Hierarchy (1931) - 282: 282. The foundation upon which everything is built must be protected from disintegration. The foundation that upholds everything must be enhanced by all the best strivings; for upon the stones of the foundation stands the structure; for upon the foundation stands each affirmation. How, then, shall people treat the foundations, without realizing that the main thing is the cornerstone? So much has been destroyed by man, because of his failure to appreciate his treasures, and by his exposing the most essential to the hail storm! Thus, humanity must understand the great significance of the power of the foundation and must accept Hierarchy with its whole spirit. Brotherhood (1937) - 197: 197. Verily, the Teaching of Life is the touchstone. No one passes by without exposing his essential nature. Some rejoice, some are terrified, some are indignant. Thus, each one must reveal what is hidden in the depths of his consciousness. Be not amazed that the reactions to the Teaching are so diverse and so striking. Narada similarly struck different sparks from human consciousnesses. If someone cannot contain the bases of justice and morality, let him display his own worthlessness. In short, let as few masks of hypocrisy as possible remain. Let savagery reveal itself, for it cannot long remain under a garment of deception. Likewise, let the youthful heart exult; it can manifest itself in joyful ascent. Thus, let the scale of the Teaching be also an indicator of the dividing line of humanity. Evil and good must be distinguished, but such discrimination is not easily made.