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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXPERIMENTING (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 529:
529. It is true that the power of thought has been spoken about for ages, but nothing has changed because of this. People generally do not pay attention to their thoughts in order to determine their causes and consequences. Yet what remarkable experiments could be conducted even now, in the midst of everyday life! No special conditions are needed for such experiments. Attention and mobility of consciousness are all that is required. For instance, in experimenting with telepathic communications, one can observe the outer and inner conditions that influence the quality of the communications. Drowsiness or alertness, irritation or joy, lethargy or striving - each reacts strongly upon the quality and intensity of communications. The personal character of the participants also has its effect. Is it not important to take attentive notice of these things?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260:
260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.

AUM (1936) - 194:
194. Experimenting upon letters has a great significance. If it is possible to show graphically that a manuscript has been saturated with psychic energy, then such a demonstration must necessarily be made use of upon other applications of the very same energy. Man saturates each object with his energy through contact. Furthermore, man leaves in everything his own characteristics. From letters it is possible to know the quality of the writer. This experiment can be developed by using other objects. The face of man is no secret.

AUM (1936) - 574:
574. The same attitude of good will is also needed in experimenting with psychic energy. One should not question it as to the future; nevertheless one will be impressed by the way in which psychic energy itself foresees the most immediate paths. It has been called the "eye of the soul." Thus it has been compared with physical eyesight. If the eye naturally sees the object ahead, then the eye of the soul foresees the future.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 99:
How much more quickly would a broad knowledge of thought penetrate humanity if people realized Our existence! The most powerful currents of thought vibrate from Our Abode, and it is easier to decipher thought transmitted over a distance when it comes from such a powerful Source. But when people experiment with thought transmission they pay little or no attention to their own spiritual condition. Once again we are reminded of the old saying that one must wash one's hands before starting an experiment! Researchers should pay attention to harmonizing their own condition before experimenting, for a discordant mood will not permit positive results. The first stage of transmission can be reached easily, but it is desirable to press forward with the development of thought transmission over great distances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
The investigator should pay attention to the particular nature of an experimenting group, since it has been observed that harmony among those who are present assists the transmittance and prevents interception. Moreover, if nearby friends maintain a mood that is harmonious, they also help to protect the thought transmission. Those who are confused or irritated act unwittingly as collaborators with the spatial thieves. The auras of irritated people act as the strongest destroyers of the currents. They may deny their collaboration with the spatial thieves, but in fact are their accomplices in evil. At some time, when in the Subtle World, they will regret their lack of self-control.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
When We speak about purification of thinking We have in mind primarily liberation from preconceived notions. Imagine someone experimenting with the receiving of direct communications who then tries to introduce his own thoughts. Such a student will only mix up the messages. There have been many such cases.


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