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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FA > FAILINGS (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
One can trace, how, over the last thousand years, waves of sicknesses have swept over Earth. By these records one can compile a curious tabulation of human failings, because sicknesses clearly show the negative aspects of our existence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 651:
651. Attentiveness can be tested in a simple way. Move an object to a new place; if it remains unnoticed, do the same with a larger object and observe what "elephant" finally attracts the "sharp" eye. Test yourself and others. Test for fear, for irritation, and for laziness - and for all failings that cause the litmus paper to blush with shame. There is no need of complicated invocations, since simple attentiveness moves one many steps further. Thus one should begin to develop the "eagle-eye."

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 254:
254. It is a fact that there are many who would like to destroy each useful beginning. It is difficult to say who are the more harmful, the dark ones or the fanatics. Often the heart of the latter is even more inaccessible. Appropriating the inheritance of others, they have shouted the most merciless threats to all humanity. Be not surprised that they seize the best symbols and distort them. Not without reason have fanatics been called mutilators. One of their distinctive qualities is the lack of a sense of beauty. They can blacken the most beautiful thing, not through malice but from a lack of a sense of beauty. Indeed, such failings go to make up a very dark stratum, but there are many fanatics, and they make difficult the path of knowledge.


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