miserable straggler falters in unbelief. Brotherhood (1937) - 551: 551. Do you wish to affirm unity? Then prove how devoted you are to it. Show by your own example that you can proceed in one service. Thus, in antiquity, disciples were sent into far-off lands, in order to prove to what an extent they would not dissipate their accumulations during the various conditions of the journey. One may perceive how an unsteady consciousness falters at each casual glitter. Is it possible to affirm unity and devotion if each turn of the road can cut off the foundations of Be-ness?