Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 16: 16. In the days of Armageddon all energies are extraordinarily tense. The attraction of all possibilities for the actions of Good requires great intensification. Verily, all Cosmic forces are in action, creating all necessary conditions. How can the consciousness become awakened without an impetus, without striving for a change from the present mode of life? Of course the builders are carrying the entire burden of what takes place, and it is essential to realize that the battle of Armageddon is great and that all constructive manifestations for the great Plan are likewise great. Therefore let us bless all those who create obstacles, because Our energies are thereby developed and joined to the constructiveness of Light. It may be asked, "Is it impossible to do without cataclysms? Is it impossible to be without terrors and calamities? Is it impossible to be without miseries?" We must then remind about the spatial accumulations, and human engenderings which must be expiated. Thus, the Forces of Light are solicitous about the great fiery transmutation. Thus, on the way to the Fiery World one should bear in mind that in the time of Armageddon a purification of space takes place. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 307: 307. The condition of the spirit during the crossing into the Subtle World is subject to the state of the consciousness. Withdrawing from life with the most subtle striving, the spirit is unable to harmonize its vibrations, and thus for a time remains within earthly limits. Yet not only does the sojourn in the earthly state place a burden on the spirit, but, indeed, the conflict between physical emanations and flashes of the higher magnet makes the dwelling of the spirit in the lower strata very burdensome. The feeling of hopelessness which man so sharply senses gives rise to many torturing experiences. Indeed, hopelessness becomes the lot of him who lacks refined aspirations. While on the earthly plane man can atone for his Karma, but in the Subtle World man is dependent upon his aspiration. Space is filled with ones who have not expiated their Karma on the earthly plane. Thus, the exalted spirit knows not these fiery torments. Refinement of the spirit is the key to the Gates of the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 398: 398. So, too, the fire which menaced the Mother of Agni Yoga on the heights was a synthetic discharge of spatial fire. Besides fiery transmutation, this fire, as it were, transmuted all the surrounding atmosphere. This occult and physical fire, verily, expiated all the manifestations which had been accumulated in that space. The subtle organism has many functions. The functions of the fiery spirit are so diverse. The Agni Yogi unburdens space and absorbs all emanations. He is a mighty warrior, battling with darkness, and he is that power which the dark pack is endeavoring to destroy.