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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXTINGUISHER (3)

Heart (1932) - 36:
But when you notice even the slightest traces of a call, know not to hinder; for the foundation of Agni Yoga is fire, and one must not extinguish it. And who will dare to turn the fiery element against himself? Each extinguished flame will produce an echo; hence the karma of the extinguisher is like the fate of a murderer.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 381:
381. Among the minor narcotics beware especially of bromine. It is an extinguisher of the fires, yet is very often used in various compounds. Valerian, on the other hand, kindles the fires. Treatment with narcotics is like curing by use of snake venom. The Atlanteans used snake venom, but one can imagine of course how often such treatment was fatal. For public health one must take care that foods should not be contaminated. Over-fermented cheese and other foodstuffs filled with the poison of decomposition must not be used. Fire requires pure fuel.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 466:
466. Already various societies are in session for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the Subtle World. But usually those present are afraid, and thus they reduce the manifestations. Fear is a fire extinguisher. Thus it is time to accustom oneself to the Supermundane World. Fear spreads throughout the aura and acts widely. Indeed, one who is afraid already weakens all those present. Courage must be natural. Mere suggested courage is of little effect. Let us keep this in mind, for daring emanates from broad realization. Once such a step has been attained, it never forsakes a man.


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