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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXPENSE (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 118:
It is wrong to think that Our Communications are without effect. On the contrary, each Decree bears with it, as a whirlwind, Our protection or criticism. Can it be otherwise when each manifestation of smugness carries its own harmful contagion, when each act of narrow-mindedness is at another's expense? Each Command inattentively heard is like an arrow in the heart, each sneaking away like a chain that strangles. You know that all is suspended in space. Who would be willing to drive in the nail of his own condemnation? We hasten to help you to complete your karmas in order to rid the speeding ship of unnecessary loads. At the destined date strain your ear to grasp every word of the Teacher.

AUM (1936) - 530:
530. Pain is a sign of disturbance of an organ, in other words, the messenger of a disease. But there may be also another form of pain. It may proceed from the perfecting of one organ at the expense of another. Especially is this to be observed during heart pains. The heart may be healthy, but so sensitive that it is constricted, as it were, by the other organs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 90:
We are not fortune tellers, We are not avengers, We are not oppressors; We are the Weavers of Wings, the Forgers of Shields, the Guides of Thought. It must be understood, however, that this complex energy requires careful application, for calamities can be provoked if it is applied wrongly. We have given you an example of how incarnations can be visualized, but at the expense of the eyesight. In working with Us the power of the Heart must be applied, not by forcing, but by the most natural striving, which must underlie the foundations of one's whole life.


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